ODM Educational Group Celebrates Exceptional NEET 2024 Results
Bhubaneswar, Odisha: The ODM Educational Group proudly announces the outstanding performance of its students in the NEET 2024 examinations. This year, ODM Public School and ODM Global School have once again demonstrated their commitment to academic excellence with remarkable results. The schools' consistent dedication to nurturing talent and providing quality education has culminated in a significant number of students qualifying for NEET, reinforcing ODM Educational Group's status as a leading educational institution.
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ODM Public School NEET 2024 Results
ODM Public School has seen 40 of its students qualify for NEET 2024, showcasing the rigorous academic environment and exceptional support provided to its students. Among these achievers, ODMian Ronit Kumar Rout stands out with an All-India Rank (AIR) of 8174. Ronit scored an impressive 681 out of 720, achieving a percentile of 99.63 and securing a category rank of 3780.
Dr. Satyabrata Minaketan, Chairman of ODM Educational Group, expressed his pride in the students' accomplishments, stating, "Our students have shown remarkable dedication and perseverance. Their success in NEET 2024 is a testament to their hard work and the unwavering support from our faculty. We are committed to continuing our tradition of excellence and helping our students achieve their academic goals."
ODM Global School NEET 2024 Results
ODM Global School also celebrated a successful year, with 25 students qualifying for NEET 2024. The top performers from ODM Global School include Aditya Kar and Prem Parija. Aditya Kar achieved an AIR of 4102 with a score of 691 out of 720, attaining a percentile of 99.817 and a category rank of 2032. Prem Parija followed closely with an AIR of 9139, a score of 680 out of 720, a percentile of 98.464, and a category rank of 4172.
Mr. Swoyan Satyendu, COO of ODM Educational Group, remarked, "The achievements of our students in NEET 2024 reflect the high standards of education we uphold at ODM. Our focus on holistic development and personalized learning strategies has proven effective once again. We are immensely proud of our students and their outstanding performance."
Commitment to Excellence
The remarkable performance of students from both ODM Public School and ODM Global School highlights the effectiveness of ODM Educational Group's comprehensive educational approach. With a curriculum designed to foster critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and a deep understanding of core subjects, the schools ensure that students are well-prepared for competitive exams like NEET.
The Group's emphasis on providing a supportive learning environment, combined with experienced faculty and state-of-the-art facilities, has been instrumental in the success of its students. Regular mock tests, interactive learning sessions, and personalized mentoring are just a few of the many initiatives that have contributed to these impressive results.
A Bright Future Ahead
The stellar performance in NEET 2024 opens up numerous opportunities for the qualified students, paving the way for them to secure admissions into prestigious medical colleges across the country. As these young achievers embark on their journey to become future medical professionals, ODM Educational Group continues to stand by them, offering unwavering support and guidance.
Looking ahead, ODM Educational Group remains committed to its mission of delivering quality education and nurturing the potential of each student. The Group's continuous efforts to innovate and adapt to the evolving educational landscape ensure that its students are always at the forefront of academic success.
In conclusion, the NEET 2024 results are a reflection of the dedication, hard work, and excellence that define the ODM Educational Group. With each passing year, the Group's schools continue to set new benchmarks in academic performance, making a significant impact in the field of education.
For more information about ODM Educational Group and its schools, please visit ODM Educational Group's website. PR Resource: https://www.openpr.com/news/3532941/odm-educational-group-celebrates-exceptional-neet-2024-results
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odmglobalschoolbbsr · 15 days
Embark on a journey of academic excellence with ODM Global School, the top CBSE school in Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Our commitment to fostering academic brilliance is evident through a rigorous curriculum, experienced faculty, and avant-garde facilities. Focusing on personalised learning and innovative teaching methodologies, we empower students to excel academically and reach their full potential. Through a holistic approach to education, ODM Global School ensures comprehensive development while maintaining high academic standards. Join us at ODM Global School and explore how we cultivate a culture of academic excellence and prepare students for success in a competitive world.
