oddgoddess4 · 4 years
Writing Websites
1. a website with a list of superpowers and what they are
2. a website that generates random au ideas
3. a website that generates names, basic info and futures in a bunch of languages
4. a website that checks your grammar
5. website that lists types of execution in the states
6. a website with info on death certificates
7. a website with info on the four manners of death
8. a website with info on the black plague
9. website with information on depression
10. a website with info on the four types of suicide
11. website that lists famous quotes
12. website with different kinds of quotes
13. a website with info on food in every country
14. a website with a list of different colors
15. website with a list of medieval jobs
16. website with a list of fabrics
17. website with a list of flowers and pictures
18. website with a list of flowers and no pictures
19. website with a list of poisonous plants
20. website with a list of poisonous and non-poisonous plants
21. website with a list of things not to feed your animals
22. website with a list of poisons that can be used to kill people
23. website with info on the international date line
24. website with a list of food allergies
25. website with a list of climates
26. website with info on allergic reactions
27. website with info on fahrenheit and celsius 
28. website with info on color blindness
29. website with a list of medical equipment
30. website with a list of bugs
31. website with an alphabetic list of bugs and their scientific name
32. website with a list of eye colors
33. website (wikipedia sorry) with list of drinks
34. website with a list of religions
35. website with a list of different types of doctors and what they do
36. website (wikipedia again sorry) with a list of hair colors
37. website that generates fantasy names
38. website with a list of body language
39. website with a list of disabilities
40. website with an alphabetic list of disabilities
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oddgoddess4 · 4 years
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oddgoddess4 · 4 years
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oddgoddess4 · 4 years
yet another fun thing about camels is that, white ruminants, they’ll eat what whatever they can find in the desert, whether that’s leaves, seeds, thorns... or meat... or bones...
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oddgoddess4 · 4 years
The Tag Yourself Timeline
A masterpost in progress
Main Timeline
Fin de Siècle Heroines  (1880s-1890s)
Late Edwardians (1910-1914)
Bright Young Things (1920s)
Alternate Timelines
Afternoon Tea Aprons (early 1910s)
Canadian History Wives (transcends time)
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oddgoddess4 · 4 years
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Oh decadence, oh ennui, oh beautiful nothingness! Which Fin de siècle heroine are you? 
The 1880s (big butts) and 1890s (big sleeves) in the Tag Yourself Timeline
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oddgoddess4 · 4 years
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If you were a Pokémon, how did you evolve? (expand for full pics) tag yourself
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oddgoddess4 · 5 years
The signs as Hadestown characters
Orpheus: Pisces, Leo
Eurydice: Sagittarius, Scorpio
Persephone: Aquarius, Gemini
Hades: Capricorn, Aries
Hermès: Libra, Taurus
The Fates: Virgo, Cancer
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oddgoddess4 · 5 years
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oddgoddess4 · 5 years
yall evr feel like
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oddgoddess4 · 5 years
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oddgoddess4 · 5 years
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oddgoddess4 · 5 years
Super Mario Brothers: Princess Daisy [ENFP]
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Extraverted Intuition (Ne): Daisy is an eccentric, outgoing, princess full of wit, charm, and spunk. She craves excitement and is constantly wanting to try out new challenges. At the same time, her constant need to discover new things can lead her to being a tad impulsive and overly eager to introduce herself to people. (Her infamous “Hi I’m Daisy!” catchphrase.) Her Ne allows her to read people at a deeper level at times. Example being calling out Toad when she suspected he was hiding more information about the villain Lucien in Mario Tennis Aces. One could argue she’s extraverted sensing dominant, however she claims to not have any luck or timing in Mario Fortune Street, and tends to be absent-minded and gets tripped up easily. Her Ne dom may also explain why Luigi is said to be attracted to her. (Him being an Ne inferior ISFJ).
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Introverted Feeling (Fi): In contrast to Peach’s desire to bring harmony by making sure everyone is content (an example of her Fe) Daisy is much more individualistically independent. Though kindhearted, she may come off a bit self-centered when it comes to her wanting to seize victory. She’s less about what other people think and more about her personal freedom to express herself; no matter how loud and hyperactive it comes across as. Her victory poses are among the most energetic, braggadocios and quirky. Especially in the Super Mario Strikers series, where she prances around, blows kisses, declares her name in a deep ebonic tone, and presses her thumb on her rear to show off she’s “hot stuff.”
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Extraverted Thinking (Te): This is where her sassy, bellicose and confident attitude manifests itself. While Daisy’s not necessarily controlling, she’s very outspoken and brash; never shy of voicing her opinion on a subject matter. Even her allies cower in fear when she goes into a tough Te temper. In Mario Tennis Aces, she outwardly snaps at Wario and Waluigi for entertaining the thought of harnessing Lucien’s powers again. She often flirts/teases her opponents (especially Luigi) by bossing them around in an endearing way. However, in Mario Party 3 with a literal Te slap, she knocks Bowser into the sky for simply “getting in her way.” No wonder Bowser never kidnaps her!
