odettenicolettes ¡ 4 years
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it’s funny, how being infatuated with someone made you feel, all at once. the butterflies that endlessly tugged on those oh-so logical heartstrings of hers. she remembers, even as a kid, when the three of them would run around the hospital-- caroline and jude sneaking off, and odette left to be found by a nurse with a volunteer guitar, and how even then she had a soft spot with artists.  don’t be silly caroline, i don’t have time for boys. as she would sneak glances at ruffled hair, and black rimmed glasses, who’s voice was a little pitchy-- but to odette, perfect in the realm of imperfections she held so tight. to a teenage girl, with blunt short hair, and even more blunt way of thinking. the subtle, but simply shrug of perfectly poised shoulders. it’s not going to happen for me, people should just be arranged, it’d be far more practical than the uncertanty of dating. and then a curly haired boy, with stupid yet, admiring, mismatched socks and a free way of thinking that made even the most careful of girls, the most controlling, a little bit meddling of girls, blush at the sight of a artsy smile. but most of all, a boy that came with a family twice the size of her own, and made the holidays feel a little less depressing this year around. the nicolette’s had always gone big on christmas, more or less caroline’s doing. but since jude died, the spirit had dwindled. the fancy dinners, the red dresses, and hallway mistletoe were put on pause. and even before then, she had never really felt-- belonged. and she’ll never base her happiness on someone else, or reasoning behind why she felt so warm and fuzzy inside, but he had a helping hand in it this year. her hair is longer now, and her tongue just as blunt as before, but with a pair of fingertips latched through her belt loops to keep her in place, to slow her down, reminding her to look around. she’d never been in love before-- which is why she hasn’t said it yet, not when she doesn’t know what it’s supposed to feel like, not for certain. but when his sibling latches to her leg, she laughs, ruffling their hair and smiling with the fondness of dimples. there’s a quiet wave, and she had once been so nervous about his parents liking her-- now seemed like a distant memory. she’s good for you, she’d heard his mother whisper in a peck to his cheek. her fingertips intertwining with his, frame much smaller, leaning into his as they walked. “i thought you’d be used to that feeling by now-” she’s teasing him, nose wrinkled into a tiny triumphant smirk. “nicky and i bonded over out love for stickers,” raising her free hand to show him the ninja turtles outline they’d slapped on top of her wrist. there’s a tiny pause, and her lips purse, standing outside the van that was starting to hold more memories than anywhere else. he should have known better, nothing slipped by odette-- it was almost scary. she’d known about his birthday, the first month they were together, she’d checked to see if their star signs were compatible-- they were, but that’s besides the point. it’s an easy thing to find, when you’re looking. “um- is there a reason why you didn’t want me to know about your birthday? because, i know i can sometimes-- get too invested, or meddle a little bit-  ” pfft, yeah, right. “and, don’t ask me how i know because it totally defeats the point of the whole, i don’t meddle that often speech i just gave but--”  she lets go of his hand, reaching into her coat pocket, and pulling out a smaller box, outstretching it, handwrapped in green and red. inside were a small collection of new brushes, black, polished, and his name trimmed in gold at the handle of each. “don’t be mad-” 
december 22nd.
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three days ‘til christmas . only a few hours ‘til the day he was told he was born , his birthday . are you sure you don’t want to do anything ? it was a question his mother asked every year , with two gentle hands placed on either side of his face . “ positive , ” he’d say with a perfectly crooked smile , charming twinkle alight in the corner of brown eyes . somewhere , up north or on the other side of the country , it was snowing , but christmas lights and a dreary drizzle were all victoria had to offer . his younger brother clung to odette’s leg as she slipped into her jacket , bringing a more genuine grin to his lips . “ alright , kid , ” he knelt down , “ paws off . you’ll see her again in a couple’a days . bright and early christmas morning . ” nicky scowled , giving her one last squeeze before barreling over to his older brother with a quizzical look on his face . noel , he whispered , how come you never want birthday presents ? his cheeks flushed and he cleared his throat , sparing a glance in odette’s direction . he hadn’t mentioned anything about a birthday , and he hadn’t intended to . lips pursed , he answered matter - of - factly , “ because then i wouldn’t get as much from santa on christmas . ” a ruffle of his hair , a kiss on the top of the head , and a couple of goodbyes later , noel reached out for odette , interlacing their fingers and pulling her close , wrapping their intertwined hands over her shoulder . that soccer mom car of his was parked just down the block . “ i’m starting to think they like you more than they like me , ” he said softly , hoping to avoid  the birthday conversation altogether . he pressed a quick kiss to her temple , “ nicky especially . then again i can’t blame them . ”
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odettenicolettes ¡ 5 years
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odettenicolettes ¡ 5 years
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odettenicolettes ¡ 5 years
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odettenicolettes ¡ 5 years
ofnoels :
O D E T T E .
