#top cbse school in bhubaneswar
Remarkable JEE Advanced 2024 Achievements by ODM Educational Group Students
Bhubaneswar Odisha: The ODM Educational Group is elated to announce the exceptional performance of its students in the JEE Advanced 2024 examinations. This year, students from ODM Public School and ODM Global School have showcased remarkable academic prowess, with a significant number of qualifiers and top rankings that underscore the Group’s dedication to excellence in education.
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Key Highlights from ODM Public School
ODM Public School has once again proven its academic excellence with 29 students qualifying for JEE Advanced 2024. The school's top performer, ODMian Yash Vardhan, achieved an impressive All India Rank (AIR) of 1211. This achievement highlights the rigorous preparation and high standards maintained by the school. Mr. Swoyan Satyendu, COO of ODM Educational Group, commented on the achievements, saying, "Our students’ performance in JEE Advanced 2024 is a reflection of the quality education and individualized attention they receive at ODM. We are incredibly proud of our students’ dedication and the exceptional results they have achieved. This success is a collaborative effort of our students, teachers, and parents."
Key Highlights from ODM Global School
ODM Global School also celebrated commendable success, with six students qualifying for JEE Advanced 2024. The school’s top performer, ODMian Debasish Panda, achieved an outstanding AIR of 1136, setting a high benchmark for future aspirants. Dr. Satyabrata Minaketan, Chairman of ODM Educational Group, expressed his pride in the students’ achievements, stating, "The success of our students in JEE Advanced 2024 is a testament to their hard work, determination, and the robust support system provided by our dedicated faculty. At ODM, we are committed to fostering an environment that nurtures academic excellence and holistic development."
In total, 35 students from the ODM Educational Group have qualified for JEE Advanced 2024. This significant number of qualifiers from both ODM Public School and ODM Global School demonstrates the Group’s unwavering commitment to academic excellence and its effective educational strategies.
Commitment to Academic Excellence
The success of ODM Educational Group in JEE Advanced 2024 underscores its commitment to providing high-quality education and fostering an environment conducive to academic success. The Group’s curriculum is designed to develop critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and a deep understanding of subjects, preparing students effectively for competitive exams like JEE Advanced. ODM Educational Group's holistic approach to education includes comprehensive coaching, regular mock tests, interactive learning sessions, and personalized mentoring. These initiatives ensure that students are well-prepared and confident to face competitive examinations, as evidenced by the outstanding results in JEE Advanced 2024.
Looking Forward
The achievements in JEE Advanced 2024 pave the way for ODM Educational Group's students to secure admissions into prestigious engineering institutes across the country, including the IITs. As these young achievers embark on their academic journeys in higher education, ODM Educational Group remains steadfast in its mission to support and guide them. Looking ahead, ODM Educational Group is committed to continuing its tradition of excellence. The Group will persist in innovating and adapting to the evolving educational landscape, ensuring that its students remain at the forefront of academic success.
The JEE Advanced 2024 results are a clear indication of the hard work, dedication, and academic excellence that define ODM Educational Group. Each year, the Group's schools set new standards of performance, making significant contributions to the field of education.
For more information about ODM Educational Group and its schools, please visit ODM Educational Group's website.
Article Resource: http://prsync.com/odmeducationalgroup/remarkable-jee-advanced--achievements-by-odm-educational-group-students-4168078/
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odmglobalschoolbbsr · 15 days
Embark on a journey of academic excellence with ODM Global School, the top CBSE school in Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Our commitment to fostering academic brilliance is evident through a rigorous curriculum, experienced faculty, and avant-garde facilities. Focusing on personalised learning and innovative teaching methodologies, we empower students to excel academically and reach their full potential. Through a holistic approach to education, ODM Global School ensures comprehensive development while maintaining high academic standards. Join us at ODM Global School and explore how we cultivate a culture of academic excellence and prepare students for success in a competitive world.
