nymphnayade · 3 years
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[Personal] some general advice!!
I would like to address some fandom related stuff because things are currently going in the wrong direction, so please keep reading and try to re-think about certain actions!
① DON’T STREAM STAGES (stream recordings ❌ dvd/blu-ray rips ❌) on youtube, bilibili or any other streaming site!
even if you own a DVD/Blu-ray and want to share your love… do it PRIVATELY if you have to but DO NOT stream!!!
I don’t know if you guys realised it but a lot of productions use PIA LIVE STREAMING or Streaming+ these days (instead of dmm or niconama) to stream their shows. there are several reasons why they choose these services (like the streaming stability provided by these sites) but one of them is, that unless you have a Japanese Credit Card/can pay at a Japanese convenient store and have a Japanese Phone you can’t get access to these streams, which makes it ‘almost’ impossible for people outside of Japan to get their hands on them. YES, the industry is well aware of illegal actions performed by a lot of foreigners and is trying to make it harder for foreign fans to see their favourite show, which is a biiiigggg step back!! and sorry to say that but this is partly the fault of those among us who think it is a good idea to upload these videos on streaming sites!! you are NOT doing the fandom a favour!! the opposite is the case!! you are actually ruining it for the international fandom!!
which brings me to my second point
② DON’T POST GIFS/SCREENCAPS of stages (stream recordings ❌ dvd/blu-ray rips ❌)
well at least try not to post them on twitter!! especially not when you are following Japanese actors! ‘western culture’ is colliding with the Japanese at this point (and the law…) the majority of Japanese fans are not amused about it because it’s an unwritten rule here in Japan. NO GIFS!!! NO SCREENCAPS!!! try to keep it as private as possible!! I’ve been doing it here in the past so I’m definitly not an angel… but I’ve never done it on twitter! so if you don’t want to get into trouble with the law… stop at least doing it on twitter!
speaking of getting into trouble
③ DON’T RE-POST ‘OFFICIAL’ PICTURES FROM ACTORS (pix posted by actors on twitter, their blogs/fanclubs ❌ or official pictures like genepro-pix ❌)
again, at least try not to re-post them on twitter!! to be honest, I’m still debating with myself about this point… I mean, I’ve never re-posted pix on twitter… but those of you who follow me for quite some time now know that I like to promote my 3 oshis from time to time (using their pix) BUT I always put my sources in my posts!!! anyway, the recent post by >>荒牧慶彦 official<< (translation by Christie on twitter) made me rethink. meaning: for now I won’t post pix of my oshis (nor genepro-pix) here on my blog. so please do the same (at least on twitter) and instead of re-posting the pix just simply retweet them and give the actual post a big LIKE ❤️
thx for reading! let’s try to make to this fandom a better place for all of us and not ruin it! we have come so far these years, so seeing that there are steps in place to make it less accessable for foreigners again is really sad!!
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nymphnayade · 4 years
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[Announcement] 音楽劇「黒と白 -purgatorium- ad libitum」(ongakugeki kuro to shiro -purgatorium- ad libitum)
the Blu-Ray will be released on June 25th, 2021☆ ☆ ☆
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nymphnayade · 4 years
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Handsome Rakugo 6 stage bromides - Ueda Keisuke, scanned by silverwind.
Please don’t repost the scans.
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nymphnayade · 4 years
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All the Hakumyu kisses - just cause I felt like it
And Hijikata you greedy boy! Four kisses for you and Souji gets none lol
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nymphnayade · 4 years
“Gekidan Shining from Uta no Prince-sama "Every Buddy!”“ OP
Easily two of my all time favourite stage actors, so looking forward to watching this stage. This is the forth project they have worked on together (if memory is correct). 
Other Japanese Stage Openings 
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nymphnayade · 4 years
This is a very interesting paper! I love that 2.5D has inspired lots of researches now.
