obsidianas · 1 year
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Catarina De Lurton in Deus Salve o Rei ↳ episode 104, scenes
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obsidianas · 1 year
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😭 this is so good i want all the remaining black dragons to be a proper flight/family
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obsidianas · 1 year
nelth's armor in the new patch art looks so cool... black and gold is a slay combination
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obsidianas · 1 year
I know most of you don't even go there but I was playing mageseeker and there was the coolest fight where you start facing one of the characters and then his half dragon gf comes to beat your ass for threatening her man and it becomes a two boss fight with combined attacks and everything and then there's a third phase where she turns into her actual dragon form and he continues coming and going from the arena to throw weapons while dragon gf is trying to kill you
and I think nalice deserves something like that tbh
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obsidianas · 1 year
“The stars looked like they were close together, when really they were millions of miles apart. In the end, maybe love just meant longing for something impossibly bright and forever out of reach.”
— Leigh Bardugo, Ruin and Rising.
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obsidianas · 1 year
👄 + wrathion
send a ‘👄 + character name’ and my muse will talk about that character!
— @defias
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"The whelp was born calling himself prince," The scoff, audible in her tone, is accompanied by contempt, plainly writ upon her face. What gentleness she keeps is offered to others sparsely, and none of it saved for the youngest of her kin. Nalice is not forgiving; Wrathion had done naught to earn it, regardless. "It shows just how arrogant he was from the start."
"Still is, to think he has a right to our legacy. Wrathion doesn't know anything about the flight he supposedly wishes to lead, past or present. How could he, when his first great act was to try and have all of us killed, using our blood to fashion gifts for mortals?" Personal resentment is scarcely concealed. It is no secret she, too, had been one of his targets — that her blood had been used to strengthen some rogue's daggers.
The years had done naught to prove him better than that. "He's a boy, too drunk on a sense of self-importance due to being made special by the red dragonflight's meddling to notice he is no better than any of the others. He's desperate for the approval of mortals and other flights, because he has yet to learn the lesson all of our kin eventually learned: no one else cares, with good reason or without."
There is less rage than disdain when she speaks again, arms crossed. "His attempts to prove himself will not make Alexstrasza love him better, nor will they make mortals more tolerant. He'll pay for his pride yet." Not a threat, even though she speaks with all certainty. In the end, Wrathion is not that different from the rest of them — arrogant, proud, and more prone to destroy than to build, even when it hurt those he wished to keep close.
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obsidianas · 1 year
they’re a side character that’s been onscreen for 5 minutes to YOU. I’ve known them for hundreds of years
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obsidianas · 1 year
“are you a top or a bottom?” i’m a threat
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obsidianas · 1 year
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someone got his little red bandana stolen @defias @obsidianas
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obsidianas · 1 year
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obsidianas · 1 year
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World of Warcraft - The Bronze and Black Dragonflight by Doumak.
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obsidianas · 1 year
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@terraforged​ said: Wrathion takes her closeness as invite it is likely not, though surely Nalice must have seen it coming astute thing that she was. "What will you do once we find a balance for you?" Where would she go? What would she do in a world which would, in the end, hate her in the very ways it hated him too? "What do you want for yourself?" Without whispers dictating to her, telling her what she wanted, who she was. What sort of person would she be then?
“What indeed.” Hums in reply, and if there is hint of introspective in her initial reply, it isn’t one feigned, merely poorly guarded. Greater offense would have been taken before, that he pried so in matters not his own; not now, truly. Hardly surprising that he judges it an opening and takes advantage of it; merely expected, and fault lays on her that she has no prepared answer in truth. Some solace is found that in allowing him his inquiries, she can in the least study his intentions. It may well be trick of mind of one so used to see the worst in everything, but Nalice cannot avoid seeing in it far more than mere curiosity; it is testing, probing, attempting to find in her malice all her own instead of that tied to manipulation. It is hope too, perhaps; hope that she may yet prove their kin redeemable by redeeming herself.
In that she is certain to disappoint. Viciousness is still there, she knows; cleansing her corruption would make her neither good nor amenable, and Nalice is quite certain he would see it also. She is no altruistic sort, and she has no desire to aid mortals, still as much a nuisance to her as they had always been. Yet there is less a desire to destroy and more a frustration at lacking defined purpose he inquires for. Wrathion may have taken upon himself past duties of their flight, but to Nalice that was yet too bitter a path; for so long they had been grateful of chains to such duties broken, and to chain herself to it once more seemed offense to those few she had held utmost regard for.
Their minds had not been their own either, not entirely, not for as long as she had known them; yet there had been no other version of them for her to know. What to do with that, now that she begins to experience clarity she never had before? Cannot disregard all past as falsehood, for it would be disregarding herself also; and if marks left by corruption were not pretty, they were nevertheless hers. Clear mind did not change she had sought to deceive other flights, did not change that even now Nalice would not shy away of bloodshed. She was the same, and she was not; what she would have been if untainted matters not when all of it has long since shaped who she is.
For once, though, reply she finds in looking to own heart is not to deceive or lie or manipulate, naught to do with death and destruction and conquest. Find others, who may yet live; find her brother, inseparable once and now missing for years. She cared naught for mortals, and loathed still idea of assuming roles obsidian dragons had been burdened with, yet there was a single one of Wrathion’s doings Nalice found she had sincere desire to follow — restore those of them that could be reached, cleanse them enough they too would be able to face choices she now did.
They were most clever sort, after all; surely she had not been sole one wrongly believed dead.
It is not reply that leaves her lips. He takes chance to make his questions when opportunity arises, yet that Nalice allows him to do so does not mean she has any desire to give a single truthful reply. Feigns thoughtful demeanor, as if considering options indeed. “Set fire to some pesky mortals, perhaps? Not all of us can live a life of giving them aid, and it’s been so long since they had to face one of us…”
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obsidianas · 1 year
stay a while and listen conversation with sabellian and nalice talking about onyxia.....she was his sister and he knew her before corruption, before their flight's fall, and he speaks of how she was. the things that were there all along, the things that came with time and corruption amd nalice tries to reconcile it with the mother she knew. and maybe she gets to grieve the mother she never had the chance to meet, or the fact whatever she had hoped her mother may have been never was (bc who knows! maybe she was simply always bad)
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obsidianas · 1 year
sighs longingly thinking about the whole character arc me and flower wrote with wrath.ion and nalice once going from attempted murder to plotting revenge to unwilling accepting help and him no longer trying to exterminate the corrupt dragons but help cleanse them and in the middle of that they ended up with this very odd sort of sibling-like dynamic and sure she was still mean to him and he still was too sassy for his own good but there was an initially unwanted and definitely unlikely familial bond formed nonetheless and it was just really neat and I loved it a lot
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obsidianas · 1 year
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she stole her husband's bandana...
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obsidianas · 1 year
when taylor swift said "Even in my worst times, you could see the best of me / Flashback to my mistakes / My rebounds, my earthquakes / Even in my worst lies, you saw the truth in me"
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obsidianas · 1 year
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evilly considers what evil thing to evilly do next
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