obscurebookwyrm · 2 years
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They’re putting the stickers
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obscurebookwyrm · 2 years
I think it would be fun if, along the lines of Dracula Daily, we had Dickens December, with portions of A Christmas Carol sent out daily from Dec 1 until Christmas. It’s a wonderful book, with narration that is by turns humourous, satirical, evocative, idiosyncratic, moving, and passionate, and the joy of the full text and writing can be missed even in the best adaptations. It would be fun to have it done as a tumblr book club the way Dracula Daily was, and see everyone comment on it a little at a time.
Does anyone know if someone is already doing this? I don’t think I would have time to assemble it in the next ten days, but if it already exists I would love to participate!
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obscurebookwyrm · 2 years
“only karens ask for refunds” is pro-corporation propaganda. if they don’t give me what i want they’re giving me my money back and that doesn’t make me an angry middle-aged karen harpy, you’re just cucked by stupid reddit memes
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obscurebookwyrm · 2 years
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A Botticelli in Brooklyn. “Hari in Profile” (2022) by Will St John portrait of actress and model Hari Nef
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obscurebookwyrm · 2 years
Stop removing ports, headphone jacks, and cd players from technology
I don't want to put my information on a cloud! I want physical media
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obscurebookwyrm · 2 years
“denied the catharsis of punishment” is an underappreciated but hugely effective narrative consequence imo 
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obscurebookwyrm · 2 years
You know the problem with reading a book? You get hooked and then it ends and you feel sad
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obscurebookwyrm · 2 years
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Netflix will pay
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obscurebookwyrm · 2 years
Beautiful art from a multi-talented group!
TAD Lyric Print Giveaway!
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Hi Dear Hearts! I'm doing a giveaway in which one winner will receive one A3-sized lyric print of their choice. Here's how it's going to work:
1 like = 1 entry
1 reblog = 2 entries
Max 1 like and 1 reblog per person
The giveaway will be open until Wednesday, July 6 at 10 PM EDT
The winner must be comfortable sharing an email and mailing address with me
I'll be contacting the winner via tumblr ask, so make sure your askbox is open!
Good luck!
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obscurebookwyrm · 4 years
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Ciri (Netflix) aesthetic moodboards.
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obscurebookwyrm · 4 years
Jaskier: I will now torture you.
Geralt raises an eyebrow, smirking: Kinky.
Jaskier smiles: I think you are sweet and beautiful.
Geralt tensing up: Wait.
Jaskier moving toward him: You deserve to be cared for as much as you care for others.
Geralt backing away: No.
Jaskier leaning forward, trapping him against a wall: Your feelings and needs are valid and deserve to be heard.
Geralt holding up his hands: I need a safe word!
Based on this wonderful comic.
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obscurebookwyrm · 4 years
A thousand thanks to @girl-in-red-crossing for an awesome prompt fill! Starting my week on a high note thanks to this fun little story!
Passing the Time
Prompt: blind Jaskier AU - Jaskier sprains an ankle/catches a cold/whatever. It’s not dire but he’s cooped up while recovering. Geralt stops him from dying of boredom; friendship and bonding ensue. @obscurebookwyrm
Other ficlets from this AU can be found here and here. Also on AO3.
Geralt smiled as Beauty squeezed past him and dashed up the inn stairs to their room on the second floor. When he reached the closed door, she set her paw against it and looked up at him imploringly. As had become his habit while traveling with Jaskier, Geralt knocked three times and announced, “It’s me,” before opening the door.
Beauty was through before he’d opened it more than a crack, and she made a beeline to the bed to sniff out Jaskier under the pile of blankets. His laugh was more of a croak as he reached out a hand to stroke down her neck and pat her side. Her tail wagged madly.
“Yes, hello, darling,” Jaskier rasped. “Did you have a good walk?” He tilted his head toward Geralt. “I didn’t expect you back so soon.”
“She seemed anxious.”
Jaskier’s face softened as he continued to caress Beauty’s white fur. “Silly girl. It’s just a little cold, that’s all. I’ll be right as rain by tomorrow.”
The words lost some of their effect when he had to smother a cough in the crook of his elbow. It had a harsh, barking quality that made Geralt’s chest tighten in sympathy. He grabbed one of their water skins and pressed it into Jaskier’s hand, who smiled gratefully and took a long drink. Geralt didn’t know much about human illness, but Jaskier seemed genuine in his belief that it would pass quickly, and as he had no fever and never appeared confused or delirious, Geralt decided it was best to trust him.
After he finished drinking, Jaskier set the water skin on the table beside the bed. “Did you find someone to patch up your armor?” he asked.
“Yes, there’s a leather worker in town.”
“Well, if I’m going to need a day of rest in bed, I’m glad you’ll get something useful out of sitting around.”
“I don’t mind.” To his surprise, he meant it. They had coin enough, and sleeping two nights in a row in the same place would do them all good, Roach and Beauty included.
“In that case, I’m glad of the company.” Jaskier smiled even as he cleared his throat. After folding back the top half of the blankets, he reached back to stack the pillows to support him more upright. “And I’ve thought of another way we might pass the time productively.”
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obscurebookwyrm · 4 years
This is so very them! 
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obscurebookwyrm · 4 years
This is the truth. Work hard, always keep improving, but don’t let fear of imperfection stop you from learning!
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Today’s comic is a short one, but that’s better than nothing.
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obscurebookwyrm · 4 years
Love it!
how would you want geralt and jaskier’s reunion (and hopefully GERALT’S APOLOGY or else imma slap him) to go?
i am but a simple woman. i want but a simple melodramatic rescue reunion.
EXTERIOR ESTABLISHING SHOT: A dank, squalid town at night. Angry voices carry through the fetid air.