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nymphnayade · 4 years
Off Stage Vol 3. Interview - CROSS TALK Miura Hiroki x Rachi Shinji
Q: Onmyoji will be the first time you'll be working together right? And, Is today also the first time you're meeting each other?
(R)achi: Yes, that's right. Although, I heard that he's a good actor. That's why I'm really looking forward to working work with him.
(M)iura: Thank you! I have always heard about how renowned Rachi-san is--
R: Are you mocking me? (laugh)
M: No, nothing of that sort! I've always heard that you're an elite so I'm actually a bit nervous today (laughs). But, after talking for a while I think you're friendly. I usually get nervous when talking to someone older but Rachi-san seems like the person you can talk to freely. The musical will run for a long while so I'm relieved that Rachi-san is easy to talk to.
Q: Now that that's out of the way, How do you feel about the game?
R: I haven't played an application game like this before. I have only played until gameboys were released.
M: Game boy??
R: You don't know what that is?
M: (Staff explains to him what it is) Oh! That one! I think I saw one before. So that's a game boy...
R: This is how different our generations are (laugh) So, that's why I was really shocked when I first played Onmyouji. The graphics were really nice and the story was also well-written.
M: I often play games but I think Onmyouji is really high quality compared to most app games.
R: The characters are really good too. My character, Seimei, is beautiful and cool. He's always on screen and talks a lot so I was a bit nervous while I played the game (laugh)
Q: The visuals for your characters have been released and they're so beautiful.
R: Previously, whenever I was in a 2.5D production it always dawns on me when I wear the costume. I feel like the answer is already there once I wear the costume. When re-enacting characters, the costume is an important key. That's why the costume and hair & make up staff are really careful about the details since the gravity will really sink in once you wear the costume.
M: The costumes have a lot of decorations for this production. For example, there's a protector placed underneath my hakama. Due to these small details, it really takes a lot time to wear our costumes.
R: But it's surprisingly easy to move in. I really thank our costume team.
M: That's right. Every piece is so light. Even my bow that's about my height isn't really that heavy. Although it hurts my arm a bit if I hold on to it for a long time. It was kind of tiring to hold to my bow even while we shot the visuals. I have to work out from now until the start of the show so that I won't lose to my costume.
Q: So you really get into character once you start wearing your costume?
R: I think that the visual photoshoot is the first big step in creating a character. This is just for me but, when I wear a costume rather than "completely transforming" it's more of "becoming involved" or "solving the problem" feeling. During photoshoots, the pictures of the characters are hung right before us and while looking at those our poses are shot. However, we sometimes get really detailed orders such as "Please lower your head 2 degrees more".
M: I also received an order like "Please tilt your bow more" but my arms won't stop trembling. My muscles really hurt the next day (laugh)
R: This is the truth behind 2.5d photoshoots. It's always a battle even when it's just your first step.
M: Also, after looking at the visuals, I thought I really looked like my mom (laughs). When the visuals went public my mom sent me a LINE message which said "Oh, you look like me" (laughs)
R: You're mom's funny! (laugh)
M: It looks exactly like her, especially the 45 degree angle taken from the left/
R: Then, when your mom comes to watch the musical there would be two Hiromasas (laugh)
M: Yes! (laughs)
R: I might accidentally sing towards the audience when I need to sing towards Hiromasa "Oh no! That's actually Hiroki's mom!" (laughs)
Q: About the music, it seems that Miura-san has already started the singing rehearsals?
M: It was hard for me to grasp the sound since the melody and rhythm was something I haven't dealt with before. I was really confused at first but once you listen to it, it's really something straight out of Onmyouji. It's a really beautiful song.
R: During the press release in China I sang a bit of the first part of the theme song but I think that its sound is rather unique. During that same event, it really left a deep impression on me when our choreographer, (Motoyama) Shinnosuke-san told me that the song can not be counted with beats. From the get-go, a person that mastered his craft said that. I thought that the song must really be something. I think that making that song your own is the key to figuring it out.
