odd-abby-writing Ā· 8 years
You don't treat people like shit. Under no circumstances. Be kind to every human being. Even if you can't stand them. Everyone has feelings, and you have the take that into consideration.
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odd-abby-writing Ā· 8 years
PSA: DO NOT tell someone with a mental illness "be happy or "why can't you be happy?" People with a mental illness cannot just get better by you saying "be happy" if anything you saying that you are making things worse for that person. They are trying their hardest to get better/to feel better, and you are basically putting them down, which does not help. They are working day by day to getting better. Even if it's as simple as getting out of bed that's. Huge step for someone with a mental illness. And if you do have a mental illness (like myself) the days get better. The pain begins to fade. And you start to feel the happiness again. You will always be working on getting better, but just remember that the good days weigh out the bad.
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odd-abby-writing Ā· 8 years
Everyone has a story. Mine's a bit different than anyone else's. Yes, I have had my ups and downs just like everyone else. I also have chapters apart of my life that I would not like to relive, just like everyone else. But my story... Is different. It starts out the same as every other story, but I had more downs then everyone I know. I've lived a life full of sadness, for no reason at all. I have gone 23 years of sadness or maybe it was happiness? That's the thing about my story... People can tell the difference between happiness and sadness. Me on the other hand, can't tell the fucking difference between the two. You think 23 years old I would have it all together. But I don't. But in my future I see happiness, I see my story turning around. I see me knowing what happiness and sadness is. I see my story turning out the way it is suppose to be. I see a bright and beautiful future for me. My life may not be in check right now. But my story isn't over yet.
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odd-abby-writing Ā· 8 years
I do not think that you should be sorry for your mental illness. If someone makes you feel bad about your illness cut them out of your fucking life. You should not feel bad about something you cannot control.
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odd-abby-writing Ā· 8 years
I can feel when I'm starting to drop back into that hole again. And it's starting to happen. I'm trying to pull myself out of this shit. Sometimes I wish I could just shut off all my feelings.
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odd-abby-writing Ā· 8 years
Until I met you, I always felt under appreciated. Until you came into my life and swooped me off my feet. You were my knight and shining armor. You came in like a bull in a china shop, not peaceful and quiet, but loud and obnoxious. And I loved every second of it. When I saw you, I knew from the beginning, I was yours, and you were mine.
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odd-abby-writing Ā· 8 years
So I leave this journal with my sad mediocre life. (It's getting better) but still, sad smd mediocre. And when the universe tells me it's my turn to be happy, you might want to look out.
A.L. @odd-abby
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odd-abby-writing Ā· 8 years
I will no longer be a door mat to the people of my past.
A.L. @odd-abby
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odd-abby-writing Ā· 8 years
Love hurts." I don't know if I believe that. Yes, it maybe painful some times. But love shouldn't hurt all the time. If that's all you're feeling from love is pain and hurt you do not know what love is. Love is spooning on the couch watching scary movies, with your loved one holding you so you aren't too scared. Love is seeing that one person everyday and your heart does a flip flop because of them. Love should never hurt. It maybe painful but it should never hurt.
Love should not hurt. A.L. @odd-abby @sexanddrugsaregood
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odd-abby-writing Ā· 8 years
I'm a ticking time bomb. I could go off at any second.
A.L. @odd-abby
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odd-abby-writing Ā· 9 years
You're like a faded memory. A memory I want to hold onto, but must let go of. And soon you will fade, just like I did from your life.
Part 2 of faded memories. A.L. @odd-abby @sexanddrugsaregood
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odd-abby-writing Ā· 9 years
You're like a faded memory. It's a bit foggy. Everything... I can remember somethings. But other parts are too hard to remember. And maybe that's a good thing. Maybe it's good you're a faded memory.
Part 1 of fades memories. A.L. @odd-abby @sexanddrugsaregood
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odd-abby-writing Ā· 9 years
Falling out of love hurts. Letā€™s be honest, it fucking hurts like hell. But falling in loveā€¦ Thatā€™s a whole different story. You didnā€™t think you would ever find ā€œthe one.ā€ Then suddenly someone comes into your life that totally changes everything. They make you smile when you want to cry. They kiss so passionately that you can feel the words, ā€œI love you.ā€ On their lips. You donā€™t know if youā€™re ready to fall. ā€ØBut you let go anyways. ā€ØAnd you finally realize that youā€™re glad you let yourself fall. And after that you will always remember that moment you fell in love.ā€
A.L. @odd-abby-writing (via odd-abby)
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odd-abby-writing Ā· 9 years
I canā€™t sleep. I donā€™t like you being with her. I donā€™t even know why Iā€™m jealousā€¦ I wasnā€™t even yours to begin with. And it hurts.
A.L. @odd-abby-writing (via odd-abby)
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odd-abby-writing Ā· 9 years
Heā€™ll never feel the same way you do. He will never look at you the way you look at him. His heart wonā€™t skip a beat when he hears your voice or sees your smile.
A.L. @odd-abby-writing (via odd-abby)
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odd-abby-writing Ā· 9 years
I feel as if all the light I use to have inside of me as a child is gone. Now, I feel like Iā€™m lucky if I can get a ray of light to peek through the cracks.
Light. @odd-abby-writing A.L. (via odd-abby)
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odd-abby-writing Ā· 9 years
When you came into my life I didn't know what was going to happen. What I did know is from the first time I met you, was that I knew I was going to fall head over heels for you. And I'm so happy I did. You have been there through it all with me. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us.
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