Enter JASKIER, at a run. Lute slung over his shoulder, hair tousled. He adjusts his doublet as he runs, cheeky and unconcerned.
Leader of gang: There he is! We’ll teach him to interfere with a lady who belongs to another!
Angry townsman: Get the little bastard!
Jaskier looks over his shoulder and grimaces, then flees beyond the town gate and into the dark trees beyond.
Leader: He’s heading for the forest.
Gang member: I’m not going in there. You know what they say. It’s haunted.
Leader: Coward!
They bicker.
Cut to Jaskier, smug at his own cleverness and ducking between low branches.
In the background, barely visible, a strange and unnatural shape moves against the darkness.
Jaskier, chuckling: Superstitious idiots.
The dark shape moves closer. We see dripping fangs and sharp, bloody claws. From its POV we see it approach Jaskier, who is breathing heavily but blissfully unaware of its presence.
The creatures HISSES.
Jaskier turns, eyes wide, terror on his face. The creatures swipes at him and he stumbles backward, falling to the forest floor.
The creature looms over him. It is hideous, teeth protruding at every angel from its mouth, grey skin hanging in boiled-covered flaps over long, spindly limbs which terminate in razor sharp claws.
The creature’s foul breath ruffles Jaskier’s hair.
Jaskier: Oh shi-
An arc of silver slices through the air, slashing across the creature’s arm. It rears back, screeching furiously. The silver blade returns, stabbing straight through its chest before pulling back and decapitating the creature in one mighty swing.
Blood and gore splatters across Jaskier’s face.
Jaskier, nose wrinkling: For fuck’s sake.
Jaskier looks up from where he is sat in the mud. There, silhouetted against the moonlight, is Geralt. His hair blows magnificently in the breeze. His eyes glint. His expression is grim as he stows his silver sword.
Jaskier, unconvincingly feigning disinterest: Oh. Geralt. There you are. How long has it been? A while. Since. Well. Anyway. You’ve got good timing, I’ll give you that -
Geralt holds up a hand to silence him. Jaskier snaps his mouth shut instantly.
Geralt extends the hand to Jaskier, who tentatively takes it.
Geralt helps Jaskier to his feet, then, to Jaskier’s astonishment, pulls him into a tight hug.
Jaskier: Oh. That’s. Umm. Okay then.
Jaskier pats Geralt’s back, uncertain and a little awkward. Geralt hugs him tighter.
Jaskier, struggling slightly to breathe: You, uhh, you okay there, buddy?
Geralt, very quietly: I missed you. I’m sorry. I hope it’s not too late. Forgive me?
Jaskier pulls back with a small, sad smile on his face. He reaches up to take Geralt’s face in his hands.
Jaskier: For you? Always.
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obscurebookwyrm · 4 years
This is wonderful and deserves to be revisited as a much longer story, if you choose to!
Moochin off an idea I posted earlier... Jaskier is born blind but still finds a way to navigate the world and be a bard. Cue Geralt learning how to help him and be there for him in unexpected, heartwarming ways
This turned into being more about Geralt’s first reaction to meeting him, which I hope still floats your boat! And did I turn this into another excuse to give them a dog? You bet your sweet bippy.
Inside the tavern, Geralt doesn’t pay the blind bard much notice, other than to be mildly impressed by the confidence with which the man moves about the room.
Outside the tavern, after the bard has overheard the villagers’ talk of their devil and insisted on tagging along, Geralt punches him in the gut. He can’t afford the distraction of trying to keep the man safe.
It doesn’t work. They proceed down the dusty road, the bard chattering away, one of his hands swinging a long, thin cane before him and the other resting on the scruff of a dog that trots obediently at his side. She’s all white, and Geralt would have thought her a wolf except she’s not quite large enough. She watches him with pale-blue eyes but doesn’t make a sound, a stark contrast to her master. 
After the incident with the elves, Geralt resigns himself to traveling with them until they reach the next village. He can’t very well abandon them in the wilderness. As they walk along, the bard sings to himself, composing a song about their day that is entirely fabrication. When the time comes to make camp, Geralt turns Roach off the road and toward a suitable clearing in the sparse woods around them. He hears the dog–Beauty the bard calls her–make a soft sound, not quite a bark, and the bard–Jaskier–lets her lead him to the clearing and then to a stump. He taps it a few times with his cane and then sits without hesitation or a single stumble. He sets his cane and lute carefully on the grass beside the stump and then slings his pack to the ground and begins to dig inside.
“Do you have food for an evening meal?” Jaskier asks Geralt. “If not, I’m happy to share.”
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obscurebookwyrm · 6 years
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🚨This is a Red Alert for net neutrality 🚨
Last December, the FCC voted to to kill net neutrality. If we do not take action, this will kill the free and open internet as we know it. The internet needs you—all of you—to make sure your voices are heard NOW.
We need all hands on deck for this one. It may be our last chance. If you’re feeling under-informed and overwhelmed about why net neutrality is so incredibly important, we have this handy guide just for you.
Here’s what you can do to save the internet:
In mid-May, the Senate will vote on a resolution to overrule the FCC using the Congressional Review Act (CRA). We only need one more vote in the Senate to win. Write or call your Senators or Representatives. You can also text BATTLE to 384-387 to get more information on how to write to your reps. You can do this, Tumblr.
Join us and dozens of your other favorite companies like Etsy, Vimeo, Reddit, and GitHub to raise awareness with the Red Alert campaign being run by Battle for the Net. Just add this small widget to your Tumblr to let your followers know how they can contact their reps. It’s as easy as copying and pasting the small line of code right into the customize theme page on the web.
This is important. This matters. It’s up to you to help. 
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