obfuscatingveil · 1 month
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Within our world, many gods watch over mortals. Some aid humankind while some punish, ruling with an iron fist. Then there are Gods who keep an eyeful watch for many decades, abiding by the rules, and eventually, they grow bored of how predictable each world becomes.
The year is 2025, and you are now Chrono's chess piece in his entertainment. Will you entertain him by causing chaos, or will you attempt to find your way out, by all means necessary?
▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ╭・ All Types of Dark Themes Present. ﹕・ Roleplay Locations in Tokyo and Dungeons! ﹕・ College Themed Persona Story! ﹕・ Literate Roleplayers! ﹕・ Discord Community! ﹕・ Claimable Canon Characters from P3 to P5! ﹕・ The ability to create your own OC! ﹕・ Events & Prompts! ╰・ Adult Only Server. { 18 + } No Smut. ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
All canon characters pulled from their timelines are eighteen due to the Persona series' dark themes.
All characters created as OCs must be at least eighteen years old.
These are the dates the Persona cast was pulled from.
Persona 3 : November 3rd. 2009 Persona 4 : November 5th. 2011 Persona 5 : October 12th. 2016 ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ Persona : Eternia Discord Server
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obfuscatingveil · 7 months
Was Light really going to bring that matter with Sayu into this? Especially in such a way? Light should've known that at this point, L isn't above using any petty tactics to win. Even if it meant endangering an innocent person.
"Perhaps." L said bluntly, before walking over to Light. He was so close. The elusive detective was always so close. But it was obvious that if Kira was going to fight with a knife or gun that he'd have done it a long time ago.
He's not afraid to face the person in front of him. Be it Light, Kira or both.
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"Actually, it seems incredibly likely that Kira is aware of this little exchange." The messy-haired detective said, walking past and climbing onto a nearby chair.
"It's been proven beforehand that Kira has a lot of intel and that he's not against killing those that oppose him."
That's what this was. Another test had been laid out before Kira.
"It would be strange if that pattern was to suddenly shift, but I think believing it will is beyond idealistic."
Unless, obviously, Kira is someone who would have reason to keep Sayu alive. Maybe... a family member?
Light wasn't exactly surprised that L would just tell the truth here, he had nothing to lose after all. The detective most likely considered this his best card thus far...
'Well if he's going to use the camera recording... I never actually showed my face on any of the cameras, that's one thing I'm sure of. Perhaps an alibi could get me out of this?'
Light thought for about it for a second.
'Obviously no one would actually be able to cover for me, but using the Death Note to make someone say something against their will... It's not out of the question...'
Leaving that thought for later, Light wanted to figure out what L was actually planning on doing at the moment. But he also knew that the moment L spoke the truth, said truth was most likely not actually useful to Light.
There's no way L would casually say something that was actually useful to Kira.
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"Makes sense."
Not wanting to draw out the silence for more than a second, Light responded to the detective's explanation.
Sure he could talk about the fact that neither L nor Light himself were wearing any protective gear. But at this point, neither of them would actually benefit from hiding their identity... even if Light wasn't Kira.
But, L did bring someone else into this... someone who before now had nothing to do with it.
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"But... Wait... Won't Sayu be in danger now? What if Kira found out she brought you the evidence??"
A worried look appeared on Light's face.
"Why would you just bring Sayu into this without giving her any protection?"
This train of thought wasn't directly in benefit to Kira, it didn't actually prove his innocence in anyway for now.
Nor did it actually address the fact that Sayu brought Light's tracksuit...
'But maybe just showing that I didn't care about any of that and focussed solely on my sister's safety... maybe it would throw him off for a second.'
And sure, it wasn't exactly a long time, but if it resulted in even a small moment of second guessing in the future... it could be useful.
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As a result however, one other thought popped into his mind. One he wouldn't actually follow through with, but the fact that it came up wasn't enjoyable to Light... Kira would never actually kill a family member just to prove his innocence...
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obfuscatingveil · 7 months
There was a loud BANG right when she finished speaking. Along with the loud noise, tremors had begun to come from the stall upon which she'd been knocking, its door moving wildly.
That was, until it all came to a halt. The door creaked open slowly, before being pushed to its limit and moving to close again. Much more slowly than before.
