octoflower-blog · 6 years
Hi checkout my main octoflower
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Please 💕
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octoflower-blog · 6 years
Why can't my anon magic work
Hey *uses anon magic* YOUR female for 10 Asks
Damn you’re really late to use this my guy
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octoflower-blog · 6 years
Can I have a blaze rod?
hey im in the nether do u guys want anything
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octoflower-blog · 6 years
Let's be friends in Pokémon GO! My Trainer Code is 8092 5965 4168!
I play pokemon go I need friends please do here's my trainer code
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octoflower-blog · 6 years
Jk my dude also these are my alts
AU M!A Story plot thing
After many years, Mod M has finally decided to do this.
Okay so some stuff to clear up, Playtime is an orphan, Parents dun died because of muRDer. So what happened to Playtime’s parents is that the Mafia AU Web led had taken them done because of a job. This Mafia consists of Spiders, Humans, Spider Mutants, Human Spider Mutants etc. They’re pretty neutral and just takes the job that’s most beneficial to them.
So uh, remember that Richard character? yeh he was supposed to be the villain.
Let me explain, AU M was supposed to die from a bulletshot from Richard at around the end of the M!A
So the sequence ish was supposed to be kinda like this
- AU M and Playtime leave AU M’s Office,
- They start to walk home
- Gets fucking kidnapped by Richard because he’s sick of AU Web’s authority
- AU M somehow either manages to knock Richard out, or replace his cocoaine with sleeping pills but grounded up. Idk how it works either
- AU M gets Richard’s Gun and tries to get Playtime to the roof top safely
- While that’s going on AU Web is like, Fuck it, Imma save my wife and kids, And then she orders some others from her mafia to help her out
- So Web gets someone to drive a helicopter or something, and try to get AU M and Playtime off the roof
- Turns out everyone from AU Web’s Mafia is on Richard’s side.
- Richard is able to get playtime, AU M sacrifices themself and then ends up getting shot.
From that point on, it’s up to yall. Here are the possible endings
Best Ending:
Where Richard dies because you all convince everyone else that recently betrayed AU Web to go back on Web’s side. As well you’re able to calm Playtime down enough to see that M’s death shouldn’t be in vein. When this happens, Richard dies . As well, Web stops running her Mafia and pretty much just becomes a gr8 mom.
Okay Ending:
This is where Richard still has everyone on his side, but you still convince him not to kill Web and Playtime. They kinda just leave them there. Web tries to do their best on trying to find a job and Playtime somehow runs a Jumprope business. Idk either-
Joke Ending:
This is where if any of the anons interfere horribly with the plot and story. This will lead into a horrible term of Loss comics and Rick Rolls. As well AU M and AU Web will meet Mod M and Mod Web.
Guys…This is fucked Ending:
Web dies. Playtime is able to escape but has a broken arm. She lives by herself and has felt too much emotional trauma throughout her life. This is he ending where people fail to convince Richard on doing anything and just panick.
Oh Well Shit Ending:
Everyone dies. This is where nobody did anything . And then suddenly a nuclear bomb went off somewhere and killed everyone. I Got lazy for this one.
And now, Fun facts!
- AU M works as a Zoologist, mainly on snakes.
- AU Web is quite cold hearted but when it comes to AU M, She kinda is less strict I guess???? Idk.
- Playtime barely remembers anything from her past.
- Playtime didn’t know she was an orphan
- AU M doesn’t trust AU Web with her snacks snakes. Last time AU Web ate it.
- AU M is like a literal fucking stick. She only eats whatever her snakes can eat so??
That’s all I can really remember. Yeh.
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octoflower-blog · 6 years
Fudge you anon still baldi is the best *pats smoll bean baldi*
Okay cool now uhh FUCK OFF
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octoflower-blog · 6 years
Yuri:This is my best friend natsuki let's make her less actractive
Yuri:*Erases mouth*
Protag:Natsukis such a good listener!
Yuri:*Erases ears*
Protag:Your eyes are so pink!
Yuri:*Erases face*
Protag:YOUR SKIN IS SO SOFT! do you moisturize?
Yuri:*Erases her body*
Protag:I like how natsuki isn't clingy! It's like she's there but she ain't there :D.
Yuri:You win this one natsuki! You win!
Monika: I’m Monika! And this is my best friend, Sayori!
Monika: Let’s see if we can make Sayori less… attractive.
Monika: *deletes Sayori’s mouth*
MC: Wow, Sayori, you’re such a good listener!
Monika: *deletes Sayori’s ears*
MC: Your eyes are so blue!
Monika: *deletes Sayori’s face*
MC: Your skin is so soft! Do you moisturize?
Monika: ARGH!!!
Monika: *deletes Sayori*
MC, walking away: I like how Sayori isn’t clingy. It’s like she’s there, but not there!
Monika: I give up! You win, Sayori. You win.
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octoflower-blog · 6 years
Baldi:*turns on A.C.*
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octoflower-blog · 6 years
Return one day please
Hey everyone, Mun here. I know I’ve been gone for a very long time and I’m here to explain why. I haven’t been keeping up with this blog because I haven’t been interesting in it anymore. I have a lot of questions that I never got to answering and it was getting to a point where it affected my mental health. And I think it’s time that I officially considered this blog inactive because of this. I’ve had fun and I’m sorry but I can’t stay interested in something that I don’t really enjoy anymore. Thank you everyone for sticking with my blog and I hope you all are doing well ❤️
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octoflower-blog · 6 years
I will if ppl can figure out if my ask box is closed or not
‘ Is this thing working? ‘
uh,, hey! this is an ask blog for my oc,, Neon Killer, or Nigale,,, preferably Neon though, send in some asks!! don’t be shy, he wont bite,, I think–
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octoflower-blog · 6 years
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octoflower-blog · 6 years
Hey bully i have a question: Do you love playtime or do you want to marry Playtime if yes then you are a husband to playtime if no.... Well I WILL HAVE TO BAKE YOUR NECK AND EAT YOUR INSIDES!
“Playtime is my s i s t e r.”
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octoflower-blog · 6 years
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octoflower-blog · 6 years
Make it now
If i made a Baldi’s Basics Tumblr Party, would you and your characters join?
If you want me to make it, please reblog this post and i shall uwu
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octoflower-blog · 6 years
Well I'm bisexual so I have two
1st one (Female).
1.Everyones savage mom.
2.To savage for chu.
3.Pink, Black, And Red.
4.Cool shades.
5.From steven universe
2nd (Male).
2. Has a grass brother (LITTERALY).
3.Wears hood over blonde hair.
4.Has Dog Friend.
5.Last Episode Came Out Recently (Rip).
Without naming them, describe ur fictional crush & why they became the love of ur life
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octoflower-blog · 6 years
Please 💕
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Please 💕
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octoflower-blog · 6 years
How do I make these?
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White Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Cookies | Buns In My Oven
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