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nymphnayade · 4 years
Off Stage Vol 3. Interview - CROSS TALK Miura Hiroki x Rachi Shinji
Q: Rachi-san has been in a lot of productions, how is 2.5D different from those?
R: I don’t really treat 2.5D musicals any different.But as I have said earlier, for 2.5d there is an “answer”. If I don’t have the motivation to overcome the “answer” I will not be able to produce something better than the original. Rather than having fans say “Oh, it’s great! It was really close to the original.” I’d rather aim for them to say “Oh, it was better than the original!”. It is our job to find that thing that will make our performances better than the original. I also plan to thoroughly search for that for this performance.
M: My abilities aren’t enough for musicals so I observe Rachi-san and try to accumulate experience as much as I can while doing rehearsals. I tried the singing rehearsals and I felt like the acting and the singing would blend well. My challenge for this musical is to make the singing and acting flow seamlessly.
Q: While we’re here, do you wanna ask something to your dai senpai, Rachi-san?
M: Hmm…what should I ask… oh! What should I do so my throat doesn’t hurt?
R: Throat huh. My throat is also weak. But I don’t really mind. Before I really coulnd’t stop paying attention to it but a senpai of mine once told me “Today’s condition is today’s version” and it changed my perspective. No matter how good you are, your condition will change during a long performance. Instead of worrying too much, finish your performance with the best your body can do during that day.
M: My throat isn’t that strong so I always have a problem with my condition.
R: I completely understand what you’re saying. But– this is an interesting story, There was a day where I thought my body’s condition was really good and my acting was perfect and there was a day where I felt really bad and it was not that good. And surprisingly, the audience thought that the latter performance was better than the first one. That kind of knocking is part of the challenges of being an actor. I think that rather than worrying too much and spiraling it’s better to have fun while facing that problem.
M: Thank you.
R: If you want to know about how to take care of your throat I think Hide (Sasaki Yoshihide) could help. He really takes good care of his throat.
M: Yes!
Q: I’m really interested in seeing Miura-san dance.
M: I also don’t know what will I dance. The costume I have is a hakama so I think I will be able to do a dance that I haven’t done before. I’m just 18 so it can’t be helped if they just let me do what I’m good at. I’m really looking forward to slowly challenging different things that’s out of my comfort zone.
Q: It's quite rare that the preview performances are in Japan and the main performances are in China.
R: When I went to Shanghai for NARUTO I was really surprised at the reactions of the audience. I wasn't used to 2.5D yet and as soon as the cast came out the audience already greeted us loudly. For Onmyouji, since it's originally a Chinese game I think that the audience's reaction will be very different/
M: They really have different reactions from Japanese audiences right? Even in the middle of acting you can hear the audiences reacting. I think that's really refreshing and fun.
R: We have a preview performance to let a lot of people enjoy; we should also do our best even before we go to China. I think we will be able to make a lot of different stories. Even if it's the same story, same songs, I think that China and Japan may have different ways of showing their feelings. Although this is all very new to me, as long as the company is all moving towards the same direction I think it will be fine. This is also why I'm less nervous about this and instead I'm just enjoying it.
M: Speaking of enjoying, I really want to go out and about in China!
Q: Do you have a place you want to go together?
M: I want to try eating weird food.
R: I see. ....I think it'd be fun to take Kimisawa-kun (Kimisawa Yuki) along for that. (laugh) I think he'd like it.
M: Is that so? (laugh) It's not that I like it but we'll finally be able to eat food that we don't normally eat in Japan so I'd like to try some.
R: Are you good with Chinese food?
M: I'm actually bad with coriander and star anise so I always fill my suit case with cup ramen (laugh)
R: I also can't eat star anise. I have eaten and walked a lot and I'm used to a lot of food but star anise is really... (wry smile)
M: I wanna be able to eat it.
