#All I know is that I have a blast drawing him and the story details will come with time lol
Simple Bezaliel Ref
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Bezaliel - Shadow of God - He/Him, Voi/Void I'll admit, I'm still super fuzzy and indecisive regarding the story, personality, and general vibe of this guy, but I do have a couple of ideas that I'll list below. Keep in mind that (almost) everything is subject to change in the future.
Bezaliel is a fallen angel with very strained relationship with the council, rarely if at all having net positive interactions with them. The only angel he's ever properly gotten along with is Gabriel, and even then their relationship strikes others as odd. He currently lives a semi-nomadic life in Hell, travelling between the layers depending on his needs or current interests. Bezaliel loves observing things as a passive force, rarely providing assistance to others unless he's interested in a certain outcome. Voi isn't exactly the most talkative compared to some of the other angels and it's generally in void's best interests to remain silent unless he has to verbalize something- which voi rarely does after losing most of his contact with the council. His physical weapon, beyond the moldable shadows he manipulates, is a double-ended spear of sorts: dawning a sharp, knife-like blade on both ends. Voi's incredibly nimble in general, using the shadows to increase his movement options and agility as a whole. If used right, he can use the shadows to increase the weight of his strikes by increasing his momentum. Void's opinion on machines could be considered neutral. "Neutral" meaning he finds them fascinating and won't necessarily go out of his way to hunt them down when voi could observe them, but he won't hesitate to attack them if he wants or has to. The council, in general, is a pretty sore topic of conversation for Bezaliel. You may not see it right away, but anger festers under that silent, seemingly indifferent facade of void's. Not dropping the topic will result in void either vanishing through shadow or snapping. Whichever comes first depends on how strongly you struck a nerve.
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hannahmanderr · 3 months
Before we get into the chapter, a HUGE platonic smooch for @duchi-nesten who took the time to draw the Ancients from this story with bribery from me and @scarletsaphire I'm absolutely screaming over them still, they are just UGGHHH SO GOOD
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From left to right is Zunje, Babel, Pele, and Kala!
Anyway, onto the chapter! It's an important one! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Everything begins. Everything ends. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jazz flinched as another wayward blast of ectoplasm exploded into the wall of the office building across the street, reducing it to little more than rubble. The battle was becoming more and more destructive as time bled on, and her nerves were really starting to get to her. She needed to get back out there and put a stop to it.
Unfortunately, there was the slight complication of her parents.
She’d tried to play dumb when Frostbite slipped up, but it had been pointless. Frostbite had been all too happy to explain that the Great One was, in fact, the ghost hero known as Danny Phantom.
Perhaps if it had just been her dad there, she would’ve been able to distract him, or figure out how to explain it away, but as luck would have it, her mom had pulled up shortly after the ghost king’s arrival.
It didn’t take them long to put two and two together. At least, that’s what she assumed.
Even more unfortunate was that her concussion had spontaneously decided to rear its ugly head, causing her to lean over and throw up in the middle of the road. Mom and Dad were far less than keen on letting her continue fighting after that. She’d protested of course, pointing out that the all-powerful ghost king was about to raze Amity Park to the ground, but they wouldn’t have any of it.
She had been forced to take shelter behind a large pile of rubble, along with her parents and Frostbite, as the battle intensified. Pariah Dark’s question about Danny had been met with a brutal attack from one of the four-armed Ancients, and the battle had progressed from there. At some point, the little lava-haired Ancient had taken over the direct combat with the ghost king, aided by the gnome and the four-armed ghost with a cloak of clouds. The last Ancient - Pandora, if Jazz remembered correctly - had engaged the black-armored knight. Sam and Tucker were still out there, somewhere, working to keep the thrall army at bay.
And that was just the fighting. Overhead, in the sky, the rip that had heralded Pariah Dark’s appearance still gaped over Amity Park. The air seemed to vibrate with its intensity; Jazz could feel it prickling at her skin, making her feel foreign in her own body. Like reality itself was beginning to fail.
In short, things were Bad-with-a-capital-B.
Jazz leaned over to peer around the rubble protecting them. “We should really be out there,” she muttered, even as her head throbbed worse.
“You’re not going anywhere, young lady,” Mom said. “Not while you’re injured.”
“I told you, I’m fine! I got it out of my system, I’m good to go.”
“I may not know many details about human biology,” Frostbite said, arching an eyebrow at Jazz, “but I have enough experience with the Great One to know that head injuries are serious in humans.”
Jazz didn’t miss how her parents winced hearing about “the Great One” and his injuries. 
They hadn’t said a word about Danny - Fenton or Phantom - since Frostbite’s slip-up. It only put her that much more on edge. Sooner or later, Danny would return, and if Mom and Dad were going to flip out and shoot him on sight, she wanted to at least have the chance to warn him.
As it was, she couldn’t tell what they were thinking. Her mother’s poker face was nothing short of perfect, and her father, though he often wore his heart on his sleeve, was strangely stoic about it all. If there was one thing Jazz hated, it was not knowing things, and not knowing their thoughts on Danny was killing her. 
She could only hope and pray. The fact that they weren't actively trying to gun down Frostbite was a good sign at least. 
But for the time being, she pushed those thoughts away. “Believe me, I know plenty about head injuries. I wouldn’t be wanting to go back out there if I thought it was serious enough.”
“I don't think the person with the concussion should be making that judgment ,” Mom said. “You won't be going anywhere until we know you're safe.” 
Jazz frowned. Was that a hint of hysteria in her voice?
Yeah, that couldn't be a good sign. 
Still, her words gave Jazz an opening. “Alright, fine! Whatever! It's not like the world is ending or anything, in case you haven't noticed. Why aren't you guys out there, at least?” Maybe if she could convince them to go back to the fight, she’d have a chance to catch Danny before they saw him. Maybe she’d have a chance to warn him.
Her parents didn't answer. They exchanged a glance that Jazz couldn't read, and Dad’s shoulders sagged. He opened his mouth. “We -” 
“What's going on here?” 
Jazz’s eyes snapped up to see Valerie hovering just behind her parents and Frostbite; Wes clung to Valerie with his eyes screwed tightly shut. Her parents turned at the sound of Valerie’s voice, and though Jazz couldn’t see her mom’s eyes behind the red-tinted goggles, she could only imagine the look on her face.
Her dad, however, beamed widely. “The Huntress!” he exclaimed, grabbing at Mom’s arm like an overexcited child.
To her credit, Valerie avoided wincing too strongly. “Yeah, that’s… me.”
“Did you find him?” Jazz asked. She didn’t bother to hide the anxiety in her voice.
Valerie frowned, but nodded. “Yeah, but he’s… well…”
“Can we maybe have this conversation on the ground?” Wes asked shakily. Valerie responded with a roll of her eyes, practically shoving him off her. He stumbled the short distance to the ground and collapsed spread-eagle on the street. “Thanks,” he muttered.
Dad’s nose crinkled in confusion. “Uh… is this the backup you were talking about, Jazzy-pants?”
Jazz ignored him. “What do you mean? Where is he?” she asked Valerie.
“It’s okay, I’m here!” a voice called out. A moment later, Danny - as Phantom - pulled up beside Valerie. “I’m here.” Jazz’s breath caught in her throat. She had known, of course, that Danny had gone to get the Crown of Fire, but for some reason, it hadn’t crossed her mind that he would have to wear it. Granted, the crown on his head now was most definitely not on fire, but she thought the frosted look complemented him much better than fire. The way it sat on his head, and the way the cloak he wore rippled in the breeze and caught the light…
He looked regal. Like he really was a king. 
It made her heart swell with pride. Her baby brother… he had come so far. She’d never doubted his leadership abilities, not really. His common sense could be… debatable at times, but her brother had a good heart. He was still young, of course, and the thought of him being a monarch had never occurred to her, but in that moment, Jazz couldn’t help but think that the role suited him.
She must have shown it on her face, because Danny caught her eye, and his hand flew up to the back of his neck. “It’s a long story…” he muttered sheepishly, his cheeks growing green. 
Jazz opened her mouth to respond, but Dad stood up abruptly, cutting her off. Mentally, she kicked herself. She’d gotten so distracted by his arrival, she’d forgotten about their parents.
Danny instantly paled. Whatever he saw in Dad’s face, it couldn’t have been good. Jazz tried to stand, to intercept him, but Frostbite gently held her down. “Easy,” he rumbled quietly. “Do not act prematurely.”
Of course, she wanted to protest that, but she quickly became distracted by her father’s slow approach towards Danny. Her mother wasn’t too far behind. 
Danny’s hand twisted into the cloak, and he averted his gaze. “Look,” he began shakily, “I… I get it if you hate me, and - and I… I’ll let you hunt me down or tear me apart or whatever you want, but please, you have to let me stop all this first, or there isn’t gonna be a world for you to tear me apart in. I just need to - mmph!”
Jazz squeaked and clapped her hands to her mouth as Dad lunged forward. She pushed Frostbite’s paw away to stumble to her feet. She had to get there first, had to stop him from hurting Danny - 
 - but her heart stuttered to a stop as Dad wrapped Danny in a tight embrace.
“Danny,” he said, his voice cracking. “We were so worried… You have no idea…”
A stunned Danny returned the hug as Mom pulled down her hood and glommed on to his other side. “You don’t… hate me?” he asked, his voice muffled by their dad’s burly form.
“Listen to me, Danny,” Mom said, peeling him out of Dad’s arms and holding him by the shoulders. She looked him firm in the eye. “No matter what you do, no matter what you are, we could never, ever hate you. Never, do you hear me?”
Jazz could see the tears glistening in the corners of Danny’s eyes even from where she sat. His lower lip quivered the slightest bit before he threw his arms around Mom’s shoulders. “I’m so sorry,” he said hoarsely. “I should’ve told you forever ago, but I just…”
“It’s okay, sweetie,” their mom said, rubbing circles into his back. “It’s okay. We’ll have time to… to figure it all out.”
“Yeah, assuming the world doesn’t end first,” Wes snarked from his position on the ground. Jazz shot him a heated glare. 
Valerie simply looked away and folded her arms across her chest. Jazz frowned. Something clearly wasn’t sitting right with her, but…
“Wait,” Dad said, furrowing his brow, “what’s this about the world ending?”
“It’s okay,” Jazz said. “The world isn’t going to end. Danny’s going to make sure of it.” Maybe she’d have felt more sure of her words if there hadn’t been a gaping hole in the sky threatening to rip reality apart, but someone had to look on the bright side.
Their parents glanced between the two of them. “What do you mean?” Mom asked slowly.
Before either of them could answer, another wayward ectoblast flew overhead, crashing into the roof of the building right above them. Huge chunks of rubble broke off of the building and began to plummet straight towards them.
Valerie reacted quickly, pulling Wes up by his shirt collar and grabbing Jazz to drag them to safety. Danny and Frostbite reacted just as quickly by throwing up ectoplasmic shields. The rubble slammed into them, then slid off the shields and away from the rest of the group.
Valerie whipped her head towards the battle. “I think I’m… gonna go help them,” she said. She flew off before Jazz could say anything, leaving nothing but a cloud of dust in her wake.
“I need to go help too,” Danny said thickly. He stared after Valerie. “It’s… that’s what I’m supposed to do. If I can beat him, everything will go back to normal… Mostly, anyway.” His hand twitched up towards his head.
Mom whipped her head in the direction of the battle. “Him?” she asked, nodding to where Pariah Dark and the lava-haired Ancient were still fiercely fighting each other. To Jazz’s horror, the Ancient seemed to be losing ground. 
“Precisely,” Frostbite said jovially. How he could manage such a tone in these circumstances was beyond Jazz. “Once the Great One is able to defeat Pariah Dark, he can assume the throne and put the Heart of the Infinite Realms at ease! It’s quite simple, really.”
“Assume the - wait!” Wes shot upright. “You’re telling me that dumb crown isn’t just some weird costume?”
Danny flushed green, and his hand flew up to the back of his neck. “I, ah… like I said, it’s a long story.” He glanced at Mom and Dad. “I’m really sorry, believe me, I wish I could’ve told you differently, and I definitely wish it wasn’t the case, but…”
Jazz watched as Mom’s gaze drifted up to the crown on Danny’s head, as if she were just now noticing it. “What throne?” she asked weakly.
“Um… it kind of maybe sort of might be… the throne of the entire Ghost Zone?” Danny replied with a sheepish grin.
Dad scratched his head. “When did this happen?”
Danny’s face grew sober again. “I don’t know. I only just found out a few hours ago myself.” His eyes flicked away from their parents, down at his feet.
A pang of sympathy struck Jazz’s heart. Sure, Danny looked the part of a king, and somehow, she had no trouble believing he was the king, despite her earlier confusion, but somehow it had escaped her that he had barely had enough time to process everything. That everything was happening so quickly. 
And their parents… it had to be equally difficult for them to process. They had only just learned their son’s true identity less than an hour ago, and now they were finding out he was essentially the heir to the throne of a world full of the same beings they had once sworn to annihilate. It would be a lot for anyone.
And so it nearly brought Jazz to tears when she saw Dad fight to plaster a smile onto his face. He placed a gentle hand on Danny’s shoulder. “Hey,” he said in a tone entirely too quiet for Jack Fenton, “it’s okay. Like your mother said, we’ll have time to figure it all out.”
Danny still didn’t look up. “Yeah,” he said, barely audible. “We’ll have time.”
His tone told Jazz he didn’t believe that in the slightest.
An ear-splitting roar shattered the moment. Everyone slapped their hands over their ears. Jazz only just managed to catch a glimpse of Danny gasping and hunching in on himself, clutching at his sternum.
A wave of hot air washed over Jazz. Trembling, she peered around the rubble, only to gasp in horror at the sight of the little girl Ancient bleeding lava all over the four-armed Ancient. She was still alive - as alive as a ghost could be anyway, but it was evident even from a hundred yards away that she was fully incapacitated. Pandora still fought with the knight, but everyone else - Sam, Tucker, Valerie, the other Ancients, even the thrall army - had practically frozen in place. 
The most terrifying sight of all was the evil ghost king, looming over the street, staring straight at her.
No, staring straight at Danny.
“Come and meet your fate, little Prince!” he called mockingly. His voice reverberated over the street, causing buildings to rumble ominously. “Or will you take the coward’s way out?”
For a moment, the only sound that could be heard was the humming of the rip in the sky. Jazz held her breath as Danny glanced at their parents, then gently pushed Dad’s hand off his shoulder and took to the air.
“It doesn’t have to be this way,” he called back. “Just… give me the Ring before things get worse.”
Pariah laughed, a menacing sound that sent chills down Jazz’s spine. “Why should I surrender what is rightfully mine?”
Danny's eyes flared. “That power’s not yours. It’s mine.”
Jazz blinked at the sudden shift in Danny’s tone. It was still his voice, yes, but there was something about it…
Pariah roared wordlessly again. “Never!” he snarled. “Kilaris is MINE!”
With a guttural yell, he launched himself at Danny. Jazz could’ve sworn she saw a bright white light flare from the crown on Danny’s head, just momentarily, but when she blinked, it was gone, and Danny too had charged forward. The two collided in a blinding explosion of red and green.
Mom and Dad moved to follow Danny, but Frostbite held a paw up. “No,” he said, his voice somber and heavy. “This is not a fight you can help him with. He must win this by his power alone.”
“Listen here,” Mom snapped. “I don’t care how you do it in your world, but I will not stand by and watch my son fight some impossible battle on his own! I - we are going to help him, whether you like it or not!”
“I understand.” Frostbite flinched and threw up a shield just in time to stop another huge chunk of building from crushing them all. “But though you may not be able to help him in combat, there are other ways you can help him.” He glanced at Jazz. “Keeping your daughter and his friend safe, for one.”