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odmpublicschool · 1 month
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ODMian Ronit Kumar Rout Emerges as Odisha State Topper in the CBSE 12th Board Exam!
A hearty congratulations to ODMian Ronit Kumar Rout, who has soared to the top as the Odisha State Topper in the CBSE 12th Board Exam 2024 (Science) with a remarkable 99.2%. Notably, Ronit’s exceptional feat includes scoring a perfect 100 out of 100 in Chemistry, Mathematics, and Painting, elevating his achievement to new heights. His stellar performance stands as a testament to his unwavering dedication and academic prowess, inspiring others to strive for excellence.
For Admission Visit: https://www.odmps.org/academics/odm-senior-secondary-school.php
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Best CBSE Residential School in Bhubaneswar
Explore the best CBSE residential school in Bhubaneswar, we help students to develop the bright future. We provide the high standards of education and boarding facilities. For more information visit at: https://sirs.edu.in/
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mountliterazeeschool1 · 4 months
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Best CBSE School in Bhubaneswar:-
We are one of the best CBSE schools in Bhubaneswar. We hire highly qualified and experienced teachers who follow innovative teaching methods to help them learn more effectively. We offer a wide range of extracurricular activities as well as studies to improve their interest and talent.  
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vikshschool · 2 months
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aryavartacademy · 2 years
Best CBSE School in Khordha AAA
When teaching today’s kids, the use of technology as a teaching tool is inevitable, especially in the post-Covid-19 era. By combining traditional face-to-face teaching with technology through a blended learning approach, AAA's students’ learning experiences replicate their lifestyles as digital natives. Following a very inclusive pattern of education, AAA is a top school in khordha that has given wings to those who thought they weren’t eligible to dream high. It has created a world of knowledge and opportunities while breaking down the social barriers. We are a group of educational organizers who have produced a roadmap for how we can live up to the education promise we have made to impart wisdom, knowledge and education to all. Our vision is not only to be a leading educational institution, but also to provide the utmost care and mastery in all fields of life.
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AAA is the best special education in Bhubaneswar all-accepting, inclusive co-educational school. We are the kind of institution that believes in empowering both students and teachers while moving forward along with technology. We emphasize a great deal on safety and security of the students, as well as all-round development throughout the year. We employ several innovative teaching techniques that impart knowledge and instill strong values into the child to become responsible future citizens of the world.
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We know that each child is different and hence we use various methods to help them grow on their own along with growing together socially. Along with traditional lessons, we encourage students to open their minds to a myriad of extra-curricular activities, from music and dance, to swimming and games. We offer various sports activities along with academic assurance, such as Taekwondo, Cricket, Football, Volleyball, Handball, Table Tennis, Lawn Tennis, Badminton, etc. Besides sports we also have other fields like NCC, JRC, Scouts & Guides, and Cubs & Bulbuls.
We also have a remarkable Digital Library, along with seven laboratories – Computer, Mathematics, Social Science, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Language Labs. We believe in the children finding their happy place in the school; it does not matter if it’s in the science lab, or on the football field.
For more details :- Website - https://www.aryavartancientacademy.in/  Call us at- 6372866816 , 9178387717. [email protected]
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biswajit20 · 1 month
 A Leading Choice For Best CBSE Day Boarding in Bhubaneswar|Sankalp school
If you are looking for the Best CBSE day boarding School in Berhampur, then Sankalp is the right choice for you. At Sankalp, academic success and overall growth are our top priorities. We provide a comprehensive curriculum and our faculty members are well-versed and experienced. We have high-quality facilities and disciplined faculty. Our approach to education is friendly and approachable. We provide students with all modern facilities to enhance their learning experience. Our classrooms are fully equipped, our science labs are state-of-the-art, and our library is well-stocked. We are not only concerned about academic success but also about overall growth. We provide a comfortable and nurturing environment in which students can live and learn. We also offer a variety of extra-curricular activities such as sports, music, dance, etc. Security and safety is our top priority and we provide stringent security measures to all students to ensure their safety at all times. Admission to Sankalp school is easy. All you need to do is visit our website to learn more about the admission process.