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Introverted Sensing (Si): With her lack of poise, she’s not exactly what one would consider to be a “conventional” princess. Unlike her blonde ESFJ counterpart, who is far more collected with her auxiliary Si, Daisy is spontaneous. She’d prefer to be out and about rather than doing something meticulous like reading, waiting her turn, or other boring typical damsel activities. Her Si begrudgingly appears when she gets flustered with herself for being too scattered, or when things don’t go in order the way she wants. She’ll call herself a klutz, huffs and groans in frustration during defeat, and tells herself to “get it together” for not being able to focus.  
Enneagram: 7w6
Hogwarts house: Gryffindor
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oddgoddess4 · 5 years
I’ve gotten a lot of asks about the enneagram/MBTI breakdown of likelihood, so I’m going to try to expand a bit, in no particular order. Some repetition from the original post will be here because people don’t read so saying things a bunch of times increases the chances that they’ll see it once.
One thing that is absolutely essential to understand is that enneagram cores are a zero-sum game. Which is to say: even allowing for some error bars, something like two-thirds of INTPs are type 5. That means at most a third can be any other type, so obviously no other type will be remotely as common. So I might refer to another INTP enneatype as “competing with 5″ - it can’t be super common in INTPs because it’s drowned out by the 5s. You can’t have more than 100%.
Finally: this is going to be a long post but I think it’s better to not break it up as there will be references to all types across the board and I don’t want to interlink three or nine different posts. That said I’m going to make a “diagnosis” post for people who believe they are in the “check your typing” category.
Enneagram 1 is most heavily correlated with TJs because it fits with a certain rigidity and individualization of the moral code found in lower Fi users. It is particularly common in the IxTJs, and slightly more common in SJs than NJs. It’s found in the FJs as well but less so, possibly because 1s are often very critical, and certainly because it competes with 2 in the FJs. It’s very rare in perceivers across the board because 1 requires a certain adherence to external standards found in Te or Fe to avoid corruption; it’s also associated with perfectionism which is much more commonly a judger thing.
Enneagram 2 is heavily correlated with FJs because it’s about wanting to be loved, which fits very closely with the Fe desires for approval and belonging to a group and universally understood symbols of affection. It’s also found in the high Fi users - it’s less common, but still possible for all of them. It is really not found in thinkers; when thinkers want approval from others it is almost always in the form of competency, not love through service to others. Enneagram 2 is just…heavily in line with what it means to be a feeler in MBTI and in direct conflict, for the most part, with what it means to be a thinker.
Enneagram 3, and indeed the shame triad in general, is associated heavily with how other people see you. Enneagram 3 is particularly interested in standing out from the crowd so it’s much more common in extroverts, especially TJs, with significant FJ and ExTP representation (less so in the Fi-auxes). It’s a little more common in the NJs than the SJs; my guess is both that the SJs are competing with 1 and 6, and there’s something very high Ni/ low Se about projecting a specific distinguished persona. It’s found in the introverted judgers as well, though it’s far less common. Because it’s more common in NJs than SJs and TJs than FJs, it does fall off the radar for ISFJ.
Enneagram 4 is not the same as Fi but it does correlate strongly with high Fi; high Fi is interested more in authenticity and 4 is more interested in uniqueness, but the self-expressiveness and thirst for originality and individuality end up coinciding pretty frequently. Enneagram 4 is also found in the FJs; all the FJ types have decent shame triad representation, given that Fe is interested in the response they elicit in others and frequently want approval in some form or another. It’s competing with 2 and in some cases 3, so it’s often rarer, but it does show up. 4 is very rare in thinkers but it isn’t unheard of in the ExTPs. As for why specifically ExTPs, I suspect it’s first that their feeling is decent, and unlike with lower Fi which tends to turn inward (hence enneagram 1 in IxTJs) it tends to go outward looking for approval from others. Add that to the thirst for novelty in Se or Ne, and you get a small but extant number of ExTP 4s.
Enneagram 5 is in a way analogous to 2 but for thinkers; if your response to fear is to try and back off and try to comprehend it and learn logical and factual tools, rather than seeking out other people or distracting from it, you are almost certainly a thinker, and you are much more likely to be an introvert. And so: it’s incredibly common in Ti-doms, pretty common in IxTJs, and not unheard of in the ExTJs or ENTP. It’s actually very rare in ESTPs too because it involves a withdrawal from the environment that is counter to Se-dom motivations.
Enneagram 6 is not unheard for anyone! As I’ve said elsewhere, I think trying to gather a real-world safety net of people and guidance is maybe the most fundamentally human response to fear. It’s super common. It is most common in the SJs and is the most common type overall for ISFJs.
