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I knew you two were going to fall in love.
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they are soft 🥺
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izzie wearing casey’s clothes is the cutest thing ever omg 🥺🥺🥺
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Just get in the fucking blanket fort
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would literally die for them
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On track
I walked into a funeral home and forgot my covering and immediately felt the crushing weight of souls upon my head. A migraine first, followed by dehydration. I was out of practice. Out of touch. The souls sucked and leeched on fresh, human flesh, begging for a drink from the beyond. I wanted to leave candles to guide their way. Wanted to leave water and wine cure their thirst. Wanted to leave coins to help them pay their way.
And just like that, something clicked in the back of my mind. I started pulling tarot cards with messages from the divine. Placed coffee, wine and water upon the altars in honor of my own ancestors; the ones who love me, watch over me and protect me from the beyond.
I could do little for the souls in that space, but they were not mine to venerate.
This I could do. This was easy. Coffee time with Grandma, though she prefers cream and sugar. Tears for Grandpa and the connection we'd lost. Love for them all for flowing through me.
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Issa vibe
“The way she kisses my scars, like they are made of flower petals and the way she looks at me, like I am a garden and she is nothing more than a girl who is fervently in love with Spring.”
— Lukas W. // Your spring
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He forgets that this is the time of year when the sun shoves away the moon and steals the show.
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I wish to write the story of my life and include more than just a piece of you in it.
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Water Spout
So many people have been struggling with the weather.
My friends have complained about the rain,
But have you ever sat and listened?
Turned off the TV, set down your phone and quieted your mind?
To me, the rain takes me to another world.
It makes me feel at home.
Connects me to those I love across the oceans and seas,
But most of all, it cleanses.
Takes away the impurities of our existence,
Of the chaos of the world beyond.
Go stand in the rain, let the universe take away that which no longer suits you.
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“And from the chaos of her soul there flowed beauty.”
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Say goodbye, little rooster
Goodbyes do not last forever,
If you know how to set an altar,
If you know how to listen to the wind,
If you know how to search for signs.
Your ancestors are in your blood,
A loss in the physical is a gain in the astral,
Wait a year and a day,
A year and a day.
I'll play Sam Cooke,
I'll add a little Smokie and we'll cruise together,
We'll sing together again,
In a year and a day.
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her smile.
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“If I created the universe, I’d write my love for you in the constellations; that way the whole universe would know that you are the only reason the stars shine.”
—Our Late Night Conversations
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i want you to know you mattered because when I was so fucking broken, I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror but I could look at you and smile like nothing even happened.
b r o k e n//nikitagupta (via nikitaagupta)
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“You need to find a way to heal enough to believe that you are worthy of joy and happiness and ease in this life. Because you are. But somehow, I’m thinking because of trauma, I’m thinking because of war and pain and ugliness and PTSD, somehow you’ve come to believe you aren’t deserving of those things, so you keep making the hardest possible choices… You’re not well. Do the work to fix it.”
Grey’s Anatomy
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