“Pfft. Me? Friends with Fenton? Fat chance,” Wes scoffed. 
“He will be able to fight with a sound mind if you help him protect yourselves and the other humans,” Frostbite continued, ignoring Wes. “And I must go and help my colleague.”
Mom turned, watching the battle with helpless eyes. “But… Danny -”
“ - will be just fine. But we must give him a fighting chance by helping elsewhere.”
“He’s right,” Dad said quietly, taking Mom’s hand. “We have to help get Jazz out of here. It’s getting too dangerous.”
“I told you, I’m fine! I can help too!”
Another explosion rang overhead. Jazz yelped and ducked as an enormous bolt of green energy flew over her head. It came close enough that she could feel its cold aura graze the top of her scalp. 
“Y-you know, on second thought, I think I’m with Yeti Man over here,” Wes muttered, cowering behind a fallen wall. Jazz had to resist the urge to roll her eyes.
Her attention, however, quickly turned back to Mom. Again, she found herself wishing she could read minds. She could see the gears turning in her mother’s head after all, but Mom’s stoic face didn’t give her true thoughts away. 
Jazz hated not knowing things.
Then Mom’s jaw tightened, and Jazz’s heart fell. She knew that look. “We’re getting you two to safety,” Mom said. Then, giving Frostbite a pointed look, she added, “And then we’re coming back to help Danny.”
Frostbite closed his eyes. “You will only distract him from what he needs to do. It is not wise.”
“That might be what you think,” Mom said as she bent down to help Wes stand, “but he's my son. I've let him struggle alone for too long.” Her voice cracked. “I have to start… making it up to him…”
“I assure you, the Great One does not bear any ill will towards you,” Frostbite said, frowning in sympathy. “This is not the time to begin ‘making amends’, though.”
Mom opened her mouth to retort again, but Dad laid a hand on her shoulder. “C'mon, Mads. We can figure it out later. Right now, we've gotta help these two.”
It was strange seeing her father being the rational, calm one, but Jazz chalked it up to the weirdness of the day. It was the only way she could keep it all straight in her head. 
Mom shot Frostbite one last hard glare before leading Wes towards the RV sitting down the road. Dad scooped Jazz up into his arms and began carrying her to the RV, much to her embarrassment. 
She opened her mouth to protest, but he cut her off. “Don’t you worry, Jazzy-pants!” he said. His tone was bright as always, but Jazz could tell it was at least somewhat forced. “Soon as you’re safe, we’ll get right back out there and help Danny kick some evil ghost king butt!”
Jazz bit her lip. “What about what Frostbite said? About… interfering?”
Her dad hesitated before answering. “I’m sure he’s wrong. You can’t trust a ghost, after all!” His face froze as soon as the words left his mouth. “I mean, uh, not Danny of course! He’s different.”
She didn’t quite know how to respond to that. That… was a misconception they’d have to clear up sooner or later.
As she peered over Dad’s shoulder, back towards where Danny was fighting tooth and nail against Pariah, she hoped there would actually be a sooner or later.
“Be careful, little brother,” she whispered to herself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The thread flickered.
Clockwork frowned as he allowed it to flow across his hands and in between his fingers. This certainly was the correct timeline, he knew that without a doubt, but its flickering concerned him greatly. It had been so strong when Vlad Plamius made the decision to allow Danny the Crown, but now…
He closed his eyes as he sifted through time. Before, the future had been as clear to him as any other. Now though, he could only see up to a certain point before it was obscured behind what felt like a thick wall of mist. There was still a future there, yes, but not one he could see.
It was, in a word, unusual.
“My dear Kilaris, what are you up to?” he murmured as he let the thread of the timeline slip from his fingers and back into the broader tangle of Time. Its flicker became swallowed up by the combined glow of the cluster of timelines, but Clockwork knew it was still present.
His eyes drifted to one of his time windows. The same image of Danny exiting the portal that he had watched just an hour or so ago played out again, this time in real time. A thin trail of frost followed in his wake as he flew to meet his family. The frost shimmered briefly in the ethereal light of the rip in the sky above, leaving a silky, glowing strand, almost like - 
- ah. Of course.
“Must you always be so overdramatic?” Clockwork said aloud, the semblance of a grin pulling at the corners of his mouth. 
He rested his hands on top of his staff. He knew what needed to happen now. 
It was only a matter of time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fighting Pariah was nothing like it had been the first time around.
Before, Danny had been fighting in a clunky mech-suit. True, it had helped enhance his powers (until it tried to kill him), but it had made his movements equally clunky and stiff. He’d needed to adapt to the added weight and size quickly, but it still cost him when he took a few crucial hits.
This time he was not bound by any suit. He was free to move as he pleased, using the advantage of his smaller form to move with agility and speed that Pariah did not possess. He could dive in close for a punch or a kick, then turn on a dime and dart away. He wouldn’t have been able to do that in the Ecto-Skeleton. 
There was also the fact that he had the help of the Ancients. True, it looked like Pele had taken some nasty hits from Pariah and would be down for the count, but the others were still going strong especially with Zunje now, keeping the Fright Knight and the thrall army at bay. He didn’t like seeing Sam and Tucker down there in the fray, so close to his own battle with Pariah, but there wasn’t much he could do about it.
And then there was the Crown. It remained secure on his head, feeding him a power that buzzed through his veins and his core, making him feel like he’d just taken six shots of espresso mixed with pure ectoplasm. It was an exhilarating feeling, one that made him wish he’d actually used the Crown when he’d had the chance, during his first fight with Pariah.
(A wish he immediately scolded himself for.)
Danny gritted his teeth as he threw up another ectoplasmic shield, this one with a thick coating of ice thanks to the power of the Crown. It helped protect him from Pariah’s elemental attacks, which ran much hotter than his own.
Ectoplasmic fire exploded across the shield, and Danny could feel its heat as it curled around the edges towards him. He had to dig his heels into the air to brace himself against the sheer force of the hit. 
Pariah didn’t give him a chance to fire back. No sooner had Danny lowered his shield did he see Pariah lunging for him, fangs bared and a fiery, maniacal look in his lone eye. Danny yelped and darted to the side, just barely missing Pariah’s fist. 
Danny tried to respond with his own blast of ectoplasm, the Crown’s power coursing through him, but Pariah deflected it easily with his mace. The blast ricocheted off of it and into the street. Danny gasped as it flew right over Jazz’s head, just barely missing her by a foot.
That turned out to be a mistake. He should’ve known better than to let himself get distracted. It gave Pariah the opportunity to take another swing with his mace, catching Danny in the gut and sending him crashing into the ground. 
Danny gripped his stomach and swallowed down a cry. The mace’s sharp spikes were not just for decoration, it seemed; they’d dug mercilessly into his torso, leaving him with deep, ragged gashes. The fall into the street hadn’t been too kind on his ribs, either. He could already feel the Crown diverting some of its power to the injuries, trying to heal him as quickly as possible.
Pariah roared as he dove for Danny, fire exploding to life around his fist. Danny managed to roll out of the way, and Pariah’s fist slammed into the street, cracking it even more. In any other fight, Danny probably would’ve tried to make some snarky comment about how the potholes in Amity Park were already bad enough and they didn’t need more, but he was still struggling to get air back in his lungs. Not to mention he found it much harder to crack jokes in the middle of his more serious fights, mostly because he had to concentrate on not getting beaten to a pulp.
As Danny rolled, out of the corner of his eye, he saw his father scoop Jazz into his arms. Mom helped Wes up, and they ran towards the RV, which was still parked haphazardly down the road. Miraculously, it was still standing. 
He could almost breathe a sigh of relief. He still didn’t know if Sam and Tucker were safe or if they were still out there fighting the skeleton army, but knowing his family (and Wes) were safe offered him a little bit of reassurance.
Focus. Do not lose sight of the goal.
Right. The Ring. He still had to get that. Somehow.
It was going to be much easier said than done. Getting it off of Pariah’s hand seemed impossible, especially with the relentless drive of the king’s attacks. Danny barely had the chance to recover and launch his own attacks, let alone come up with a plan to swipe the Ring. 
He forced himself up and into the air. His cloak flared with cold energy as he allowed ice to gather in his hands. That was another advantage he had this time around - the help from his elemental core. His ice attacks were some of his strongest, and he silently thanked whatever unseen force had granted him an ice core as he loosed the energy all at once, freezing Pariah’s entire arm to the street.
You’re welcome, little Prince.
Danny almost stopped in midair. That remark definitely sent a flurry of questions flying through his head, but he had to keep his attention on Pariah. We’re not done with this, he still thought back.
Of course not. You still have much to learn.
He didn’t think the Heart meant it as a dig, but he still mentally stuck his tongue out. Even if he didn’t have time to ask questions, he could still be sassy. No one could take his sass away.
It was strange how much clearer the voice in his head seemed now that he had the Crown on. It had been clear before, but there was a new clarity to it, like when his eye doctor gave him a new prescription for his contacts. He supposed it made sense; now, he had that direct contact.
It still didn’t explain why the voice sounded like his own train of thought sometimes.
Even stranger was the feeling of the power offered to him by Kilaris. It was stronger than the power he’d had while wearing the Ecto-Skeleton, and that had probably been the time when he was the most powerful throughout the past two years. It helped that unlike the Ecto-Skeleton, the Crown did not drain him of his energy as he used it; instead, it continuously fueled him, pouring more and more power into his body, like it could never run out. It was thrilling, this feeling of endless energy. His core practically vibrated from it all.
At the same time though, fear nagged at him. This was how it felt with just the Crown on. How much worse would it be once he got the Ring too? The thought sent a chill down his spine, and he found himself subconsciously beginning to suppress his core. Suppress the ceaseless power flooding into him.
Why stop the power you are meant to have? 
Danny swallowed. 
That’s exactly what he was afraid of.
It all passed through his mind in the few seconds it took for Pariah to begin trying to melt the ice securing him to the ground. “Why you little -!” 
More ice pooled in Danny’s hands. “Sorry,” he said as he re-froze Pariah’s hand to the street. “You just looked like you needed to chill out.”
Pariah bellowed, and the ice cracked and shattered. “Impertinent child!” he sneered. “When I am in control once more -”
“Save it!” Danny fired off a round of concentrated bolts of ice in quick succession, forcing Pariah to retreat a little. “I already told you, the Heart’s not yours anymore! It hasn’t been for a long time!”
“And you dare presume it is yours?” Pariah said. He quickly gained back the ground he had lost by leaping at Danny again.
Of course, Danny easily flew out of the way. “I don’t ‘presume’ anything!” he shouted. “I already know!”
It probably wasn’t the smartest thing to say, and he really didn’t like the taste the words left in his mouth, but if he’d learned anything throughout his career as Danny Phantom, it was that his opponents got sloppy when he riled them up. Snarking at them just happened to be the easiest way to do so.
Is it truly “snark” if you speak the truth?
In spite of himself, Danny almost laughed. If you’re gonna be stuck with me, you better get used to the snark, whether it’s true or not. We come as a package deal.
He ducked out of the way of another punch. He didn’t recover quick enough; by the time he managed to turn around to face the king, an entire wall of red energy was surging at him. There wasn’t time to fly around it. It struck him with a force so strong, he was thrown back more than a hundred yards.
His ribs groaned in pain as he slammed into the concrete and skidded back a few more yards for good measure. Nausea churned in his stomach from the blow, and he had to resist the urge to lean over and throw up. All too soon, Pariah was on top of him again, swinging his mace.
Knowing there was no way he could move in time, Danny turned intangible and allowed himself to sink into the ground. He counted to three, just enough time to get his nausea under control, then called ectoplasm to his hands. With the Crown’s power, the energy’s green glow was so bright, it almost seemed white.
It wasn’t difficult to track Pariah’s hot ecto-signature underground. Danny lined himself up underneath him, then sprang from the ground. His blazing fists collided straight with Pariah’s jaw. It didn’t push Pariah back like he had hoped, but it distracted him long enough for Danny to fire his ectoplasm in one long, continuous blast. 
Pariah growled under Danny’s onslaught before finally bringing up a red shield. “You truly think this will be enough to stop me?”
Danny didn’t let up. “I’ll do whatever it takes to stop a monster like you from hurting the Realms again.”
“Really now?” Pariah twisted his shield into a blast of his own. It pushed against Danny’s, and he once again had to dig his heels into the air behind him to keep from being thrown back again. “Then why don’t you?”
Danny’s heart skipped a beat, and his attack faltered for the briefest of moments. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I think you do,” Pariah said, laughing. “I have seen you. I have seen your fears, your doubts…”
“You don’t know me at all!” Danny yelled. Frustration distracted him, and he unwillingly drew on the Crown’s power to fuel his blast. “Just ‘cause you got in my head once doesn’t mean anything!”
“Poor little Prince,” Pariah cooed mockingly, as if Danny hadn’t even spoken. “This is why you are weak. This is why you will fail to protect everything you stand for. You are nothing more than a scared child.”
Danny couldn’t stop the anger-fueled energy pouring into him and, subsequently, pouring out of his hands. The Crown was all too happy to supply it. It just responded to him too easily. It responded to his resentment of Pariah, his frustration at the tyrant king’s insinuation that he was a coward, his rage at the fact that Pariah refused to hand over what was rightfully Danny’s -
Danny screwed his eyes shut tightly. That last one, he knew it was the Crown’s influence, but he couldn’t stop it. It was all coming too hard, too fast, too strong, and it was thrilling. The power flooding through the Crown just felt so right, like maybe he really was meant to have it all along.
He wanted to throw up.
The power demanded a release. It thrummed against Danny’s skin, coursing through his core, making his green ectoblast grow brighter and brighter until it was nearly a blinding white. It would not remain bound for much longer.
And so with a guttural yell, he unleashed it.
He wasn’t entirely sure what happened - the rush of energy leaving him all at once had left him overwhelmed and disoriented - but when he opened his eyes, the whole block had a thin layer of ice covering it, sparkling in the ethereal light of the rip above. Large branches of the trees in front of the buildings had frozen and cracked off the trunks, shattering on the ground below. He could see at least one downed power line. 
Pariah had fallen to the ground, into a huge crater Danny swore hadn’t been there before. Crystals of frost coated his hair and his cape. He slowly sat up, rubbing his head, clearly just as disoriented as Danny.
Danny stared at his hands in horror. Did I really do that?
The Heart didn’t answer him. He couldn’t tell if that was good or bad. 
Probably bad. For him, anyway.
And in that moment, he swore to himself he’d never allow the Crown to give him that much power ever again. Never.
(No matter how right it had felt to control it.)
Pariah’s cough caught his attention. “You…” he muttered before stopping abruptly.
Danny’s breath caught in his throat as Pariah’s lone eye fell on the Crown sitting on his head. For just a brief moment, the world seemed to screech to a halt around them, and a silence filled the air, so thick it left a dusty taste in Danny’s mouth. Even the rip in the sky above seemed to pause in its yawning.
Then a fire sparked to life behind that one eye and a wave of heat crashed over Danny, nearly knocking him over. The roar Pariah let loose chilled Danny to the bone and left a whiny ringing in his ears. He didn’t even bother to try and stand his ground against a rage so strong; he simply turned and rocketed off in the other direction.
Just in the nick of time too, it seemed, as Pariah lunged after him. In an instant, a flurry - no, a storm of scarlet ectoblasts surrounded Danny. He twisted and ducked and dived and put all his flying skills to the test trying to dodge them all. It was difficult, since the blasts were all coming from behind him, but strangely enough, he felt as though he could sense them in the air as they flew at him, like he could just tell where they were without looking. 
“Is that you?” he asked as he narrowly avoided yet another attack.
On the contrary. It is you, little Prince.
“That makes zero se- agghh!” A blast clipped Danny’s side, sending a flare of white hot pain up his ribcage. The blast was strong enough to send him careening off course, and he couldn’t stop himself from colliding with a building and plummeting to the street below. His head hit hard enough to cause his vision to go black.
