ocelberich · 4 months
.         itto / / @oniblood asked,
he's familiar with the custom...ish. has heard about it, knows what to do, and yet itto decides he'll be putting his own spin on it. bright eyes sweep across the room, watching as the other patrons slice crisp vegetables and salmon into delicate ribbons. others layer on crispy crackers and fresh fruit while they voice their wishes for the new year.
itto glances down at his own bowl, which has been filled with various candies. to the side of it sits a towering pile of colorful wrappers, kept there as spoils of war. (he earned these FAIR and SQUARE from the local children, y'know!)
the oni pops one in his mouth and sucks on it contently. mmmm. this one tastes like fresh cream with a hint of vanilla. a solid 7.5/10, he thinks. not bad! he waits for it to dissolve before popping another one — this candy more jelly-like in its consistency. itto smacks his lips and decides that this fruity-flavored treat gets a whooping 9/10. shabam! now they're talking!
itto chews on it contently...until he locks eyes (er...eye?) with an eyepatch-wearing stranger. the oni blinks. huh. hard to tell what the guy's thinking."what? you got a problem?" he calls out in a friendly challenge. "i know what you're thinking. who doesn't want a bowl full of candy? i mean...THIS," itto shakes the bowl for emphasis, "is the stuff of dreams!" a pause. he raises a brow and leans forward. "y'know...i'd be willing to share...for a price. you ever heard of an onikabuto?"
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an older lady prepared the cavalry captain's bowl for him, and he'd let her, laughing sweetly as she led him through the restaurant aisles, past families and friends and lovers, held simply by the encouragement in her voice as she gestured between the offered trays and menus. this custom, as generous as it was fulfilling, was foreign to him in execution, but not concept. charity existed in plenty of forms and linking it to the cycle of beginning and ending, whether of life or all held within it, was entertaining to think of.
it was unfortunate, then, that the thought swiftly slipped from his mind at the flicker of attention; gaze drawn toward the brightly-colored, and specifically plucked, choices of treat a stranger decided to feast on. which, in turn, led kaeya's gaze to wander up to the stranger; from dark manicured nails to his muscled biceps; from exposed front to the protruding horns atop his head. not to pry, no, simply to observe.
but it was easy for this peacock's raised feathers to be spotted in the crowd. the older lady bowed her head and, once kaeya returned the gesture, waved a hand to the stranger before turning her back.
what else would be initiative to speak if not the bark of another's friendliness? 
"oh no, no problem here. just curious... hm, what a bowl you have there."
human nature came easy to him; the prospect of the unfamiliar. the man's mere manner of thought inevitably drew him to occupy the seat opposite of him. legs crossed at the ankle, bowl carefully set before him, he leaned against the table to listen, though with how naturally loud the horned-stranger's voice seemed, the bustling of the restaurant could hardly stifle the conversation. a measured nod here, an acknowledging ohh there,
then came the offer, laid at kaeya's feet ever so kindly. though, putting aside his general neutrality to sweets and candies in particular...
"onikabuto? hm, i wonder if i do know of it... but, pray tell," captain leaned back, tilting his head with a countenance of little besides curiosity, "what do they have to do with currency? are we going to trade these 'onikabutos'?"
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ocelberich · 4 months
as beguiling as the offer may be, there was reason for kaeya to grow wary. cautious, though not to the idea of harm, as such would be unlikely here, but to the matter of companionship. the worry of whether or not there would be someone at his side once he drained all within his cup. the curiosity of not knowing whether or not he would be offered something amusing to the tastebuds of his tongue.
but both worries and concerns alike were swiftly solved by the sway of pale-golden hair atop the head of who now sat beside him.
a man of wealth, surely, if the manner in which he dressed was taken into consideration. but there was a difference in the clothes one wore and the way they wore it. thus, kaeya laid his chin on the base of his palm and watched the man as he situated himself.
a foreigner, obviously, though not hailed from mondstadt and, therefore, no one he would know much of. not that an absence in recognition was a fault! if he wanted, he could learn what was necessary with ease, but where was the fun in exploration if not with the pleasure of a drink?
"two glasses of your choice," said in place of a greeting, by the captain wearing a smile that toed the line of courtesy and rascality, "i don't frequent here and, thus, know nothing of its wine stocks. however, i would hardly mind scouring the list with you, if you'd like. any companion is better than none, do you not agree?"
it would be a tease, and as oblivious as taunts go, for the man seemed as old as him or further in age, but kaeya let the words slip anyway, "unless . . . ah. you are of age, yeah?" laughter was managed through his lips, shaking his shoulders as he moved his hand before his mouth, not to muffle the underhanded compliment on the line of beauty and appearance. an attempt to prod and poke at the obvious; of course, age was easy to estimate, but, "i'd hate to offer a cup to someone just gracing the requirement."
would he redden and blurt out the years of his life he held over them? would he share their laughter and dismiss the prodding altogether? would he bite? glare? no matter, for kaeya sat, narrow-eyed and grinning, tilting his head as his voice struck air.
partner tag : @aesthetecomplex !
