odysseygame · 10 months
Warning -Shitty Audio-
Game Update!
I have the writing for the game almost over and done with. The writing for the demo is finished though!
At the moment I'm trying to figure Ren'py (the visual novel creator I'm using). I'm going to shoot for the demo to be released by the end of this month or the beginning of October.
The character customization screen, and the backgrounds in general, aren't the final product! I quickly created some placeholders while I was figuring out how Ren'py worked. Don't worry, you'll see a much nicer-looking final product :)
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odysseygame · 10 months
Ah, lovely, you've made the blog! Happy to have you here hun 💜
Mind telling us some more about the boys?
Glad to be here, dude! <3
I'm a fan of characters who defy expectations, so I designed my male leads with that in mind.
Kouji presents a tough exterior but transforms into a helpless goofball when he's around MC. Normally, his personality aligns with his looks, but for some inexplicable reason, MC brings out a new side of him. While he displays yandere tendencies, they manifest as clinginess rather than purposeful violence. He might use his strength to overpower MC if she resists, but he wouldn't deliberately harm her. However, let's be honest, MC has pressing matters back home, so his reaction to her departure might not be very composed. I believe his masochistic inclinations will make him a truly intriguing character.
In contrast to Kouji, Fumihito is a fucking goblin. He has a sweet child-like personality at first glance but he’s hiding a bit of a temper. He takes pleasure in asserting control over MC whenever possible. His belief is that by diminishing MC's self-esteem, she'll lose the drive to seek attention from others. While he refrains from physical aggression during their relationship, now that she's attempting to break free, he's open to using force. His sadistic tendencies and episodes of mania render him unpredictable. He's prepared to even resort to pulling MC back by her hair to keep her by his side.
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odysseygame · 10 months
I’m sorry if this sounds weird for me to ask this but…does Fumihito Ueda grovel and regret cheating on the Mc? Because if so, SIGN ME THE HELL UP 💳💥💳💥💳 SEEING CHARACTERS GROVEL AFTER WHAT THEY DID IS MY GUILTY PLEASURE.
Honestly I'm into grovelling too 🙏 Which is why both Male leads will be doing a bunch of that.
Fumihito does regret cheating, but not because it hurt MC. He regrets doing it because it resulted in MC leaving. In his fucked up mind he thought MC would grovel to him and end up staying by his side so that he doesn't stray from the relationship again. He only truly wants her and for her to only want him. He wasn't planning on cheating again anyway. He only did so the one time to bring down MC's self-esteem for his plan to work.
Now that it's obvious MC's not coming back he's ready to grovel like a dog. If that doesn't work, he's ready to use persuasive language. Then maybe a little manipulation. If that doesn't work he's just gonna send death threats...yay 😬
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odysseygame · 10 months
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The default poses for the Gang :)
I made Fumihito's hair darker than before and gave him a bit more of a mature face.
Struggled more so on Kouji though. I have no clue how to draw the cool-dude archetype properly.
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odysseygame · 10 months
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Some concept sketches for Nia! Didn't like what I initially came up with so she went through a bit of revision.
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odysseygame · 10 months
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Who cares about what they want? Do what makes you happy! And remember, I'll be there to help you every step of the way...
Nia Osei
Get ready to meet Nia, the ultimate wing woman in your journey of self-discovery! From college struggles to surviving a toxic relationship, she's been your unwavering anchor. Now, she's donning her passport and stepping up as your partner-in-crime for a summer escapade dedicated to healing those heartbreak wounds.
Her headstrong personality ensures she's ready to throw down with anyone and everyone at a moment's notice. Let's just hope she's able to go toe-to-toe with our male leads.
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odysseygame · 10 months
Loving the characters and dynamic. I'm curious to know what Fumihito and MC's relationship was like before cheating. Like was Fumihito getting bored of MC because they were basic in the relationship or was MC neglectful in a certain aspect of their relationship or is just a power move on Fumihito's part?