Enneagram 7 is really highly correlated with dom Se or Ne. 7s are spontaneous and like to experience a lot of things, so this is unsurprising. As a result, 7 is less common in introverts or high Si or Ni users. It’s even more highly correlated with Se than Ne, so ISxPs are sometimes 7s, but the rest of the introverts are pretty much never 7. It’s rare in ESTJs and due to competing with 6 and 2, pretty much unheard of in ESFJs.
Enneagram 8 is much more likely in extroverts and in thinkers - most 8s are ExTxs. It’s very much about taking control of your own life within an environment, so it’s more associated with extroverted functions but particularly Se and Te. It’s also very much in conflict with dom Fi; the combination of Fi individuality and 8 independence play off the worst aspects of each other and so while it could happen, it’s really unlikely to be remotely functional as a combination.
Enneagram 9, rather like 6, is pretty universal. The one exception is Te-doms; dom Te tends to be far too forceful to mesh with the passiveness of enneagram 9. It’s an especially common enneatype for IxxPs and is pretty common among IxFJs as well.
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oddgoddess4 · 5 years
What school of magic would each type specialize in if they went to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardy?
Assuming that we are talking about competent staff who aren't cursed or looking to kill their students, let's see.
INTP - Arithmancy, Curse Breaking related skills, possibly Runes (minus the divination aspect). I will throw in Care of Magical Creatures, as a curve ball.
ENTP - Transfiguration, Charms (both require substantial creativity). I could also see them inventing lots of potions through trial and error.
INTJ - Potions (requires precision, they can work by themselves in the lab), Arithmancy. Astronomy.
ENTJ - Whatever subjects suit the career goals they have chosen for themselves. But yeah, DADA, Transfiguration, Potions, Flying.
INFP - Charms, Herbology, History of Magic, Care of Magical Creatures.
ENFP - Charms, Care of Magical Creatures, Muggle Studies (they do enjoy getting to know and analyzing people more than systems)
INFJ - Divination, Arithmancy, Runes, Flying, possibly Herbology. Would also be good at advanced magic such as Non Verbal magic. Astronomy.
ENFJ - Muggle Studies and/or History of Magic, Flying, Care of Magical Creatures, Charms.
ISTJ - Potions, History of Magic, Transfiguration, Arithmancy and DADA.
ESTJ - They are topping everything. Exhibit A: Hermione Granger.
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ISTP: DADA, Potions, Transfiguration, Flying. May be decent at Care of Magical Creatures.
ESTP: Flying, Transfiguration, DADA and advanced magic in a tactile sense.
ISFP - Care of Magical Creatures, Herbology, Potions, Flying.
ESFP - Flying, Apparition, DADA, Care of Magical Creatures and Charms.
ISFJ - Potions, Herbology, History of Magic.
ESFJ - Good solid wand work. So, Charms. History of Magic, Muggle Studies and other people oriented subjects. They have an uncanny knack for spotting and networking with those who will be helpful to furthering career goals. So, whatever subjects line up with that, ExFJs are likely to excel. Healing magic, probably.
- ENTP Mod.
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oddgoddess4 · 5 years
Steven Universe: Pink Diamond [ENFP]
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by Mysterylover123
Extroverted Intuition (Ne): Pink is easily bored and constantly looking for new and exciting stimulation. She loves trying on new ideas, just for the fun of it. She’s impatient, quick to change her mind, and often a touch flighty and irresponsible; a rather negative Ne-dom at the beginning. She likes the potential ideas of the world around her; discovering earth, seeing all that it could be, and trying on new things. She’s generally good at hatching ideas but not good at thinking of really long-term consequences. She likes to just experience things and see how they will play out.
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Introverted Feeling (Fi): Pink was often very consumed with her own internal emotional needs. She grew to care very deeply about her passions and began to follow an internally defined system of beliefs that differed from that prescribed by those around her; her internal morality came to direct her, as did her inner feelings and interest in the new and unique. She was initially a selfishly directed Fi user, thinking only of her own pleasure and striving for personal desires over the good of others.
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Extroverted Thinking (Te): Pink usually took direct methods to get what she wanted, without really thinking of consequences or what could happen in the long-term. She did what she felt she needed to do to make her goals a reality; she stated blunt truths directly to others without much of a filter, and exercises her role as an authority figure to make her practical plans unfold.
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Introverted Sensing (Si): “I never want to look back.” Pink doesn’t like to think about the past. She just avoids it, in any way she can, moving on forward and ignoring details of what’s happened before. She doesn’t like to think about practicalities and she dislikes being reminded of responsibility. She wanted to get rid of the old ways in order to thoroughly embrace her own ideas.
(SPOILER CORNER: Of course she has the same type as Rose. Felt both needed typings, both to avoid spoilers, and because Pink’s identity reshapes the nature of her type, adding more details that weren’t available before).
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oddgoddess4 · 5 years
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infinity war spoilers but without context
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