There was nothing inside the stall, though. That much was clear. Had the wind been playing tricks on her? It would've been the sane assumption to make, if not for the eerily cheery voice right behind her!
"I'm heeeere!~"
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Behind her stood not the female spirit from legend, but a see-through boy wearing an old-looking uniform.
Hanako-san of the bathroom was a boy?!
starter for: @obfuscatingveil
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With her hands above her head, Sayori stretches as she exits the classroom where her last lesson took place. Her voice leaks out a little when she does.
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Finally done for the day, she returns her body to a more normal position and makes her way outside.
Before making her way to the school gate however, the small building containing some public toilets catches her eye.
There's not really any students who use them for some reason. However, she didn't see any harm in it and decided it'd be easier than going all the way back into the main building.
Upon entering the toilets, it seemed like a surprisingly 'okay' place. Not much going on, but the evening sunlight gave it a nice calm atmosphere. It's also rather small, as there are only 4 stalls, which may be why people choose to not even bother with it.
There may have been a period where this toilet was used more often and it's easy to see how quickly it would've been completely full.
She opened the second stall and after examining the interior, went in and locked the door behind her. Once again, nothing bad about these toilets at all, seems cleaner than the one in the main building.
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After finishing her business and once again exiting the stall she remembered a rumour about this place. She looked around and realised she was sitting in the exact toilet the rumour was supposedly about.
In the third stall from the end of the girl's bathroom of the old building… …You'll find Hanako-san. She will grant one wish to anyone who summons her spirit. But in exchange, that person will have to give up something precious. To summon the ghost, you knock three times… And thenー "Hanako-san Hanako-san." "Are you there?"
Sayori thought about it for a moment and curiosity got the better of her.
'A kind spirit who trades something precious for a wish...'
'There's no harm in trying right..?'
Sayori looked through her bag for a moment to find anything she could trade with the ghost. She tried to ignore it, but there was one item that definitely stood out to her.
'I don't think I can find anything else...'
She reached in and pulled out a notebook. It was a nice pastel blue with a soft heart design on the front. She flipped the first page and stared at the title for a couple minutes
Sayori's 'feel better' poems!
'This rumour is most likely fake anyway...'
She stuffed it back into her bag and walked up to the 3rd stall from the end... the same one she was in mere moments ago.
The girl raised her hand, knocked three times and spoke.
"Hanako-san, Hanako-san... Are you there?"
The words hadn't even left her mouth before she already felt embarrassed that she even tried it in the first place.
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'Argh... this was dumb...'
Ready to leave and go home, Sayori turned around and started walking towards the exit.
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obfuscatingveil · 7 months
Will be trying to follow more people. I'd love to be more active here.
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obfuscatingveil · 8 months
"It's only a matter of protocol." L was quick to point out without much worry or excitement in his voice. He had to play this off as a regular thing.
"Do you remember the murder of the FBI agents we attributed to Kira? Well, I have reason to believe we caught the elusive killer on camera." Raising a foot to scratch at the side of his leg, L sunk his hands into his pockets.
"He was wearing a tracksuit of exactly this make. Maybe we can track down Kira with it. What do you think?"
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Bullshit. Light must've known 100% that L was out for his head. At least, that was what the detective assumed. After all, this had been the case from the very beginning. This excuse was one that wasn't very well thought-out, but perhaps that was the entire point. L assumed Light could say little about this without drawing suspicion. Even with valid reasons such as 'privacy concerns', anything will just ignite the flame of suspicion further for L.
"Please don't mind their protective apparel. It's only for their safety. After all, Kira needs a name and face to kill."
Here stood Light's main target. ⸺If he may be so blunt as to assume that. Right in front of him without the protection that the others were granted.
It's all about his name. Who is L?
Ryuzaki knew it was impossible to protect himself with anonymity at this point. He'd shown himself long ago.
Slowly, the men vanished through the door.
An eery calm appeared on Light's face, almost as if his earlier outburst happened on a different day altogether.
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'The real challenge is about to begin...'
He took a deep breath before entering the room, immediately locking eyes with L followed by his snide remark. At least, it seemed mocking to Light.