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Hope you don't mind if I answer this with a short story to give you more info about MC's and Fumihito's past!
Word count 1.3k 
Trigger warnings: Verbal abuse, obsessive tendencies, Manipulation
The Ex
Before you and Fumihito were even a couple, you were the best of friends. Meeting in kindergarten and growing up together, it would be expected that you knew everything about each other. Fumi wasn't always a raging sociopath, though. When you first met him, he was a shy boy who refused to leave your side because many of the kids in your class found him too gloomy to hang around. His perky persona was not the one he'd originally subscribed to.
It was only during your high school debut that he changed his tune.
You wanted to improve your image and become more social so that your last years of general education wouldn't feel like a total bust. Everything from your hair, clothing, and personality seemed to change over the span of a summer. And the results were astounding. Many people took notice of you, and in what seemed like a blink of an eye, your social life blossomed. New friends, extracurricular activities, and even potential love interests all seemed to come out of the woodwork.
That was something Fumihito couldn't handle. With your newfound lifestyle, it seemed as though it was a matter of time before you'd forget about your friendship. Fumi doesn't remember when he came to "love" you, but he recognized he was in love when you made this change.
I use the word love loosely here because Fumi mainly sees you as a thing to own. He's more like a bratty child whose favorite toy is being played with by others. He can't stand the fact that your time is being divided amongst people who aren't him. So, to keep up with your new lifestyle, he changed his own as well. His dark brown hair soon became bleached blonde. His clothing went from raggedy yet comfortable to chic and well-fitting. Even his once reserved tone of voice took on a cheeky yet comforting tone.
Thanks to his own change, he was able to work up the courage to go from best friends to lovers.
Before he became a scumbag boyfriend, he was one of the kindest men you'd had in your life. He'd wait for you after school let out and walk you to your next destination. He'd even have dates planned for every day that he could. In fact, the only reason he'd actually leave you alone was if you told him you had something private planned with your parents (and even then he'd find a way to join you).
Toward the end of high school, you were beginning to be fed up with the constant hounding. The only reason you hadn't broken up was because your friends were so intertwined with Fumi's. A breakup would just lead to unnecessary high school drama.
The first time Fumi purposefully and knowingly manipulated you was when you received a letter from your first-choice college giving you a rejection. When you read the letter, Fumi was in your room with you, watching intently as your face dropped and your eyes began to water.
As you cried into his arms, he couldn't help but feel some semblance of victory. For the first time in a while, he felt as though the two of you were in your own little world. With you relying heavily on him to make you feel better, he got to have your undivided attention through your own actions. For weeks you stayed by his side and talked less to the friends you'd made so far. Too overwhelmed and sad for extensive social interaction.
At this point, he'd gotten it into his head that the best way to keep you by his side was to destroy your self-worth. Even after you got out of your funk, Fumihito was there to break you back down again. Your college life was less than fun with him there to make you miserable at every turn.
"Your grades aren't looking too good. Are you sure you can handle those scholarship requirements?"
"Wow, she's pretty. Don't you wish you had that kind of face?"
"Have you seen your parents' social media posts? They look like they're having the time of their lives now that the nest is empty!"
"You're going to the party wearing that? Babe, I say this because I love you, but do you think that outfit is right for you?"
Your mental health took a turn as well as your social life. Only one of your friends really stuck around (she wasn't frightened off by Fumi), but that didn't do much to motivate you to leave Fumihito's side. You noticed early on that staying by his side resulted in less negging from his end.
At a certain point, it would be obvious that leaving the relationship would be your best bet. But the thought of leaving Fumi left your stomach in knots. Especially since you'd known him for so long. The kind shy boy you once knew was gone, but the hope that he'd revert to how he once was is too great. So you took his abuse. You dealt with walking on eggshells around him. You dealt with his incessant digs at you as a person. You dealt with the stranger who you once thought was the best person in the world.