#berhampur #residentialschool #CBSE boarding
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Breaking Records: ODM Schools Dominate CBSE 2024 with State Topper and Exceptional Results
 Bhubaneswar, Odisha — In a resounding testament to academic excellence, ODM Educational Group proudly unveils the exceptional performance of its students in the CBSE Class X & XII examinations. Of particular note is the outstanding achievement of ODMian Ronit Kumar Rout, who has emerged as the State Topper, capturing the attention of educators and observers alike. Across the spectrum of ODM schools, students have showcased remarkable talent and dedication, underscoring the institution’s commitment to nurturing academic prowess. This remarkable feat not only reflects individual brilliance but also underscores ODM’s enduring legacy of excellence in education.
In the Class XII results of ODM Public School, academic excellence takes center stage with a remarkable showcase of achievements. The Science stream witnessed Ronit Kumar Rout clinching the top spot with an impressive 99.2%, securing the title of STATE TOPPER. His exceptional performance is complemented by Swayamshree Gahan’s stellar 98.6% and Divyaanshu Behera’s commendable 97.4%. In the Commerce stream, Siddhi Bansal leads with an impressive 96.6%, followed closely by Ashish Agarwal with 95.8% and Aaradhy Singh with 95.2%.
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Continuing the saga of excellence, ODM Public School sets new benchmarks in the Class X results. Ayush Pattanayak and Ankit Samantaray, the Joint School Toppers, illuminate the path to success with their remarkable achievement of 99%. The school’s robust performance is further underscored by an impressive average of 82.5%, with a significant number of students achieving remarkable scores.
“I am profoundly honored to witness the extraordinary achievements of our students in the CBSE Class X & XII examinations,” expresses Dr. Satyabrata Minaketan, Chairman of ODM Educational Group. “Their relentless pursuit of excellence, coupled with the unwavering dedication of our esteemed faculty, has resulted in this remarkable triumph. This remarkable milestone not only reflects our commitment to academic excellence but also underscores our collective journey towards shaping future leaders. Heartfelt congratulations to all stakeholders on this momentous occasion.”
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Mr. Swoyan Satyendu, COO of ODM Educational Group, reflects on the outstanding performance of ODM students in the CBSE examinations. “The results stand as a testament to the holistic education and nurturing environment provided by ODM,” he remarks. “We celebrate not just academic excellence but also the character and values instilled in our students. These achievements reaffirm our commitment to fostering all-round development and preparing students for success in an ever-evolving world.”
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Concluding with pride and optimism, the remarkable achievements of students at ODM Educational Group in the CBSE Class X & XII examinations stand as a testament to the institution’s unwavering commitment to academic excellence. These results not only showcase individual brilliance but also highlight the collective efforts of the dedicated faculty and supportive community. As this milestone is celebrated, ODM Educational Group looks forward to empowering more young minds, fostering innovation, and shaping a brighter future together.