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odmglobalschoolbbsr · 1 month
 Bhubaneswar, Odisha — In a resounding testament to academic excellence, ODM Educational Group proudly unveils the exceptional performance of its students in the CBSE Class X & XII examinations. Of particular note is the outstanding achievement of ODMian Ronit Kumar Rout, who has emerged as the State Topper, capturing the attention of educators and observers alike. Across the spectrum of ODM schools, students have showcased remarkable talent and dedication, underscoring the institution’s commitment to nurturing academic prowess. This remarkable feat not only reflects individual brilliance but also underscores ODM’s enduring legacy of excellence in education.
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Continuing the saga of excellence, ODM Public School sets new benchmarks in the Class X results. Ayush Pattanayak and Ankit Samantaray, the Joint School Toppers, illuminate the path to success with their remarkable achievement of 99%. The school’s robust performance is further underscored by an impressive average of 82.5%, with a significant number of students achieving remarkable scores.
“I am profoundly honored to witness the extraordinary achievements of our students in the CBSE Class X & XII examinations,” expresses Dr. Satyabrata Minaketan, Chairman of ODM Educational Group. “Their relentless pursuit of excellence, coupled with the unwavering dedication of our esteemed faculty, has resulted in this remarkable triumph. This remarkable milestone not only reflects our commitment to academic excellence but also underscores our collective journey towards shaping future leaders. Heartfelt congratulations to all stakeholders on this momentous occasion.”
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Mr. Swoyan Satyendu, COO of ODM Educational Group, reflects on the outstanding performance of ODM students in the CBSE examinations. “The results stand as a testament to the holistic education and nurturing environment provided by ODM,” he remarks. “We celebrate not just academic excellence but also the character and values instilled in our students. These achievements reaffirm our commitment to fostering all-round development and preparing students for success in an ever-evolving world.”
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Concluding with pride and optimism, the remarkable achievements of students at ODM Educational Group in the CBSE Class X & XII examinations stand as a testament to the institution’s unwavering commitment to academic excellence. These results not only showcase individual brilliance but also highlight the collective efforts of the dedicated faculty and supportive community. As this milestone is celebrated, ODM Educational Group looks forward to empowering more young minds, fostering innovation, and shaping a brighter future together.
PR Resource: https://www.pressreleasepoint.com/breaking-records-odm-schools-dominate-cbse-2024-state-topper-and-exceptional-results
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odmglobalschoolbbsr · 2 months
Why do Parents Choose the Best CBSE Residential School in Bhubaneswar for Their Children's Education?
Discover why parents entrust their children's education to ODM Global School, recognised as the best CBSE residential school in Bhubaneswar. Our residential program offers a nurturing environment, promoting academic excellence and holistic development. With modern amenities, dedicated staff, nutritious food, and a focus on safety and well-being, we ensure a conducive learning environment for students to thrive. From academic support to extracurricular opportunities, ODM Global School provides a comprehensive educational experience. Join our community of parents who prioritise quality education and choose ODM Global School for their children's future.
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odmglobalschoolbbsr · 4 months
Cracking the Code: How ODM Global School Empowers Students for Competitive Exam Success
In today's fiercely competitive academic landscape, excelling in competitive exams like JEE and NEET has become a defining factor for students aiming to carve a successful career. The key to cracking competitive exams is not merely the hours spent poring over textbooks; it's about unlocking the secret code of smart work. This code, carefully crafted and nurtured at ODM Global School, the top CBSE school in Bhubaneswar, empowers students to thrive in the high-pressure arena of competitive exams. Let's delve deeper into the role of ODM Global School in unleashing children's potential and equipping them with the knowledge needed to conquer these highly competitive exams and become smart achievers.
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5 Key Strategies for Competitive Exam Success at ODM Global School:
Integrated Curriculum Approach:
ODM Global School adopts a well-structured CBSE curriculum that goes beyond rote learning. The curriculum is meticulously crafted by integrating the regular school curriculum with competitive exam preparation. This approach embraces diverse subjects, fostering intellectual curiosity and cultivating a broad knowledge base that aligns seamlessly with the multidisciplinary nature of most competitive exams, preparing students for various question formats and topics.
Focus on Conceptual Understanding:
Merely memorising facts is not enough. ODM Global School emphasises the conceptual understanding that promotes critical thinking and analytical skills among students. It equips students to solve complex problems by applying their knowledge effectively. This approach is invaluable in competitive exams, where questions often test deeper understanding rather than simple memorisation.