His earlier sense of calm was already starting to break down yet again.
'Something wrong?? SOMETHING WRONG...'
'You know damn well why I'm here right now...'
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"That's what I came here to ask, I noticed my sister handed you something..."
Light said, in a somewhat questioning tone.
"Next thing I see is the item she gave being treated as if it's contaminated in some way..."
Light looked at L for a moment, then let his eyes dart around the room for a moment, trying to grasp the severity of the situation.
'An item was placed inside a plastic bag, and was being handled by people in hazmat suits.'
A worried look appeared on his face.
"Did something happen at home?"
Light didn't have much time to think before coming here... Hell, maybe staying at his desk would've been a better idea.
Nevertheless, wondering about possible alternatives now is a waste of time, Light has to figure out how to get out of this situation.
While every single thing he says, every movement he makes, every glance and gaze he shows the world, needs to be perfect. Nothing should give away his inner thoughts.
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Do all of that while also looking for a way out of this situation? This kind of thing would be impossible for almost anyone...
Luckily for now... letting L answer his question should give him some time to think. While also hopefully giving him something to latch onto.
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obfuscatingveil · 8 months
The detective was wearing thin, white gloves. Ones that wouldn't leave fingerprints. He made sure to be extremely careful when handling the tracksuit.
"I'm sure he's very grateful that you did this for him. I'll tell him to stop by at home as soon as he's able to, alright? Your father and brother both."
"The rules that govern the universe are mysterious, said rules are attributed to God himself. He who created all life out of nothing, and he who will reduce it all back to nothing."
As soon as he was inside, he quickly slipped the tracksuit into the see-through sleeve he'd prepared to get it ready for lab testing. For now, though. He'd bring it to his room, placing it onto a chair while locking the door as he stepped back out. Something that wouldn't be all that strange for L. He'd always locked his door like this.
"God is the one being all humans wish to gain favor with. For Him to love us. For Him to grant us the eternal life in heaven we so obediently work for each and every day."
Now, walking around the task force building to finalize his plan, he pressed a single key on the main computer's keyboard, while speaking into the microphone attached to the monitor.
"Come on up."
So much buzzing around... Back to the intercom, he would allow four men in hazmat suits into his room to take the tracksuit.
Now, finally, standing in the middle of the main computer room, the many screens linked to the security cameras shifted on and off, showing different rooms.
Hands in his jean pockets, L looked toward Light. A clueless, aloof look on his face. One meant only to mock the other.
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"Is something wrong?" He asked innocently while the men in hazmat suits prepared to leave.
"That's just the thing, Kira. You don't grant life. You only take it. I'm sure you see yourself on the top of the pecking order, as the God watching down from above. But whether you like it or not, you'll always be just like me. A human who thinks he's better than others."
With his newfound confidence, Light resumed his work, tapping away at the aged keys on his keyboard. With the end of his shift in sight, Yagami felt powerful.
The fear he felt just moments ago, had completely vanished. There was no reason for said fear... after all, L challenged someone with godlike powers!
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. . .
15 minutes later, his shift was finally over.
Light turned off his pc, slid his chair under his desk. As if on queue, he heard the doorbell ring.
'Odd- who could be here at this hour...?'
As he walked toward the window, he saw a different officer walk in the direction of the intercom. A small part of him was suddenly worried again. What if L did something...?
'Could he have... Surely he wouldn't...'
However, his worries were confirmed when the voice he heard coming through the intercom was one he recognised. But because of the distortions the intercom caused, it took him a couple seconds to fully grasp whose voice it was.
He didn't have to wonder long however. As he reached the window he could pick up a couple of the words spoken by the voice.
"Light's sister...-"
Looking through the window, his eyes were met by none other then his own sister... Sayu. She was holding a neatly folded tracksuit, the same one he'd been obsessing.
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'WHAT? NO! This can't be! WHY NOW!??'
He was about to sprint down toward the front door, but his eyes caught a glimpse of movement. The front door opened...
There was no mistaking that appearance... The one who now stood eye to eye to Light's sister... L.
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Was this it for Kira...?
His thoughts didn't reflect his inner feelings however, he knew for a fact it didn't matter to L how little evidence it was. As long as it was evidence...