PR Resource: https://www.pressreleasepoint.com/breaking-records-odm-schools-dominate-cbse-2024-state-topper-and-exceptional-results
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mountlitera-school · 6 months
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Top-notch CBSE Education in Bhubaneswar
We will explore the top-notch CBSE schools in Bhubaneswar that offer high-quality education to students. These schools are known for their exceptional academic standards, innovative teaching methodologies, and emphasis on holistic development. In the vibrant educational landscape of Bhubaneswar, the pursuit of the best CBSE quality education takes precedence, and several institutions stand out for their commitment to excellence. These schools are renowned for providing a holistic and high-quality education that adheres to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) standards. The best CBSE quality education in Bhubaneswar is characterized by a rigorous curriculum designed to foster intellectual growth, critical thinking, and practical skills. These institutions prioritize not only academic excellence but also the holistic development of students, offering a well-rounded education that includes extracurricular activities, sports, and cultural enrichment. Distinguished by experienced faculty members and modern infrastructure, these schools create an environment conducive to learning and personal growth. Students enrolled in these institutions benefit from a comprehensive educational experience that prepares them not only for board examinations but also for the challenges of higher education and beyond. Choosing the best CBSE quality education in Bhubaneswar is a strategic investment in a student's future, ensuring they receive the knowledge, skills, and values needed to thrive in an ever-evolving world. It is a commitment to excellence that goes beyond the classroom, shaping well-rounded individuals equipped for success in various spheres of life. For more information visit our Website https://mountliterabhubaneswar.com/
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rahullz · 9 months
Best CBSE Residential College in Bhubaneswar
TSG Gurukul: The Best CBSE Residential School in Bhubaneswar
Give your child the best education possible at TSG Gurukul, the top CBSE residential school in Bhubaneswar.
We offer a world-class curriculum, state-of-the-art facilities, and a nurturing environment that will help your child thrive. Our students consistently achieve outstanding results in academics, sports, and extracurricular activities.
At TSG Gurukul, your child will:
Receive a rigorous academic education that will prepare them for success in college and beyond.
Develop their talents and skills in a variety of areas, including sports, music, art, and theater.
Make lifelong friendships with students from all over India and the world.
Learn to live independently and responsibly in a safe and supportive environment.
Enroll your child in TSG Gurukul today and give them the gift of a bright future.
Visit our website or call us today to learn more about our admissions process.
TSG Gurukul: Where excellence is nurtured.
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odmeducationalgroup · 1 month
Breaking Records: ODM Schools Dominate CBSE 2024 with State Topper and Exceptional Results
Bhubaneswar, Odisha - In a resounding testament to academic excellence, ODM Educational Group proudly unveils the exceptional performance of its students in the CBSE Class X & XII examinations. Of particular note is the outstanding achievement of ODMian Ronit Kumar Rout, who has emerged as the State Topper, capturing the attention of educators and observers alike. Across the spectrum of ODM schools, students have showcased remarkable talent and dedication, underscoring the institution's commitment to nurturing academic prowess. This remarkable feat not only reflects individual brilliance but also underscores ODM's enduring legacy of excellence in education. 
In the Class XII results of ODM Public School, academic excellence takes center stage with a remarkable showcase of achievements. The Science stream witnessed Ronit Kumar Rout clinching the top spot with an impressive 99.2%, securing the title of STATE TOPPER. His exceptional performance is complemented by Swayamshree Gahan's stellar 98.6% and Divyaanshu Behera's commendable 97.4%. In the Commerce stream, Siddhi Bansal leads with an impressive 96.6%, followed closely by Ashish Agarwal with 95.8% and Aaradhy Singh with 95.2%.  
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Continuing the saga of excellence, ODM Public School sets new benchmarks in the Class X results. Ayush Pattanayak and Ankit Samantaray, the Joint School Toppers, illuminate the path to success with their remarkable achievement of 99%. The school's robust performance is further underscored by an impressive average of 82.5%, with a significant number of students achieving remarkable scores.  
"I am profoundly honored to witness the extraordinary achievements of our students in the CBSE Class X & XII examinations," expresses Dr. Satyabrata Minaketan, Chairman of ODM Educational Group. "Their relentless pursuit of excellence, coupled with the unwavering dedication of our esteemed faculty, has resulted in this remarkable triumph. This remarkable milestone not only reflects our commitment to academic excellence but also underscores our collective journey towards shaping future leaders. Heartfelt congratulations to all stakeholders on this momentous occasion." 
