obstinaterixatrix · 3 hours
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happy burn your childhood house day everyone!!!
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obstinaterixatrix · 3 hours
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when readers cry or something
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obstinaterixatrix · 3 hours
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this one goes out to me and the three other dandadan fans on tumblr
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obstinaterixatrix · 3 hours
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(why is that artstyle so inconsistant tho)
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obstinaterixatrix · 4 hours
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I lost one of these earrings in the thrift store 😔 got em years ago in maybe some random hong kong accessory store. in memorium. 🪦🪦
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obstinaterixatrix · 6 hours
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obstinaterixatrix · 8 hours
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I was cooking on twitter today
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obstinaterixatrix · 9 hours
down with found family. UP with FOUND DIVORCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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obstinaterixatrix · 9 hours
GRADE SCHOOL SJWS stop using social justice language to explain shit to your conservative parents IT’S NOT GONNA GO THROUGH now all they have are some new words to make fun of. don’t tell your mom she’s being fatphobic tell her she’s being a dick
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obstinaterixatrix · 9 hours
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very facking different games arent they
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obstinaterixatrix · 11 hours
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minimum loop count runs are actually so fucking funny to me
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obstinaterixatrix · 11 hours
how it feels to use the word diegetic
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obstinaterixatrix · 11 hours
parents rights is such a stupid garbage movement that thinks the creation of a human being and their integration into community and society at large can just be Vibes-Based and it’s so fucking myopic like ‘I should have more control and less oversight on the care of my child because even though that gives more leverage for abusive families to be unchecked, *our* family isn’t abusive’ (debatable) I’m so. I need to be ripping apart a chew toy. My jaw is clenched so tight.
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obstinaterixatrix · 14 hours
head in hands. I don’t want to do work I don’t want to do work I don’t want to do work I don’t want to do work I don’t want to do work
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obstinaterixatrix · 14 hours
I think it's funny that in French the word for "unicorn" is "licorne" because:
The word "unicorne" was first reanalyzed as "une icorne"
The definite article was then added, making it "l'icorne"
The new definite form was reanalyzed once again, resulting in "une licorne"
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obstinaterixatrix · 14 hours
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ryukita doing an infiltration lolol
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obstinaterixatrix · 15 hours
While "don't be an asshole to people if you don't want them to dislike you" may seem like obvious advice, the thing is people generally don't act unnecessarily unpleasant to those they fully respect as fellow humans. The sort of casual cruelty we think of as "asshole behaviour" tends to originate from a contempt for the target; the idea that they're a lesser being which ultimately deserves to be treated like this. The idea that the target might have a problem with it isn't even considered, and if said target tries to protest then actually they are the asshole for forgetting their position and disrupting the proper social hierarchy.
That's the fundamental problem with social advice that boils down to "Just try to be niceys :) ". This sort of behaviour doesn't exist in a vacuum and is at least heavily influenced by the power dynamics of social relations (both real and perceived). You can observe this on a macro scale when it comes to bigotry, with structural oppression strongly influencing interpersonal relations, but similar forces operate on a much more localised social-group scale as well. That's not to say that this behaviour is good or natural or inevitable, but the forces at play here must be recognised before we can effectively attempt to change them.
If you're serious about "not being an asshole" then it's not enough to just be nice to those who "deserve it"; you need to practice at least a baseline of respect towards everyone whether you personally (with all your limited knowledge and unconscious biases) think they "deserve it" or not. Otherwise you'd be better off devoting your life to all the petty politicking and gossip and performative cruelty necessary to ensure you stay on top and don't find yourself on the receiving end of such contemptuous mistreatment. If basic respect and decency is a privilege, then you'll always be at risk of losing it
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