Though you could keep sane with this lifestyle for only so long. When a friend of yours asked if you'd be down to meet up for a simple night in at their place, you all but jumped at the idea of interacting with someone other than your boyfriend. Your friend even placated some of your worries by explaining that this was just quality time. Fumihito shouldn't be annoyed with you doing this. After all, you'd been putting up with his demands and he should at least show you some leniency with this.
You expected the dozens of calls and messages that flooded your phone. Even going as far as to reassure him in the beginning that you'd be home right after.
"No, you need to be home when I get there. I swear to God, you do not want to test me. You have no clue what your friend could be doing. She's trying to separate us. She's been painting me like the bad guy since the beginning. Do you really want to be around someone who talks trash about your boyfriend?"
There's a chance one more push would have gotten you to get off the bus you were on. And there was one more push. Just in the opposite direction.
"You can't follow simple directions, can you? I'm trying to prevent you from doing stupid shit, and here you are doing the opposite of what's best for you. If you're not home by the time I get back, there will be consequences."
With that, you hung up.
Who was he to tell you who you could and could not hang out with? After all that he's done to you, you deserve a respite from him. After turning off your phone to block out his possessiveness, you made your way to your friend's apartment.
It was a nice night, too. Filled with venting your emotions, great snacks, and just getting to relax for the first time in a while. It was a great brain reset, allowing you to put up with Fumihito's behavior for just a little longer.
Well, you would have, had it not been for what you walked in on at your own apartment.
The days that passed after D-day were filled with nothing but rage and blocks of texts... both coming from Fumi's end.
"I warned you there'd be consequences."
"I needed you here and you weren't."
"You can't blame me for this."
"When are you coming home?"
"We need to talk."
"Baby, I'm sorry."
"Let's forgive each other and move on."
"Come home."
"She means nothing to me."
"You're my whole world."
"Come home."
"Stop ignoring me."
"Come home."
"Please stop acting like a bitch so we can talk."
"Come back."
"I swear things will be better."
"Get your ass back here."
➡️ [Game Start]
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odysseygame · 11 months
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Do you honestly think you can do better than me? While everyone around you stuck around out of pity, I stayed because of love. There's no one who'd treat you better than I could. It doesn't matter who was involved in our past, but our present and future will just be us.
Fumihito Ueda
Fumihito is our Main Character's ex-boyfriend who just does not know when to let go. After being caught in the act of cheating, he tries his best to mitigate his actions and keep MC from leaving him.
Though when he discovers that MC has cut contact with him and left the country, he's hysterical. His violent and bratty tendencies are now unmanageable to the point where his public facade is starting to show cracks. This man may seem harmless on the outside but is willing to drag MC back to his side, whether she likes it or not.
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odysseygame · 11 months
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"So you're just going to use me and walk away? Even though my heart, body, and soul belong entirely to you? If you leave me, I won't be able to go on. You have to take responsibility.
Kouji Chinen
Kouji is the eldest love interest in the visual novel Obsession’s Odyssey. After meeting our main character at a nightclub and losing his virginity to her, he becomes obsessed with the idea of keeping her around. Though with their places of origin being oceans away, this will be a difficult task.
In order for Kouji to keep the love of his life around he'll use whatever means necessary. Though to ensure MC comes to love and not fear him, he'll use the emotions he usually hides away to guilt trip his way into her heart.
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odysseygame · 11 months
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Obsession's Odyssey
In the aftermath of a heart-wrenching breakup with her cheating boyfriend, our Main Character (MC) embarks on a girl's trip to a foreign country, seeking solace and a respite away from her ex's harassment. At a lively club, she encounters Kouji, a subdued but charismatic man with whom she shares a passionate one-night stand. However, as her ex-boyfriend, Fumihito, obsessively pursues a reconciliation, Kouji becomes increasingly fixated on keeping our main character by his side. MC finds herself trapped in a web of crazy and obsessive emotions, forced to confront the dark sides of both men and her own desires. In Obsession's Odyssey, the game ventures into the depths of love's complexities, trust's fragility, and the intense and often dangerous allure of unforeseen connections.
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