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Ethyrion - The Fatebringer - He/It/Null Ethyrion (pronounced EE-th-Ear-EE-ON, not EE-ther-EE-un) is known as The Fatebringer, or the judge of fate.
(More under cut)
He has no solid ties to anyone, be that the council, those within hell, or those like the machines. That being said, null is known to feel very positively of Bezaliel and seems to have a brotherly sort of relationship to the fallen angel. Not that he'd admit that aloud, its not one to share such information.
Ethyrion has a twisted sense of balance and order, which leads to the shaky relationships with others. One minute, its morals align with the heavenly council, then in an instant, null fights alongside those like King Minos. There's been a few times where the morality shifts in the middle of a fight.
The best comparison to use would be him seeing others as pawns in chess, rather than one force or another. Everything is a convoluted game, and playing pieces in certain manners elicits different results. At least, that's what Ethyrion believes.
Null also sees others and believes that they have certain paths to follow: paths of fate. His goal in life is to make certain fates reality, while others are lost to time. It's all in his hands, and it doesn't take this power lightly. Not in the slightest.
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Placeholder intro post
Sup! I'm Arch (He/It/Null), and I run this tiny corner of the internet dedicated to pretty much everything Ultrakill! You might know be from my original blog @of-arches-and-angels, and in that case, welcome! All of my posts on that blog will remain there, and I will still talk about those posts from that account, but any future posts will be put here!
Sorry for any confusion this causes, but in the long run I think this change will be well worth it. Thank you in advance for your understanding!
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Simple Bezaliel Ref
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Bezaliel - Shadow of God - He/Him, Voi/Void I'll admit, I'm still super fuzzy and indecisive regarding the story, personality, and general vibe of this guy, but I do have a couple of ideas that I'll list below. Keep in mind that (almost) everything is subject to change in the future.
Bezaliel is a fallen angel with very strained relationship with the council, rarely if at all having net positive interactions with them. The only angel he's ever properly gotten along with is Gabriel, and even then their relationship strikes others as odd. He currently lives a semi-nomadic life in Hell, travelling between the layers depending on his needs or current interests. Bezaliel loves observing things as a passive force, rarely providing assistance to others unless he's interested in a certain outcome. Voi isn't exactly the most talkative compared to some of the other angels and it's generally in void's best interests to remain silent unless he has to verbalize something- which voi rarely does after losing most of his contact with the council. His physical weapon, beyond the moldable shadows he manipulates, is a double-ended spear of sorts: dawning a sharp, knife-like blade on both ends. Voi's incredibly nimble in general, using the shadows to increase his movement options and agility as a whole. If used right, he can use the shadows to increase the weight of his strikes by increasing his momentum. Void's opinion on machines could be considered neutral. "Neutral" meaning he finds them fascinating and won't necessarily go out of his way to hunt them down when voi could observe them, but he won't hesitate to attack them if he wants or has to. The council, in general, is a pretty sore topic of conversation for Bezaliel. You may not see it right away, but anger festers under that silent, seemingly indifferent facade of void's. Not dropping the topic will result in void either vanishing through shadow or snapping. Whichever comes first depends on how strongly you struck a nerve.
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Meet my new (and first) Ultrakill OC: Bezaliel! I honestly don't have a lot down in terms of his story or place within the lore, but I have been playing with some ideas based on his name meaning "The Shadow of God" (Maybe also meaning "Damaged"? Idk it's kind of mixed but the first one is most widespread. I'm learning as I go lol). He's also mentioned as being a fallen angel (if I'm not mistaken) so I've been toying with that as well. I know that most of his abilities are related to that "Shadow" aspect of things: moving through shadow, providing aide from the shadows, or even using the shadows in battle. The ball on the screen is similar to a familiar of sorts- something he uses to gather information or keep tabs on certain individuals. Considering the fallen angel bit, I might have him be on poor terms with the council, though that part of things is still up in the air.
I have yet to draw his physical weapon, but I do have some ideas for that as well.
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How do y’all make such great OCs 😭
I’m trying to figure out the lore and stuff to see how I could write them in, but I am struggling so bad lol
Also the support on my latest (and only) post? I am so blown away and excited to continue doing art and concepting as I go! Even if it’s slow going because my brain is lagging trying to wrap around the story elements of Ultrakill lmao
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[Click for the full HD image] I absolutely love this girl! She is so cool looking and I love seeing content of her whenever it gets made! I knew I had to draw her at some point...haha This is Yuriel, an Ultrakill OC made by @whosafraidofthedjd a.k.a woofkitty. It has amazing stuff, go check it out! I love its art and ocs so much it's insane, keep up the amazing work woof!
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This is a placeholder, but I will make a full-on intro post soon lol
(don't hurt me)
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