Robust Assessment Mechanism for Monitoring Progress:
Regular assessments, mock tests, and practice papers mirroring the format and difficulty level of competitive exams help students become familiar with the board and competitive exam patterns. This approach at ODM hones students' skills by acquainting them with the assessment style, building confidence, and reducing pre-exam anxiety.
Access to Resources and Expert Guidance:
As the top CBSE school in Odisha, ODM Global School provides students unparalleled access to resources, including subject-specific workshops, expert guest lectures, advanced laboratories, and dedicated doubt-clearing classes. Additionally, the experienced teachers serve as valuable mentors, offering personalised guidance and strategies to navigate the complexities of competitive exams seamlessly.
Offers Individualised attention: 
As every student's comprehension abilities are different, ODM provides personalised support tailored to each student's unique learning needs. This approach fosters a supportive environment where students receive targeted assistance, allowing them to succeed and reach their full potential in their studies and competitive exam preparation.
A Case in Point: ODM's Legacy of Excellence in Competitive Exams
ODM Educational Group is renowned for its unwavering commitment to academic excellence, guiding students towards exceptional achievements in competitive exams. As a testament to ODM's incredible educational approach, Satyendu Kar, an incredible student from ODM Public School, earned an astounding score of 99.98%, clinching the state's top spot. Similarly, Debasish Panda from ODM Global School showcased remarkable prowess by ranking among the state's top 10 in the JEE Main 2024 session I with an impressive score of 99.95%. With numerous students consistently securing above 99% marks in this highly competitive exam, these remarkable results exemplify ODM's dedication to providing meticulous guidance and support. Nurturing top performers over generations, ODM continues its mission of fostering academic excellence and empowering students to realise their full potential.
In conclusion, ODM Global School, the best CBSE school in Bhubaneswar, epitomises the essence of preparing students not just to excel but to thrive in the competitive landscape of exams like JEE and NEET. Through its meticulously crafted approach, the school equips its students with the tools needed to navigate the challenges of these exams successfully. As ODM paves the way for future generations of achievers, it remains steadfast in its mission of nurturing academic excellence and enabling students to chart their path to success.
Blog Resource: https://odmglobalschool.org/updates/cracking-the-code-how-odm-global-school-empowers-students-for-competitive-exam-success/
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You might assume that by the time your child is ready for high school, they will have mastered all things “computer,” regardless of whether they have attended an online school, distance learning programme, or a more conventional school. After all, most preteens and teens already spend a significant portion of their day staring at devices. Students in middle school should begin learning how to use computers now so they can succeed in high school, college, and beyond. Examine the following list of the top computer skills for your child to learn to ensure that he or she is prepared for the academic demands of today’s high schools.
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When people hear the word “conflict” in relation to school-aged children, the word “bully” generally comes to mind. Although bullies get all the press, they aren’t the only cause of schoolyard friction. When handled well, conflict can lead to positive outcomes. Students benefit from disagreements because it forces them to collaborate, expand their horizons, question their assumptions, and build stronger bonds with one another.
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odmglobalschoolbbsr · 2 years
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ODM Global School | Best CBSE Residential School in Bhubaneswar
Experience the future of education at the best CBSE boarding school in Bhubaneswar, India with specialized study programs which bring 360-degree growth to every child.
Learn more at:
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odmglobalschoolbbsr · 2 years
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Best day boarding School in Bhubaneswar | ODM Global School
At ODM Global School, we are the first in the state CBSE school with a 360-degree learning curriculum for our students that provide a well-rounded education and an innovative learning atmosphere.
Admissions Open for 2023-24 Session
Enrol Now: https://admissions.odmglobalschool.org/
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odmglobalschoolbbsr · 2 years
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Best opportunity to send your child to the top boarding school in Bhubaneswar
Being the first Global CBSE school in Odisha and among elites in the entire country, ODM Global School brings a futuristic study curriculum designed to deliver 360-degree growth to every student blended with extraordinary student happiness.
Admissions Open for 2023-24 Session
Enrol Now: https://admissions.odmglobalschool.org/
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odmglobalschoolbbsr · 2 years
Your journey with ODM Global School starts here. Being the first Global CBSE school in Odisha and among elites in the entire country, ODM Global School brings a futuristic study curriculum designed to deliver 360-degree growth to every student blended with extraordinary student happiness. Not only a strong academic curriculum, but students will also explore a solid co-curricular foundation added with magnificent opportunities and unique freshness to truly embrace world-class education with us.