♛ ━━━━━━ and burying ourselves without mourning, / we reawaken to life. : kaeya & kaveh .
lantern rite 2024 / custom prompt.
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ocelberich · 4 months
crimson belonged on neither of them, lest in the manner of spilling from another, or themselves, to stain all they wore. but, when the cavalry captain found the sister of the church, he drew the face of an oblivious coincidence and took her side as though he had not arrived at the festivities as late as one could be.
"sister rosaria," kaeya greeted, smiling, shameless in his lack of attendance, "color me surprised. you're not lounging at liyue's barstools?"
or maybe he had simply caught her before she decided to leave. after all, the night was settling fairly swift, and soon, dawn would break the darkness above them. this thought came to a stagnant drop, as he doubted rosaria was one to linger after the curtains of an event have been drawn. thus, the cavalry captain stepped before her, head tilted innocently and his smile just as similar. a gloved hand was raised, not to touch her, but to rest a space away from her body; a hint of a hear-me-out.
"are you taking any souvenirs with you? why, your arms look awfully empty for someone enjoying the festival."
a tease, first, before it was an offer. kaeya gestured to the side with a free hand, where his gaze had just recently caught the sight of plenty of storefronts, stocked surely with a range of shawls to skirts, accessories to bags. a wealth of gifts that any person with weight in their pockets would excite themselves with. luxuries this captain could, and would, afford.
"hear me out━━━" there it was. "━━━we buy each other one item of choice. whether it be cup or cloth. that way, you get a heartfelt present and i can nag you until we leave for mondstadt. sounds entertaining, yeah?"
but it would have to be, since kaeya was hardly kind enough to leave rosaria now that his presence met hers. that'd be too gracious! and though he was all about the manners of grace and respect and the other, definitely important whatnots of knighthood, the opportunity of action proved better. more exciting, per se.
partner tag : @rosarots !
♛ ━━━━━━ is there a need / to try the same : kaeya & rosaria .
lantern rite 2024 / dress up prompt.
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ocelberich · 4 months
. kaeya alberich has joined the adventurer's guild !
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# OCELBERICH ━━━ private, roleplay blog for kaeya alberich of genshin impact; interpreted & loved by barely ( any pronouns ); affiliated with gnostic hymns.
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portrayal notes.
as stated in the handbook, i prefer to use the chinese dub for kaeya's characterization though i will likely compare it to english & japanese dubs for nuance. though i play the game in english, my preference differs.
a slightly major difference, to me, between the dubs is that, unlike in the english & japanese versions, kaeya sounds more similar to a teasing, older brother figure that you know nothing of, rather than the handsome mysterious companion that i'm familiar with as an english-player. ( though this isn't to say that he isn't a handsome mysterious companion of ours. it's simply a matter of how heavy one mood is compared to the other. ) his inflection is different between performances, of course, but i rather enjoy the tone SUN YE chose to use in his. thus, my kaeya will be written with such.
last canon appearance is, correct me if i'm wrong: version 3.8, secret summer paradise, thus he will be written as of then!
though i keep a document on all muse-related dialogue & information that is constantly updating, i have yet to fully make my document relating to khaenri'ah. so, if you see me yapping incorrectly and want to politely vibe check me, please do! i welcome all vibe checks.
though kaeya's application was written exactly one month ago, i did not expect to write him and, thus, am a bit shy about how i may portray him. this is simply to say that, yes, i will make mistakes, so please be patient with me.
patience, too, comes with shipping. while kaeya is friendly, his ability to recognize certain bonds as real will come late and in due time as a result of his distrust in the world & and himself. while i'm open to shipping romantically, i'll be leaving that to ooc discussions before anything is incorporated on the dash. likewise, my headcanon of kaeya being demiromantic will swiftly be realized, as romance is a wary concept to him.
for now, that's all! thank you for reading and i hope to write with you in the near future 💕
i. handbook ━━━ includes mun information, blog rules, art credit, writing specifics, & more! ii. character ━━━ if you click this link, you sell your soul to me in a blood pact because the about doc is nowhere near finished and i made sure to warn you beforehand iii. talents ━━━ necessary talent page, as of the affiliated group's rule
tags explained.