He groaned pitifully as he laid on the road. The pain shooting through his side felt as though it was trying to burn straight through him, even in spite of the cloak and Crown’s efforts to heal him. Something sticky and wet pooled underneath the hand gripping his side.
For a minute, he just laid there, fruitlessly trying to will the pain away. Unbidden memories of being in a very similar pain in a very similar fight began to well up. He forced them back down. Not right now.
A blood-curdling scream had his eyes flying back open.
Vision half-blurry from the fall to the ground, Danny pried his head up off the street and looked. In front of him was the elementary school, surrounded by a shimmering green ghost shield. Normally, he wouldn’t have cared, since it was after school hours and the building would normally be empty, but his eyes landed on a small crowd of civilians, hovering near the inner edge of the shield and watching the battle with fear in their eyes. The scream had come from a little girl no older than six, covering her mouth in horror and pointing at him.
No, pointing behind him.
With a grunt of pain and a tremendous effort, Danny took to the sky again, wobbling in midair. Pariah’s boots slammed into the street not a second later, right where he had been laying. 
This was bad. This was really getting bad. He was injured, and though the Crown and the cloak kept his energy levels high enough for the most part, he was devoting too much energy to the fight to focus any towards healing himself. Energy didn’t exactly help when it was his physical body that was damaged. 
And now there was the fact that he had a slew of people behind him, huddling underneath a ghost shield. True, it would protect them from Pariah, and it would protect them from stray blasts, but rubble could easily go flying in, or someone could step out of the protected radius. It was too dangerous to keep the battle this close to them.
(Not to mention he saw more than one cell phone out and recording, and that definitely set him on edge.)
He tried to dart away from the shield, but Pariah managed to snag his collar as he whizzed by. He gagged and his hands flew up to his throat. 
“A coward!” Pariah cackled. “That is who you are! Fleeing from the battle? Fleeing from those under your protection?” He threw Danny into yet another building. “And Kilaris dares deem you worthy?”
“So you admit it,” Danny coughed. His hand gripped his side again. “That the Heart wants me over you.” Not that he was crazy keen on that fact.
Pariah’s face morphed into a dark frown. “The Heart’s opinion is worthless!” he snapped. “It is I who controls Kilaris! Its will bends to me!”
In spite of the pain and every instinct telling him not to, Danny shot Pariah a cocky, albeit weak, grin. “Bet.”
He had to keep from laughing at the stunned look on Pariah’s face. It was clearly not the response he had been expecting to his declaration, and the fact that Danny had been able to catch him off guard that badly was priceless.
The humor didn’t last long, though. In the blink of an eye, Pariah was charging at him again. This time, Danny anticipated it enough to be able to phase back through the building. He emerged at the ground level, underneath Pariah, who was still looking for him. 
Danny moved to leap up once more, but his ribs screamed in protest. He hissed as he tried to keep from doubling over.
The cloak’s interior had to be sub-zero at this point, it was working overtime. Another layer of frost was beginning to glaze over it. The Crown too grew colder on his head, feeding pulse after pulse of energy into him.
You have been holding back, little Prince. The power has the capability to heal you and aid you in battle simultaneously, but you must let go of your fears if you are to use its true potential.
Danny didn’t answer. He was too distracted barely dodging Pariah’s mace and firing up a barrage of ice at him to do so. 
There was also the little fact that he didn’t want to answer. He didn’t want to… couldn’t acknowledge…
Yet he couldn’t deny just how badly his core wanted it. The memory of how that power had felt just those few minutes ago burned through his head, and his core jumped in earnest. 
He gritted his teeth and forced his core to quiet. It would be fine.
It had to be.
As soon as the ice left his hands, though, he collapsed in on himself once more, clutching his bleeding side. It was long enough of a distraction for Pariah to slam his feet into the street, causing enough of a quake to knock Danny off his feet and to the ground. 
Okay, so maybe it wouldn't be so fine. 
Pariah swung his mace down again, and Danny responded with a green shield. It was too hasty, not properly formed, and it shattered underneath the force. Danny yelped and tried to roll away, but the mace still clipped his back, tearing open the skin there. 
Yeah, definitely not so fine. 
The temptation to give in and let the Crown flood him once more was growing by the minute. Danny didn't know how long he could sustain himself with all these injuries, let alone how he could win the fight and take the Ring. His core ached to be filled by the Heart's power. He knew that if he let it happen, it would almost guarantee his victory.
But his eye caught the ghost shield behind him, where the crowd of civilians stood watching him with horror painted on their faces. He remembered just how badly he had destroyed the block over when he'd let the Crown's power overwhelm him, and his stomach flipped. No way could he put his people in that sort of danger. 
You can control it, little Prince. You are more than capable. 
Again, Danny didn't respond. The battle consumed too much of his focus. Gasping against the flare of hot pain, he took to the air once more to avoid yet another swing of Pariah’s mace. It missed him by a hair. He raised his hands once more to answer with an attack of his own, and - 
It was instinct. He turned his head at the sound of his mother calling his name. 
It was the worst mistake he could’ve made.
He met his mom’s eyes for just a moment, but it was a moment enough for Pariah to make his move. Danny didn’t register the heat moving behind him until it was too late. He turned around just in time to see Pariah’s hand flying towards him.
Reflexively, he turned intangible in the nick of time. Pariah’s hand sailed harmlessly through his head and out the other side. His tangibility returned, and he reached out to return the attack.
It wasn’t until an emptiness unlike any other hit him like a brick wall that he realized it hadn’t been him Pariah had been gunning for. 
Danny immediately dropped to his knees and doubled over in pain as his core cried out. Just like at Vlad’s, his core felt like it had been ripped straight from his chest and drained of all its energy. Cold air surrounded him as his cloak flared to life, trying desperately to compensate for the lost energy. The only sound was his frantically pulsing heart in his ears, and he couldn’t catch his breath enough to shout.
It hurt. Ancients, it hurt.
And unlike at Vlad’s, the emptiness pressed on. 
Danny managed to look up as panic bubbled to the surface. His stomach only churned worse when he saw Pariah standing in front of him with a wild grin, holding the Crown that had been sitting on Danny’s head.
“You should’ve surrendered when you had the chance, little Prince,” he said.
Danny tried to respond, but couldn’t. It was too much. The void inside him felt like it was about to swallow him whole, just like the void above was threatening to swallow Amity Park. 
Please, he begged in a fit of desperation, help me!
The Heart didn’t respond.
“It cannot help you now, child,” Pariah Dark laughed, as if he had read Danny’s mind. “Not when it is finally back in the hands of its true master.”
And as Pariah laughed once more and raised the Crown to put it on his head, Danny lifted a feeble hand towards him, trying to call up his ice, his ectoplasm, his anything, anything that could stop him. He couldn’t feel his power, he couldn’t feel his core, he couldn’t feel his Heart - 
Pariah roared in pain. Danny’s head snapped up to see him drop a steaming Crown. It landed on the street with a loud clatter as Pariah held his also-steaming hand close to his chest.
“You!” he bellowed, glaring daggers at the Crown. “You will yield! That power is MINE!”
Danny ignored him. He had zeroed in on the Crown and begun to drag himself toward it. Somewhere in the back of his head, he realized he probably looked absolutely ridiculous right now, and it pained him to think about how badly he wanted - needed to get the Crown back, but he didn’t care.
He couldn’t tell if he was simply imagining it, but he could almost feel a little tendril of power, reaching out to him, trying to hook into his core, trying to pull him closer.
Pariah roared again, and Danny had to retreat back into the cooling comfort of his cloak as a wall of heat crashed into him. “No!” he snarled. “If you will not bow to me, then you will have no one!” With a shout that shook Danny to his bones, Pariah snatched the Ring from his finger and threw it down next to the Crown with such force that it formed a little crater.
Danny’s heart began to pound even faster. This was it. This was his chance. He just had to move - 
But he never made it. Pariah unleashed a terrible scream, and then hot, red energy poured from his hands.
Straight onto the Crown and the Ring.
If losing the Crown had hurt, Pariah’s attack on it was excruciating. Danny gripped his head and his core, unsure if he was the one screaming or if it was someone else or if he was just imagining it. 
“Stop!” he managed to gasp. “You - hurting…”
But Pariah paid him no mind. Instead, he yelled louder, and another barrage of energy slammed into the Crown and Ring. Danny reacted as though he had been the one to get hit, falling to his stomach and crying out soundlessly.
He could barely see the Crown and Ring through Pariah’s onslaught, but when he finally gathered the strength to lift his head and look, his entire being froze.
A crack appeared in the Crown.
And now he was sure he wasn’t imagining the scream of pain because it definitely had to be him with how his core cracked too, and there was definitely another voice screaming in harmony with his and Ancients, of course it would be screaming, with the way Pariah - 
“I am the power of the Realms!” Pariah roared, and another crack appeared in the Crown. 
Danny reached out one last time, but he knew it was fruitless. There was no way…
Danny cried out.
The Crown and Ring cried out.
Kilaris cried out.
And then
s h a
t t
e r e
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glitch-karma · 1 year
Hi there! If requests are still opened, i'd love to make one :o (although it's a bit lengthy, so if you don't want to do it I understand!!)
TW for s**cide mentions from here forward btw! (common with any dazai fic, lolz)
I'd love to request a dazai x reader (fem or gn will work!) where he asks reader to commit double suicide with him, and to literally everyone's shock, they agree! So the agency (mainly kunikida and atsushi) have to repeatedly sabatoge their attempts, and during that time, the two start to get to know eachother better and grow closer whilst they aren't plotting their own demises. Eventually dazai starts to fall for them, but one day reader tries to attempt on their own life solo due to being unable to handle the pains and pressures of life anymore. Ofc they were rescued just in time, but it made him realize that he wants to see reader safe and happy, and that he had finally found his reason to live through his love for them. Extra points if he confesses his love at some point and reader accepts!!
Sorry if this was rant-y, i'm a huge sucker for angst to comfort :P either way tho, i hope you have a lovely rest of your day/night!
-Y/n is a new worker at the Cafe under the ADA
-MAJOR SUICIDE WARNING!! (Including but not limited to: Blood, pills, self-harm, etc..) I am a sucker for graphic detail so you have been warned
-Also warning for puke
-Reader is kinda based off of Mafuyu from Project Sekai cause I said so (Btw pjsk simps gonna open up reqs for them when they become open again‼️)
-also reader has dull eyes cause anime logic
I did probably a concerning amount of research on suicide, (Plus looked for so long for Dazai's stupid lil book) for this so I hope you enjoy!
Break time at the Armed detective agency usually means having some coffee at their favorite cafe. As the group sat down Dazai was glancing around when his eyes caught the sight of the new waitress waiting next to a barista Dazai frequently flirted with. The girl had semi-messy h/c colored hair, her eyes a dull e/c. Her features framed her face so beautifully. Dazai's mouth curled into a smirk as he stared at her. Kunikida caught wind and immediately irked. "Dazai.."
As the waitress approached the table, Dazai read the name stage reading "Y/n". He smiled as she stopped at their table. Before she could get a word out Dazai grabbed her hand in his. "Such soft hands.. And beautiful eyes as well. Would you, Belladona, do me the honors of accompanying me to a double suicide?"
Dazai was now lying on the floor, as Kunikida brushed himself off. "I'm so sorry Ma'am, he's always like this-" Atsushi apologized as Y/n leaned down to the man on the floor. "I'd gladly join a double suicide." She smiled down at him.
. . .
"Really!?!" Dazai yelled as he stood up, grabbing Y/n's hand again. Y/n chuckled as she nodded at him. "I get off at 6. You work in this building correct? I'll meet you on the roof." "Yes yes, that sounds wonderful~!"
Everyone at the table stared shell-shocked as Y/n takes their order normally like nothing just happened. As dazai kicked his legs in his own little world, Kunikida Atsushi and Junichiro all stared at each other in concern. Kunikida pulled them behind a menu quickly.
"As much as I'd love to let that dimwitt meet his end, we need him and that girl to stay alive. It isn't right letting a young lady with so much life in her die with that blasted Dazai." Kunikida sighed. Atsushi and Junichiro nodded in sync.
"Once Dazai leaves to meet her we should follow them," Atsushi whispered. Junichiro hummed in agreement. "It's decided then." Junichiro finished. The three quickly separated from the menu as Y/n walked over and set down their drinks. As she walked away dazai starstruck-ingly called out; "See you tonight Madameeee~". Y/n peeked over her shoulder, smiling at him. Dazai felt his heart flutter a bit at those beautifully dull eyes.. They seemed to draw him in for more.
As Dazai whipped open the doors to the building roof, he caught sight of the lady ready to accompany him with his final dance. Her hair was gently blowing in the warm Yokohama breeze as she stared off into the sky. What was she looking at? Dazai didn't know. But her eyes looked so sickeningly dull in that moment. But still, so beautiful..
"I'm pleasantly surprised to see you here! I was concerned you agreed simply to make me leave you alone." The dark-eyed man said, leaning next to her. "I'd never joke about suicide. Such a beautiful ending to a sick existence." Y/n spoke lowly. In the cafe, she had a sort of customer voice, but there was no trace of it here. Dazai smirked a bit at this.
"I should let you know now, I'm not interested in pain. I don't know exactly what you're into though.." Dazai teased her. "Pain is not something I'm looking for either. Just a quick ending."
Dazai chuckled, quickly whipping out his little red book. "Suffocation, Hanging, Poisoning, Shooting, Jumping," He read off as Y/n stared at him. Only blinking in response. "All the ideas you could storm up are right here in this very book."
"Ah! What a glorious book,, if I wasn't planning on dying I'd buy a copy.." Y/n smiled lightly. "But.." she continued, grabbing the book and shutting it quickly. "I'd like to try jumping first."
With a quick grab of Dazai's shirt, the two were suddenly falling off the roof of the building. Y/n shut her eyes, waiting for the end of it all.
The two landed on a bunch of garbage bags stacked up on each other. Y/n quickly sat up in disappointment as Dazai lay on the ground is fear and confusion. "Dang."
Dazai suddenly bursted into laughter. Y/n hummed, turning to him. "What's so funny?" Dazai wiped a tear from his eye as he sat up too. "You're the most forward suicidal girl I've ever met, my dear Y/n." He chuckled. Y/n blushed lightly before standing up.
"No matter.. We'll try again. Tomorrow. You can choose the method." She smiled at him. Dazai chuckled as he stood, lending her a hand up as he did so. "It's a date." He joked.
. .
"GAHHHH I THOUGHT WE WEREN'T GONNA MAKE IT." "Oh be quiet Atsushi, my Ideals were almost perfect."
There were the secret team, two sweaty messes, and one writing vigorously in his notebook. The three had watched Dazai enter the roof before running down to prepare in case they jumped, finishing just before they did.
"This might be a long couple of days.." Junichiro said quietly.
Day 2
"Oiiiii! Y/n dear!" Dazai yelled as he entered the roof. "Ah, hello Dazai." the girl lightly smiled. "What will we be doing today?"
Time after time,
Day 3
"Oh, Y/n you're here late! Well? Shall we begin?"
Attempt after attempt,
Week 3
"Dazai! Hurry we'll miss the train!" "Yes yes, my dear!"
The two met almost every day.
Month 2
The two had been testing the faith of this world as they attempted suicide again and again. Slowly, Dazai started to see something he hadn't before. Something fluttered in his chest..
The way she gets so distracted, the way she turned to yell at him when he took a joke too far, the way her nose scrunched up in such a way, those eyes.. Those beautifully dull eyes.
What was this feeling in Dazai's chest?
As Dazai thought intensely at his desk the others in the office grew worried. "What's up with Dazai today?" Atsushi mumbled. "I'm not sure.. I've never seen him think this much before."
