obl-photos · 19 days
Photographer Research Post 8 -
Paul Nicklen
Paul Nicklen is a Canadian photographer. Nicklen co-founded SeaLegacy to positively change our world. He earned a PhD in the University of Victoria and a Doctor of Fine Arts from Simon Fraser University.
In Paul Nicklen stills, Pagophilic Pinnipeds there are various photos of seals. Though the image that caught my attention the most was the one of the whiskers of a seal. When looking a Nicklen's photos, the first thought that came to mind was, "I would like to do that too."
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Paul Nicklen – Photography
About Paul – Paul Nicklen
Pagophilic Pinnipeds – Paul Nicklen
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obl-photos · 19 days
Photographer Research Post 7 -
Danny Damian
Danny Damian is a street photographer. The way he captures the beauty of people, is something I would like to find out how to do. Also socializing and make a connection with strangers. His content is mainly videos of him going up to people and capturing their pictures. They are beautiful.
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obl-photos · 19 days
Theme Project -
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obl-photos · 19 days
Theme Project Proposal
I plan to photograph my family. It will be a bit hard since I live in the dorms and only come home during the weekends. It will also be challenging since I am not very good at taking pictures of people. I mainly take pictures of my pets, other animals, and flowers. I wanted to photograph my family to have a few more pictures of them and capture more moments of them. It's been a while since I last photographed them, usually I take pictures of them during birthdays. I am not exactly sure what I want to do with this project. I don't have any other equipment, so it will just be my camera.
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obl-photos · 19 days
Photographer Research Post 6 -
Anne Berry
Anne Berry's Behind Glass creates a lot of emotion. As these were photographed in zoos in Europe back in 2010. In the photograph of Estel, the primate looks up while sitting. This position has the primate looking as if they are longing for freedom.
I would like to someday create photos such as these that bring this sort of emotion to my audience. And hopefully encourage more people to protect those in need of protection.
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Estel | Behind Glass (anneberrystudio.com)
About | Anne Berry Georgia Artist (anneberrystudio.com)
Anne Berry: Behind Glass - LENSCRATCH
Behind Glass | Photographs of Primates by Anne Berry (anneberrystudio.com)
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obl-photos · 19 days
Photographer Research Post 5 -
Kristin Schnell
Kristin Schnell is a German, baltic sea-based photographer. Schnell creates sceneries for her photos. Her photos are meant to show human-animal relationships impact. Schell's Farewell is quite beautiful. The way they photograph the birds through the flowers. It creates a unique type of beauty. the way the photos don't necessarily show the birds' head but show their body amongst a bunch of flowers.
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Kristin Schnell: Birds on Stage and Farewell - LENSCRATCH
kristin schnell | LensCulture
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obl-photos · 19 days
Design & Light Scavenger Hunt
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obl-photos · 20 days
Photographer Research Post 4 -
Tamaki Yoshida
Tamaki Yoshida is a Tokyo-based photographer. I find Yoshida's series "Negative Ecology" quite interesting and beautiful. These pictures taken "not through the eyes of a photographer, but as a first-time visitor." - Tamaki Yoshida. The photograph of the two bears is quiete eye-catching. Along with the chemical disruptions create an even more captivating image.
HOSOO GALLERY. HOSOO FLAGSHIP STORE 2F & 5F, 412, Kakimoto-cho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto
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Tamaki Yoshida | LensCulture
Negative Ecology - Photographs by Tamaki Yoshida | Essay by Marigold Warner | LensCulture
Exhibitions: Tamaki Yoshida | KYOTOGRAPHIE
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obl-photos · 20 days
Photographer Research Post 3 -
Zana Briski
Zana Briski takes photos without a camera, photograms. Briski is a director and photographic artist. Briski waits patiently for animals when taking these photos. The photos look great. I could see the fur and though I may not be able to tell what animal they are at times but, they still caught my attention. The amount of time this must have taken. I would like to someday learn to take pictures like this sometime.
