oddlygone · 5 years
bet i won't spend that 20 i have on a bikini and still have money for coffee
Whoever has my voodoo doll please take that bitch to the gym
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oddlygone · 5 years
;-; me
me: i'd love to be in a relationship
*is shown any kind of affection*
me: yikes yikes yikes yikes yikes yik
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oddlygone · 5 years
Okay, so why is that no matter what gender or sexual orientation there is always one person who gets attached. from personal experience it's always like 100%-100% but after a month its 100%-50%. I don't get it. If you're not happy with someone say so. Don't lead them on. Have a little bit of heart and and spare the crazy amount of pain you will cause the person if you break up after close to a year or more. Because then at that point, they have most likely told you so much && there you are acting like you care when you probably don't gibe a single fuck. I. Just. Don't. Understand. Why. Humans. Do. This.
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oddlygone · 5 years
someone respond to this i want to actually hear someone else opinion!! Let discuss this whole cruelty & vegan free vs non cruelty free & non vegan products. PERSONALLY ( MY OWN OPINION ) i think that any brands that test on animals are completely wrong. I think that all brands should be cruelty free but not all brands have to be vegan. i prefer the brands i use to be vegan and cruelty free. yes. Now to those that use brands that are not cruelty free or vegan you do you but i beg you do not come after those or lie to those who use cruelty free and or vegan products. By lie i mean tell that person that the product is cruelty free or vegan when it is not. thats wrong. so very wrong. And if a situation comes up where you work in a place (in a makeup sense) such as sephora or ulta, if someone needs help it would be freakng amazing if you asked the customer if they preferred to use cruelty free or vegan products just saying.
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oddlygone · 5 years
i dont quite understand how people say they want to get to know you and they want to be your friend but the moment you fuck one thing up. theyre gone. that fuck up didn't even have to involve them, they just heard about it. thats the problem with the teenage mind. no matter what if someone does something one person doesnt like. ALL. HELL. BREAKS. LOOSE. and its like you can't even fix it to be back to how it was. The same thing with relationships that are have eneded and youre just sitting there trying to become friends with said person (if it ended on good terms) but no. its so hard to do that because no matter what people gotta somehow slither a way in to a situation with a & b, like come on. no hard feelings but get the fuck out. seriously. you were never invited into this situation. do people not know how to keep their mouths shut now a days or is it let me put my two-sense into this and see how i can make it worse. all i know is im sick and tired of the casanova-esq boys and the fake ass bitches. ESPECIALLY THE ONES WHO DON'T GET THEIR WAY. okay rant over. whats next. im bored.
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oddlygone · 5 years
okay so like if are constantly talking about how you want your kid to be a genius and how your kid is going to "change the world for the better" but yet you let them sit there and play on your phone and aren't helping them do anything semi educational or semi anti-screen then what are you even talking about. you are letting your kid be raised exactly like the rest of the world. On a screen. Behind a screen. Not having a care in the world about everything that is happening with the world. I know i have no room to talk because im only 18 and not a parent, however it amazes me. It does. Cause yes i am on my phone alot but damn i still care about the world and i constantly try my hardest to figure out a way to help the environment through social media too, not just by cleaning it up. Like its a big deal. Because climate change is a thing and we don't have long to change things for the better. okay rant over. what's next.
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oddlygone · 5 years
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oddlygone · 5 years
you ever notice how some of the little kids these days are walking around with iphones and acting like complete brats, but some other ones are spot dedicated or a knowledge fiend? like yes i understand that its the age of technology and all that bs but thats no excuse for little 5 yr/olds to be walking around with and iphone or ipad. matter fact any i device at all. like come on. when i was a little kid i played outside and was on the softball team.
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oddlygone · 5 years
if youre a Game of Thrones fan like me. who else is going to BALL YOUR EYES OUT when the first ep of the last season aires? more importantly who is going to completely deteriorate when the last ep of the last season comes on. Or is it just me?
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oddlygone · 5 years
you ever just wish you were someone else? so that way you don't disappoint those around you? so you don't hurt those you care about? so maybe you can somehow make them proud, somehow you can make them happy?
i do. there are so many people i want to make happy but can't, there are so many people who im terrified of hurting. its a constant thought that no matter what someone is going to end up hurt. someone will end up wishing i was different, less depressed & less anxious...less me, i guess you could say.
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oddlygone · 6 years
where are the real ones?
where are those people i can be completely real with? like i would love to make friends where we can actually be friends and not end up having a one-sided friendship. cause i truly believe that there are good people in the world , but it is so hard to find those who don’t fake being friendly & kind. its honestly ridiculous how people seem to put on this friendly & kind persona and in the end they find someone who is “vulnerable” just because they want someone who they can be real with.
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oddlygone · 6 years
5 AM .
-The less I Know the better/ Tame Impala
-Love is a Bitch/ Two Feet
-Affection/ Cigarettes After Sex
-Ocean Drive/ Duke Dumont
-Hundred Miles/ Yall
-Intro / The Xx
-Go fuck yourself/ Two Feet
-Neptune/ Sleeping At Last
-All I want/ Kodaline
-Apocalypse/ Cigarettes After Sex
-Midnight City/ M83
-Tear in my heart/ Twenty One Pilots
-Too Good/ Troye Sivan
-I need to know/ Sleeping with Sirens
-Heroine/ Sleeping with Sirens
•Playlist Completa: https://open.spotify.com/user/playlist/186Qfg3h3FStbyxCe7RfAq?si=HkrT-j1fSoS5Si9aKi1exQ
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oddlygone · 6 years
As kids we are told not to talk to strangers. Right? Well once we get to school kids are scared to make friends for the reason being that we grew up being told not to talk to strangers, so it’s difficult for us to make friends because as young kids we do not want to disappoint our parents. Once we get older its still as hard even though we do not really care because we grew up with the people around us, but the reason its hard it because of the judgement and the bullying. Am i right or Am i wrong?
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oddlygone · 6 years
we young but we stressing like we 40
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oddlygone · 6 years
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oddlygone · 6 years
i wanna get a hedgehog and name him/her sonic. basic i know but i meannnn
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oddlygone · 6 years
i got “stained gay”
I tried to make a sexual identity generator but it’s glitchy and I’m not sure how to fix it.
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