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“ you’re not scary , you’re just — … ” lips purse into the faintest of smiles as a dark gaze lightens in the light of platinum blonde and stormy blue . there were a lot of words you could use to describe a girl — a woman — like odette nicolette , but most of them were underserving . because beautiful couldn’t exactly pinpoint the way harsh lines of high cheekbones warmed red under the subtle scrunch of her nose as she leaned too close , and intelligent was far too plain for someone who could rattle on and on about street artists or greek mythology while organizing an apartment with her hands and a coup of the government in the back of her mind . “ intimidating , ” he nods , with a gentle lift of his eyebrows , “ in an intriguing kind of way . ” his hands , faintly stained with brushstrokes of blush pink , reach down to unfasten the collar around the pup’s neck , “ and if it’s anything , i’ve always found maleficent to be much , much more dynamic of a character than sleeping beauty . ” he’ll lean in , slightly , to the gentleness of a kiss pressed against his cheek , smiling at the way it warms his chest , and there’s a pattering in its depths , brought about by a girl who seemed miles out of his league , and far too pristine for an apartment with iron windowsills and brick walls . a hand moves up over one of hers , enveloping it completely , and giving it a soft tug . towards his lips , where a chaste kiss presses against the inside of her palm . as a puppy , decidedly named percy , settles down into an empty bathtub , noel shifts his attention for just a moment , leaning back to look up at her , eyes warmed with curiosity . this girl . cheeks stretch in blatant laughter , at the way her words almost seem threatening . intimidating , for sure , as his heart races with the kind of nerves that bring about bubbling pop love songs . “ dually noted , duquesa , ” he shakes his head , and drops her hand as she moves to sit down and he leans forward , rising slightly on his toes to reach up and tug down a shower head . water is turned on , warm and flowing gently from a faucet , with the shower head now dangling nearby for rinsing purposes . “ logically compromising people — … ” and noel can’t help but laugh , hands wrist deep in water , as he slides the puppy in between him and carefully tries to hold him in place , “ see that , that is what makes you sound like a some sort of super villain . though , for the record , batting your eyelashes works just fine for you . not quite as well as the way you scrunch your nose , but just fine , nonetheless . ” as she reaches in , he pulls back , leaning behind him to grab a small washcloth from a shelf , and laughing still as percy gives a dramatic shake , spraying odette with water . “ or , instead of badgering , there’s also the option of detailed and thought out power points . complete with visual aids , ” it’s lighthearted , as he gently wipes droplets of water from the bridge of her nose , only to toss the cloth inside the tub . moments later , she’s leaned in too far , and there’s nothing he can do to stop her from slipping , from sloshing water up over the edge and across the front of his shirt . “ oh , was it ? ” but his tone of voice , is brimmed with laughter , and percy splashes in a chorus of yips and yaps , “ because at this point i think you’re just trying to find excuses to get me out of my shirt . ” and in a moment of her being slightly flustered , noel flicks a silver knob on the faucet and snatches the shower head with one hand while using the other to loop around her waist . “ oops , ” he laughs , as spray douses her shirt and percy , half covered in bubbles pipes up again , “ you were in on it , too ! ” and he’s spraying the dog’s fur , as he takes tiny nips at oncoming water . “ both of you ! in my own — … ” and the water is back on odette , holding her tighter still as it faintly wets the ends of her hair , “ house . ”
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ears perked up  ,  and she wants to know what he thinks --- subtly was never an odette trait  ,  but for as long as she can remember ..  he was one opinion that had mattered in the course of a crowded classroom  .  first coming to a country  ,  and never being one to have an disadvantage- duchess thrived above her fellow students  ,  reeling in knowledge with a matter of fact grin  ,  and a tilt of preciseness in her chin  .  she’d learned english early on as a child  ,  but it was her second language  ;  and most of which she’d picked up from reruns of i dream of jeannie  .   but she’d learned to crush  ,  and to crush hard when she’d rounded a corner quickly to a high school that she’d only set foot in a time or two  .  without a guide  ,  she’d scurry up the stairs to get to class on time  ----  or more so  ,  before everyone else  .  and as she did so  ,  she’s caught toe-anchored to the floor as voice carried down a railing  ,  and dark curls bounced with a smile  .  her heart stopped that day  ,  and started again in a static shock of flutters  .  so yes  ,  she cared what noel thinks of her  ,  and maybe she’s been trying to impress him for years now ----  only to falter under the touch of brushed lips  ,  and uncertainty that came with falling  .  “intimidating .” she’ll repeat  ,  letting the word loom over in her head for her to analyze  .  of all the choice of bad he could have went with --  he’d chosen intimidating  .  and odette  ,  five foot foot  ,  with blonde hair and blue eyes  ,  an enormous crush that outweighed the practical ,  she wondered how on earth she was intimidating to him  .  