"It's so clear what his problem is." Ranpo mumbled as he sucked on a loli. Dazai's head shot up immediately. "You know what this feeling is in my chest!? Please, explain Ranpo! Have I been poisoned? Is it fatal? Will I finally die? I can't die without Y/n."
Ranpo sighed as he bit off the lollipop. "No nothing of the sort, you're simply in love with that cafe waitress."
"Did he really just say that in front of us all!?"
Everyone at the agency thought in shock. Dazai's eyes were wide as he stared at Ranpo. His cheeks were flushed as he pondered the idea. The great Dazai? In love?
"This feeling in my chest.." He thought in shock. "That's a heart by the way," Ranpo smirked at the flustered Dazai. Dazai looked down for a moment, before springing up. He slammed his fist down loudly."This is..."
"Truly wonderful!!"
Dazai yelled as he pranced around the office. The majority of the group stared in dismay as he did so. "Ah, how perfect! I'm in love with the person I plan to meet my end with! We can plan a lovelier more passionate suicide now! How beautiful!"
"I should go confess right away! We can begin planning for our end together!" Dazai screamed with giddy as he threw his jacket on quickly. Ranpo's eyes scrunched together lightly as he thought. "You should go quickly, Dazai." He said as Dazai flung open the door.
"Will do!" Dazai yelled, running down the stairs to the cafe. As he opened the doors, he inhaled the lovely aroma of coffee before calling out. "Y/n my dear! I need to tell you something import-"
To Dazai's dismay, Y/n was nowhere to be seen in the cafe. He blinked a few times before walking towards one of the other workers. "Is Y/n here?" He asked with a hand covering his face.
"Ah, I'm sorry Dazai she didn't come in for her shift this morning.." The barista explained. Dazai's head popped up in surprise. "Uh, really?"
"Mhm, She didn't call in either. It's unlike her. She usually at least gives a call if she's gonna be late." The girl explained. Dazai's eyes furrowed as he thought.
"You should go quickly, Dazai."
Dazai's eyes shot open as he stared at the ground for a moment. "No.."
"Uh, Dazai?" The barista asked him. Dazai turned quickly, running out of the cafe in a hurry. His breath grew ragged as he ran quickly. He stopped in front of a familiar apartment complex to breathe. He then quickly ran in, ignoring the calls from a front desk worker. He sprinted and sprinted as he burst into Y/n's bedroom. "Y/n!" He screamed.
His eyes quickly scanned the room, finding it neatly tidied instead of the mess it was when he first visited her here. He then noticed the bathroom door shut tightly, while steam lightly flowed out of it. He ran to the door, trying the handle only to find it locked.
"Y/n!" He yelled, banging on the door. No answer. Dazai backed up quickly, before slamming his shoulder into the door, causing it to fly off its hinges. He looked up from the floor, seeing the sight he wanted to stop.
(Last major TW before we continue.)
Y/n laid in the bathtub fully clothed. The water from the faucet flowed continually, causing the room to fill with steam. A bottle of some unmarked pills laid on the bathroom floor, followed by a knife of which she'd used to make her wrist bleed. The fresh red liquid had been used to fill a small vile next to her.
Dazai quickly stood up, stopping the water before reaching his hands into the hot water. He wrapped his arms around Y/n's figure, lifting her up into his arms before placing her on the floor gently. He quickly ran to the medicine cabinet, grabbing a cotton swab and a roll of bandages.
He ran back to her fast, checking her pulse before sticking the cotton swab deep into her throat repeatedly until a steady stream of fresh puke left her lips. He pulled her into his arms as she came to, putting pressure on her wrist. Y/n's head felt fuzzy as she looked up at him. "Dazai.."
"Ah, you're conscious. Please stay awake, and don't move too much." Dazai whispered lowly. Y/n's head fog cleared as she came to. Realizing she'd been saved.
"No.." She mumbled as hot tears began to form. She suddenly became enraged. "Why you of all people.." "Y/n?"
"I thought you understood.. I just want to disappear from this world. Don't you get it?"
"I want to save you. I want to live with you, even if it's only for a bit before we depart together. There's still so much I don't know about you. Y/n, I-"
"Stop it!!" Y/n screamed, kicking Dazai away. "Don't you dare say it! What can you do? You may save me for a bit, you may make me feel happy for a short while, but then what!? One day it won't work anymore! And I'll want to die again!"
She was shouting.
"That's why this is all too much! Just let me have a clean death alone! You're so selfish for even coming here and spouting that bull shit!"
Without even realizing it, Y/n was shouting.
"I'm tired..! I'm so tired of thinking there's hope! Tired of waiting, finding something close, then watching it disappear! I'll never find what I'm looking for! I'll... I'll never truly be saved! Don't you see Dazai!?"
Dazai's eyes stayed still as he watched the girl scream.
"I'm so tired.. So tired.! Don't let me despair anymore.. Just let me rot."
The silence in the room was sickening. No one dared move.
Until Dazai broke the silence by cackling. Y/n sniffled confused as she stared at him. "I just keep seeing new sides of you Y/n.. You really are sickeningly complicated." He smirked at her as he inched closer.
Dazai's lips suddenly slammed into Y/n's. The girl's eyes opened wide as she stared at him. After a few seconds, dazai pulled away, a small string of saliva trailing behind. He licked his lips lightly before speaking:
"You called me selfish for saving you.." Dazai spoke before leaning close to Y/n's ear. "But I'm an incredibly greedy man my dear.."
Y/n's face flushed more as Dazai grabbed her wrist, wrapping her wound up tightly. "Even if it takes me saving you a thousand times, I'll do it all over again. So we can have the perfect suicide together."
Y/n breathes in shakily as Dazai kisses her hand gently.
"So, let's try this again. Y/n, my dear. I'm in love with you. Will you join me, in living and dying in this life?"
Dazai's words brought more tears into Y/n's eyes as she nodded lightly.
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blank-slate-jay · 1 year
In Need
Joel Miller x Male!Reader Word Count: 2.6k
Tags:Angst,Violence(Blood),Comfort, Soft!Joel
Request: "Long story not so short reader's the one to encounter David, he gives Joel the medicine, reader is the one who kills David. Joel and Ellie find him, Joel seeing that he went outside alone, he killed someone for the first time and basically put himself at risk just to take care of Ellie and to prove Joel that he isn't cargo and obviously Joel fucking breaks because the guy he's in love with did all this shit to keep safe the two people he cared for the most and didn't give his life any value even before that. Reader was always behind to warn them if something was gonna attack, or to defendem with his body first and Joel didn't notice until that moment."
A/N: This prompt has a lot of angst and I love it! Has some slow build up so I really hope this is what you wanted anonymous, Enjoy!
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“Where, WHERE THE FUCK IS HE?!” Joel screamed. His growl was enough to shake the wooden walls and it definitely rattled Ellie, who had her gun pointed at their second hostage tied up against the table.
Joel was furious, with his injury, with the lack of information, and most importantly, your absence. Ellie had told him everything about the raiders, how they came to kill him, how you acted as bait to lure the ruffians away from the town. Ultimately you failed and were captured. He didn’t need to know all the details, just hearing Ellie recite this to him was enough to get him off his deathbed, away from the cold mattress.
The man Joel had in his grasp, screamed out as the knife drove deeper into the man’s knee. “I don’t know…” he cried in anguish. Joel didn’t give a damn, whipping the man’s head back to get him to focus on his words. “Where. Is. He?”Joel's voice is much lower but just as menacing as before.
“They…” the raider muffled, “..there…there’s a town.”
“What TOWN?!”
His screams were enough to cause the second man on the floor to shift, Ellie positions her gun in line with the man’s head. “Leave him alone man, I can tell you where it is. It’s-”
Joel yelled again, “Shut up,” pulling the knife out from the man’s knee. Just on the small table next to him was a map, he grabs it while shoving the knife’s handle into the man’s mouth. “Point to where it is. It better fuckin’ match up with your buddy.”
The man sobs through the handle, with the map being held to his face. He did as told, drawing a line across the crinkled paper. He spits the knife out into his own lap, “There…ok? It should be there, fucking psycho”. Joel looks at the location, Silver Lake. “I wouldn’t hold my breath,” Joel's eyes look back at the raider, “David’s probably chopped him up by now,” he laughs.
Joel gritted his teeth, eyes as dark as the night. In one swoop motion he grapples the blade and shoves it against him, receiving a cry from his buddy off to the side. “Noo.”
The other hostage tried moving, as if he could somehow save his dying companion. Ellie of course was on it, “Move again, and I’ll shoot you.”
He tried pleading with them, in a state of hysteria, knowing he might have the same demise. Ellie had her gun, her aim shaky, scared to kill again but ready if it meant less obstacles later.
Joel though didn’t want her doing the dirty work, he was up and by her side, lightly pushing her hand down to lower her aim. “Get the horse ready”, he said with a small hint of guilt in his voice. Joel had insisted she stay hidden in the basement while he interrogated them, instead, she wanted to help. The older man didn’t have it in him to argue with her, between his grogginess and his wounded stomach, it wouldn’t have done him any good. 
This time she did as told, lowering her weapon and walking out of the room. 
Keep reading
Joel’s gaze turns to the man, tightening his fingers. 
“We should’ve blasted you motherfuckers when we had the chance!”
“Maybe you should have,” he says, bringing his knife down onto the man’s skull. 
The Silver Lake town was in shambles, people were yelling, people were running for their lives, and some were even fighting each other. Chaos ensued outside from your hiding place. Word got out on what was in their last meal, human remains. The people freaked out and began fighting, guns blazing.
You were sat up behind a counter, a pool of red just inches from you. Trembling at the sight, you tried collecting yourself. It was the first time you killed somebody, someone you couldn’t spare for once. You were moments away from being turned into a dish, what were you supposed to do? The thought made you nearly gag, you didn’t know how Joel didn’t feel the same way after he did the same. Perhaps he did and was just numb to it all. 
It didn’t matter though how you felt, you lived, you survived. You’d get to breathe freely even if it was for another moment. There wasn’t much time to celebrate, as nothing was in the world, because another set of footsteps entered into the massive dining hall. The quickness and sudden entrance made you jerk.
You listen carefully, as the person trailed around the room.
He said your name and you recognized that voice. Fucking David. Shit. He was the last person you wanted to encounter, especially in your hazed state. To some degree your fizzled mind was more alert than ever. After all, you trusted him. He gave you medicine, let you and your friends live; he must’ve had a change of heart. Or his plan to raid your rundown base, kidnap one of you even, was his intention all along. 
He called out for you again, sending a chill up your spine, “I know you’re in here. Why don’t you come on out, we can just work this out. Like ole pals”.
His voice, so condescending he might as well just say he wanted you dead. His voice was far, not enough to calm your nerves. Peering around the counter, through all the chairs and tables, you can make out the movement of a gray door. It swung, with a faint bit of light shining from behind. That was your way out, it had to be. The front door wasn’t an option as that would expose you to David and the mayhem happening just outside. There was probably a window, or even better another door just beyond the one you saw ahead. You needed to leave.
“If you take me to your friends, I’ll let you off scout free. We can forget about this whole mess, start over.”
Yeah right? Like you’d put your faith in him again. After he captured you and put you in a cage, after he ordered his man to cut you up like an animal; like hell you’d trust him.
Hearing David’s steps, slowly trailing around made you move, making sure you were as quick as can be. You kept your distance behind pillars, seats, and small walls; constantly keeping track of him through sound and small glimpses from your hiding spot.
You were now close, hiding behind a a seated booth that hid you from David’s sight and had the backdoor completely in full view. Anyone coming through the door would see you. It was tempting just to run for it. Doing so would alert him, causing you more trouble than you could’ve ask for.
A distraction is what you needed, something to keep him busy for a time. But would do that? A molotov might do the trick, the idea came about while you looked over at the bottle on a nearby table. If only you had a rag and a lighter.
Your knife would have to do, as you prepare yourself for a sneak attack.
Joel and Ellie made it, Silver Lake. The place was in shambles, they were caught off by the shouting, the combustion; initially thinking they'd have to sneak their way through a heavily guarded town.
Joel couldn't tell if he'd prefer what he was expecting, or the situation they were in now. There wasn’t time to waste, thinking too hard would just prolong your rescue.
The two kept behind a brick wall, watching and waiting for an opening. Joel’s plan was to search all the buildings that likely had a kitchen or butcher room. They’d have to wait until the gunshots came to a steady, not wanting to get caught in any cross fire.
One last shot rang out, before all that was left was the sounds of the howling winds. It lasted long, and the two gazed at each other before Joel decided to peek around the corner. Only three men remained, at least from what he could see. He could easily take them all with just a few bullets, but his aching stomach would prove to make that difficult.
“Jesus, can’t believe they’d turn on us.”
“Yeah, where the fuck did David go?"
Was there a dispute? Did you cause this? Who cared, not Joel. He just wanted to know if you were alive and well, afraid the ladder was high unlikely and wishful thinking.
Fuck it. He pulls his rifle up, groaning as he lined up his aim. Ellie got herself prepared too, locking eyes with Joel and communicating they’re next action through gaze alone. One of the men were facing away from them, he takes aim before pulling, taking one guy out.
It startles the other two, leaving them confused. It gave Joel time to reload behind cover before coming back out and down went the raider. None of them could hide besides one, who ducked behind the opposite side of the building the two were already hiding behind.
He had his rifle aimed just at the edges of the brick wall, ready to tap the raider the moment he peaked over. Ellie had herself up against Joel, somewhat curious if the coast was clear. His sharp, focused eyes said otherwise.
Just as half of the raider's face came into view, Joel was quick to dispose of the last man with a piercing shot to the face. Falling to the ground, the coast looked to be finally clear. The silence almost seemed threatening, like a trap was awaiting them if they stepped out from their hiding spot. Nothing of course convinced Joel of this other than his own worry. 
“Stay close to me”, Joel instructs Ellie. She nods, taking small steps behind Joel to keep her pace steady for the injured man.
They didn’t have a certain route, just trailing the walls and looking into the windows of buildings as they passed by each one; alleyways included. Joel sporadically looked around, trying to locate you while keeping a lookout for any other threats. Ellie did the same, but kept her eyes out for you. 
Joel, so caught up in the moment, hadn’t realized Ellie’s light steps growing distant by the second.
He turned to her, eyes widening at her recklessness, “Ellie”! She wasn’t listening,her eyes were squinted, investigating the figure just beyond the alleyway. She could have swore she recognized who it was, until she got closer. She gasped. 
Joel calls her name again, this time she listen. 
“Joel,” she waves her hand over, “It’s y/n”. She ran into the alley leaving Joel to limp his way over to the other side of the street. She could’ve at least helped him, after hearing that you were alive, the man wanted to run but couldn’t. 
He crosses the street, and is parallel with the valley and spots you at the other side, knees deep into the snow; draped in stains of red.
Ellie had already cross the distance in a sprint. She grabs your arms, startling you from your paralyzed state. Looking up from the snow, you were shocked to see Ellie, she was here. How? You had told her to stay and watch out for Joel, now she was here?
You had some questions but decided to hold them off, just wanting to be reminded what a caring embrace felt like. You reach your hand up and Ellie comes down to you with a hug. You could feel your tears welling up, wanting to forget the hell you just experienced.
Hearing a set of steps hit the snow, you snap your gaze to the side. Some of your questions were answered on sight just seeing Joel struggling as he limped over to you. Your tears finally started pouring down your face. "Joel, I fucking did it. I killed someone," your voice quivered.
You're words barely graced the man's ears. He just was happy you were still here, functioning normally too. He drops down to you, cupping your face and making you keep eye contact with him.