R: Okay, let's defeat our fears. If you get sick of it let's just go eat Italian food (laugh)
M: That would be great (laugh)
R: Also, I haven't been to Shanghai Disney Land. During NARUTO everyone had plans to go but during that day it was around 42 degrees. Ryuuji (Satou Ryuuji) and the other young guys just went ahead and had fun but us older guys were just watching them from afar while saying "It must be fun to be young" (laugh)
M: Then let's go this time! I'm really looking forward to it!
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nymphnayade · 4 years
Miura Hiroki & Yata Yusuke JPrime 2/20 Interview
link: http://www.jprime.jp/articles/-/11658
(T/N: I'm skipping the blurbs because they're kinda irrelevant)
JP: Can you share something memorable from your first performance together, Koisuru Broadway?
(Y)ata: Something interesting? (laughs) He (Miura) was just 16 in 2015. He still hasn't done TeniMyu he's kinda...
(M)iura: wet behind the ears?
Y: Yes, an inexperienced boy. Then after doing Tenimyu, he came back in KoiBro in 2016 and he really became like a young actor (laughs)
M: Ahahaha!
Y: It's not like I think he's cheeky but I have gotten used to a lot of things (laughs)
M: I didn't think you thought of me like that before I'm kinda shocked (laughs)
Y: I don't mean anything bad but I just really thought it was interesting (laughs)
M: Hahaha!
Y: It was much more comfortable working with him during our 2nd KoiBro together. We often talked about TeniMyu and it made me feel like I was back at home. (laughs)
M: Please stop! (laughs)
Y: (laughs) I think he also noticed his own charms.
M: Uwa, your gaze is scary (laughs)
JP: Miura-san, how about you?
M: During the 2nd KoiBro we always went out to eat gyoza.
Y: We ate at a store near our rehearsal area. We were there almost everyday after the rehearsals (laughs)
M: No matter what time the the rehearsals ended we always went out to eat gyoza.
Y: We always went together.
M: Even if we ate gyoza late at night he'd easily sing well the next day.
Y: That has nothing to do with the gyoza (laugh). It was also hard for me. There were nights I'd stay up late (laugh)
M: (laugh) But I really felt like this show will be the end of me. I felt like I was the worse one in the whole cast.
JP: [literally: If you were to define your relationship what would it be? Is it a Senpai-Kouhai relationship?
M: Yes, that's right.
Y: We were both on Tenimyu
M: Yeah
Y: There's really something about being in Tenimyu. It's like the distance between us is smaller; it feels like we grew up in the same place.
M: It's like we're bound together. It's really interesting how I knew him before I got out. (T/N: 'got out and get more acting jobs')
Y: Yes, that's really a TeniMyu thing.
M: It's like someone is watching over me.
JP: Are you looking forward to also working together in Musical Onmyouji?
Y: Do you think we have a scene together?
M: There's a human side and a demon/spirit side right? I'm Hiromasa so I'm on the human side.
Y: I'm going to be Ootengu who's on the demon/spirit side. I heard he was super powerful in-game.
JP: There's also going to be a 1 month long show in China for Onmyouji right?
Y: There's really nothing interesting to do in China so I hope I can do something fun with everyone.
M: That's why we'll get along well!
Y: Either that or I'll hate you (laugh)
M: Which will it be (laugh)
Y: I heard that Hiroki is really putting effort into singing lately. I'm not looking at this as if I'm your parent but, I'm really looking forward to the result. I wanna see how will you perform different songs.
M: Now that you think of me that way I think I'm more nervous than happy. Also, this will be our first time acting together! And when it comes to singing I'll really do my best but I'm still kinda embarrassed (laughs)
Y: It's been also been a while since we performed together so I'm also a bit embarrassed (laughs)
JP: I want to ask about your love preferences. If you were to fall in love would you rather be leading or be led?
M: I'm kind of a moody person so either would be fine. How about you Yata-san?
Y: I don't want to lead that much if it's possible (laughs)
M: Ahahaha! He doesn't want to lead (laughs)
Y: I think a bit of both would be good (laughs)
M: Oh, we're the same (laughs)
JP: Miura-san what kind of girl do you like?
M: Hm....I like them all!