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obfuscatingveil · 9 months
It's my new years' resolution to be active here again. If you'd like to continue something or start something new up, please feel free to let me know, kay? ✨
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obfuscatingveil · 1 year
updated my info doc :)
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obfuscatingveil · 1 year
@blairscorned asked:
❛  do you believe in ghosts, Ryoji?  ❜ - Kotone
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The question didn't catch him off guard. Standing on the roof of the Iwatodai dormitory, Ryoji had taken plenty of chances to ask Kotone all sorts of questions. Veering into this topic was only natural, as he'd only just brought up the supernatural moments ago.
"It's a bit of a tough question." He said, raising a finger to be right below his lips. That charming smile of his not fading. "On one hand, it'd make life a whole lot more interesting to believe in something like that."
Silence, for a brief moment. Ryoji's eyes shifted left and right before he took his chance to answer more seriously. His smile dampening only slightly.
"...But on the other, doesn't the thought of existing past our lives make you a bit sad, in a way? It means we have much less reason to enjoy these precious moments."
Maybe the he answered the question a bit too seriously. Hence why he quickly passed the metaphorical hot potato back.
"What do you think?"
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obfuscatingveil · 1 year
Thank you to all my mutuals who were so patient during my absence. I'll get to my drafts once I get my bearings on this blog again. For those who I've yet to interact with, please throw asks into my inbox if you'd like!
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obfuscatingveil · 1 year
❛  are you always so competitive?  ❜ ❛  are you okay? are you hurt?  ❜ ❛  are you sure you can do this on your own?  ❜ ❛  are you thinking what i'm thinking?  ❜ ❛  can you go take care of this, please?  ❜ ❛  can you show me how to fight?  ❜ ❛  can you tell me more about your adventures?  ❜ ❛  do you believe in ghosts?  ❜ ❛  do you ever think about anyone other than yourself?  ❜ ❛  does it really have to be like this?  ❜ ❛  don't you think you've already done enough damage for one day?  ❜ ❛  has no one ever given you a compliment before?  ❜ ❛  have i ever told you how beautiful you look in the glow of the moonlight?  ❜ ❛  have you noticed anything different about me lately?  ❜ ❛  haven't you ever wondered why i never talk about my childhood?  ❜ ❛  how can you just go to sleep like nothing happened?  ❜ ❛  how many more people have to suffer before you realize your madness?  ❜ ❛  is there anything else i can do for you?  ❜ ❛  is this really how you want this to end?  ❜ ❛  isn't it ironic?  ❜ ❛  what are your plans for today?  ❜ ❛  what else do you want me to say?  ❜ ❛  what else have you hidden from me?  ❜ ❛  what happened here? where is all that smoke coming from?  ❜ ❛  what has happened in your life that made you like this?  ❜ ❛  when were you going to tell me?  ❜ ❛  where are we supposed to go from here?  ❜ ❛  who will be able to stop them now?  ❜ ❛  why can't you just act like a normal person?  ❜ ❛  why can't you just leave me alone?  ❜ ❛  why can't you just stay focused?  ❜ ❛  why does everything always have to be so complicated?  ❜ ❛  why should i believe you now when you've told nothing but lies?  ❜ ❛  why won't you just tell me what i did wrong?  ❜ ❛  will it ever stop hurting so much?  ❜ ❛  will you go out on a date with me?  ❜ ❛  will you just shut up and kiss me already?  ❜ ❛  will you please text me when you get home safely?  ❜ ❛  you're completely out of your element here, aren't you?  ❜
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obfuscatingveil · 1 year
L's eyes shot wide open when seeing him for the first time... Kira! While his face was obscured, there was that jacket. To any normal detective, this would've been a 'nothing' clue. It's most likely from a normal clothing brand. There's absolutely no way to track it down.
L was no 'normal detective'. While this tracksuit wouldn't without a doubt prove that Light is Kira on its own, it gives him a thread he can follow. If he can just prove Light has a tracksuit that's exactly the same.
"But how should I go about it?" L would think. If he just went right ahead and called Light, he'd have all the time in the world to rid himself of the evidence. He also can't send a whole police force for a jacket. As aforementioned, it's not proof on its own.