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odmglobalschoolbbsr · 2 years
How to Improve Focus with Sensory Integration Activities for Students?
Kids, especially at school, have a hard time sitting still, focusing, and controlling their antsy fidgeting and daydreaming. Whether it's due to boredom, exhaustion, or hunger, we usually just need to take a brief pause to feel better. However, incorporating sensory integration activities within that break can increase its positive effects. The term "sensory integration" is used to describe the way in which our brains process several sensory inputs from our bodies at once so that we may successfully interact with our surroundings. Children's sensory integration is a work in progress, therefore, engaging them in sensory integration activities (also called sensory input activities) that engage the senses will not only revitalize them throughout the school day but also boost their cognitive abilities for the rest of their lives.
 Tactile, proprioceptive, vestibular, and motor planning are the four types of sensory integration that can be taught and practiced with young infants. Numerous imaginative pursuits exist for each category. Get your senses working with these enjoyable and useful activities:
 Performing Proprioceptive-Based Tasks
 Awareness of one's own muscles, joints, and ligaments is heightened by proprioceptive exercises. Different types of proprioceptive sensory integration activities exist. Whole-body workout, or "hard work," activities can help antsy, fidgety kids focus and relax or wake up sleepy students.
 Tactile Activities
 Touch is one of the senses that may be developed and honed by participation in tactile activities. Activities that provide tactile sensory input, such as playing in a sandbox, finger painting, making homemade play dough, etc., are very beneficial for elementary school children.
 Vestibular Activities
 Activities that stimulate the vestibular system have been shown to enhance spatial orientation and equilibrium. Some kids could be defensive about having their inner ears moved around, and they might want to avoid doing anything that could cause discomfort there. Although repetition is key, it's also crucial to go at your child's pace to guarantee his or her comfort.
 Motor Planning Activities
 Fine (slower) or gross (faster) motor skills can be honed through motor planning sensory activities. If your child is sometimes clumsy or has problems learning new motions, activities like practicing a dance routine and doing an obstacle course are helpful for practice. It's important to remember that all of the sensory integration activities can and should be practised by your child, but you can focus on some more than others based on his or her individual needs.
 Useful Strategies for Grade-Level Sensory Integration
 Elementary School
Enjoy the fun of playing with clay or play dough.
You can make a variety of sound tubes with household items of varying sizes.
Go play in the sandbox and make a fort or dig holes.
Make a "sensory bin" for students to explore by filling it with items of varying sizes, shapes,  and textures.
Collaboratively cultivate a garden.
Promote musical innovation by having students make their own instruments.
Try to outdo each other in a blind taste test! Students can practise their sense of taste by blindly tasting and guessing different sour, sweet, bitter, and salty foods.
Make your own makeshift  gymnasium at home or in class, and do some basic gymnastics routines.
 Middle School
Make mosaics out of glass,  paper, and other items.
Make baked products like bread, cookies, or cakes that call for a wide variety of ingredients with varying   textures.
Encourage students to try new  sports and physical pursuits.
 High School
To calm students' jittery energy in class, teachers should distribute fidget spinners, stress balls, and other small toys.
Aim to get students outside and into nature as often as possible.
Encourage pupils to make their own "short movies."
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odmglobalschoolbbsr · 2 years
Essential Computer Skills for Students to Master by High School
You might assume that by the time your child is ready for high school, they will have mastered all things "computer," regardless of whether they have attended an online school, distance learning programme, or a more conventional school. After all, most preteens and teens already spend a significant portion of their day staring at devices. Students in middle school should begin learning how to use computers now so they can succeed in high school, college, and beyond. Examine the following list of the top computer skills for your child to learn to ensure that he or she is prepared for the academic demands of today's high schools.
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Web Surfing
The computer user should also be familiar with the common software used with a mouse and keyboard. See to it that your kid knows how to use "Bookmarks" or "Favourites" and is familiar with the three most popular browsers (Chrome, Firefox, and Edge). They need to learn to erase their browser's cache, history, and cookies when it starts performing slowly.
