#[ ooc ] ; i am merely a harbinger of the fall
obfuscatingveil · 7 months
Will be trying to follow more people. I'd love to be more active here.
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sweet-honey-fruit · 2 years
Genshin Characters with Injured Reader
Genre: Fluff, hurt/comfort (?) possibly
Warnings: Use of pet names. Strong language. Descriptions and mentions of blood/injury (nothing life threatening). Spoilers for Scaramouche’s story. Slightly suggestive for Venti’s, lmao sorry im biased.
Inspired by me being flung into a fence and scratching up my legs. How? Don’t ask, it’s embarrassing. I’m rewriting this cause TUMBLR DECIDED TO DELETE MY. FIRST. DRAFT. Also please note that i am very out of practice with writing. These characters may seem OOC but i promise you im trying my best to make them canon djnfjnds. Any feedback is greatly appreciated! I aim to get better to provide you all with high quality content. Let me know if you guys would like a part two!
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Upon seeing you walking in with scratched up knees and hands, he’s secretly on high alert.
He hides it with his usual laid back and child-like persona
“Well well, what do we have here? Is my lovely babe injured? Come here, let me take care of you.” While giving you a cocky smile.
It doesn’t matter how much you protest, he’s going to bandage and clean them up
“Childe please, I’m not a toddler, I can take care of it myself.”
“I’m well aware that you can, but would you even get around to it?”
As he’s putting a bandage on them, he’ll ask you what happened.
“Would you like to tell me what happened? Oh- you fell? Was there anyone around? Why am I asking that question? What, am I not allowed to be curious” Cue him putting his hands on his hips while pouting
Childe doesn’t show it, but he’s highly paranoid about your safety anytime you’re not around him or someone he trusts.
The Fatui has a lot of enemies, especially him. He’s a bloodthirsty Harbinger, and the most front and center member of the Fatui to the public eye. Meaning you are also on display.
And while the mere mention of his name makes people fearful and tremble, there are a handful who simply don’t care and wish to hurt him with any means necessary.
So anytime you come back with something as small as a scratch, he instantly thinks it’s someone trying to get to him by going through you.
If it was an incident of you being clumsy and falling, he’ll lovingly lecture you about how you should be more careful while holding you close, mentally thanking the Tsarista that it wasn’t anyone targeting you.
But if it was someone, either on accident or on purpose.
Hahaha, pray for them
It’s better to be up front and tell him the truth, otherwise he won’t leave you alone till you tell him who and what happened. He knows when you’re lying. It’s a keen skill to have in his line of work.
While he admires that you’re trying to cover for someone, he admires getting revenge on your behalf way more.
He will interrogate you until you tell him who it was that dared put there hands on you.
But don’t worry, it won’t be like the interrogations he does for the Fatui, he loves you too much to do that. It’ll seem like a casual conversation.
He’ll act like he drops the subject before brewing you a cup of tea, giving you your favorite snack, and holding you close while you two talk.
He’ll get you to tell him who it was through a seemingly normal conversation. He’s good at doing that.
He won’t stop the conversation till he gets the answers he was looking for. Not that he would want to anyway, he absolutely adores talking to you. So really, it’s an added bonus.
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Oh Chongyun, my sweet, sweet boy Chongyun
This man is instantly worrying
“What happened?! Are you okay?! Was it a demon?! Tell me where it is and I’ll take care of it. I’ll make sure it never touches you again!”
That last sentence is low key terrifying to you
Please reassure him that you’re okay and that it wasn’t a demon. It was just you being clumsy, that’s all!
He has to walk away for a moment and eat a popsicle to calm himself down before his Yang energy acts up.
Once he has calmed down, he’ll come back to you and sit you down to take care of you.
He’ll carefully clean it for you before bringing up a spray bottle
“I bought this in case either of us were in need of first aid. Baizhu said that it’s a no sting disinfectant spray.”
He sprays it. And it stings lmao.
“Ah! Wait I’m sorry, please! I promise he told me that it wasn’t supposed to burn!”
He’s instantly hugging you tightly while apologizing
“No Chongyun it’s okay, I’m sorry I didn’t mean that, I was just surprised.”
It’s a disaster lmao. He’s still mumbling apologies.
He has to eat a popsicle again fjjdr
He wants you to double, triple, quadruple confirm that it wasn’t a demon once you’re all cleaned up and bandaged
“Are you su-“
“Yes Chongyun, I’m positive! It was of my own clumsy volition to trip down the stairs.”
Once he’s finally calmed down and pushed away the thought that it was a demonic attack, he’s holding you close while carefully tracing the bandage
“Please, my dear, be more careful. I don’t want any harm to come to you.”
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As you walk in through the door with blood pouring down your head and legs, this man just stares at you
His eyes follow your every movement as you’re limping towards the kitchen to get the first aid kit
He doesn’t make a move, he’s just watching you, as if he’s analyzing you
It isn’t until you’re hissing in pain trying to get the first aid kit does he finally stand up and go towards you.
“No, Scara, it’s fi-“
“I said sit” He pulls out a chair and pushes you to sit down in it. You don’t dare protest with the look that he’s giving you.
He huffs as he pulls out an alcoholic wipe to clean up your wounds, not caring about the hisses, whines, and protests your spewing out
“Quit your whining. What the hell happened to you?”
He won’t show it, but he’s concerned. He low key has the same fear that Childe has. Being an ex Fatui Harbinger doesn’t come without its dangers. Not only does he have enemies from being a Harbinger, but he has enemies within the Fatui as well since he took the Electro Archons Gnosis for himself.