An idea, bubbling to the surface. Light has been working at the task force for quite some time, hasn't he? L reached to grab his mobile phone.
Riiing... Riiiing... Click!
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"Hello, is this Sayu-kun? I am one of your brother's colleagues at the task force. Would it be possible for you to bring his white tracksuit? He's been missing it, what with the weather and all, but he's been so buried in work that picking it up has proven difficult."
With L's connections, finding a single phone number is easy. Especially when you're in the building with two of her relatives.
As they parted ways, Light's mind raced like never before. This is the only chance he has to think about everything he's done so far and tie up every single loose end.
If it isn't too late already.
While he could start from the very beginning, it would be pointless. L had an epiphany when he saw the FBI agents again. Meaning there's something there, something Light missed...
He sat down at his own desk and started googling about Kira. Anything he could find since the FBI incident could be of help.
'If L really does think he's put Kira in checkmate, then right now is the best time to prove him wrong!'
It didn't take long for him to land on an article titled '12 FBI agents killed by Kira, is this a declaration of war?'.
The article was entirely written in English, most likely by an American author.
It seemed like mostly propaganda, however there was a single image displayed in the centre of the article. An image most likely created by a random witness who decided to film this poor agent die.
Ever since Kira has gotten more popular, people have started taking pictures the second anyone grabs their chest...
However, the morals of the photographer was not something he wanted to think about right now. There was nothing to see either way... other than... Light in the background. Unidentifiable sure, but he recognized himself.
It got Light to think... Even though this image is useless as evidence, there's cameras at Yamato station.
The exact events of that day started playing back in his mind.
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He was so focussed on making sure no person was able to recognize him, that he didn't mind the cameras. He only had one defence against them, he looked down the entire time. There's no way his face showed up.
Every camera in the area would have been able to capture his exact outfit. His white tracksuit.
The same tracksuit that's still hung up inside his closet...
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A sort of fear shot through his entire body. Why! Why didn't he get rid of it...
'Was it because the tracksuit was one so basic it could belong to anyone? Was it because he never once considered it a threat?'
No... none of those things are the real reason. Of course Light thought about the security camera's, he thought about everything. the entire trip was already planned out to perfection. After all... he'd written everything that would happen in the Death Note.
It was overconfidence... That's the reason he didn't throw away the tracksuit. He was so extremely confident in his ability to get away with it, that he just... kept it.
'Very well... Kira!'
The same confidence returned as he now knew exactly what the only existing loose thread was. Now that it's required, he has to get rid of the tracksuit. Not only that, but he has all the time in the world!
After all, even if L asked to come to his house...
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obfuscatingveil · 1 year
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Tʜᴇ Aʀᴄᴀɴᴀ ɪs ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴇᴀɴs ʙʏ ᴡʜɪᴄʜ ᴀʟʟ ɪs ʀᴇᴠᴇᴀʟᴇᴅ…
Hey there! Welcome to a newly rejuvenated, but definitely not new, Persona 3 MC blog - Minato Arisato, reborn and ready to go. Multiship, multifandom, and open to all who wish to interact - all I ask is a reblog to spread the word of my return!
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obfuscatingveil · 1 year
"Yes. While I'm not usually one to take breaks, if we must, we should do it together."
Lies. Every word. Every kind smile. A lie. Light knew it, didn't he? L knew that by this point, he had wasted far too much time. Something had to be done to make a breakthrough in the case. So even as night rolled over the task force building, L didn't want to stay idle.
Two dutiful hands type away at the keyboard of the floor-bound computer in L's room.
( "Those FBI agents - their deaths were all carried out to Kira's usual modus operandi. Initially I assumed it pointless to look into, as Kira can alter time of death. Who's to say that he didn't switch up the order of their deaths to ensure that the breadcrumb trail leads us into the wrong direction?" )
The arm covered in a white shirt was outstretched, gripping onto a cup of coffee with an excess amount of sugar. ( "That was when we had no clue of the scope of Kira's powers. Now we have the notebook. Even if some of the rules are fakes, we can still discern the truth of its general abilities." )
A sip was taken. L's gleaming eyes shifted back to his screen.
