nymphspen · 6 years
“Be the lover you craved Be the parent you needed Be the best friend you wanted You have to be everything you’ve desired in order to accept it.”
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nymphspen · 6 years
I wake up in a sweat because every fucking dream is about you. You’re in my blood you’re in my brain my love you’re driving me insane.
— make it stop I’m drowning // a.m.m, 3:50am
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nymphspen · 6 years
“You deserve something you don’t have to question. You deserve someone who is sure of you.”
— r.h. Sin (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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nymphspen · 6 years
“no feelings,” he says as he wraps both of his arms around my waist, pulling me into his chest.
“no feelings,” i say when his fingers raise my chin towards his.
no feelings. our lips meet and a fire erupts inside me.
no feelings. days become weeks. his secrets become my own, his laughter the soundtrack of my nights.
no feelings. we lay on the couch, limbs intertwined. he plays with my hair. kisses me with his entire being as we say goodbye.
no feelings but i don’t mean it. i don’t mean it. i’m sorry.
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nymphspen · 6 years
“I feel it still Inside my soul, a little piece of you”
- (C.B)
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nymphspen · 7 years
Someone wants to love you
But it wont work so you
Take it all out on them
Smelled the roses inhaled
To forget the time when
Everything was going wrong
Took you long enough to
Set aside our differences
Were too much to handle
Ignore you so that you
cant hurt me anymore
ill learn to rest easy now
Without you
Hold my breath underwater
I cant swim but ill let you go
Summer comes in cycles
You wont answer my calls
So ill let you go
I rest easier now without you
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nymphspen · 8 years
You were everything he was supposed to be. I used to look into swarms of pedestrians and only see people who were not him. But now, as we;re just standing here in the middle of the sidewalk outside my building, with red brake lights flashing around us, everyone is rushing, spreading outwards; meanwhile we’re just here together, still, waiting for something neither of us can name and all I can do is study your eyes and the way the light from the streetlamp beside us twists and turns within the river that is your iris and the tiny strands of your hair entangled in your eyelashes and the small freckle under your eyelid… I stand here and I don’t see someone else, I see you. And I hope, god do I hope, that maybe you see me too.
The First Poem I Ever Wrote About You, 5/12/16, 9:35 PM (via morning-revivals)
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nymphspen · 8 years
Silence was the only thing left.
Observer. (Six Word Story.)
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nymphspen · 8 years
I have dealt with the crisis in my heart Turning the crumpled paper restlessly. I see no smoothness on its mottled face, The creases are intrusive to my eyes. The calmness was a memory in my mind That my quiet room painted and hung up for me I am jealous of it, desiring to be such stillness Not even my tired hands could disarray the air And the thing in my heart devours me With a mouth full of thunder and rain I hear nothing but the rumble of thoughts Rising up and sticking at my throat. I have tasted what I cannot say I find peace in my subtle strength To keep order of the tempest in my bones. I have made my home in storms.
Beauty of Virgo written by @satsune (via zodiacsociety)
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nymphspen · 8 years
Quiet Tip toe around your explanation But don’t lie, be gentle Don’t shut him down, but be assertive Not too aggressive, or you’ll deserve it Be courteous, open minded But don’t complain when he has enough of it Leave him alone when he’s with his friends But drag him along when you’re with yours Don’t talk back But dont be prey
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nymphspen · 8 years
Sometimes I fall asleep just to see your face again.
10 Word Story. ((Dreamgirl.))
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nymphspen · 9 years
While You Were Sleeping
I drew imaginary flowers tracing lightly with my finger down and around every frown mark crease and wrinkle not a daisy no not a rose more a lopsided sunflower smiling back at me with a big twitching nose
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nymphspen · 9 years
Tumblr media
la lune. i love her.
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nymphspen · 9 years
Myths about emotions (DBT)
I should feel differently about this. The fact is, you feel the way you feel and there’s no right way to feel about anything. Invalidating your emotions is a dangerous trap! Notice any judgements and challenge them. You feel the way you feel. No one will react the same way to things because we are all individuals.
My emotions are bad. No emotion is ‘good’ or ‘bad’. The emotion you feel doesn’t make you ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Emotions aren’t sin! Emotions are human!
I’m overreacting to this. Challenge, challenge, challenge! If you’re unsure about your emotional response then check the facts. But your emotion is not an overreaction.
There’s a right way to feel about everything. Nope. The way you feel is the way you feel. 
Being emotional means I’m out of control. Being emotional makes you human. As a society, we’re not good about talking about emotions. Some people believe that you should not show emotion in church because it’s shameful and sinful! But the truth is, feeling emotions doesn’t mean you’re out of control.
My emotions are who I am. Actually, emotions are a part of us. They are not our identity.
Emotions should always be trusted. Emotions can sometimes be trusted, but not always. Check the facts before you decide that you can trust your emotion.
All painful emotions are the result of a bad attitude. Painful emotions tend to be the result of struggles, triggers and illness. Feeling low or angry or anxious isn’t the result of a bad attitude!
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nymphspen · 9 years
Get your heart broken so your art improves
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nymphspen · 9 years
Is it normal to want to die? Is it normal for you to cross your fingers whn u lie? How much of this can u take before its too late How can u take back ur promise Without taking ur own life No one can see the future, right? How do u know ill be alright? Open up the blinds ..god, give me a sign I cant do this, not tonight Not tomorrow Its so goddamn hard to swallow The pills ddont fucking work This "help" isn't fucking helping Welp welp i am welting Wilting ? Who gives a shit Im illiterate The grass is green, the sky is blue I dont know what else to fucking do
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nymphspen · 9 years
Youre so edgy
You cut tourself with your own hands
They tear apart your skin effortlessly without even lifting a finger
Your words cut through the skin even more so
When you’re not even thinking of the impact you have on others
But youre so edgy
You cant even begin to think about that impact
What would happen when you’re gone? Does it even matter?
How edgy do you have to be , to cross the line between satirical and mentally distressed?
Theres always some truth in a lie, right?
But you’re so goddamn edgy
When i ask, are you alright?
All you can fathom is a chuckle, and another puff of your cigarette
Smoke flowing out of your mouth like a screaming river int he middle of michigan
Your laugh cuts through as deep as the wounds
And you dont even answer the question
Because youre just so goddamn edgy
Does it even matter?
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