When you tried speaking again, it came out disjointed. It was a blend between an explanation and an apology. Yet Joel knew what you meant by the few words that escaped your shaky lips.
The way he treated you up to this point, your dispute weeks ago, the one that shut you down completely; when Joel yelled at you for not defending yourself. He did it out of fear, you nearly got kidnapped for god knows what reason. By then he was fed up with your passiveness, practically calling you useless and nothing more than dead weight.
He very quickly regretted this over the next few days, the lack of any soul in your voice was aching to hear. Ellie was feeling the effects of this too, trying to make small talk with you, but you never had much to say. The raising pain he felt made him feel guilty, believing his actions didn't justify his emotions. You likely we're in greater pain than he was.
Joel ran his fingers across your cheek, wiping away the drops leaving your eyes. You look down, "I'm sorry I...I tried protecting Ellie, and you..."
Hearing your voice was just furthering the wounds in the older man's heart. He shook, his head reminded of his wrongdoings. "No no no..." he pulls your face back up, "Sweetheart, we wouldn't be here if it weren't for you," Joel tried hiding the cracks in his voice. "You saved me, you watched over Ellie, I can't thank you enough. And..." he paused, his guilt coming back into the forefront. "''m sorry, for everythin'. I shouldn't have said any of it, I'd go back and change it in a heartbeat."
His words were touching, as if you didn't have enough to keep your tears flowing. You close your eyes in an attempt to hide yourself, to save the two people you cared about much the trouble of witnessing you break down. A combination of everything you'd suffer through just came crashing down onto you. The embarrassment of appearing weak in front of Joel, wasn't enough to stop your cries.
This time, he wouldn't push you away, not like last time. He pulled you in, his forehead pressing up against yours. He just kept repeating his remorsefulness, each time his voice grew softer until it was a whisper like the wind.
Ellie was also providing you extra security with her head leaning into the back of your shoulder. She would thank you later, with her own words, but she thought it was appropriate to comfort you now. Without you, she'd have no idea how to mend Joel or even handle David. It scared her thinking about doing everything you've done all alone.
You spent some time regaining your composure in Joel's warm palms, reaching up to place yours over his, you didn't realize how numb it had gotten from the freezing cold. You grip them tightly, clearing away the sorrow with a sniff.
"We need to go, okay?"
You took a second but eventually nodded.
Joel nods too in approval, he grips your hands in his own, and stands slowly, pulling you up along with him. Ellie lifts herself on her own accord, giving you some breathing room to physically reconcile with Joel. Seeing him wrap his arm around your back, his chin stuck to the side of your forehead, gave her hope that things going forward between you two would get better.
She informs you, "The horse isn't far," grabbing ahold of you before leading you forward.
Being that close to you, glued to your side, he wish he could tell you how much you meant to him. With the nightmare you just experienced, dropping something heavy like that would have to wait, you’d been through more than enough.
For once he was just happy, to finally make up with the man he loved, dearly.
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fanfoolishness · 2 months
starlight + hunter? :)
Please enjoy! This ended up being a little longer. Hunter walks beneath the stars of Pabu, set in season 2. :)
The Soldier
He isn’t sleeping well.
It doesn’t make much sense, objectively.  Pabu is the safest world they’ve been on in months, maybe in their lives.  It’s a paradise here.  The people are genuinely kind, grateful to them for all of their help during the sea surge.  Omega runs and plays and laughs, and he keeps losing her in crowds of dozens of other children, all unique.  Hunter knows he should be sleeping better than ever in a place of such security.
But night after night he wakes up after a few hours of uneasy, broken sleep, and eventually gets up, going on walks alone.
He lets the night-voice of this world wash over him as he walks the mountainside.  He’s used to the blending of a place’s scents, sounds, light spectrum, gravity, weather all combining into a particular signature.  Pabu is painted in a rich new palette, and he walks through it in the dark, memorizing it on his own.
There’s the ever-present lap of the waves on the shore; during the day he’d have to go to Lower Pabu to pick out the sounds in the maze of the village’s ambient noise, but here in the quiet it’s easy for him to hear, even hundreds of feet from the shore.  It mingles with the songs of tree-crickets and the chatter of sea-bats.
There’s the scents of the large shade-trees, green vines bearing lush fruits on the sides of homes, the smells of sand and surf and leaf.  He breathes deep of all of it, marveling at the lack of oil, exhaust, ozone.
There’s the mercurial breeze, sometimes sweet and gentle from the south-southwest, sometimes a bold blast from the wild north seas, sometimes a constant gust from the utter west.  It dances over his face, flutters his hair against his neck and cheeks.  
There’s the low-pitched hum of tectonic plates deep in the stone, the deep and vital shift just barely palpable when he lays his hand on stone.  It always makes him pause; he stops, digs his palm against the stone wall, prays for the sake of the people here that there will not be another quake.
There’s the starlight.  It’s still so strange to see a starfield unmarred by the steady stream of ships, the lights of landing fields.  Countless constellations smatter the darkness in white and twinkling gold.  He wonders if Tech knows their names already, if Crosshair could see them in incredible detail.
One night he turns at the top of the stairs.  The wind has shifted; someone is coming up behind him, though they exercise no attempt at stealth.  Hunter takes a pace forward and pauses as the person steps beneath a string of glowing lights on the veranda above.  It’s only Shep.
“Can’t sleep?” Shep asks kindly.  “This isn’t the first time I’ve seen you making the rounds.”
Hunter shrugs.  “I’m just not used to it here.  It’s so…”  Peaceful.  “Quiet.”
“And you seem restless.  A tough combination,” Shep observes.  “Do you ever watch the stars?”
“Sometimes.  More to scan for any potential threats than for the stars themselves, I suppose.”
“That’s about what I thought,” says Shep.  He points up to the sky, to an arc of bright white points loosely near each other.  “You see that up there?”
He squints.  “Sort of.  Is it supposed to be something?”
“That’s the Soldier,” says Shep.  
“Really now.” 
Shep gives him a rueful smile.  “Hey, I didn’t name them.”  He gestures, drawing a hint of an outline.  Hunter studies the stars above them.  If he tilts his head to the side, he supposes he can see something like a figure up above, holding a sword, or maybe a rifle.  
“If you say so,” he says.
“In the stories, the Soldier is a tragic figure,” Shep says.  “Doomed to wander the skies.  It’s one of the easiest constellations you can see shift with the seasons.  Sometimes it seems like he’s never in the same place twice.”  He turns to Hunter.  “It must be hard to settle down after seeing so much.”
The stars glitter above them.  The Soldier’s rifle swings high; his feet march onward.  Hunter lets out a long breath.  “Yeah.  I guess it is.”
Shep reaches out, squeezes his shoulder before letting his hand fall.  “I hope it gets easier.  You and your family deserve it.”  He nods to him.  “Try to get some sleep, Hunter.”  He heads back the way he came, and Hunter’s left alone beneath the stars.
He slowly makes his way back to the ship.  For a moment, he thinks about asking Tech in the morning if there really is a constellation here called the Soldier.  But the more he thinks about it, the more he decides he doesn’t need to know. 
He climbs back into bed, the sounds of night-crickets and waves in his ears.  He falls into a deep and dreamless sleep, and when he finally wakes again, the sun is high and the stars are long forgotten.
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madametamma · 11 months
DP episode, Tales of Ba Sing Se style
For the first half of season 1 of DP, no one besides a small hand full of people know/believe that ghosts exists. Then suddenly the whole town is thrust into danger via a ghost invasion and everyone has to deal with it.
I purpose an episode that is just an anthology of short stories about side characters and how things have changed for them after the existence of ghosts is proven to the world.
The A listers Everyone tries to act like they’re unaffected. They each accuse each other of being scared little babies and deny it. This comes to a head when they decide to have a truth or dare night to try and prove they’re brave/out each other as cowards. They happen to run right into a ghost attack and are all like deer in the headlights until Phantom comes to save them and fight the ghost off. After that all they can talk about is how cool their new local superhero is.
Mr Lancer He has spent the last few years of his career coasting by, “This student’s failing? He’s probably just lazy.” “That student’s getting bullied? Ugh, It’s just going to turn into a complicated mess of he said/she said. Investigating is such a chore.” Except now that ghosts are real and his students could potentially get hurt it comes crashing down on him that he is the adult in the room and it really is his responsibility to take care of them. He never thought about that too hard before but now he feels the weight. He expresses all this to a coworker one day when suddenly the school is attacked. He rushes out into the hall and sees a few students cornered by a ghost.  With only a moment’s hesitation, he runs out to hit the ghost with a chair. It goes through the creature and turns its sights on Lancer. Thankfully Phantom shows up in the nick of time to drag the ghost away. Lancer goes to his students and puts serious care into finding out what they need.
The Fenton family This is a funny one, Jack and Maddie can’t help but get big headed at their new attention, once upon a time they were scoffed at for believing in ghosts and now everyone wants to come to them for their expertise. They hold a press conference for the whole town to explain to the people how to be safe in these dangerous times. Jack can’t help but gloat on stage over what a genius he is.  All the while, in clear view in the sky right behind him, Phantom is fighting off a ghost. Jack doesn’t notice in the slightest during his speech as he details what he knows about ghosts while the two specters behind him demonstrate the exact opposite of everything he’s saying during their battle.
Valerie Before the entire town knew that ghosts were real, and after she decided to take up ghost hunting, Star found out that Val was reading up on Ghost hunting. She made fun of Val for it. Cut to after the reveal of ghosts’ existence Star comes up to Val asking her if she knows anything about staying safe from ghosts. Val mocks her meek asking for help, “I thought I was a Loser for believing in ghosts?” Star doesn’t appreciate being made fun of and replies that Val probably doesn’t know anything anyway. Just as she as about to walk away, a ghost pops up right in front of her face. She screams as Val quick draws an ecto gun out of her locker and blasts the ghost away. Star turns back to Valerie and begs her to be her friend again. Val smirks as she closes her locker replying “I’ll think about it.”
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jacquelinemerritt · 1 year
Dragon Ball Z: Abridged – Plan to Eradicate Christmas Review
Originally posted... today!
Instead of the true meaning of Christmas, we see the true meaning of an abridged series.
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Over the course of Dragon Ball Z: Abridged, Team Four Star has established a lot of minute details about its characters. We saw in Christmas Tree of Might that Goku is earth’s most ardent defender of Christmas. We also learned that across the universe, very few people got to celebrate Christmas, as it was replaced by Freeza Day on any planet he conquered. And we learned that even before Freeza conquered Planet Vegeta, Santa was never able to visit them to spread love and good cheer, because the Saiyans tried to shoot him down.
Every single one of those details is capitalized on here in Plan to Eradicate Christmas. Through snippets of character interaction, we learn that Goku has been itching to defend Christmas yet again. We see Freeza’s ego displayed as he commands the Villains of Christmas past to referthemselves as the Villains of Freeza Day Past, despite them having agreed upon Christmas. Even Santa’s inability to deliver presents to Planet Vegeta is called back to, as Vegeta nostalgically recalls his favorite Christmas pastime of shooting energy blasts at Santa’s sleigh.
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If these callbacks rested solely on referring back to things we already know, it’s possible that they could fall flat, but every single one is rooted in the nature of these characters we’ve come to know and love. Of course the violent egomaniac Vegeta would try to shoot down Santa’s sleigh. Of course Freeza would refuse to bow to the demands of Cooler, Turles, and King Picc…Lord Slug, who he all views as his lesser. And of course, the battle hungry, ever optimistic Goku would be salivating over another opportunity to save Christmas, his most wonderful time of the year.
The specificity of these characters is also what makes Santa work so well as a villain here. After our heroes defeat the Villains of Christmas Past, they are confronted by Santa, who reveals that all have been naughty and fallen short of the glory of Santa. Vegeta is, well Vegeta, we know what he’s done. Goku’s lust for battle endangers the entire universe, brought to the forefront with a perfectly timed ad for Dragon Ball Super, and Piccolo is held to account for his and his father’s past attempts at world domination.
Even Trunks is at fault, having time traveled so recklessly as to endanger the space-time continuum, brilliantly highlighted with a cut to what I believe is Dragon Ball GT footage. Only Gohan is without naughtiness, and is granted a present by Santa, but like every Christmas before, Santa gives him what he likes, and he likes books.
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The jokes in this Christmas special all land so well because they draw on our understanding of these characters, who we’ve gotten to know over the course of the last decade Dragon Ball Z: Abridged has been produced. It’s genuinely delightful to see Team Four Star tackle a Christmas special once more as well, as they manage to turn a story from an uninteresting OVA with a generic villain into a hilarious Christmas romp.
Plan to Eradicate Christmas is a great example of what abridged series can do at their best. They can take weak ideas and repurpose them, giving them new life and meaning with a comedic edge. Team Four Star really did go and give us a gift in Christmas 2018, and showed us what abridging is really all about.
Rating: 4.5/5
Stray Observations
I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the fantastic music Cliff Weinstein composed for this special. Christmas Eve-olution / Carol of the Hells is the standout track in particular. It is wonderfully ominous and builds perfectly to the final confrontation and group Kamehameha.
Thanks for reading! You can support her continued film criticism addiction on Patreon.
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shywhispersunknown · 3 months
Casual Sex, The New Thief of joy.
I've recently been super intrigued by the story of Samson and Delilah. I couldn't for the life of me understand what was it about Delilah that drove Samson so crazy. Why did he love her and what made him stay with her after she repeatedly hurt him? I tore through that story at least 3 times searching for anything that would give me the answer I was looking for but came up with nothing. The Bible doesn't provide much backstory to their relationship. It doesn't specify if they were married or not but it does highlight her lack of love and respect for him which ultimately lead to his demise.
Throughout their love affair there are several instances where Delilah unabashedly set out to destroy Samson. Now I wont get into the entire story , but Samson was a Nazarite and his power source was his hair. He was a chosen man by God and his mission was to defeat the Philistines. Delilah, unbeknownst to Samson was hired by the Philistines to discover his secret with the hopes of capturing him. My girl would openly ask Samson what was the secret to his strength, and then would turn around and set him up! She did this at least 3 times and the wild thing is, Samson kept coming back for more! She'd even gaslight him, accusing him of lying to her and not really loving her. Sprung off the na'mean, he eventually gave in and told her his secret. And the rest is history. As I reflect on my last few years of dating, there are aspects of this story I can totally relate to. Follow me.
In my experience casual sex has caused me more harm then good. As I'd told myself time and time again, "this is your single season, you don't need a boyfriend". As much as that may have been true, it still didn't negate the fact that I wanted something or someone in some sort of capacity. 2019 I met my Delilah (we'll call him Dillon). On my quest of healing and being liberated from a tumultuous relationship, I somehow found myself entangled with a particular gentleman. Ill save you the details of how we met but the attraction was instant, and much like Samson, I was totally smitten. He didn't woo me in a traditional sense, but there was just something about him that really drew me in. I was admittedly lonely and love starved and truthfully it just felt good to have some male energy in my life. I didn't let on about my lack of love, but I feel like he knew. Our 1st date told me everything I needed to know about him. We were at a bar having a great time, and in walked someone he knew. The 2 locked eyes and the associate was visibly uneasy. Dillon excused himself and directed the guy outside. A few minutes later he returned and smiled then said "now we drink all night for free" I fell in love right there...*facepalm. We spent months galavanting through the city, every encounter was so random. I found him exciting, intriguing and incredibly sexy. We had a crazy connection and I wanted more of him. He'd told me he loved me several times, and I echoed the same sentiment, but every time Id mentioned us getting together...there was a pause. He'd give me excuses on why we shouldn't be together...begrudgingly I accepted it and tried to move on. But somehow or another, he always managed to draw me back in. He was sweet to me...(or so I imagined)he'd do the simple things I loved. Flowers just because, a playlist expressing his "true" feelings sent in the middle of the night...and random pop ups whether I was home or not. Sigh...these miniscule acts sown in manipulation would get me every time. I tried to be strong and step away, but I was caught up and couldn't leave him alone. Id pray about this, because although physically I was having a blast, emotionally I was messed up. Id discovered through my superb stalking skills..(kidding!), that he was seeing someone. But not just anyone, an amateur porn chick. With my own eyes Id seen the two in the act on twitter...I was mortified, disgusted and heartbroken. Here I was in the interim begging God to heal my heart , but the 1st pair of muscles and a smile comes my way and I'm ready to break out on the Lord? Some good and faithful servant I was SMH. All those tears man, those sleepless nights...crying out to God to help me get over the pain of the past...and here I was willingly walking back into the same thing.