( "He needs a name and face. I knew that before, but with the notebook physically here..." )
Looking over to the side, there lied it. The black notebook. Right on his desk. While it may be the reason for all of this, L can't help but put all the blame on Kira. The notebook is just a tool used for evil. Much like how a gun can be used to harm or protect. Much like how L himself has used criminals in the past.
The coffee cup was put down. L's sight lingers for a moment longer on the cover, before turning his head away again.
( " He must've gotten the information from all the agents somewhere, and the best place to look would be the first FBI agent. Raye Penber. " )
That name rang awfully in his mind. He knew exactly who that was. The husband of the late Naomi Misora.
( " Her case was ruled a suicide. But I don't believe that in the slightest. Naomi Misora would've done everything in her power to catch the culprit. Maybe we would've ended up working together again... " )
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Was that a tang of pain in his chest? Maybe he's grown more emotional than he thought.
( " We know he had access to police information - But the names of the FBI agents weren't anywhere on that database. So how? " )
Then, an idea.
( " Raye Penber died on the Yamanote line when exiting the train. That means there has to be footage of the death from CCTV. " )
After some more typing and slamming the enter key with his thumb, he waited for the now black screen to light up again.
December 27th, 2003.
It felt as if Ryuzaki had already finished what he came here for. In Light's eyes, nothing he'd done gave Kira anything... L was the one who got something out of this and it frustrated Light.
' I was the one who proposed we come here, So why did he benefit from it... it isn't fair! '
His sense of entitlement didn't waver as he quickly finished his own cup of coffee before standing up.
"Of course"
They shouldn't take too long of a break after all. And Light doubted he'd still be able to somehow make this interaction benefit him.
After exiting the coffee shop, he couldn't even look at the person he'd been trying so hard to befriend. He knew it would at least somewhat put suspicion on Kira. However, saying anything might be even worse.
If he said anything right now, after L so clearly accused and mocked him. Surely the detective would immediately see it as Light trying to cover himself.
Then again... maybe staying silent is the worse choice here, L will know something is up for sure!
The decision was breaking his brain.
' Wait... '
' Confidence! I have to stay confident! You're not getting through to me, L! Kira will have the last laugh! Even if Ryuzaki sees through the fake confidence, it won't make the situation worse, if anything it'll act like a bluff! '
A satisfied sigh left his mouth before he once again spoke.
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"That was a nice change of pace. It was fun finally being able to hang out as friends! Wouldn't you say?"
During the rest of their trip back to their office, Light had a relaxed and satisfied smile on his face. Like he stopped caring about anything that just happened while they were drinking coffee.
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obfuscatingveil · 1 year
Waiting was always a chore. Kyouma moved his hands in and out of his pockets four times. Tapped his foot against the floor forty-seven times, checked the time two times!- Ah. Here he was. Okabe walked up to Ayanokouji with an expectant smile on his face. "So? Have you succeeded in your mission?"
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Okabe didn't think much of the other student, even wrongfully interpreting his lack of emotion as airheadedness. It wasn't meant as an insult towards Kiyotaka. He was trying to help. That's something!
...Even if for the wrong reasons. Okabe was none the wiser either way. He hadn't put too much thought into this situation. From walking through here, though. It looked like some kind of strict school. Was his helicopter-based dream impossible here? Schools usually don't have crazy funding. But this place is on its own island.
Why is it so isolated? He should probably ask whenever he gets his answer.
"Kyouma-san? got it."
Unwavering, Ayanokouji made his way over to the building's entrance. He barely even looked behind him to check whether or not the scientist was following him. He didn't exactly need to anyway, the stranger had no reason to abandon him.
Once back inside, the cooling air was a nice change from the summer heat. It didn't take a genius to realise the building didn't exactly have a second exit. Or at least, not one close to the door they used to come in.
And so, Ayanokouji spoke up again, hoping to clear up any confusion it may have caused.
"Well... we're not far now, just need to head toward the front gate. "
He looked completely confident as he turned the right corner and entered a door labelled 'Teachers Lounge'
"I'll be right back, wait here."
A small while later, the student reappeared from the door. The deadpan look on his face still the exact same as when they first met.
'Guess it was too good to be true.'