Typing Skill
Typing is the foundation of computer use. Young children often learn to use computers by mastering the basics, including how to type. A pupil in middle school should have the ability to type quickly and accurately using both hands. There are plenty of typing games like Type Fu available online to help your high school student who is falling behind catch up.
Conducting Research via the Web
Research for essays, reports, and presentations in high school often necessitates the use of online databases, print resources, and personal interviews with experts in the field (SMEs). In order to do research for high school online courses, students need to be able to use the internet effectively. This includes being able to evaluate web resources for authority, currency, purpose, and content, as well as conducting an effective search with a search engine (like Google, Bing, or Yahoo) using advanced search commands, identifying legitimate resources, etc.
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Microsoft Office
A high school student needs to be proficient in the most widely used software suite in order to make effective use of their computer. Your kid has to be proficient with Microsoft Office, a set of tools that are widely used in schools and businesses. It has the usual suspects, such as Word, PowerPoint, and Excel.
Email Etiquette
Email, instant messaging, and social media posts are just some of the ways in which computers facilitate communication. Your youngster will be better able to communicate through these mediums if he or she has a firm grasp of how communications should adapt to different settings.
Systematising and Updating Files
It's getting difficult to keep up with all of the homework. A computer user's ability to generate and save work is fundamental, but the prolific user will quickly learn that they need a method for organising their files. Understand the use of external discs, such as flash and thumb drives, etc., and be able to construct and label directories for storing files and other organisational elements.
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Competence in Online Privacy, Security, and Safety
Students at virtual schools also need to know how to stay secure while using the internet. You may have instructed your youngster to stay away from unknown websites, delete strange emails, and be cautious when using social media, but cybercriminals are becoming more cunning every day. Students should be aware of the hows and whys of cyber safety measures such as enabling the "Do Not Track Tool" in browsers, creating and never sharing passwords, avoiding opening attachments from unknown senders, requesting approval before signing up for anything, adhering to age restrictions on all social networking sites, etc.
Basic Computer Troubleshooting
Fundamental knowledge of computers and how to troubleshoot issues is essential for any user. If your high schooler encounters computer issues, he or she should know how to perform some basic troubleshooting steps, such as verifying that all cables and plugs are securely connected, and that power strips are turned on; documenting each step taken to resolve the issue; and, finally, rebooting the computer and/or programme.
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odmglobalschoolbbsr · 2 years
With the growing number of educators and parents recognising the need for a better career, life skills, personal skills and technical education, academic performance alone cannot make your kid a champion or a leader in this extremely competitive world. As a result, 360-degree learning has emerged as one of the most crucial factors for K-12 education.
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odmglobalschoolbbsr · 2 years
Particularly for introverted children who are taught at home, it might be difficult for teachers and parents to help their children develop social skills (also known as “people skills”). The good news is that social skills education is accessible to children of all ages. Teaching children to get along with others is just as important as teaching them academic topics like arithmetic and reading. Also, students can gain a lot of confidence and socialise more easily with their peers if they work on their interpersonal skills.
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odmglobalschoolbbsr · 2 years
Mr. Miguel Casal, Technical Director, LaLiga Football Schools India, Visited ODM Global School
Expect the Best When You Join with the Best! At ODM Global School, our vision is for every child to be known, inspired, challenged, and empowered. With the very definition of GLOBAL with our name, we invited Mr. Miguel Casal, Technical Director, LaLiga Football Schools India, to visit ODM Global School for a special event to conduct Football Master Classes along with observation sessions for our students. The whole event was spectacular in every manner, where OGSians received a bundle of outstanding experiences with Mr. Miguel and displayed their OGS-learned skills to awestruck the guest of honour. 
 Here we are sharing Mr. Miguel’s experience at ODM Global School in his own words. 
 Learn More: https://www.odmglobalschool.org
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odmglobalschoolbbsr · 2 years
The World Education Summit 2022 is conducted to discuss technological innovations, scopes and opportunities present in this rapidly evolving education sector. Leaders present at the event discussed the pedagogies of the new-age learning processes and how 21st-century technology will cater to the growing requirements of the education world. The platform has gathered country-renowned speakers and experts from both private and government sectors.
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