ocean-sunfish-hater · 2 months
Did you know?
The nefarious Ocean Sunfish has the ability to strike its enemies down with its Depression Beam, just another weapon in its infernal arsenal.
Sorry I haven't been posting recently - despite my best efforts to build an isolation chamber the bastards somehow got through and I have been afflicted by the Big Sad. Feeling slightly better now so hopefully will be posting again soon!
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ocean-sunfish-hater · 3 months
what. the fuck.
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ocean-sunfish-hater · 3 months
the judge agreed @ocean-sunfish-apathy is so annoying they should just be exiled.
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ID: A close up of a leaf insect on the back of a hand. The insect is a pale yellow and the hand has a lightly tanned skin tone.
I did a run of 6 shows about AI (all identical) to some of the largest audiences I've ever performed to! I also met some super cool people who I'll hopefully have the opportunity to work with in the future and most importantly I got to hold many new friends, including this leaf insect that you see in the picture.
I hope you haven't fallen prey to any propaganda or mediocrity-paganda whilst I've been away. Hopefully posting should start again soon.
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ocean-sunfish-hater · 3 months
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ID: A close up of a leaf insect on the back of a hand. The insect is a pale yellow and the hand has a lightly tanned skin tone.
I did a run of 6 shows about AI (all identical) to some of the largest audiences I've ever performed to! I also met some super cool people who I'll hopefully have the opportunity to work with in the future and most importantly I got to hold many new friends, including this leaf insect that you see in the picture.
I hope you haven't fallen prey to any propaganda or mediocrity-paganda whilst I've been away. Hopefully posting should start again soon.
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ocean-sunfish-hater · 3 months
What's the most effective way to rid my life of sunfish
To rid yourself of Sunfish whilst Sunfish still exist is to shirk responsibility unto others. Take up arms and seek to destroy them. Only when the last one is wiped from our Oceans may we take our leave.
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ocean-sunfish-hater · 3 months
Today is the LAST DAY! Register to vote by 11.59PM TONIGHT so that you don't miss the opportunity to vote in the next general election.
Dog Democracy
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ID: Three African Painted Dogs facing the camera, holding the same stick. They have not a single thought between them. The dogs are mottled black, white and a pale brown/yellow. They have large ears.
Group decision making in the animal kingdom is always really funny to me, because there's so many surprising ways in which it's implemented.
Painted Dogs (aka African Wild Dogs akaka Cape hunting dogs) operate on a semi-democratic system when it comes to deciding when to go on an adventure (excursion). Unfortunately they don't have voting centres or ballot papers, mostly because they don't have opposable thumbs so holding a pen would be really hard.
Instead, they sneeze! If a quorum is reached within the group, they will depart to complete the task they need, which can range from hunting to exploring new territory. Much like human democracies, they're not quite equal: those individuals with higher social standing carry a greater weight in the vote, and thus a few high ranking sneezes are sufficient for a quorum, vs many inferior sneezes.
So Fuck Pericles, Fuck Athens, give credit where it's due, dogs had democracy long before humans did.
If you are in the UK and above the age of 18, don't forget to REGISTER TO VOTE IN THE GENERAL ELECTION by the 18th of June! It is our civic duty to beat the everloving neoliberal shit out of The Tories and The Tories Lite.
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ocean-sunfish-hater · 3 months
Just to clarify we're fighting to not have custody. No one wants this kid.
Hey y'all, I'm not gonna be posting for a few days whilst I battle my vindictive mola of an ex in court for custody of our child.
You make my life hell, I hope you never see the Ocean again.
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ocean-sunfish-hater · 3 months
Hey y'all, I'm not gonna be posting for a few days whilst I battle my vindictive mola of an ex in court for custody of our child.
You make my life hell, I hope you never see the Ocean again.
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ocean-sunfish-hater · 3 months
Even our therapist hates you.
Changing my belief system from "this is the hill I'll die on" to "this is the hill I'll kill you on" has done absolute wonders for me 10/10 do recommend
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ocean-sunfish-hater · 3 months
Looking at photographs of the preserved nodosaur remains and crying. He looks like he is sleeping. 😭
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I am losing my mind.
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ocean-sunfish-hater · 3 months
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i refuse to interact with you if you are not my ex nor my child.
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ocean-sunfish-hater · 3 months
yeah pretty much
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This is @ocean-sunfish-worshipper and @ocean-sunfish-hater
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ocean-sunfish-hater · 3 months
Bobtail squid onions. Opinonions. Opinions…?
They're super cool! Firstly, love how round they are. Their giant eyes make them look like they are on the verge of tears at all times. I also love that they glow.
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ID: a Hawaiian Bobtail Squid. It is close to the sea floor. Its skin is mottled and has an irridescent quality to it. It has large eyes and its body is tilted so it is looking at a slight upwards angle.
Interestingly they do not produce their own bioluminescence, but instead rely on a bacterium in its mantle called Aliivibrio fischeri, with which they have a symbiotic relationship. The squid provides nutrients and shelter in their crypt organ, and in return the bacteria provide camouflage. They do this by emitting light that matches the light coming from above the squid, a strategy called counter-illumination, essentially blurring the squid's sillhouette when seen from below.
The bacteria are also not passed on from parent to child, but instead must be caught by the baby squid soon after its birth. They do this by secreting a mucus net to capture free-floating A.fischeri and take them into their new cephalopdy home.
There's also a cool evolutionary mechanism that garuantees that their light-emitting crypt organs are only colonised by the correct bacteria, which I could go into more detail about if you want.
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ocean-sunfish-hater · 4 months
Do you have a favorite animal, fish or non-fish?
I was trying to find some animal to give a cool fact about, but there's too many that I want to write an actual post on and I'm really busy with work right now so I do not have the time. But then I realised that I don't need an academic level understanding of an animal to like it.
Anyway, here's God's perfect creature, the Giant Ostracod:
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ID: A picture of a giant ostracod. It is orange and spherical, with proportionally large eyes and a filter structure that resembles a mustache.
So round. So very close to a sphere. Love them.
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ocean-sunfish-hater · 4 months
I agree that the ocean sunfish is terrible. What is your least favourite thing about this terrible being?
My least favoutite thing is it's shape.
My least favourite thing about them is the darkness in their hearts.
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ocean-sunfish-hater · 4 months
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ocean-sunfish-hater · 4 months
One week left to REGISTER TO VOTE! Get out there and go to your local polling station, even if you just spoil your ballot because our FPTP system is inherently broken.
Dog Democracy
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ID: Three African Painted Dogs facing the camera, holding the same stick. They have not a single thought between them. The dogs are mottled black, white and a pale brown/yellow. They have large ears.
Group decision making in the animal kingdom is always really funny to me, because there's so many surprising ways in which it's implemented.
Painted Dogs (aka African Wild Dogs akaka Cape hunting dogs) operate on a semi-democratic system when it comes to deciding when to go on an adventure (excursion). Unfortunately they don't have voting centres or ballot papers, mostly because they don't have opposable thumbs so holding a pen would be really hard.
Instead, they sneeze! If a quorum is reached within the group, they will depart to complete the task they need, which can range from hunting to exploring new territory. Much like human democracies, they're not quite equal: those individuals with higher social standing carry a greater weight in the vote, and thus a few high ranking sneezes are sufficient for a quorum, vs many inferior sneezes.
So Fuck Pericles, Fuck Athens, give credit where it's due, dogs had democracy long before humans did.
If you are in the UK and above the age of 18, don't forget to REGISTER TO VOTE IN THE GENERAL ELECTION by the 18th of June! It is our civic duty to beat the everloving neoliberal shit out of The Tories and The Tories Lite.
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