He talked to a teacher he'd surprisingly not seen before, asking them a few questions. One of which being 'What would happen if someone apprehended an outsider'.
To his disappointment, nothing would happen other than the outsider being arrested.
So... apprehending the outsider wouldn't have any benefits...
"Sorry for taking too long, let's continue on."
Ayanokouji had assumed Okabe was still in the same place he left him, but hadn't actually looked until now. His eyes scanned his surroundings as he looked around for the scientist, hoping his search wouldn't last more than a second.
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obfuscatingveil · 1 year
while her playing with his babies was as adorable as ever, his mind was wandering toward the thought of possibly visiting novoselic. as aforementioned, his interest in both the animal population plus helping sonia with her query was on the forefront of his mind.
gundham couldn't help but laugh, commenting on his own thought. "i say i am one who breeds chaos, yet, i am to tremble at the mere thought of inserting chaos into my own life?" finally answering sonia's question was second on the list, apparently.
" yes. i would, however… i would require the proper forms to prove myself worthy of entry, correct? even then, i must acquire transportation… "
the grunt that left his lips next was one of frustration. " how can one be an emissary of disorder when the world forces this pressure onto me? "
he wanted to leave as soon as possible, it'd solidify him as someone who doesn't care about law or order. but the impossible can't just be made manifest by him wanting it - as much as he wished he could.
" i have servants who are deployed at my work station, so that is not an issue… - " suddenly, he turned to grasp at his right wrist.
" this accursed appendage! it forces me to plan each and every step! power can truly be the most corruptive force - ! " how distraught he seemed over such a small thing. it wasn't even as if he was baiting sonia to ask if she could help. he very much believed in using one's own ability to get what they wanted - which made this such a bothersome thing ! ideals versus practicality !
He stood idly for a moment in this 'pointing position' of his. It seems the thought of 'keeping it down', Sonia's entire reason for standing here, had completely slipped his mind. Dropping the stance, he motioned her closer with a hand. Ushering her further within his domain while turning his back once more.
"Close the gates. None may follow where we are headed." Dramatics aside, Gundham was quite picky about his privacy. If not nudged by both his pets and the prospect of a s��ance partner he might've asked her to leave.
The instant Sonia was allowed entry a bunch of tiny footsteps would pitter-patter across the ground to meet her.
The hellhound, Cerberus. The kitten, Shiva - The Destroyer, and last, but most certainly not least: A small rabbit he'd recently acquired still lacking a name. The white, fluffy creature at the end of the line seemed excited, but slower than the dog and cat. Which Gundham would comment on.
"Meet three of my lieutenants. Shiva and Cerberus are yet to accept the new member of the flock, what with her fragile build, but I am certain that her time will come. I must also decide on its moniker that will bring fear across continents."
Walking deeper into the room, he'd sit on a rocking chair. One that could easily be associated with elderly people. Although knitting wasn't out of the question for The Forbidden One, the fact was that he enjoyed the gentle movements the hard wood seat could provide. There also seemed to be books upon books stacked by his side. Mostly on occult-related matters aside from the occasional tome on nature or philosophy.
He'd speak again, but he feels the wagging tail and purring might overpower him at this rate.
Still, he couldn't get his mind away from what the princess had said. Queen Alina, was it? Summoning a royal from the grave so she could grant blessings upon her descendant. Now that got his blood pumping. He could put his own troubles aside if only for that experience.
Deciding to part his lips once more, he'd ask:
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"Novoselic. I believe it to be coordinated within the realm of Europe, no? I am not a geographer so feel free to correct me.
-Would concocting a spacious wormhole to such a place before the heat-death of the universe be a possibility? I can't help but be intrigued by your query."
A simple question lined by morbid words: Is it possible to travel to and back from Novoselic without too much time passing? Not only the travel - but papers could be such a drag. Would having its princess on his side be a shortcut?
...He's also curious about the animal population. But would he really drop something he made sound so important for even a second just to fly off to some faraway land?
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obfuscatingveil · 1 year
( like ) for me to check out your meme tag and drop an ask with the intention to start a thread.
feel free to specify either of our muses (if you're multimuse). if you don't specify on either or both sides I will pick myself.
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