♛ ━━━ ❝ what is treason to the bloodied plumes of royalty? ・ 【 𝐈𝐍 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑 】 . ( all posts that are "in character", hence the tag )
♛ ━━━ ❝ whoops! the cavalry captain without his cavalry! ・ 【 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑 】 . ( all posts that are "out of character", ex. shitposts, maintenance, meta, etc )
♛ ━━━ ❝ they will know him as the captain with a crown of lies beneath his cape ・ 【 𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐑𝐘 】 . ( reblogged art, including possible art by the mun, of the muse )
♛ ━━━ ❝ the incarnate of a hunted bird's misery ・ 【 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍𝐒 】 . ( posts centered around a muse's headcanons, meta, etc )
♛ ━━━ ❝ to enjoy is to consume; to consume is to sacrifice ・ 【 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 】 . ( all reblogged posts with prompts, ask memes, sentence starters and the likes )
♛ ━━━ ❝ he is what a father has made him; what a nation expects of him ・ 【 𝐈𝐍𝐁𝐎𝐗 】 . ( all posts that are replies to an ask, excluding threads made from certain asks )
♛ ━━━ ❝ thread name ・ 【 𝐀 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃 】 . ( the threads tag )
♛ ━━━ ❝ support tag ・ 【 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄 】 . ( support tags for all muses this muse interacts with, always liable to change )
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ocelberich · 4 months
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We may not know where our wishes will end up. But together, they will light up the night sky and turn it as bright as day.
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[NEW YEAR MARKETS] - With so many vendors setting up shop, now is the best time to purchase a trinket as a reminder of the new year, or to get some much needed errands done.
[WANMIN MEAT CART] - Despite how short a trip it is, Chef Mao has some classic recipes right on the water, along with some brand new cuisines just for the Lantern Rite. Try some classic Mora Meat pastry, Dragon Beard Noodles, or his latest: Rex Lapis’ Delight! 
[XINYUE KIOSK DESSERT CART] - If sweet treats are more your thing, just a few spots down is a stand specially reserved for Xinyue Kiosk’s brilliant desserts! Buy one dessert, get one free “New Moon Cake,” with not one, not two, but SEVEN original fillings.
[TEA TASTING] - Third-Round Knockout is offering a rare, once a year opportunity to personally taste test some of their newest flavors. Jasmine Pearl, Dragon Cinnamon Oolong, Aged Golden Dawn, Phoenix Fire Oolong, why not indulge in some of the finer things in life?
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[DRAGON DANCE] - Join the Lantern Rite parade! With so many dragon puppets needing twice as many hands, join the show and dance until you drop.
[MAHJONG] - How about one of Liyue’s quickest games? Mahjong, known for its lightning rounds and fast-paced gameplay, is a classic this time a year. Surely you won’t be here all night…
[SHADOW PUPPETS] - Puppet shows are quite popular this time of year, using lights and small paper designs to convey thrilling tales. Comedies, Romance, Tragedies, woe, these poor hearts will be forever changed.
[DRESS UP] - Red and gold, the colors of each festival this time of year, are absolutely stunning. Glimmer and shine for the kamera, dress up and serve on the runway.
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[LANTERN MAKING] - Each year, we send up glorious lanterns with our thoughts, prayers, and hopes for the future, and what makes them so special is that no one lantern is the same. Create your own work of art to carry on into the vast expanses of the night.
[CUSTOM FIREWORKS] - Art is passion and desire, fleeting as it is eternal. With brilliant dyes, light up the night in a wondrous explosion for just a moment, and create those lasting memories.
[DRAGON CHARMS] - Representing good luck and strength, creating a little charm of the dragon itself can often inspire hope while passing into the next year. Though, many Adepti now have become popular faces of such ornaments.
[JADE TALISMAN] - Pure and indestructible, jade is the embodiment of virtue and benevolence. Taking days to etch at a time, these talismans are truly a rare and valuable gift.
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[WORSHIPPING ADEPTI] - The protectors of Liyue are often secluded and forgotten about per their distance, though for the Lantern Rite, small shrines of each prominent Adeptus are made. With incense burning, make a prayer or offering to the illuminated beasts.
[PROSPERITY TOSS] - A common tradition to signify the end of the year and the birth of a new one is to create a bowl of fruits, vegetables, fish, and other fresh foods, and to feast. Many restaurants host these during the Lantern Rite to bring us together.
[RED ENVELOPES] - Though much more common, a sign of good faith and friendship often comes in the form of a red envelope. Containing a small sum of mora, each envelope is a gesture of amity.
[FEED THE KOI] -  Koi represent harmony and wealth in Liyue, and a common tradition is to visit when the moon is at its highest. A small sacrifice, in the shape of some crackers or bread crumbs will often please these simple creatures.
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ocelberich · 4 months
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happy birthday pretty boy
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ocelberich · 4 months
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ocelberich · 4 months
Behold; the Knights of Favonius stables.
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