nyx-and-artemis · 1 year
Bringing this back because I just finished my second year and I want to study cities and discrimination David Harvey and Philippe Bourgois style
I’m studying Anthropology in University and one of my professors introduced herself by saying “I study funeral rituals, that’s my area of study” and I think I just came to the right place
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nyx-and-artemis · 2 years
Continuing this thread with Robb’s thoughts when he was waging the war:
He thought he saw/heard her sometimes, only to turn around and see no one there;
He thought about just riding his horse and going as fast as he could to KL to save her;
He cried every night when he was at war and he could not save her;
He always had a piece of clothing that she had given him when he was making important decisions;
His last words were ‘I’m sorry I couldn’t save you my princess - I love you’
Robb and Sansa had the best relationship (as Jon and Arya) and I will show some things that they did: *clears troath, gets emotional*
He braided her hair
They spend all the time they could together
She sang for him
They played knights and princess together
Their wolves played together
She came to him when she was sad/scared
He wanted to save her while she was on KL and hated himself for leaving her alone
“Be brave like Robb”
His last words were for her
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nyx-and-artemis · 2 years
When talking about capitalism and how much it affects you have to be aware that even if in one country prices are much higher than in another, that does not mean that in the second people do not suffer as much because of it.
I’ll give you an example: In Portugal, our minimum wage as of March 2022 is 705 euros (776,54 dollars) a month. The average salary is 1,361 euros (1499,11 dollars) per month. The price of renting a house in Lisbon (the capital and the biggest city) is, if you are lucky, 500 euros (550 dollars). Now, knowing how much houses costs, and adding to that the fact that gasoline is about 2 euros (2.20 dollars) a liter (0.2 gallons), the fact that the average price of electricity for a month is 102 euros (112 dollars) is around the same, tell me how is this ok?
We have to compare what is happening in each country and not think that because the prices of food, houses and cars is cheap for a German living here, it is very expensive for someone in a Portuguese salary.
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nyx-and-artemis · 3 years
All of that is so, so weird
I’m studying Anthropology in University and one of my professors introduced herself by saying “I study funeral rituals, that’s my area of study” and I think I just came to the right place
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nyx-and-artemis · 3 years
Just saying
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capitalists one minute: no, see, inequality of outcome is good because different effort should get different reward, and socialists want to equalize and ruin that beautiful setup!
capitalists the next minute: socialism is bad because it results in a rich political class and a poor working class!
Meanwhile capitalism literally has ten billionaires hoarding more wealth than half the world's people.
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nyx-and-artemis · 3 years
I find it so funny that so many of us will go out of our way to make sure we look gay,,,, like the worst thing to us is having someone assume we're straight
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nyx-and-artemis · 3 years
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nyx-and-artemis · 3 years
Robb and Sansa had the best relationship (as Jon and Arya) and I will show some things that they did: *clears troath, gets emotional*
He braided her hair
They spend all the time they could together
She sang for him
They played knights and princess together
Their wolves played together
She came to him when she was sad/scared
He wanted to save her while she was on KL and hated himself for leaving her alone
“Be brave like Robb”
His last words were for her
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nyx-and-artemis · 3 years
So, as everyone who is in the GoT fandom probably knows, there are a lot of people who hate Sansa Stark. Well, I am going to list all the reasons I think they are wrong and why I love her. This will be pretty big, so go grab something to eat :)
1. A lot of people hate on her because she lied about Arya and what happened with Nymeria and Joffrey. Well. In this case, she had two options: She could lie and side with Arya, lying to the King and Queen and her fiance to be. As it is pretty obvious, Sansa wants to impress and be loved by those people, and imagine if they caught her lying? Yes, it was bad of her to not side with her family and sister. But what was the other option, the one that she took? Siding with Joffrey. Please don't forget that she had been drinking wine. I agree that she didn't behave perfectly here, but she doesn't deserve the hate she gets for it.
2. The letter she send to her family when her father was imprisoned. First, I want you to keep in your mind that she was a 11/13 year old. I also want you to remember that in that room were the most powerful people in Westeros that had no problem in using a little girl who knew nothing about the Game and that didn’t know that was being played. Sansa wanted to save her father, and thought that that way was the better one. Guys, if your father had been imprisoned you would do everything you could to save him, right? That is what she tried to do. Okay, maybe you don't think she did the best thing. But remember that you know things that she didn't, remember that she had no idea of what Cersei was planning to do. She was a little girl who knew no best than do to that. Also, in here and when she goes to beg Joffrey for mercy we see Sansa losing her composure in front of the people she so wants to impress.