and then it’s followed by intriguing  ,  and her nose scrunches  ,  a bashful gaze flickered down and away  ;  but her smile rises to blue eyes  ,  and casts a warm glow through heightened cheeks  .  “me too .” she finally adds  ,  in response to the sleeping beauty comment  .  “besides .. who goes pricking spinning wheels anyhow-” a little nudge of playfulness  ,  and her gaze is fixated on the new shade of pink staining his hands  .  “i like that color-” she nods  ,  side glancing  ,  and catching a memorizing smile that dug inside her chest and kept her dreams awake  .  and then he’s muting any sense of rationally in her head  ,  her brows wavering up at the mention of slide shows  ,  and bullet pointed reasons as to why percy deserved to have a home of his own  .  “complete with visual a-- yeah i think i might have just fell in love a little bit .” and the comment slipped out  ,  and it surprises her  .  --- brows furrowing   ,  mouth slightly agape before she’s snapping it shut with a laugh  .  nice  ,  odette  .  you nicolettes and your inability to shut up while you’re ahead  ,  or spurting out secrets that was suppose to stay your inside voice  . the only difference was  ,  caroline wasn’t here to stop the from being yanked out from under you  .   luckily  ,  percy is barking- and the tiny yips drown out any need to dig herself a deeper hole  .  for a girl who didn’t believe in love a few months ago  ,  it rattled her a little how easily the phrase slipped out  .  noel’s arms wrapped around her  ,  and odette is yelping through a laugh  .  “no- it was an accident i prom-” only to be cut off by water drenching the front of her shirt  .  and he’s only making the laughter bubble  ,  percy nipping at the outward sprays of water  ;  and odette cowering int the crook of his neck with wavering hands  ,  only to hug into a burrowed chest  ,  using the water to backfire and drench him too  .  her only defense to playfully bite at his shoulder  ,  muffled by another onset of giggles  .  odette reaches for the faucet  ,  slipping and falling back into his chest  .  “mercy- mercy--” using her weight to push him back carefully on the bathroom floor  ,  reaching up to sneak the sprayer in the fall  ; then straddling his lap and pointing the face at him like an old western  .  “hands up- this is a robbery-” and with the light flutter of a smirk , percy yelps in the background in contingent  .  
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odettenicolettes ¡ 5 years
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odettenicolettes ¡ 5 years
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odettenicolettes ¡ 5 years
O D E T T E .
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his lips are pressed against the corner of her mouth , and she’s talking about medusa . a hand reaches up in the most gentle touch , brushed under the line of her jaw and tickled by platinum blonde locks as he tilts her chin up , and she’s taking medusa’s side . a lingering kiss stumbles into another , then another , faint as the fluttering of her eyelashes as he leaves a gentle trail from the corner of her mouth to the skin tucked below her ear , and she’s still going , a million miles a minute , never fumbling a single piece of information . the spiral itself was so very odette that he couldn’t help but smile against her skin , sighing as he dropped his head , curls brushing the skin at the crook of her neck , then stood to his full height again . “ you remember all that from when you were seventeen ? ” his brow furrows , gaze flickering between two pools of deep , deep blue … intelligent eyes that narrowed at the sight of a challenge . he shakes his head hands brushing back and forth through tousled curls as he pads across the apartment , sliding to a stop on mismatched socks before bending down to scoop up a wriggling and dirty pup . “ ‘bout as vicious and terrorizing as you are , ” neither of the words exactly what he’d peg on a girl who blushed at the smallest compliment ; intimidating , maybe , but she still filled a canvas with brush strokes of warm pinks and faint yellows . rings of abstract flowers spiraled around a summer scene where a field sways in an invisible wind and a girl turns her back to the viewer , wandering into the background , with platinum blonde hair . she smiles , as puppy kisses scatter across her cheek , and the little leap in his stomach , the faint tightening in his chest , is exactly what he hopes people might feel when seeing his paintings … if they ever made it off of the easel , out from underneath paint stained sheets that blocked their surfaces from the sun that leaked in through a wall of floor - to - ceiling windows . he pushes into the bathroom and pulls back a shower curtain , setting the dog down in the basin of a tub , grinning at the tiny sound of yips and clattering claws . “ just a second , ” he whispered , index finger pointing helplessly as he stood again and poked his head out of the door , wry grin curving his lips at the sight of her on her toes . “ well , ” his voice was quiet , matter of fact as his eyebrows raised , “ you don’t have to live here . so towel placement isn’t really up to you and your serious lack of height . ”  there’s a subtle smile , settled onto his features , and a twinkle in those brown eyes that — despite their lack of shared dna — he must’ve he’d gotten from his father . it was a sparkle , practically cartoonish , just in the corner of deep brown , that appeared in the presence of a girl who made him nervous , who made him blush , who made him want to pick up a paintbrush … odette … who he was completely fond of . “ i’ll try to remember to move ‘em next time you come over , ” there’s another clattering from the bathroom , and noel dives back in with startled urgency . laughter bellows from his chest as a shampoo bottle has been knocked down and pooled open , now effectively all over the pup’s paws . “ see what i mean ? destructive . which is why i like percy for him … ” his nose scrunches as he places his hands on his hips , looking down and over at her . “ you think you’re up for the challenge ? the guy is a nightmare . batting your lashes won’t work , but you might be able … scare him into it , ” he smiles , tilting his head , “ or maybe put those debate team skills to use . ”
