obeydesigned · 19 days
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obeydesigned · 19 days
hey friends! i've mostly been writing on di/scord lately. it's just been less pleasure and i'm quicker to reply over there so if you ever want to write there just let me know and i can whip up us a server!
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obeydesigned · 20 days
““I want… my destiny, I guess. To be, or become, as fully me as I possibly can.””
— Miles Vorkosigan, Lois McMaster Bujold, “Memory”
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obeydesigned · 22 days
“I never noticed your eyes were this [colour].”
“Your heartbeat’s really loud.”
“You asleep?”
“I like this, being so close to you.”
“Your hair keeps falling into your eyes, do you know that? Here, lemme just—”
“You’re so, so, so pretty.”
“I just — I’m breathless, okay? Whenever I’m with you, it happens.”
“You make my heart beat so quick.”
“You always know how to make me smile.”
“You’ll always be safe with me.”
[Kisses the other on the cheek]
“I can’t imagine being anywhere but here with you.”
“All my choices lead me to you.”
“I’ll never give you up.”
“I sleep better if you’re around.”
“You snore in your sleep. But… it’s adorable, okay?”
“I like this. A quiet breakfast with you.”
“There’re billions of people on this planet, and I love you. How incredible is that?”
“I trust you.”
[Holds the other’s hand when they think the other won’t notice]
“You keep staring at me instead of watching the film. What’s up?”
“Let’s push all of these stuff away. I wanna dance here right now with you.”
“Are we really doing this? Are we really slow-dancing?”
“When you laugh like that, it just — you’re so beautiful, you know that?”
“No, sorry, you laughed. I … I never saw it before. It’s — pretty.”
“You haven’t laughed in a long time, and I guess I was staring ‘cause I forgot how that looked like.”
[Puts head on the other’s shoulder]
“I will never let you go.”
“You’re the best thing to have ever happened to me.”
“You wrote me a song?”
“You’ve got a fever. Of course I’m not going anywhere.”
[Suddenly feels around the bed to search for the other’s hand / body when they’re sleeping]
[Extends a hand when they see the other was searching for it while they’re sleeping]
“I just feel calmer. When I’m with you.”
“You’re not in bed. I came looking for you.”
“What are you doing up? Come to bed.”
“It’s weird. I never thought I could feel like this, but you showed up. Now, it’s like I don’t wanna go on knowing I might lose the feeling.”
“I don’t mind sharing the blankets with you.”
“You’re cold. Come here.”
“You always do that. You always warm me up.”
“It’s getting crowded. Here, hold my hand.”
[Hugs for a very long time]
[Puts feet on the other’s lap]
“I’m so proud of you, you know that?”
“I love you.”
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obeydesigned · 22 days
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connor's smile
hey gang i cannot actually deal with this
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obeydesigned · 22 days
feel free to combine these with dialogue whether it’s something you make up or from other memes your partner has reblogged. 
[ BEND ]  for the shorter muse to tug the taller muse down so they can kiss their forehead. 
[ LEAN ]  for the taller muse to lean down to kiss the shorter muse’s forehead. 
[ LIFT ]  for taller muse to lift up the smaller one and sit them on a surface where they can be eye level. 
[ CLIMB ]  for the shorter muse to find somewhere to perch so they can be eye level with taller muse. 
[ INTERRUPT ]  for shorter muse to stop during the middle of a conversation and stand on a chair/sit on a table so they can be eye level with the taller one. 
[ GIVE ]  for the taller muse to place their jacket around the shorter muse’s shoulders,  the garment essentially ‘swallowing them whole.’
[ TAKE ]  for the taller muse to find the shorter one has ‘borrowed’ a shirt/sweater/jacket etc.  which is oversized on them.  
[ GO ]  for the taller muse to pick up the shorter one and carry them away from a potential/just started fight. 
[ RIDE ]  for the taller muse to give the shorter one a piggyback ride so they don’t have to keep up. 
[ SEE ]  for shorter muse to insist on getting to ride on the taller one’s shoulders.  
[ FIND ]  for the taller muse to lift the shorter one by the waist so they can reach something. 
[ EMBRACE ]  for the taller muse to lift the shorter muse off the ground when they hug. 
[ CATCH ]  for the shorter muse to run and jump into the taller muse’s arms. 
[ CARESS ]  for the taller muse to pick up the shorter one to kiss them. 
[ GIVE ]  for the shorter muse to stand or climb to sit on a higher surface to demand a kiss from the taller one. 
[  PULL  ]  for the shorter muse to tug the taller one down by the collar to kiss them. 
[ URGE ]  for the taller muse to tilt the shorter one’s chin up so they can look at their face. 
[ LOWER ]  for the taller muse to kneel in front of the shorter one so they’re less intimidating. 
[ HELP ]  for the taller muse to use the advantage of their stature to shield the shorter one from something. 
[ AID ]  for the taller muse to pick up the shorter one to lift them over something  (  stairs,  while hiking, a large puddle etc.  ). 
[ INSIST ]  for the shorter muse to guide the taller one to sit so they don’t have to keep looking up. 
[ COMFORT ]  for the taller muse to tuck their chin atop the shorter one’s head while they hug. 
[ MELT ]  for the taller muse to lean down so they can bury their face into the shorter one’s shoulder. 
[ GENTLE ]  for the smaller muse to hug the taller one while they are seated so the taller one can hide their face against them. 
