obscurite · 4 years
Writing One’s Sentiments
“Literature teaches us to be Empathetic and Humane”
The importance of studying literature is that we can connect our feelings to words and build up wonderful imagination in a written text. Being able to understand literature helps us to define different types of people and different types of emotions. In a story, we can see that one is either in love or into action. In poems, we can find that one wants to convey his feelings towards society or one’s love. Every time that we feel something in our hearts; like a sensation, but we can’t express it verbally, we can write it down in a paper or any kind of writing material and express what we feel. Humans are connected towards one another and therefore, there will be moments in which one can feel the same way as the other. We can communicate not only through utterances but also through letters and words. Conveying an idea of feelings can give us a meaning of what a person is going through and what they feel deep inside their hearts. Sometimes, we try to hide our feelings by smiling but a lot of random thoughts are present. We can let ourselves be free from this by simply writing what we feel and let others help us with our problem. Being able to understand what the other is going through makes us Empathic and Humane. Seeing the way the person writes his words gives us an idea of what such person is going through. Understanding one’s feelings and sharing our own ideas give hope, a new light, and way to see life.
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obscurite · 4 years
The Start
It was a beautiful morning upon waking up. The sun is shining through the window and telling me to get up. I looked in the mirror behind me and said, “Good morning, handsome. Ready to get ugly?” which is followed by a grin. I started to tidy up my room in order to remove the sleepy feeling in my body. I went to do my daily routines to be prepared for school. While taking a shower, I remembered that there will be a new student in our class. It was rumored that she is a girl and of course, I imagined what she’d look like. I also remembered that I told my friend that her name will start with letter R which is just my prediction; I was hoping that it is true. I finished my bath and started to dress myself but I’m still imagining what kind of look would she be. Will she be small or tall? Beautiful or ugly? Nerd or stupid? Who knows since I haven’t met her yet. I started walking to school where the road is busy and is full of students walking. A lot of random thoughts were in my head. I had no idea why I can’t stop thinking about her. It was, then, the time that I enter the school. I walked slowly in the corridor. I went up the stairs slowly hoping that our room is open and have no one inside so I will be the first one. All of a sudden, I saw someone new. A girl seating right by the door. “So this is her?” I asked myself. A small girl, with a not attractive face yet cute. She had a few acnes in her forehead but I guess that’s because of puberty. She was such a let down. I didn’t mind her after that. I went to go put down my bag to my seat and started to talk to my friends. We talked about the games that we were playing and stuff that we wanted to do. However, one of my friends started talking about her. That conversation got me curious and I listened. After a few minutes of talking about her, one of us said that we should ask her name. I suddenly remembered the letter in my mind and wanted to know if I’m correct. Without thinking, I suddenly went to her and asked her name. All of a sudden, my whole surrounding became white and blank. I felt butterflies in my stomach. Yet, I also felt disappointed and ashamed. Her name was Faith.
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obscurite · 4 years
Right Time, Wrong Decision
“To burn with desire and keep quiet about it, is the greatest punishment we can bring on ourselves.” - Federico Lorca I wanted to say that I really, indeed, love you but I don’t have the courage to tell it. A lot of negative thoughts are happening inside my head. I keep imagining such ways that will always lead to sorrow. I always dreamed about you and me having the best of our lives yet every time I want to confess this passion in my heart, I just couldn’t tell you for unknown reason. Can you tell me why this is happening? I always thought of positive outcomes but it became negative when I have the right words for my speech. A speech? I’m always nervous when it comes to speaking in front of many but you are only one! How am I not able to do that! I want to tell it to you. I want to show my care, my flame, my puzzle, my maze, my emptiness. I want to show you how much I need you. But I just can’t. Suddenly, I got this courage. I don’t know where it came from. I think I saw a YouTube video about this or maybe I just got it out of nowhere. I tried to find you. I kept looking everywhere. I looked near the entrance, our room, near the tree, even upstairs. As I was running out of ideas where could you be, I finally did it. I found you... with a boy. You both were happy. Water came down running in my face not because of what’s in front of me, rather I was too late. Can I go back in time? I wish that I was able to tell you how much I love you. Why did it only came to me at this time? I had a lot of time back then yet, I see you now with someone.
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obscurite · 4 years
Nostalgic Smell
(Reflection from the passage, “Return” by Chris Agrava)
Ever wondered why there are certain moments where you’re just minding your own business, doing your daily routine; and out of nowhere, you smell something very nostalgic that you can’t just remember where have you smelled this sent? And after smelling this nostalgic sent, you are thrown back to a past memory where it is very memorable to you? That occurs to me most of the time. There are things in this world that are very memorable to us like pictures of our trips with friends and families. A clothing that was given to you by someone who is very special. Messages that you made with someone. All this brings back precious memories that we can only see in the air; looking at the sky seeing clouds form this memories -- how wonderful...
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obscurite · 4 years
How Crazy Love Can Be.
(Reflection from the passage, “This Crazy Feeling Called Love” by Grace Cruz)
It is funny to see how one can suddenly change when it comes to love even if they ought to not engage with such feeling. One can think that they will never, in forever, fall in love until the right age comes. Yet, a flame is suddenly lighten up when they see someone special even when they don’t know them.
Me too, I have felt such feeling. I told myself to not love someone until I’m ready for relationship. But someone suddenly came, out of the blue and popping out of nowhere, and my whole mind changed from not giving a care about love to wanting someone in my life. It is funny to feel this sentiment since it is full of happiness and joy. It gives you motivation to do something that you can’t do back then AND you didn’t know you can do. It gives you a meaning about life and the knowledge of what you must do when you are trying to win one’s heart. However, happiness doesn’t last forever -- it has an end. It can feel heartbreaking like what did the passage says, “I felt a slight pinch in my heart”. But that is part of life! It gives you something to be happy and takes it back in order for you to be fort and stronger when the best one comes. Plus, love shouldn’t be taken quickly since it needs development and understanding. Giving it whole-heartedly can leave you to nothing.
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obscurite · 4 years
the thing called “Love”
A sentiment that has a lot of meaning in a direct and connotational way. A sentiment in which one can feel happiness and sadness. A sentiment in which one can find the significance of life -- its sweet and bitter end. Lastly, a sentiment in which one can live a happy life or a memory full of lost promises. Love is not just a feeling, it’s also a thing. A thing where you are willing to give it to those people, that you think, who is deserving. Giving out love is like a gift. You wrap it up in a colorful and wonderful wrapper, decorate it with ornaments, and handle it with care. You are making it look good and presentable. A joyful and happy feeling is what you have while creating this present, yet there’s this side of you where you are anxious. Will the person like this present? Will they accept it? Are they going to accept my love? You ask yourself, “Should I give it?”, “Will they like it? Love it? Or worse, throw it away?”. A lot of imagination goes around your mind. Circling around on what you must do. A lot of routes that you can choose but the end can’t be seen. And when you choose one of those routes, it’s hard to go back. Will that happiness and acceptance be accomplished? Will this present be accepted by them? Or will they just ignore it and let me fall to the reality of life? Will I get to move on.... or not?
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