I never confronted him about what I saw. I just tried to move on with my life. Id go long stretches without talking to him, and he'd oblige and not press the issue if he reached out and I didn't respond. But like clockwork, he'd figure out a way to lure me back in. We'd have these passionate moments and completely and emotionally naked.. Id tell him how much Id missed him and wanted to be his. We'd be great for a week...maybe even a month, but nothing changed. He was still sleeping with her...and me. Somehow or another I mustered up the strength to step away from him once again. I deactivated my socials and was determined to live life off the grid..at least until I got over him. But how was that supposed to happen if I was stalking him from my finsta? The delusion of it all! But I digress lmao..there didn’t seem to be much happening with him anyway. Before I knew it 6 months had passed.... and although parts of me still longed for him I was on my way to forgetting his face. One faithful day in June he reached out. He said he missed me, needed to see me and begged me not to deny him. Our last encounter was different. Although excited to see him, something was off. He didn’t look the same to me anymore…but he was still very much himself. The rizz was on a thousand and I fell for it once again. Completely aware that I had been had, I worked super hard not to get in my fantasy bag. There would never be an "Us" and I needed to let it go. As I steadied myself to take one last peak at his page( because I was shutting my operation down)…I saw that he was very much engaged. Fantasy officially over.
Before I met Dillon, I was on the road to the new me. The Lord was piecing my heart back together. My passion for Him was reignited, and although I had some tough days the love was palpable and real. Dillon seemed to be a beautiful distraction, no doubt. But was the few trysts I had with him worth the pain, shame and embarrassment I felt then? Absolutely not! The condemnation, the depression THE ANXIETY! for obvious reasons, heck no! Samson lost his anointing fooling with Delilah, and I derailed my healing path messing around with Dillon. But God, who is completely faithful gave ya girl another chance.
*The spirit of Delilah is a seducing spirit whose mission is to stop believers from fulfilling their destiny by enticing its target and lulling them to sleep. Believers who fall subject to this spirit forget their true purpose, giving Satan an advantage over God's people.
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fiorella-a · 10 months
Oh baby, you've caught my attention!
Tsukishima Kei is someone just blasting lo-fi music in his earphones, Yamaguchi Tadashi is someone who is talkative yet easily frightened and Y/n is just someone trying to keep a low profile.
-Tsukishima Kei x gn! Reader x Yamaguchi Tadashi
-Y/n (reader) has social anxiety
School literally started and i got separated from my friends 🧍
Some of the details here are canon events lol
It was the start of another year, of course you have no problem in making friends at all! (Very real) It's just that you have social anxiety and that makes it hard for you to flow along your own path– you always need your closest friends beside you, but you got separated from them and got placed into a classroom in which students knew each other, making you and three? Maybe four? Other students feel like an outsider.
Your teacher for the first lesson was absent, your substitute teacher allowed everyone to do as they please as long as no one goes out without permission.
You noticed two peculiar pairs of friends– one blonde and one green haired, the lalala and the other ok ok ok, the story teller and the other stuborn listener.
Of course it was the same friends you compared to your mind, they just seem fit any friendship tropes.
'Lucky them' you thought to yourself
Although you knew six people from the classroom, you guys were never close due these reasons;
1. Awkwardness
2. Social anxiety
3. Just no
You reached over your small bag which contained: one notebook, your pencilcase, an umbrella and a book you're recently reading.
Of course you grabbed the book!
You opened the page where you stuck a bookmark in, an special bookmark infact– your friend made it for you!
Opening the page and straightening your back at the chair, you went into your reading mode, which means shutting off anyone and anything around you.
A green haired boy noticed you in the middle of his rambling.
"Hey, Tsukki."
The blonde furrowed his eyebrows as he paused the thing that he was doing, "What's the problem, Yamaguchi?"
"Look at the other side, second row at the front"
Tsukki looks from where his friend was pointing at, "what about them? They're just reading? Tsk."
"No, something feels off" Yamaguchi scooted closer to Tsukki.
"Move away, please."
"Like they want to be noticed but are also avoiding everyone."
"What the hell does that mean?"
"Like– ugh, forget it."
Yamaguchi looks at his friend, "no?"
"Tell me, idiot."
"Ah, i don't know, it's like– they won't draw attention to themselves unless needed to."
Tsukki sighs as he steals a glance from you, "probably someone who has social problems" tsukki shrugged his shoulders and adjusted his glasses "what do you wanna do about them, Yamaguchi?"
"Watch me!"
Yamaguchi stands up from his chair beside tsukki and walked gently and calmly onto your way.
At the end page of the book, you grab the bookmark and put it in the page you we're reading and closed the book.
"Hi! Is there any problem?" You say as you look up the boy who approached you
He stiffens.
"My name's Tadashi Yamaguchi, are you new here?"
You nod your head at his words, gosh his voice is so calming and gentle yet with a tone of cheerfulness
A blonde soon then followed
"Tsukishima Kei, now speak up" he says as he looks at you with a slight glare
"My name's L/N F/N" You say with a slight smile, while picking at your fingers and bouncing your leg up and down
Ah, Tsukki knew it. He knew that you have social problems.
"Do you wanna sit with us later? At lunch."
Yamaguchi looks at his friend, putting up a front to hide his bewilderment
You nod at his words, "Do you mind, Tadashi?"
Yamaguchi shakes his head, "No, no! It's fine!"
Tsukki smiles at you while he grabs his friend's hand, "we'll be over there if you need anything, good morning and thank you for the time"
You smile at him one last time before he drags his friend along with him while whispering, "I saw their body language and analyzed their voice, seems like they don't like anyone being all friendly with them unless they have the same energy or are very close with them." He looks at Yamaguchi "You guys seem to click."
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orionsstory · 8 months
that kind of devotion can’t be ignored | Anarcia (3)
A/N: here it is!! Marcia is a little insane in this chapter but in a girlboss way -
It had been a week. 7 whole days since Marcia had last seen Lotus. For Marcia, it felt like it had been months, and it was driving her crazy. The day after their 'date' (as she described it), Marcia had gone down to the police station and given her statement, just like Lotus requested. The officer took down her information in case they needed her to testify in court (something she didn't really have the time for and worried her), however, he assured her they were fairly certain the man would take a plea deal, which relieved her. She had naively hoped Lotus would contact her after she had talked to the police, but it seems she had gotten her hopes up in vain.
So, here she was- hunched over her desk, pencil in hand, a crude sketch of Lotus on the sketchbook below her. Ariana Grande blasted through her headphones as her pencil whizzed around the page, lost in the music and the thoughts of Lotus. Sketching seemed to be the only way to get the thoughts out of her mind, which meant the rest of her sketches from the past week were similar- Lotus graced the corners of every page. Marcia hadn't even meant to draw her so much, her mind just often drifted to the other woman, and wouldn't stop thinking about her until she gave in. She had practically torn apart Sasha's Instagram page for any signs of someone who looked similar to Lotus. Her stories, tagged posts, and following all revealed nothing, all to her disappointment and frustration.
Marcia's thoughts of the hero were interrupted by the ringing of her phone, blaring over the music. Slightly annoyed, she removed her headphones and answered the call.
"Is this Marcia Carr?" An unknown man's voice greeted her, he sounded familiar but she couldn't place her finger on where she knew that voice from.
"Yes, this is her. Can I help you?"
"This is Brett Olivers, I'm the assistant director for Legally Blonde. We are delighted to offer you a role in the ensemble..."
Marcia's heart sped up as he spoke, a wide grin spreading across her face. With all of the chaos of the robbery, Lotus, and more, she had almost forgotten about her audition last week. An ensemble role- she was over the moon! But before she could accept, the man continued to speak.
"...we'd also like to have you understudy for the role of Elle."
Marcia was speechless, her mouth hung open in shock. Never in her wildest dreams did she expect this. An ensemble role was already everything she could have wanted and more, but an understudy role was her chance to make it big.
"Marcia? Are you there?" The man shook her out of her fantasy, Marcia quick to reply.
"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry- I'd love to accept! Thank you so much!"
She responded as calmly as she could (which was not very) as he gave her his contact information and details about rehearsal times.  She bid him goodbye, screaming as soon as the call was over. She did a small happy dance, squealing as she danced around the room. She excitedly spun around her room, landing on her bed as she dialed Luxx's number.
"Marshie? What's up?" Luxx picked up almost immediately, and Marcia could hear the hustle and bustle of the design room through the phone as well as the clacking of Luxx's keyboard.
"Big news! So you know that audition I had last week? Welllll..."
"Well?" Luxx prompted, her tone curious. Marcia could barely contain her excitement and was sure Luxx could hear her glee through the phone.
"Well, I made the ensemble!" She excitedly blurted out.
She could hear Luxx screech excitedly over the phone, Marcia giggling.
"And that's not all..."
"What do you mean?" Luxx paused to ask, her tone confused.
"I'm also Elle's understudy!" She practically squealed.
Luxx resumed her screaming, "Congrats Marshie! My baby's gonna be on Broadway! I'm coming to your opening night, oh my god! You're gonna have an opening night! We're going out to celebrate when I get home!"
Marcia smiled, "Count on it! Oh my god, I'm so happy!"
Marcia heard someone talking to Luxx on the other line, something about their spring collection. Luxx groaned, "Sorry, work calls...I wish I could talk more but I think Robin is gonna kill me if I don't get a move on. I'll be back at 5 babes! Think about how you wanna celebrate!"
"'Kay! Love you Luxxie, see you soon!" Marcia hung up the phone, squealing again. She felt like she was in a dream, all of her hard work was beginning to pay off! She couldn't wait to get her script, the first rehearsal, and even tech week! The added work would also help keep her mind off of Lotus, right? She certainly hoped so.
"Marshall! I'm ho-ome!" Marcia heard Luxx sing out, shutting the front door behind her. Marcia rose and leaned over the couch, watching Luxx make her way into the living room.
"How was work? You guys sounded busy when I called."
"Super busy, the spring collection is going through final revisions and we're down a person, so it's crazy," Luxx groaned before her eyes snapped open, glittering with excitement, "Oh my god, speaking of that, you'll never believe what I heard!" Luxx rambled, throwing her bag down by the entrance, and flopped onto the couch next to Marcia.
Marcia scooted closer, intrigued. She gave the girl her full attention, urging Luxx to continue.
"Okay, so Amethyst told me that Loosey- you remember her, right? The girl I always fight with?" Marcia nodded eagerly, "Well, Amethyst told me that her husband just got arrested for attempted kidnapping and armed robbery! And so I was like 'Holy shit that's crazy, Marcia got attacked by some guy last week' and turns out- it was the same guy! Isn't that crazy?"
Marcia's eyes widened in surprise- she had met Loosey and her husband once when Luxx brought her to the company Christmas party last year. He didn't seem like the kind of person to try and kidnap someone- but then again, would there really have been any way to tell? Marcia gasped, "God, that's crazy. I guess it's a small world, huh?"
Luxx nodded, "But anyways," She waved her hand to dismiss the previous subject, "enough about that! We're celebrating tonight! Where do you wanna go?"
And so, Marcia and Luxx went to their favorite Italian restaurant and got cupcakes from their favorite bakery for dessert. The food was great, and the restaurant had even given them a free appetizer to celebrate- which lifted Marcia's spirits even more, she thought her day couldn't get any more perfect. They were now lounging on the couch, watching some sitcom neither was paying too much attention to. The two girls were engrossed in their conversation, Luxx complaining about some woman at work named 'Irene' and Marcia about Lotus.
"Maybe you should just start stalking crime scenes. She might show up." Luxx sarcastically suggested, laughing.
Marcia mulled the idea over in her head, she had to admit the idea wasn't too bad. If Lotus wouldn't come to her, well then she'd just go to her. While the suggestion may have been meant sarcastically, Marcia was starting to think it wouldn't be too bad of an idea.
"Marsh, please tell me you're not actually considering this. I was joking." Luxx looked at the girl, her eyes full of concern. 
"I think it's actually a really good idea. I mean, she works as a superhero! She's bound to be at one!" Marcia rationalized, mostly to herself.
Luxx looked at her like she was crazy. "Girl, that's insane. Can't you just like, message Sasha or something?"
"I don't want to seem desperate!"
"Oh so going out looking for crime just so you can possibly catch a glimpse of her isn't desperate?" Luxx deadpanned.
Marcia rolled her eyes, "Yes! She doesn't have to know I'm looking for her! I can just play it off!"
"Marsh, I know you're an actor and all, but you're a really bad liar. She's going to clock you immediately." Luxx raised an eyebrow at her, "You're crazy. Like actually."
Marcia waved her off as she stood up, shrugging on her jacket and lacing up her strawberry sneakers. "I'll show you- I'm gonna find her!" She spoke confidently, her mind determined to find her dream woman, even if the odds did seem impossible.
"I'm only letting you do this because I have your location on. Don't get into trouble, and text me when you're coming home. If I don't hear from you in two hours, I'm coming for you myself. Got it?"
"Yes, yes! I got it!" Marcia smiled, waving goodbye.
She walked towards the theatre, the part of the city where Lotus had first saved her. Maybe she patrolled the area often? Marcia admittedly wasn't too familiar with how being a hero worked, despite the fact that her aunt was a famous superhero. She watched the sky as she walked, looking for any signs of the bright yellow of Lotus' costume or the intensity of her flames. She had been wandering the area for an hour and was starting to give up hope, but out of the corner of her eye, she noticed the flicker of red and blue police lights.
A ray of hope, finally! Marcia rounded the block to be greeted by two cop cars parked in front of a jewelry store. She wandered closer, standing by a few other onlookers as she tried to make sense of the scene in front of her. "What happened?" She wondered aloud, the woman next to her leaned closer. 
"I heard a villain robbed the store...shattered the glass and then just left. The guy next to me watched it all happen and said it took, like, a minute. Said it didn't look like they were carrying anything either."
Marcia pursed her lips, "So they didn't steal anything? That's weird...why?"
The woman shrugged, turning her attention back to the scene in front of them. An officer emerged with what seemed like a piece of paper in an evidence bag, but Marcia couldn't tell much more besides that. She leaned closer trying to gleam any more information, spotting a pair of nearby officers talking in hushed tones.
"Doesn't look like any old weapon broke the glass, it looks to be some kind of villain with powers." The first officer muttered.
"So what does that mean? What kind of superpower could shatter glass like that?"
"Not sure...we'll have to go through the database to try and gather a possible list. And of course nowhere near here has cameras, so that route is a bust." The officer complained.
Marcia's eyebrows raised, intrigued. If it was a villain, it's possible Lotus may become involved. She looked around, looking for any sign of a superhero who may be nearby. If the villain wasn't caught, maybe a hero was hunting them down. That made sense to her, so she left the scene and walked further down the street.
While scanning the rooftops, she thought she spotted Lotus perched upon a rooftop. She stopped, squinting to try and make out the figure in the distance. She knew it couldn't be a bird as it was far too large, and there was a possibility that it could be another hero, but Marcia would have to find that out for herself. Suddenly, the figure darted off- it was definitely someone flying. Marcia kept her eyes glued to the figure, running to catch up. She tried to dodge and weave around the crowd of the city, trying her best to keep her eyes on the figure.