In the Class XII results of ODM Global School, students have displayed exemplary academic prowess across various streams. Aditya Kar leads in the Science stream with an outstanding score of 97.8%, while Debasish Panda follows closely with 97.4%. Furthermore, the school celebrates the achievements of eight students scoring above 95% and 29 students securing more than 90%. In the Class X results of ODM Global School, Mohammad Saif Raza emerged as the School Topper, showcasing exceptional academic performance with an impressive score of 95.8%. These results underscore ODM Global School's commitment to fostering excellence and nurturing talent among its students.  
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Mr. Swoyan Satyendu, COO of ODM Educational Group, reflects on the outstanding performance of ODM students in the CBSE examinations. "The results stand as a testament to the holistic education and nurturing environment provided by ODM," he remarks. "We celebrate not just academic excellence but also the character and values instilled in our students. These achievements reaffirm our commitment to fostering all-round development and preparing students for success in an ever-evolving world." 
Continuing the celebration of academic excellence, ODM International School - Angul proudly presents the achievements of its students in both Class XII and X. Satyam Singh Dadwal leads the Humanities stream with an impressive 93.8%, while Pritam Kumar Behera emerges as the School Topper in Science with a notable 89.8%. Nupur Purohit excels in Commerce, securing the top spot with 81.8%. In the Class X results, Naman Saraf commands attention with an outstanding score of 97.8%, securing the top position.  
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Concluding with pride and optimism, the remarkable achievements of students at ODM Educational Group in the CBSE Class X & XII examinations stand as a testament to the institution's unwavering commitment to academic excellence. These results not only showcase individual brilliance but also highlight the collective efforts of the dedicated faculty and supportive community. As this milestone is celebrated, ODM Educational Group looks forward to empowering more young minds, fostering innovation, and shaping a brighter future together. 
PR Resource: https://www.pressreleasepoint.com/breaking-records-odm-schools-dominate-cbse-2024-state-topper-and-exceptional-results
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odmglobalschoolbbsr · 2 years
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odmpublicschool · 4 months
Beyond the Ordinary: How ODM Public School Propels Students Towards Competitive Exam Triumphs
In the pursuit of academic excellence, students often face challenges when it comes to preparing for competitive exams. However, the path to success in these challenging exams is paved with dedication, hard work, and the right guidance. A holistic approach addressing all aspects of learning is essential for achieving top scores. Amidst this pressure, there is ODM Public School, the best CBSE school in Bhubaneswar, that stands out, empowering its students not only to cope but to thrive. Let's explore ODM's holistic approach to learning that consistently nurtures future leaders and guides them towards competitive exam triumphs.
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The Winning Formula: ODM's Strategic Approaches for Phenomenal Success in Competitive Exams
Preparing for highly competitive exams like JEE and NEET is not just about rote learning and endless practice tests but a thorough understanding of the concepts. ODM Public School takes a holistic approach to competitive exam preparation, focusing on building a strong foundation in core concepts, kindling a passion for learning, and equipping students with the right skills to succeed in any competitive exam. Here's how:
Holistic Approach to Learning:
To prepare students for the fiercely competitive exams, ODM Public School adopts a holistic approach that prioritises conceptual understanding. This approach focuses on a more in-depth understanding of concepts that helps students grasp the underlying principles and improve their critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
Personalised Guidance and Mentoring
Every student has a distinct way of learning. Recognising this, ODM provides personalised guidance and support to help students clear their doubts, overcome fears or exam-related stress, and stay motivated. Whether it's academic support or emotional well-being, the school helps its students navigate their academic journey with confidence and clarity.
Strategic Curriculum and Rigorous Practice:
Success in competitive exams requires more than just theoretical knowledge. It requires rigorous practice and strategic preparation. The curriculum at ODM is meticulously designed to cover all the essential topics for various competitive exams. The regular practice tests and mock exams help students identify their strengths and areas of improvement and fine-tune their problem-solving skills, time management, and exam strategies.