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3. After Ned's death. Merlin, how can you believe that she wasn't lying when she told that she loved Joffrey? I think it's pretty obvious that she was lying, and even Tyrion noticed it when he said "Lady Stark, you may survive us yet". She didn't like Joffrey anymore. She tried to throw him out of the balcony when he forced her to look at her dead father's head. Would you do that to someone you love? I don't think so. She was lying, because it was the only thing she could do to not be killed. She was playing the game since then.
4. This is one of the reasons why I love her: After being nearly raped by strange men on the streets, she says that if she had bread she would give it to them. She cares about the people (If I am ever a Queen, I will make them love me) even if they just tried to hurt her.
5. Not kneeling/wanting to be with Tyrion. Guys, please admit that if you were a 12/14 year old that had to get married to a man who belonged to the family who had murdered your father and was fighting a war against your family, the uncle of the guy who had been ordering you to be beaten and humiliated, would you want to be with him? Would you kneel for him? Think about this. Tyrion was also drunk and much older than her. I’d be terrified if I was her.
6. The knights of the vale. Let me give you an example. Your family is in a bad financial situation, and nobody knows if they will have enough money to solve their problems. However, you were almost sure you had won lottery, but you weren't 100% sure about it. What would you do? Tell them “Guys I may have won the lottery” and make them believe that all of their worries were gone, or would you wait until you had the money, making no room for their hopes to die if everything didn't go as you planned? Well, that is what happened in the Battle of the Bastards. Sansa knew that even with her advice, Jon would fall in Ramsay's trap, and if she told him about the knights of the vale he would be to sure that they would win and try to do a last minute tactic. She was right about Jon, because he fell right into Ramsay's trap. And he would even if they already had the knights of the vale. She uses strategies and not force, and that is another reason why I love her.
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7. Her arguments with Arya in s7. Here both of them just made me mad. Arya was wrong about somethings and Sansa about others. I don't even consider this arguments as canon. But you have to admit that she never tried to take Jon's throne, she defended him again and again and tried to make the Lords understand what he was doing.
8. Daenerys. Guys, please keep in mind that I like Daenerys, that I never had anything against her but the fact that I think that she was blinded by the Iron Throne in the later seasons. Don't forget that. (Also: in my mind, Sansa has a direwolf named Artemis who is black and red with blue eyes and gigantic, of course. No one can take this idea out of my mind, thank you.)
Many of the Dany stans don't understand why Sansa doesn't trust the her. Well, I will list some reasons:
a) Daenerys repeatedly made sure that everyone knew that she was only helping the North because it was “Jon's war” and because he bent the knee to her. I think a big part of being a good Queen/King is caring about your people, and Daenerys didn't when she said this. The war against the night king wasn't just the North's war. If the North lost, all of the other kingdoms would be doomed. Daenerys, if she calls herself Queen of Westeros, has to care for her people if she wants them to love her and not just bend the knee in fear for their lives. That's called conquering by force and that does not work well, and I believe that it was not what Daenerys wanted. Sansa had learned from people who ruled by fear and knew that it was not a good way to rule. That's another reason why I love her. She didn’t trust someone who used this method of ruling, who just cared about the Iron Throne. Sansa wanted the best for her people, while Daenerys was just there because her lover/nephew had bent the knee.
b) Sansa was beaten everytime Robb won a battle. Her mother and brother and who knows how many Northerners died for the North's independence. She and Jon fought together to win back their home and lost another brother while doing so. Do you think Sansa would welcome well someone who said that the price for everyone's survival was their freedom, knowing all of these? Of course not. Sansa is right to not like someone who doesn't care that your family and so many others died for something, no. Dany just cares about her taking the Iron Throne, never mind if there are people who suffered and fought for years for their independence and survival. All that matters is that she gets the Throne.
c) Dany's father had murdered Sansa's uncle and grandfather for no good reason. Would you welcome the daughter of someone who had done this to your family? I know that fathers are not daughters, but it is not an easy thing to do.
d) When she says ”Whatever they want” Dany is saying that she does not care if her dragons eat the food that the Northerners need to survive. Dany won't bother to keep her dragons in check, what is the problem if they eat the food? Would you trust someone who does this? The North spends years preparing for Winter, and then Daenerys comes and feels untitled to leave her dragons to eat whatever they want. How is they ok? I completely agree with Sansa in not liking Daenerys because of this.
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e) Her telling Tyrion about Jon. Well, I think that Sansa was trying to make people believe that Jon was a much better option for the Iron Throne than Dany. I believe that she wanted to protect her people and her family, and with Daenerys on the Throne that would never happen. As you saw, Daenerys burned KL, and Sansa saw it coming.
With all of this said, I love Sansa and again, I do not think that she is perfect. She is the only female/main caracther that does not have some magic habilities or beasts. She just has herself and her mind, and that is what makes her the most human caracther on the show. She was a innocent, hair head little girl in s1, but she grew to be an intelligent and strong woman. Her arc is impressive, and I believe that she’d be an amazing Queen.
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