She felt like she was making progress, slowly catching up as the figure twisted and turned around the busy streets from above. She thought she had finally caught up to them before she found herself face-to-face with a wall- she had ended up in a dead end.
"No no no!" Marcia cried out, backing up and trying to find the figure again. She cursed in frustration as she kicked a rock on the ground. The figure was gone, disappeared off to somewhere she didn't know- she had lost them. She sighed as she exited the alleyway, her face showing her disappointment. She texted Luxx that she was heading home, trudging back in defeat.
"Rough night, tiger?" Luxx teased as Marcia entered their apartment, slumping against the door. Marcia groaned, waving her off.
"I almost caught her! I just...ran into a dead end."
Luxx rose off the couch and walked towards the door, holding out her hands to coax Marcia to her feet.
"And you're sure it was her?"
Luxx chuckled, "Maybe they were running because Barbie was chasing after them. Did you think about that?"
Marcia rolled her eyes, chuckling. "No..."
"Just message Sasha, I'm sure it'll take less time than your intricate Where's Waldo."
Marcia groaned. "I can't! I told you, I'm going to seem desperate! Besides, it's totally gonna work! I know it is!"
Luxx sighed, "Well if you're so convinced...so, can we eat our cupcakes now?"
Marcia nodded, eager to have something nice to end her failed expedition. The two lazed on the couch with their treats, watching some TV show Luxx said Marcia would love. Her little adventure might not have been that successful, but she was determined. She would find Lotus, she knew she would. She had to.
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phantomfairs · 11 months
Thank you for drawing the second part of the Sandman and Rhino comic! I can see it continuing with the Big Man eavesdropping on their conversation. He's furious as he wants to control them indefinitely, so he arranges for Rhino's abduction and gives Sandman an ultimatum: give up their hard-earned stash and continue working for him or lose his best friend.
Sandman is furious. If there's anything he wants more than his freedom, it's to be free with Rhino. He's blaming himself for his best friend's life being in danger and rampaging in their hideout, which attracts Spider-Man's attention.
They fight briefly, with Spider-Man having captured Sandman in cement. He begs Spider-Man to let him go so he can save Rhino, with tears in his eyes.
"I don't care what happens to me. Take me to jail. Turn me into glass. Whatever. But I can't lose Rhino, wall-crawler! He's my best friend. All we wanted to do was leave this city and just disappear. Get away from this city, the Big Man and you."
Spider-Man is convinced that Sandman is telling the truth and sets him free, offering to help him save Rhino. They come up with a plan, with Sandman pretending to hand over their stash and swear his loyalty to the Big Man.
The Big Man checks the sack and finds it filled with blank envelopes. Furious, he orders his henchmen to destroy Rhino, but Spider-Man bursts in to stop them. Sandman throws sand blasts at the henchmen and frees Rhino from his containment unit. All three take on the Big Man, with Sandman landing the final blow and contemplating on whether to finish him for good.
Spider-Man tries to persuade him not to do it. But he's shocked when Rhino grabs Sandman's enlarged fist and says, "It ain't worth it, Flint. Don't let him turn you into a murderer. That's not who you are. You're better than that. Better than him. I'm fine, bro. Just let him go and we can leave."
Sandman relents and lets the Big Man go, escaping with Rhino and Spider-Man as the police arrive.
Spider-Man loses track of the two but doesn't pursue since there's another crime in progress. Sandman and Rhino lay low, with the former relieved and happy that he has his buddy back.
Rhino then hugs Sandman and tells him how lucky he is to have him as his best friend. Sandman says, "You know I'd never let anything happen to you, bro. We promised we'd always be there for each other. Besides, what's the point of having a dream if you can't share it with your best friend?"
Rhino smiles and asks Flint if he'd be down for a trip upstate. "I know it's not a tropical island but let's take a drive upstate. After all this, we definitely need a break from the city." Flint happily agrees and they ride out into the night, hoping to chill out and come across some money to add to their stash.
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That is a very detailed story and sadly that would be a bit much for me draw. Plus I am incredibly biased and like Tombstone a lot. I encourage you to write the story for yourself as it’s a very good concept!
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seawing-vibes · 5 months
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HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYPONY ! ! Here’s some art summary thangs <3 ! Template is by Mintcokev on DeviantArt !! I did one of full pieces and one of Sillay Doodles
Explanations of every piece & stuff is below read the readmore ! + links to the full work if its posed online !
First Template:
January -> This Sora Piece ! I am honestly still super proud of how it turned out , it was fun to work on and looking at it still gives me that nice vibe I was in while drawing it
February -> This headshot of my OC Elk! I developed and expanded on her story this year and did some headshots for their TH, still super proud of how the shading came out here ,,
March -> lmao nothin , not sure what happened in March but I dont have anything there aside from sillay Doodles
April -> This design of Blaze! One of my fav designs I’ve done recently .. shes just so sillay To Me
May -> This piece of my friend and I’s cat ocs ! Stickpaw & Frostclaw, two silly fellas <3 something possessed me here I’ve never drawn a kibby this well since and Im still super proud of this
June -> This reference of my oc Dee!!!! ITS DEE ! ! EVERYONE SAY HI TO DEE <3 ! ! ! ! ! I was so happy to finally give her a proper ref , shes one of my favorite ocs of all time and this came out so well , it looks so much like her!!!!
July -> This artfight attack! This piece was honestly just a blast to work on, the background and frame design and expression were all fun to illustrate
August -> These refs of my lomp ocs! Lomps are fictional guys made by my good friend and August was just the Month for them. These guys are (bottom to top) Fizz, Roe, and Skipper! They’re . Normal <3
September -> This piece of my fursona Kenny ! ! Just a fun piece to work on again, the colors came together way better than I thought they would
October -> This piece of my oc Houndcall! They’re feeling normal about their leader being possessed! This was like a weird experimental painted piece and ou .. I really loved working on it I wanna do more things with that method
November -> Not posed online! Surprisingly, this is a wip of a self-portrait I’m doing for class! Fathead Minnows and Rainbow Trout !! This canvas is massive (taller than me ,, which aint much but still!!) and I’ve been cracking at it for a while but hammered out the details of the trout in November so! It’s acrylic but I really wish I could’ve done oil instead .. acrylic dont blend well
December -> The final fella ! My idiot son ! Also not posed online , this is a linocut printed on hand-made paper! Fun fact, I make my own paper and my own Lino cuts as my main medium, I just cant afford the proper transfer ink, but I got some from school to use so ! My idiot dragon linocut son was born ! I hate him because he wont print proper but this piece ended up working out. Its lino-ink on handmade paper with red micron pen over it
Second Template:
January -> DNA Helicase
February -> Valentine’s Day Gift <3 !
March -> Not (publicly) posted online doodle of my epic oc Anton Bayheart giving his grandson a thumbs up :)
April -> Not (publicly) posted doodles of my ocs Sebastian (left) and Dee (right) (you saw her ref earlier <33) having a normal convo !
May -> A shot from This video of my friends ocs … the one depicted is Quickpaw <3
June -> Not posted doodle of Breezewhipser giving Rippletooth some good advice (it was not good advice) (ripple just learns hes aro)
July -> Not (publicly) posed doodle of my Oc’s Garret (BALD) and Benny (TIRED) . Also just two normal guys (they’re divorced) (and obsessed with eachother)
August -> This doodle of my ocs Savi & Skipper (Skip’s ref is in August first template <3) . Music taste
September -> a small part of this cat sketch page ! Beetlekit getting bullied by his cousins
October -> This doodle of Skipper . I appreciate him
November -> I dont know where this came from actually. Its my friends oc’s Redstone and Bumblebuzz staring kitty-like at my oc Specklestep (she is married to Red and Bumble is their daughter)
December -> Doodle of Tide from this whiteboard ! !
Have a great new year everyone ! ! ! Thanks for reading through all that if you did lmao
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demonslayedher · 1 year
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Things that ran through my head while watching this episode:
--Sad opening with slow music & slow motion was unnecessarily sad. No, scratch that, an appropriate amount of sad, this is the loss of Rengoku-san we're focused on here.
--I love how Ufotable was probably like, "sure, Fuji TV, we'll air the next season on your channel, but we want as much air time when and how we want in order to tell the story instead of just fit things into time slots, you must have figured out by now that we made enough money on that movie that no one expects us to follow the same guidelines as other anime" and Fuji TV was like, "yes, yes, anything, you got it, one hour premiere, you got it, but we will get some fluffy filler right? Please??" and Ufotable was like, "DONE. But don't expect us to make any big departures from the manga, the fans will be down our throats."
--So with the ability to take their time, I love how they accomplished both a satisfying follow-up to the movie with most of this episode being dedicated to the fall-out (complete with slowing down the Muzan intro and drawing us into the upcoming setting), and then a brief review of what's typical for Tanjiro & Nezuko in the Corp (raincoat Tanjiro, eeeee), and then get us off to an impactful start for the rest of this season.
--Those Yuukaku setting details, though! Particularly at the end of the episode it feels like, "hey, we put all the work into this 3D model of the town, you bet we're going to show it off" but then they turn around with details like a moth that got its wing sliced, presumably by an obi.
--One of the scenes which I loved in the stage play of Mugen Ressha was when Akaza appeared before Selim Bradley child!Muzan, because the actor had such a compelling physical performance which sold the idea that for as hard Rengoku worked to damage him, it's nothing compared to the ease with which Muzan beats him up, over and over. Here, in the anime, it's just one blast, a true statement.
--Akaza. Akaza. Akaza. A KA ZA.
--I love how Zenitsu has learned to be strategic with how he steals manju.
--With Tanjiro asking if Senjuro's even heard the news of Kyojuro's death, it really, really hasn't been that long.
--Show-offy animation moment: the sake bottle crashing against the ground
--Senjuro's horror at Tanjiro's impending doom is palpable. Shinjuro is still powerful and Senjuro knows it. I really love how Senjuro is performed, he's so brave and polite.
--Tanjiro makes a lot of great faces throughout this series. This face as he accept the tea is his worst face ever.
--Kinda drives my inner meta nerd mad how there had already been 20 Flame Pillars by the time the 21st one met Yoriiichi and learned Breath technique. They must die off as fast as Ubuyashikis do.
--Tanjiro's self reflection and determination to become a Pillar warms my heart
--Oh crap, there's the sunset tones and the slow music again as Senjuro gives him the tsuba, nooooo, my heart, it's burning
--I love how Haganezuka levels up every time we see him. I am so, so ready for the next season. And the silliness!! The seiyuu must have been given directions to make it sillier and sillier in every take, which makes me very, very excited for the Tanjiro & Kotetsu antics.
--Speaking of filler!!! Ufotable must had seen that Aoi & Inosuke are endgame and thought, "gee, we need to... leave, like... some kind of hints, somehow" and had Aoi knowingly serve Inosuke a heaping second portion of rice and smile fondly when he gets excited about mitarashi dango. They're taking that "he makes her smile" tidbit and slipping it in as best they can, because we otherwise never see her smile until all is said and done.
--This, as well as Aoi being the smart and brave one to rescue Tanjiro from Haganezuka, certainly endears us to her before her plight.
--Kanao!!! It has been 4 months since Tanjiro declared that she stop using the copper coin, but here she is in a moment of indecision, and with how her actions silence everyone else, this is the very first time she's made such a decision. Good girl, Kanao! That said, she leaves herself speechless too, and when Kiyo and Sumi are emboldened to shout and scream at Uzui, she's as mute as Nezuko. Actions speak louder than words, that's for sure.
--But Kanao's thunder is totally stolen by the entrance of the Kamaboko Rangers
--I love that Tanjiro knows right away that his words have no weight, which is why he very quickly changes tactics and switches to volunteering himself (and his bros) to action
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duhragonball · 1 year
Dragon Ball: Plan to Eradicate the Super Saiyans (2010)
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Now that I’ve covered the original Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans OAV from 1993, I want to turn our attention to the remake Toei produced in 2010.
I went over this before, but in case you’re just joining us, there was an RPG video game in 1993 called “Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans”.  Along with that, there was also an “official visual guide” to the game, which was a direct-to-video release of an original DBZ animation.  The first VHS tape showed Goku and his friends investigating a mysterious plot to poison the Earth with Destron Gas, and the second tape showed the Z-Fighters confronting the evil Dr. Lychee in his space fortress.  Lychee turns out to be a dead Tuffle whose last act was to create a superweapon, Hatchiyack, who is literally fueled by hatred.  He wants to avenge the Tuffles’ extinction by... well, eradicating the Saiyans, and his plan to do that is to have Hatchiyack kick all their asses.
The OAV is somewhat legendary in the fandom because of its obscurity, and because it builds on the Tuffle lore first glimpsed in Dragon Ball Z Episode 20.  Hatchiyack and Dr. Lychee were almost certainly prototypes for the Baby in Dragon Ball GT, so there’s some historical significance here.  Unfortunately, the OAV isn’t very good.  The art is pretty good, but the animation is very minimalist, and a lot of scenes are just a pan across a still image.  And the plot is pretty weak, feeling like a warmed over retread of the revenge plots seen in DBZ movies 5, 6, 7, and 8.  It was a video game, after all, and there wasn’t much interest in breaking new ground.
Still, I’m guessing the original ‘93 game and OAV must have been successful, because they re-used the OAV footage for another game, known as “True Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans”.  This was released on the Playdia console in 1994.  I’d like to cover Plan ‘94 in greater detail someday, but so far the only playthroughs I’ve been able to find are without subtitles.  It appears to use the footage from Plan ‘93 as the basis for an interactive story, with the player choosing from different options to affect the course of the plot.  There’s some new scenes, including one of Gohan looking stuff up on a computer, and Goku hanging around with a fairy, but I have no idea what it’s all about. 
Anyway, we’re here to talk about the next remake of Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans, which was the version Toei made in 2010 for another video game, Raging Blast 2. RB2 needed some new characters on the roster, so they decided to throw in Hatchiyack.  And to sweeten the pot, Toei produced a whole new version of the Plan OAV, with higher quality visuals and audio.   I don’t know if this was done to boost sales on the game, or if they were worried that fans in 2010 might not know who Hatchiyack was, since the original Plan OAV never got a North American release. 
At the time, I just assumed that they took the original footage and gave it the Kai treatment, re-drawing the animation cels to “remaster” it for modern HD screens.  But when I saw the finished work, I realized they cut a lot of stuff out of the original.  The land mine bit was gone, for example.  So I thought it would be worth watching both versions side-by-side and seeing just what got changed.  Turns out, it’s quite a bit, and it’s all for the better.
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So this version starts out with the Saiyan-Tuffle War.  Dr. Lychee is busy putting the final touches on his Hatchiyack weapon, but the Saiyans break in and attack him.  Fortunately for him, he manages to push the big red button right before he falls off the ladder and dies.
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As Hatchiyack activates, we see purple smoke billowing up from the corpses of the Tuffle soldiers, and from Lychee as well. 
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The spaceship containing Hatchiyack launches into space.  The Saiyans try to shoot it down, but they miss.  I’m curious if they had any idea what was on board.  They may have just thought it was a bunch of Tuffles trying to flee the planet.
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Flash forward to the present, and Lychee looks like this now, and he’s ready to begin his revenge plot. Okay, so right off the bat, this is a huge improvement over the original, which wasted a lot of time explaining who Lychee was and what he wanted revenge for.   There were at least three scenes in the original that went over this, and the 2010 version cuts the crap by putting it all in the prologue.
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And right after the title screen, we see the Dark Planet appearing in Earth orbit, spewing purple fumes into the atmosphere.  Again, this is a huge help to the story, because in the ‘93 version, the Dark Planet was “at the edge of the universe” or whatever, so Goku had to schlep all the way out there to fight the final battle.  In Plan ‘10, the Dark Planet comes to Goku, so it’s a much quicker process.