Y: No, you're not supposed to answer like that (laughs)
M: Ahahaha! I don't really have a type. If she's older or younger, have short or long hair it doesn't really matter. As long as we get along I'd like her. Although I used to like girls with long black hair.
Y: That's right, getting along well is important.
M: Yeah. Also, I'd like a person who'd be happy with everything.
JP: Do you also have no preference for appearances, Yata-san?
Y: Before I liked fair skinned people but when I turned 27ish I don't really mind anymore. But if you really have to ask me, I'll say I like someone with a flat face. Because I'm the exact opposite (laughs) I don't really know but it'll be good for our genes since it'll balance out (laughs)
M: Hahaha! That's funny (laughs)
JP: Lastly, what do you think of each other?
Y: This year, I'm appearing as a guest in Hiroki's show and we're going to be together for Musical Onmyoji after that. We're going to be together until the end of April so we should really focus first on getting along 100%. Although we're also together on this interview.
M: Thank you!
Y: I think he's someone who I'll better get along with.
M: So, that means we don't get along well?! (laughs)
Y: Ahaha. Stop pointing out everything!
M: (laughs) For me, he's the happy elder brother I admire but somehow got really close to.
Y: What are you saying? I'm someone you admire? (laughs) I don't like the word "admire"
M: Even though I'm the one who said it it's kinda weird* (laughs) I can't take it back later so please let me say it (laughs)
Y: Ahahaha!
M: It's something like "An elder brother I respect and admire so thank you for getting along with me" (laughs)
Y: What are you saying (laughs)
M: Let's get along well forever!! **
Y: Okay (laughs). Let's enjoy our work together this year!
(T/n: *- literally translates to disgusting
**- yoroshiku onegaishimasu ;;)
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nymphnayade · 4 years
Miura Hiroki & Zaiki Takuma JPrime 2/24 Interview
Link is here http://www.jprime.jp/articles/-/11759
* The magazine will be abbreviated as 「JP」, Miura as 「M」and Zaiki as 「Z」
> Zaiki Takuma gets lonely easily?!
JP: You guys celebrated Christmas together during the China leg of the 「Shinken Ranbusai 2017」right?
Z: You better say "We called Kamisato Yuuki while we took a bath together" (laugh)
M: Hahaha, it got passed to him (laugh)
Z: When we were playing games in my room Hiroki said "Ok, I'm going back to my room" but I'm the type that likes having someone with me so I say "What! Just stay here" but then Hiroki said "Fine, I'll stay" and just like that it progressed to "The bath's ready! Let's go in" (laughs)
M: Then I said "Okay" (laugh)
JP: So, Zaiki you're the type that gets lonely easily?
Z: Yeah
M: I'm also quite that type but he's on another level (laugh)
Z: Haha, but you were the first one to ask me "Hey, what are you doing?"
JP: Was the hotel room really that big?
Z: Compared to a regular room it was quite big. You can stretch your legs inside the tub and the bed was a king size.
M: Yeah, the bed was really big. It could fit 4 people.
Z: Yes, we slept together on the bed and it was still really comfortable.
M: It's a bit lonely if you slept alone on that size of a bed
JP: Did anything memorable happen during the rehearsals or actual run of Seigaku vs Hyoutei?
Z: Well, it happened after the 2nd act.
M: Ah, yeah (laugh)
Z: It happened during the end of the second act when you can hear the sound of a heart going "Dokkun Dokkun" when the characters we play (Tezuka and Atobe) were facing off.
M: After that segment, the third act, where the match happens will begin. After the second act, the match will begin after the curtain falls. And in that moment...
Z: Without any words, we would do a handshake with serious faces
M: I wonder why we kept doing that?
Z: That was our routine since the first day of the showing.
JP: Who started doing that first?
Z: We did it at the same time.
M: Yeah. But I really don't know
Z: It was really simultaneous.
M: That's right. We did it until senshuuraku.