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her cheek still burns  ,  and the red has still flushed her features now  ,  with distance between them  .  brows are softened  ,  but that racing heart of hers is frantically too far gone to catch  .  she’d never had anyone as close as noel  ,  she’d never been on the receiving end of affection as vast and as kind as the type given from a curly headed boy  ,  with sparkles in his eyes  .  her mother  ,  all her life  ,  had undertoned and lightly warned her of looking out a window of a tower  ,  to a handsome prince that whispered sweet nothings from a step down below  . she had been a girl of practical intentions  ,  she had cared with promise to not venture over lines she’d watched time and time again ----  everyone but her  ,  cross  .  she’d watched as caroline fell from like  ,  to love  ,  and how jude had suddenly looked at her best friend in a different light  .  when he came back one summer  ,  and he’d grown taller while caroline finally stopped  ;  with long hair and dark lashes  ,  and a heart that simply wouldn’t stop  .  even now  ,  with westley ---  she had seen the same flicker of hope  ,  in the midst of an after party clean up  .  it’s why  ,  she’s fumbling with the towels  ,  and sucking in a breath  ;  glancing over her shoulder with a narrowed smile that suppressed just how scared she actually was  .  “it’s not my fault that caroline hogged all of it  ,  there was nothing left for me  .” and if she wasn’t bouncing forward with supplies in her hands  ,  she would have perched them on her hips in a ‘matter of fact’ kinda’ way  .  “and for the record  ,  you make me sound like --  a scary evil villain or something  .” she’s plopping one towel on the ground  ,  to catch the water  ;  and the other on the side of the tub  ,  to wrap the puppy in  .  however  ,  before taking a spot next to noel  ,  she’s hovering behind him  ,  dipping and giving his cheek an upside down kiss  .  “clearly  ,  very scary-” and another one ,  her edges softened  ,  and fingertips massaging gentling into his shoulders  .  “oh  , by the way ..” and her chest down that thing ,   where it viciously leaped inside itself ,  at the way he looked at her  .  “i remember everything-” smirked  ,  and she’s internally reeling  ;  trying her best to not let it show on curved lips  ,  or the gentle stroke of scarlet that highlight her cheekbones  ;  the bridge of her nose  .  she’ll tug her lower lip between her teeth  ,  and sit  ,  leaning over and fumbling with the slippery container of spilled shampoo  ;  or maybe at the way she’s still nervous in such close proximity  .  “good thing logically compromising people into agreeing with me  ,  is my specialty . and if all else fails  ,  maybe i’ll bat my lashes  .  i dunno’ if that’s ever worked for me though .. ” a side glance  ,  and a tiny smirk that taunts at the corner of dimples  .  “maybe i’ll take a few lessons from you- though  .” teased  ,  and the little yips from the bathtub turn into feigned and incredibly fake whines  ,  while odette shakes her head  .  “it’s not our fault you decided to dumpster dive  ,  percy-” and with that  ,  the water is checked for temperature  ;  only to be splashed in a tiny shake  ,  splattering in drips across her shirt  ,  and a scrunch of her nose  .  “if for whatever reason he says no---  you can keep percy at my place until i badger this guy into seeing my point of view  .” another splash  ,  the last bit of her sentence cut off by a yelp of her own  .  “hold still---” odette’s nose is scrunching ,  and she’s leaning forward a little too bravely  ,  before slipping and swashing water up at noel  .  “oops-” mouth slightly agape  ,  and she points her finger at him  .  “noel silva- that was an accident!” 
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odettenicolettes ¡ 5 years
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odettenicolettes ¡ 5 years
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odettenicolettes ¡ 5 years
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odettenicolettes ¡ 5 years
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odettenicolettes ¡ 5 years
“I want you to know that it is not always easy to love me. That sometimes my chest is a field full of landmines, and where you went last night, you can’t go tomorrow. There is no manual, there is no road map, no help line you can call; my body does not come with instructions, and sometimes even I don’t know what to do with it. This cannot be easy. But still, you touch me anyway.”
— Ivan. E. Coyote (via technikully-blog)
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odettenicolettes ¡ 5 years
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