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Here’s a cool callback to that lady with the baby carriage in Dragon Ball Episode 43.
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I think her kid should be a lot older than the one we see here, but maybe Sunglasses Lady had more than one baby, and this is the youngest one.
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But the flowers they’re watering start to wilt, and then soon the whole city is afflicted by toxic fumes.  And this is a big, big W for Toei.  My major gripe with the ‘93 version was that they kept talking about the Destron Gas like it’s a major threat to all life on earth, but no one ever got sick from it.  We just saw a bunch of dead trees and Goku couldn’t shoot hand energy, and that was it.  I’m pleased to see Toei took the time to look at the original and address mistakes.  It would have been much easier to just slap a fresh coat of paint on the original, but I’m grateful they went the extra mile.
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Then Goku teleports into Bulma’s house with Gohan, where Piccolo, Trunks, and Vegeta are already there.  They know something’s wrong, but they don’t know what, so Bulma turns on the TV and shows them a news report about toxic gas being pumped out of devices sent from a “mysterious dark planet”.  One of the devices is in West City, but there’s several more around the world too. 
And Bulma explains that the toxic fumes are “Destron Gas”, so she already knows what it is and how deadly it can be.  She notes that Goku and Piccolo have some resistance to its effects, and presumably that goes for the other Saiyans as well.   Apparently, you’re safe if you stay indoors, but she projects that all life on Earth will end in 70 days if something isn’t done about it. 
And this is perfect!  The ‘93 version wasted a lot of time dispensing this same information, and it used multiple characters to do it.  Mr. Popo knew one thing, and Dende knew another thing, and King Kai had some more details, and Bulma didn’t seem to know much of anything about it, but they put her in the story anyway.  This time, Bulma has all the information at her fingertips, and all of the characters are there to hear it the first time, instead of showing up later and explaining how they knew what’s going on.  Also, Dr. Brief isn’t zoning out over at the desk, so Bulma gets to use the desk this time!
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The good guys wonder who could be responsible for this, and Vegeta speaks up to say that this is the sort of weapon the Tuffles were known for using.  This is my one critique of the 2010 version, because Vegeta really skips over the Tuffle lore laid down by the ‘93 version.  He doesn’t bother to justify he Saiyan’s extermination of the Tuffles, nor does he give the other details King Kai offers in the ‘93 version.  But it’s enough to keep this story moving, and that’s what counts.
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So we’re just trucking right along.  The gang heads out to the Destron generator that’s in West City, and Vegeta tries to destroy it, but to know avail.  Then Frieza, Turles, Lord Slug, and Cooler show up, just like they did in the ‘93 version, and they fight.  The important difference is that we skipped the part where Goku’s team destroyed those other four generators in different parts of the world.  It doesn’t matter, since they can’t destroy this one.
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Here’s the modernized shot of Trunks killing Frieza, which looks pretty sweet.
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One touch I liked is how the dead villains look like they’re turning into the same Destron Gas being pumped out of the machine.  In the original, they turned into colorful wisps of foam, but this is much more consistent.  The implication is that they’re made out of Destron Gas, or they’re at least being generated by the machines somehow.  Each time a good guy kills a bad guy in this fight, there’s a quick cut to the machine pumping out gas, and then back to a bad guy reassembling himself.  It gives some much-needed context as to how these Ghost Warriors work and what it takes to defeat them.
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Also, we get new footage of the Z-Figthers succumbing to the effects of the Destron Gas. As in the original, their powers weaken, but in this version it makes a lot more sense, because they don’t get weaker until after they’ve been fighting in close range to the Destron generator. So they’re taking in a bigger dose of the bad stuff, which means Frieza and the others were just rope-a-doping them the whole time.
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The bad guys go for the kill, when suddenly Bulma swoops in and carpet bombs the area with Hoi Poi Capsules full of a neutralizing agent she invented to counter the effects of the Destron Gas.  Cool!
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She even manages to get some capsules to fall into the generator, which disables the damn thing.   How did she penetrate the force field when Vegeta couldn’t?  Because she’s Bulma, that’s how.
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Then she’s like “Go kick Frieza’s ass!” and they do.  See this is awesome, because in  the original version, this whole battle made no sense.  Bulma didn’t show up with an antidote.  They just kept fighting until King Kai told Goku that the bad guys were ghosts, and then they just started winning for no reason.  But this way is much better, because there’s a legitimate reason why the bad guys had the upper hand (they were powered by the machine, which the good guys couldn’t destroy) and then there was a legitimate reason why the good guys could overcome the problem (Bulma disabled the machine that was making he good guys weak and the bad guys strong). 
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Then Goku checks in with King Kai, who suggests that the mastermind of the plot must be hiding somewhere.  West City is safe for the moment, but until Goku defeats that guy, the world is still in danger.
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On the Dark Planet, Lychee watches the spirits of Frieza, Turles, Slug, and Cooler return to these weird egg things he has all over the place, and he says that they’ve nearly absorbed enough hatred to complete the birth of his “ultimate warrior”.
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Then immediately Goku and the others arrive at his doorstep, which is great, since it saves us the hassle of watching them make the trip.  They already know where the Dark Planet is, and it’s not far, so why waste time?  Lychee explains that he’s the top Tuffle scientist, who lives on as a ghost through the power of his “Grudge Amplification Device, Hatchiyack.”
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Things pretty much play out as they did in the ‘93 version, but a little quicker.  Lychee doesn’t care if his plot destroys the Earth as long as he can kill as the Saiyans, and while he was hoping the Destron Gas would finish them off, he’s happy to destroy them personally. 
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As the good guys try to get through his force field, a bunch of stuff happens with Hatchiyack in the background, but I don’t know what.
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Goku takes down the force field, and Vegeta takes out Lychee, just like in ‘93, but then we get this horrible off-model shot of the good guys.  Just wretched.
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And then Hatchiyack absorbs Lychee’s Grudge Energy and transforms into a big red monster.    He starts whoopin’ ass and things mostly play out like they did in the ‘93 version of the fight.  There are a few changes, though.
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First, Piccolo gets hurt early on, but he’s not so badly hurt that he’s taken out of the fight like he was in the original.  Also, the whole bit where he hands out senzu beans to the others is cut.  It didn’t add anything to the story anyway.
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Second, there’s more emphasis on Goku discovering Hatchiyack’s weakness, which I think helped me understand it better.  Maybe it’s just because I’ve watched this fight three times, but it helps to have some of the clutter edited out.  Big H uses his finisher, called the “Revenge Cannon”, on Vegeta, then he tries to use it on Gohan, but Piccolo intercepts it.  Hatchiyack takes down Piccolo and tries to use the Revenge Cannon on Gohan again, but Trunks blindsides him with a kick at the last moment. 
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That’s when Goku puts it together, because Trunks’ kick does more than distract Hatchiyack.  It actually draws blood, and Goku senses that Big H’s ki dropped to almost nothing in that critical moment.  And Goku deduces that this is because of the power Hatchiyack needed to charge of the Revenge Cannon. 
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So Goku goes one-on-one with Hatchiyack, and just goes with the flow, waiting for Hatchiyack to go for the Revenge Cannon.  Once he does, Goku times how long it takes him to fire the thing, and then dodges it. 
And that makes it a weakness he can exploit at will.  From the way Hatchiyack fights, I think it’s almost like he has to use the Revenge Cannon at regular intervals, but maybe he just likes spamming it because it works so well.  But it takes him 15 seconds to deploy it.  If you attack him during those 15 seconds, he has to start over, and if you attack him right before he fires, he’ll be defenseless.
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Third, Goku fills in the others on his plan and then keeps fighting Hatchiyack to give them time to prepare a combined attack.  Gohan doesn’t like watching his dad get beaten up, but Piccolo and Trunks tell him to stay put, or he’ll risk wasting this opportunity Goku is giving them.  In the ‘93 version, I think it plays out in kind of the same way, except everyone’s getting senzu beans while Goku fights, so it’s less clear that it’s part of a plan. 
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Finally, Hatchiyack goes for his Revenge Cannon, and all five Z-Fighters count to fifteen together, which is important because it shows that they’ve figured things out for themselves, as opposed to just blindly following Goku’s lead. 
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The one thing I don’t get is why they all fired from the same direction.  Wouldn’t it have been more effective to flank Hatchiyack and hit him from multiple angles?  Then again, maybe if they had tried that, he wouldn’t have played into their hands.  The advantage here is that he’s already fired his Revenge Cannon, so he’s committed.  His body is defenseless now, so he can’t cancel the attack or dodge.  He has to see this through and hope his Revenge Cannon can out-power the Z-Fighters’ combined finishers.
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And it doesn’t work.  So long, Hatchiyack, you big dead bastard.
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Around the world, the Destron Gas Generators are destroyed, and the Dark Planet explodes.  The world is safe again.
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Goku teleports everyone back to Earth, and Bulma and King Kai congratulate them on a job well done.
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Meanwhile, Chi-Chi wants to know why Goku and Gohan got their clothes all banged up.  Uh-oh.  Wait, was that stream always in front of their house?  And where’s Grandpa Gohan’s house?  It’s supposed to be right next to theirs.  Oh well.
So this version clocks in at about 26 minutes, I think, which is less than half the run time of the 1993 version.  It’s a much smoother viewing experience, thanks to a lot of sensible changes that made the story flow better.  The only catch is that you really wouldn’t appreciate these improvements unless you had just watched the ‘93 version like I just did.  As a standalone special, Plan ‘10 is just sort of this minor curiosity.  Hey, it’s Hatchiyack, and now he’s dead.  I think he got like four lines in the whole thing.
And that’s that.  Join me next time for.... oh shit.  We’re doing GT next.  Aw, dammit.
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dogydayz · 1 year
So i was playing Frontiers for a few hours today- okay most of the day actually. But like, i nearly fucking cried already??? And im not even at the end??????? Im at the last island though. It physically pained me seeing his idle animations slowly start to show him more and more tired, and how he looks in cutscenes too. The whole Tails quests have left me REALLY hoping we might get a Tails game, like one literally just based on him and his own independent adventures and shit like that. That'd be such a neat way to build off of what Frontiers has set up for him! The brotherly relationship between Tails and Sonic makes me so fucking happy too man,,, Like god fucking damn it, SONIC CALLS HIM "LITTLE BRO" LIKE THEY'RE ACTUALLY JUST BROTHERS,,, I played a lot of the fishing minigame stuff with Big and it made me really want a post-game DLC where you can keep the fish you catch if you wanna and like.... put em in a fishtank or smthn, like a really BIG fishtank that you can decorate and shit, and you could buy decor and details + space for it with the tokens you get (because infortunately it seems that Big's fishing spot stuff has little purpose after the story is finished). On the fourth island, Rhea Island, I nearly started to fuckin cry i was hit with so many emotions. The Ancients having to leave then being destroyed in the end, Sonic's idle animations showing the worst of his condition, the corruption taking over him more and more each tower.... AND GOD. FUCKING. DAMN IT. You start off the island before the first tower and are in a MASSIVE FUCKING FIELD OF LAVENDERS. Afaik that's one of the only places in the game with a lavender field???? So now im just begging SEGA to make the Twitter Takeover stuff about Shadow liking lavenders canon by referencing him in that area, like.... if you go back there after the story (since having Sonic randomly mention Shadow while he's about to fuckin keel over would probably ruin the moment entirely lmao). LIKE COME ON. It's SUCH a pretty spot too you better fuckin believe I'm gonna draw art of Sonic bringing Shadow to the Starfall Isles post-story and shit like that just to show him the fields and the sights. You absolutely know I am. The game overall just has such good fucking MUSIC!!! I'm like 90% certain that every mini-boss (big crazy battle enemy) has its own entire battle theme, which is ABSURD. There's none of the eventual monotony that BotW unfortunately ended up having, the enemies on every island differ AND they have features to them that actively prepare you for what you'll have to do in the future with the bosses and Titans. The game design, sound design, controls, designs.... It's all just so fucking amazing I can't even explain it properly. Every goddamn time I ran into another boss I'd be like "the fuck is this thing" and have to learn "new" mechanics that had ALWAYS been there, yet I'd just never used before. The world is INTERESTING, it's FULL and FUN to explore! That was one of the fanbase's biggest fears when the game was first announced, that the world would be empty and boring due to how Sonic needs space to go fast properly, but holy FUCK they nailed it!! They actually did it!! There are so many small locations that are just so beautiful. I really am excited for that future photo mode update, that's gonna be such a blast auuughh!!! I really hope they continue to add more through DLCs as time goes on. While I'd KILL for a "Dark Expansion" DLC that adds in Rouge and Shadow (or even Omega as a secret borderline OP playable character lol), I know it probably wouldn't be able to work into the story so I doubt it'd happen? Would be fun though, to get to explore as different characters during the post-game, hell maybe even have some characters explore together and interact in various locations somehow.... I wonder if someone would end up modding that or some shit lol. But yeah, the game is fantastic and I'm going crazy over it, I just hope we do get some good stuff for the post-game, even if in the future.
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lilylovesfoxs · 10 months
My opinion on avm..
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Hey guys Lily here
Now lately I've been a big fan of Alan Becker his animations are spot on and to be fair that's why I've been drawing lately he's my inspiration yeah I have a few ideas for this
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I want more of purples backstory I understand but him and his dad got divorced as a kid however I want to know what sickness purple's mom got
I want Alan to tell us his entire childhood I want to know more about what happened and how purples mom and navy met ...
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And wonder why thay got married... Like seriously Navy is a jerk if green even saw Navy after what happened
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Pretty sure he would be kind of mad
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Everybody probably hates Navy anyway enough off topic I want to know more about the relationship and why Navy left them after all we could not actually properly see what's happening since purple was only singing it we didn't actually get explanation on why Navy began acting like this we need more details on the back story maybe Alan can explain how they met
And another idea... Can mango and navy meet that way mango can be confused at first but purple would probably hide behind mango because of remembering bad memories
And then a fight happens when mango father instincts take over and he punches Navy to get into a fight but mango has the upper hand because of his command block (yes I still see him with the command block but he use it for good reasons now)
Basically I just imagine an epic fight between them and purple is just trying to stop them from fighting
A another idea is dark coming back and getting redeemed that's right I want dark to be redeemed because he has some good in him he got betrayed by a certain somebody... And I think victim should bring him back
Probably wondering but victim's dead oh no he isn't in the latest Ava episode victim came back I wanted him to be redeemed too and knowing victim just wanting revenge it's probably going to happen like I imagine victim and the chosen one fighting over who we should finish off tsc friends when all of a sudden dark punches victim in the face two against one but as soon as they get the upper hand the agents come over and blast them with that weird glitchy thing however they made a mistake they accidentally deleted tscs friends in that triggered his you know full power and he punches the heck out of the agents out of anger and I imagine them attempting to fight back too the same thing happened with that one agent and tsc however tsc it's practically unstoppable in that form no matter what they throw at him he comes out still needing revenge victims just watching this and remembering how angry he must feel tsc you must be so sad and angry to see his friends deleted so after the battle victim brings back his friends with the files and that's basically how I see victim getting redeemed but all of a sudden he gets backstabbed by one of his own agents and all of a sudden the whole new arc began in this agent doesn't want to destroy just the internet no no no he wants to destroy more than that basically that's my idea
And so far that's all I got I just really enjoyed the animation and wanting to follow into his footsteps however I don't know how to animate like he does and I'm on mobile so I don't know if I can actually use the same programming
Alan if you somehow reading this I really love your animation and you're welcome to use my oc if you want
And everyone thank you if you want more of my ideas well I don't mind sharing more
Thank you for reading my ideas-lily
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