> If our houses were more close together we would have always met
JP: How often do you guys usually contact and/or meet up with each other?
Z: Hiroki sometimes calls me for no reason. He always says he wants to go to an onsen together or stay at my house but he never does any of that.
M: If our houses were closer maybe I could you more though
Z: But you'll come to my house right?
M: Sure I'll go one day but.....If it's like my room that's not organized it's kinda inconvenient
Z: It's fine I already fixed everything.
M: Everything?
Z: You'll be surprised.
M: No, it's fine I can just use my own stuff (laugh)
Z: Then tell me what you need.
M: Hmm~ I need nice shampoo and nice conditioner. A nice hair treatment and body soap, moisturizer and toner would also be nice. Also a bunch of my favorite energy drink.
Z: I have all of those! I have also prepared my futon (laugh) I also bought a sofa recently. If you move in you'll ease in easily.
M: If you say so then I'm game! I'll go..some time within this year (laugh)
JP: Now let's move on to love. What do you look for in a lover?
M: I just want someone who's good at cooking!
Z: Aside from that someone who's a bit fashionable right?
M: Yeah, maybe (laugh). Then, someone who can make roast beef or quiche.
Z: Ahahaha!
M: But I want someone who won't try too hard to make something. It's fine if she just wants to cook something simple. Because if it's like that she will be comfortable with cooking. Rather than "I'll make that for you" I like it better when "I made this, let's eat" Do you get the difference?
Z: Ah, I see. I understand (laugh) For me, I want a nice person who doesn't get angry. Do you get it?
M: Yeah. I also want someone like that!
Z: I really dislike fighting so I want someone who's a gentle soul. Someone who's always laughing. I want to make her laugh even with mundane things so I want someone who laughs easily.
M: Ah, yes that's nice.
Z: Someone with the same sense of humor so we can get along well maybe.
M: Someone who will appreciate small things like having nice weather is really nice.
Z: But someone who can cook is really the best. Someone who can make sweets is also good!
M: Yeah, that's right! I want her to make me apple pie! (laughs)
> I want to be an actor that will bring out the best in everyone
JP: Lastly, what do you think of each other?
Z: Hiroki is like a little brother but as an actor I think we both bring out the best in each other. During Tenimyu our characters were good rivals. Just like our TeniMyu senpai Katou Kazuki & Shirota Yuu, I would like us to have a good relationship while challenging ourselves to improve and grow together. Also, I think it would be nice if we could maintain our good relationship.
M: You said something really good! Amazing! (laugh)
Z: No I didn't (laugh)
M: I really want to say something but it's so hard.... Well, I just really like you!
Z: Thanks!
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nymphnayade · 5 years
[thetv.jp Interview Translation] Spotlight on Asato Yuya, the actor in「Osomatsu-san」F6 and other roles. What is the turning point of his 10th year as an actor and more!
Published on: 24 February 2020
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nymphnayade · 5 years
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Rock Opera “R&J”: Gruppa vs Capulets
Sato Ryuji as Romeo
Naka Bambi as Juliet
Tabuchi Rui as Mercutio
Fujita Ray as Tybalt
Morohoshi Shouki as Benvolio
Hirai Kotomi as Eva
Jinnai Takanori as Father Lawrence
Kong Kuwata as Father Capulet
Oreno Grafitti as Damon
AKANE LIV as Helena
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nymphnayade · 5 years
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Hakuoki 2020 Calendar pics 
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nymphnayade · 5 years
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Live Spectacle Naruto ~ Akatsuki No Shirabe ~ RERUN Premiere. Part I
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nymphnayade · 5 years
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Live Spectacle Naruto ~ Akatsuki No Shirabe ~ RERUN Premiere. Part II
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nymphnayade · 5 years
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Live Spectacle Naruto ~ Akatsuki No Shirabe ~ RERUN Premiere. Part III
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nymphnayade · 5 years
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Live Spectacle Naruto ~ Akatsuki No Shirabe ~ RERUN Premiere. Part IV
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