But once you tell him that you just fell down the concrete stairs in Inazuma City, he’s scoffing at you
“How can you be so pathetic and clumsy?!”
He says as he forcefully pulls you into a hug
Don’t take anything he says too serious. He cares about you deeply and can only express it through tough love.
“Dont-…don’t do that every again.”
He won’t let you leave the house for a while after. Unlike Childe, he lets his paranoia take over just a little bit.
It’ll take some time to let you get back out of the house, but that doesn’t mean he’ll leave you 100% alone.
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This man saw the accident happen first hand. He was playing his lyre in the courtyard of the cathedral. You just came back from your commissions and decided to go watch his performance. As you were walking around the crowd to get a better look at him, you weren’t paying attention to your surroundings. You guys made eye contact and he gave you his brightest smile. You were too focused on how elegantly he played and how adorable he looked that you didn’t notice the concrete pillar in front of you. As you smiled back and gave him a little wave, you comedically ran into the pillar
The anemo archon immediately stopped playing and ran over to you
“Windblume?! Are you okay?”
You rub your head, feeling the warm blood that’s gushing out of the cut along your temple
This man is instantly all over you, cupping your cheeks, checking you over for anything else before grabbing your hand and leading you back home
He’s thoroughly cleaning it while lightly scolding you
“As much as I admire you watching me perform, I want you to do so while standing in place next time.”
Once he makes sure youre 100% okay, he will flirt and tease you, that’s just how he is by nature
“Although, my precious Windblume, if you wished for my attention, all you had to do was ask. There was no need to go about such drastic measures.”
“Venti, I wasn’t-“
He’s putting a hand up to your lips while shushing you
“Now now Windblume, why don’t I show you how much worship this bard has to offer”
And who are you to say no to that 😏
Either way though, he’s going to cling onto you for a while to make sure you don’t hurt yourself further
He’s slightly scared you’ll injure yourself in a more serious manner
Can’t really blame him though. You’re the only one that saw him for him, even after finding out he was Lord Barbatos himself. You worship him as a mortal, not as an archon and he holds you dearly because of that.
You’re the only one he has truly ever loved in all his years of living. He just doesn’t want to have another Nameless Bard incident with you.
Please reassure him that nothing will happen to you. Please hold him close. In times of you getting hurt, he is in need of more comfort than you since his imagination loves to run wild.
He doesn’t have to worry for long. He’s the anemo archon, he realized. He forgets he is sometimes since he gets so wrapped up in his mortal façade. As the anemo archon, he can always have an eye on you with just the slightest breeze.
He gives you a soft kiss on the lips before dragging you to Angels Share for a drink or two in order to lighten the mood.
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Xiao is a little bit like Scaramouche, only more understanding and visibly caring.
He’ll scoff at you and roll his eyes all the while he’s checking up on you and making sure that youre okay
“I can’t believe you managed to get yourself injured. You mortals are so fragile….Are you hurt anywhere else? Who did this to you? Why didnt you call my name?”
It takes some convincing that “no, no one did this to me”, “no, I’m okay”, and “No, im not going to call your name over something as minor as a cut on my arm.”
He doesn’t buy the last statement. It doesn’t matter how big or small the situation or injury is, he wants you to call his name. He wants to know that youre able to rely on him.
Why did he have to date such a stubborn individual?
He keeps you in his lap and kisses your head while gently holding your injured arm.
He’s not one for physical touch most of the time, only when you’re hurt.
You joked about that one time and it didnt go well
“Wow. If I knew I would get cuddles and kisses like this, then I should get hurt more often.”
The look he gave was enough to shut you up and instantly retract your statement.
He’s stern while lecturing you. Practically demands that you call his name next time, even if it was just you tripping over a tree branch.
With anyone else, it would be annoying to have his name called out all the time. But if it’s from you? It’s a relief. Cause he knows that he’s protecting you.
This man has seen a thing or two, he knows the horrors the are out there that everyone else seems to be ignorant to.
If he could permanently stay by your side then he would, but he knows that’s not possible.
Yet it’s refreshing to know he’s only one shout away.
Please call his name when something happens, even if it’s only you stumbling a bit. He feels relieved to know he can be there for you so quickly for anything.
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obfuscatingveil · 9 months
It's my new years' resolution to be active here again. If you'd like to continue something or start something new up, please feel free to let me know, kay? ✨
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obfuscatingveil · 1 year
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KIYOTAKA ISHIMARU from DANGANRONPA has been added to the muse list as a secondary muse.
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obfuscatingveil · 1 year
updated my info doc :)
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obfuscatingveil · 1 year
( like ) for me to check out your meme tag and drop an ask with the intention to start a thread.
feel free to specify either of our muses (if you're multimuse). if you don't specify on either or both sides I will pick myself.
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obfuscatingveil · 1 year
ZENITSU AGATSUMA from DEMON SLAYER has been added to the muse list.
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obfuscatingveil · 1 year
i've been sick for the last few days, but i'm slowly gettin' better! I'll be trying to do my replies soon. In the meantime, my meme tag is open!
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obfuscatingveil · 1 year
Thank you to all my mutuals who were so patient during my absence. I'll get to my drafts once I get my bearings on this blog again. For those who I've yet to interact with, please throw asks into my inbox if you'd like!
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obfuscatingveil · 1 year
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OKABE RINTAROU from STEINS;GATE has been added to the muse list as a primary muse!
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