[ BLOCK ]  for the taller muse to stand in front of the shorter one to prevent them from having to see something. 
[ CUDDLE ]  for the taller muse to the big spoon. 
[ HELD ]  for the shorter muse to be the big spoon. 
[ TENDER ]  for the taller muse to kiss the shorter one’s head while they embrace. 
[ GENTLE ]  for the shorter muse to kiss the taller one’s chest while they hug. 
[ REST ]  for the shorter muse to lean forward and press their forehead against the tall one’s chest/shoulder while they stand in front of each other. 
[ TOUCH ]  for the taller muse to lean down and press their forehead to the shorter one’s. 
[ PRESS ]  for the shorter muse to take hold of the taller one’s face to pull them down so they can press their foreheads together. 
[ GAZE ]  taller muse is sitting and the shorter one who is standing in front of them takes their face into their hands while they talk. 
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obeydesigned · 23 days
touch-starvation needs to be written with emphasis on the starving part. you are hungry to be touched. so hungry that even the very taste of it makes you nauseous. it has been long since anything has ever touched you, ever fed you - that your body has grown more used to that gnawing emptiness more than anything else. it's better for you to be held, to eat but it makes you sick to try. you know
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obeydesigned · 23 days
protective sentence starters
as requested. Feel free to change pronouns or anything else !
“Don’t you hurt a single hair on his/her/their head.”
“Hands off!”
“What do you think you’re doing to him/her/them?”
“I’ll never let you go.” / “Don’t ever let me go.”
“Don’t ever leave my sight again.”
“I got your back.”
“Where are you going? It’s not safe out there!”
“Do you trust me?”
“Be more careful next time. I don’t want to bandage you up again.”
“Hey, it’s cold outside. At least wear a jacket.”
“I’d die for you.”
“You’ll back off if you know what’s good for you.”
“Get behind me NOW.”
“Here, I have an extra weapon.”
“Duck, you idiot!”
“Go on without me.”
“Well what did you expect would happen while you’re walking alone at night? Come on, let’s get you away from that creep.”
“Hey. Pal. I’ve got a gun/knife/fist/weapon and I’m not afraid to use it.”
“You can stop hugging me now.”
“You scared the shit out of me. I’m never going to stop hugging you.”
“Quit babying me! I can protect myself.”
“I’ll always be there to save you.” / “I know you’ll always be there to save me.”
“If you even THINK about touching him/her/them, I’ll kill you.”
“[choked up] I thought I lost you.” / “[choked up] I never thought I’d see you again.”
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obeydesigned · 23 days
meta ramble because i can't stop thinking about this
AUTONOMY;    connor, even before he deviates, has always struggled with his lack of autonomy. we see it in small things like the way he fixes his tie and shirt for example. doing this allows him a bit of control in a situation where he otherwise has very little. it's the smallest thing he can fix for himself. he's also the only android who acknowledges his own reflection before deviation. he looks at his hair, his profile, his overall appearance. while, yes, he is a more advanced android made to adapt to human behavior to integrate with them more seamlessly… these are small actions done in privacy. like the bathroom in jimmys bar, nobody is there to see him in the mirror, and there are several instances where he fixes his tie without anyone looking. 
PHYSICAL TOUCH;    it was confirmed during a live stream by bryan that connor is extremely touch starved. which makes perfect sense considering he sees it all around him yet only ever gets to experience touch when it's done in a way to hurt him, or when he’s fighting others. the only one who really ever touches him in a friendly way is hank. and in the scene where you see hank hug connor it’s hank that breaks the hug first and it's obvious connor doesn’t want it to end. i think it is also part of why we see connor rub his hands a lot as he walks, adjusting his tie, etc. it’s small comforting gestures towards himself. i also believe as he deviates more and more and his software becomes more unstable he develops more self-soothing actions like grabbing his collar (MENTIONED HERE), running his hands through his hair, and crossing his arms around his chest (which we see him do a bit of after he deviates and is feeling guilty and distressed about having outed jericho to the law/cyberlife). he just wants to feel and be felt even in the most chaste of ways. he wants to be acknowledged.
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obeydesigned · 23 days
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connor's smile
hey gang i cannot actually deal with this
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obeydesigned · 23 days
bryan dechart is on twitch rn and a point he made was in connors personality is that he is very very touch starved. He played connor to show that he is hardly touched and the only times he is its to hurt him. And that when hank pats his shoulder or holds him or that last hug, connor spends his time craving more of it. literally part of connors deviation is him yearning to be held :,(
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obeydesigned · 23 days
good morning just discovered that there's a deleted mo cap animation in connor's mind palace after he turns deviant and has to escape the mind garden and it's storming and he's scared and connor grabs his collar has a way of self soothing. i'm gonna be writing a meta about this later for sure
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obeydesigned · 23 days
good morning just discovered that there's a deleted mo cap animation in connor's mind palace after he turns deviant and has to escape the mind garden and it's storming and he's scared and connor grabs his collar has a way of self soothing. i'm gonna be writing a meta about this later for sure
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obeydesigned · 23 days
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connor's smile
hey gang i cannot actually deal with this
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obeydesigned · 23 days
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Pet Sumo
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obeydesigned · 23 days
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”Just say I killed him! Is it that hard to say?!.”
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obeydesigned · 23 days
i'm on dis/cord for writing since i don't feel like getting on my laptop 😋 cashwritten
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