Technology integration and access to high-standard resources:
The use of technology is becoming increasingly important in today's educational realm. As the top CBSE school in Odisha, ODM Public School provides students with the latest technologies and tools to enhance their competitive exam preparation. Using multimedia resources, audio-visual content, and online study materials helps students stay engaged and motivated and enhances the retention and recall of information.
Success Showcase: ODM's Legacy of Remarkable Achievements:
The continuous effort at ODM Public School is yielding exceptional results, and the success stories of Satyendu Kar and many more students exemplify the effectiveness of ODM's holistic approach. For instance, Satyendu Kar, a meritorious student of ODM Public School, scored a phenomenal 99.98% and secured the top position as the JEE Main Session-I Odisha state topper. Satyendu's tremendous success highlights the comprehensive support and guidance provided by ODM, empowering students to excel brilliantly. Similarly, Debasish Panda from OGM Global School secured an impressive 99.95% and ranked among the state's top 10 achievers. Furthermore, the commendable performances of 12 more brilliant students, scoring above 99%, further validate the school's commitment to excellence. These results serve as shining examples of ODM Public School's continuous efforts to nurture talent and foster a culture of academic excellence to propel students towards extraordinary achievements.
In conclusion, ODM Public School, the top CBSE school in Odisha, plays a crucial role in preparing students for competitive exams. The integration of an effective curriculum, innovative teaching methods, and a supportive learning environment empowers students to attain their full potential and achieve unprecedented success. 
Blog Resource: https://www.odmps.org/updates/blog/beyond-the-ordinary-how-odm-public-school-propels-students-towards-competitive-exam-triumphs/
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What are the Benefits of Studying CBSE School in Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Everyone knows how education leads to a brighter future. Primary and secondary education is always a significant factor behind a student’s background formation. School is where a child gets their first dose of the outer world. Whatever knowledge is gained during the school time, and the way they are taught- essentially helps in building a brighter future and career for the students. Hence, it becomes very important to select the correct board of education for the children.
If you are currently staying at Bhubaneswar, Odisha and are looking for a good school for your child, this article will help you out in making an informed decision. Read more to know why CBSE board is better than Odisha State Board of Education. 
Benefits of Studying CBSE School in Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Ease of Learning
CBSE board have planned their books and chapters in such a way that a student goes through various activities while reading. This helps in better understanding the concepts and build up a strong fundamental base. Compared to the Odisha board of education, CBSE board has a better mode of teaching that focuses on the well-being of the students.
Prepares for Higher Studies
Students from both boards are eligible to apply to study abroad. However, students in the CBSE have an advantage since they start learning English in preschool and study three languages in total as they go up the classes. Additionally, they can choose to study a foreign language in school. The state board does not currently have these amenities. The state board solely pays attention to English and the mother tongue. 
Updated Syllabus
CBSE keeps its syllabus updated with time. The board changes its syllabus and ensures the book list and subjects remain up to date with modern times. This helps the students to acquire the latest knowledge and skill development. 
Conceptual Learning
CBSE emphasizes more on conceptual learning and not rot learning. Understanding the concepts from its core will enable them to give correct answers. This reduces the stress of memorizing and the tension of forgetting answers. 
Competitive Exams
Compared to the state board syllabus, the CBSE syllabus and books are more in line with the country's competitive exams, including SSC, UPSC, JEE, and NEET. Here CBSE board students have an advantage over the Odisha board. Selecting the right board of education is an important decision for any parent. This decision today shapes the future of the children and helps them in achieving their dreams. SAI International is the best CBSE school in Bhubaneswar, Odisha that takes holistic care of their students.
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mountliterazeeschool1 · 4 months
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Top CBSE School in Bhubaneswar
We are the top CBSE school in Bhubaneswar where excellence and innovation never cease. Our students score high in each exam and that is one of the reasons the majority of the parents trust us to send their kids to our school. We have all kinds of facilities and resources such as the library, science labs, playgrounds, and many more for student overall development.
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