"Raccoonogram #1, 2020. Unique life-sized photogram of wild racoon made in the mountains of Arizona, silver gelatin photographic paper, gold-toned, 40" x 60" Zana Briski
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Zana Briski | LensCulture
Animalograms: Photograms of Animals Made in the Wild - Photographs and text by Zana Briski | LensCulture
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obl-photos · 20 days
Photographer Research Post 2 -
Alexey Vasyliev
Alexey Vasyliev born and raised in Yakutia, Russia. Alexey graduated from philological faculty of Yakut State University. Alexey also attended School of Modern Photography.
The way Alexey photographs things such as people is very nice. The one photograph of the two hunters watching a movie while laying down in their tent. The picture captures their clothing. It also captures their area of eating, table. I am able to see that they are resting after a hard day of work, hunting.
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Alex Vasyliev | LensCulture
Cultural Changes at the Coldest Place on Earth — A Photo Story from Yakutsk - Photographs by Alex Vasyliev | Essay by Marigold Warner | LensCulture
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obl-photos · 28 days
Photographer Research Post 1 -
Yulia Skogoreva
Yulia Skogoreva is a Russian photographer, photographing fine art and documentary. Yulia Skogoreva graduated from Nippon Photography Institute and has been living in Tokyo for around 10 years. Yulia's ultimate form of expression is movement. Through her photographs she presents her thoughts and feelings. Working with Japanese butoh dancers helped her find her photographic vision and there started her journey of capturing movement. From then on through movement and dance, Yulia has been finding out more about contemporary Japanese society.
Yulia Skogoreva's "Salt and Tears" was presented in FUJIFILM Square on October 27th to November 9th in the year of 2023. Yulia's project received the Fujifilm award in 2023 at KYOTOGRAPHIE International Portfolio Review. Salt and Tears follows Nana, a young female sumo wrestler who yearns to someday professionally practice sumo.
I really felt the emotions through the photos presented in Salt and Tears. When first reading about it, on the website lensculture, I was able to see the hard work Nana has been doing and her passion for sumo wrestling. By the end of the essay, I found myself also hoping for Nana to Someday be able to experience wrestling on a professional level. The photo in which Nana is screaming makes me wonder what type of scream is it. Is it a scream one makes when they've accomplished something or a scream that expresses frustration or pain. Though I am sure it is the scream of accomplishment. in the photo of Nana's back, the way it was photographed gives me the vibe of someone who has accomplished a lot. It is the back of someone made for greatness with a lot ahead of them. These pictures are only two of many in the Salt and Tears project. Though I want to mostly take pictures of animals, I would like to also someday take a picture of someone like this.
FUJIFILM presents Photo Exhibition. KYOTOGRAPHIE International Portfolio Review 2023. FUJIFILM Award Winner. Yulia Skogoreva Photo Exhibition "Salt and Tears". Curated by Jean-Cristophe Godet. October 27 - November 9. Venue Space 1, Fujifilm Photo Salon Tokyo, FUJIFILM SQUARE.
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Yulia Skogoreva Photo Exhibition “Salt and Tears” | FUJIFILM SQUARE / Roppongi, Tokyo
Salt and Tears - Photographs by Yulia Skogoreva | Essay by Marigold Warner | LensCulture
Female sumo in Japan — Yulia Skogoreva
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obl-photos · 2 months
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obl-photos · 3 months
Project One : Weekend Photo Story
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Went around campus, saw the flower had bloomed.
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Paco, family dog. He's been with us for about 10 years.
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Rooster that my brothers' godmother had gifted us before he hatched.
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Have never seen this type of flower before and took a picture while wondering what the name was.
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Another one has bloomed.
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These two bloomed nicely.
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This one is my favorite.
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Dad took me to the fields saying the flowers started blooming.
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Didn't find peach fields, but there where many almond fields.
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Managed to capture two bees in this one.
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obl-photos · 4 months
First Blog
Hello, this is Odaly Bautista Lopez. My major is Art, and I am still new to photography. I want to be an animal photographer; therefore, I hope to learn well enough about photography to help me get there. One favorite activity of mine is to be outside when it is fresh or cold out, love the feeling of being out there before and after the rain. An interest of mine is watching animals, like the squirrels, birds, and butterflies. I also enjoy looking at the beautiful color of the flowers, the sunsets and sunrises. I want to be able to capture all this and much more through photography and share the beauty of it to others.
I don't have a photo of myself right now but i will add it once I take one.
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