of-heathens · 8 years
[ TEXT >> @ofloudwhispers​ ]: ‘Ay lil’ flower [ TEXT >> Flower Power ]: I’ve missed ya [ TEXT >> Flower Power ]: How u doin’?
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of-heathens · 8 years
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of-heathens · 8 years
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of-heathens · 8 years
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           The guy wasn’t so bad once he calmed down—- not nice but not entirely an asshole. It was refreshing in a place with tenses so high, but then again so was he. She wondered how his story, she was nosy after all. She tried to learn about people without hacking into their files but sometimes she couldn’t help it. Him—- he was a mystery. A blank page, he could be whoever he wanted and so could she but she’d never change. The obnoxiousness would always remain at the surface. But he did seem respectful, despite using the word shorty. “Wouldn’t it have been funny if my name was shorty—-” she paused. “Nice to meet you, despite you probably not remembering this. I’m Sofia.”
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               “Don’t think I’ve ever met anyone named Shorty before... But if they do exist,      I really hope their siblin’s name is Tally. Though for the record, I wasn’t tryna call      you ‘shawty.’ I meant shorty 'cause you’re shorter than me. Thas’all.” A playful      shrug, eyes remaining focused on the girl across from him (( never give anyone      the upper hand )), albeit keeping his body language lax and approachable. His      smile spread the slightest bit wider at her name and he chuckled. “Nah, I’ll remember.      You can even test me when I’m sober, if’ya want.” With a cock of his brow, Xander      nodded, more so to himself than to the other. “Sofia ---- M’ almost sure that      means wise. Pretty name for’a pretty lady,” he offered sincerely. 
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of-heathens · 8 years
a divergent aesthetic — dauntless;
i want to be RECKLESS, i want to be LESS FRAGILE, & more LATE NIGHTS on the WRONG SIDE OF TOWN, i want to be LOUD & live like i’m DEATHLESS, i don’t want to be SILENT, i want to be FIRE & FANG & BLADE, i wanted to be R E M E M B E R E D.
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of-heathens · 8 years
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            She did tend to enjoy annoying people but she didn’t know him—- people from the other universe were much more violent. Well, at least she thought they were. She wouldn’t try to startle him that much, she’d keep her calm. “Just stating statistics,” she shrugged her shoulders taking a seat in the same room but far enough to run if she needed to. “Well you just redeemed yourself. But still no thanks, too early for me, I’m not a businessman from Wall Street.” She did tend to go for unorthodox ways to take the edge off, after all the node prevented her from dying.
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                    The biggest misconception most tended to have about Alexander was that       he was naturally a violent person. Sure, he was a killer. But... Those were details, in       his mind. Things to be overlooked. He killed because he was hired to do so. To get       money doing something he was GOOD at doing. ((As well as to maybe, eventually,       help pay off some of his adoptive father’s bail...)) Most importantly, though, he did it       because it meant he could keep training. It meant he learned how to always shoot       where he intended for the bullets to go. A mistake that costed his sister’s life years       back, on his expense. A mistake he wouldn’t make again. “To each their own, I       s’pose,” he offered with a shrug, trained eyes expertly following the brunette as she       sat herself down. She seemed uncomfortable, but. At least she was SITTING.        “The name’s Xander, ‘case you were wonderin’.” No need to be a stranger... Right?
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of-heathens · 8 years
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         Well there went her good act of the day, if he overdosed it wouldn’t be her problem anymore. She could care less now. Sofia couldn’t help but roll her eyes at the man’s gaze. “Shorty? Really? Shorty? This isn’t 2002 so save it for the club when a Ricky Martin song comes on.” The man was obviously in no state to be doing much of anything so she held her tongue on any more remarked for both their sake. “The only white powder I’ll be consuming is from powdered doughnut so no I’m good. Plus, I know dealer tricks, sample till the girl is hooked then she’s forced to prostitute herself to pay for her addiction. And people say politicians are the crooked ones.”
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              Already, he was exasperated. All Xander wanted to do was ride out his     high in PEACE. Not think about anything. Not FEEL anything, except the bliss     he was obviously trying to achieve. But this snarky, obnoxious girl was insisting     on rambling on and on about bullshit. “AIGHT, jeez, man. Forget it. I was jus’     tryna be courteous or whatever. Besides ----” He rolled his eyes, jaw tensing     subtly. “Ain’t no girl ‘bout to prostitute herself on my watch. I’d sooner kill every     man who’d try’da pay for them services.”
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of-heathens · 8 years
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               Emmaline followed behind him wordlessly (mostly because she was bored and lonely) “They could, but that would be borin’.”She quipped back, eyes darting from the stash he had pulled to his face again. “ But I think a better question is what are YOU gonna do with all that?” Her shoulders tensed at the mention of people disappearing, Her stomach twisting into knotts when she remembered that Zatanna and Lux were among those who were taken. People she considered her FAMILY. People that believed in her. “You gonna go make them reappear?”
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                 “You seem smart ‘nough. Why dontcha figure it out?” At first, Xander was      completely uninterested in the idea of someone following around behind him. But      then he turned around and realized it was Emmaline Quinzel, the daughter of the      woman who he considered his mother (( since he never met his )) and the only family      in his life he trusted since Gab--- His sister. Though he was unsure if the Quinzel      would remember him, he certainly recognized HER.
                 At that point, the Mercenary’s expression changed, softened, and his smile      grew genuine. “Listen, Blondie. Quinnie. There’s somethin’ you oughta know ‘bout me.      I don’ make people appear. I only make ‘em DISAPPEAR. That’s ‘ma JOB.”
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of-heathens · 8 years
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Zalika had been in the cafeteria looking for some coffee when she was someone. Making her way over she realized that he had drugs. “You’re right.” She said to him. “Are you willing to share?” She questioned. She had never been one to use drugs, and she had only twice in her life before. Now though she needed something to get her mind off of her mother. 
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                 The question piqued his interest and the mercenary glanced up, noting the girl      in front of him, how she had the same hair of Gab---- Forget it. She wasn’t coming      back. His sister was NEVER coming back. In the haze of his high, Xander grinned      broadly. “Depen’s,” he began, always having a softer spot for females. Unless they      were threatening. A danger. This one clearly was not. “If you’ve done it before, sure.      If not ---- You’ve got’a lemme walk ya through it, an’ I decide how much.” No one      OD’s on Xander’s watch. “One more thing. I gotta getcha name first, sweets. How’s      ‘bout we have ourselves a deal?”
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of-heathens · 8 years
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“look.” on a more normal time, alex really wouldn’t care about what was happening but on this day, he still couldn’t care. only know he was a lot more blunt about it. “you’re right, no one really cares and they don’t really care about you when they got actual heroes to save.” blunt was perhaps a nicer way to suggest how he was feeling. “sure yeah they do so do what you want buddy and see if 90% of the student body bats an eye.”
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              “That’s what I was doin’, man. Why you gotta kill my vibe?” He was just fucking     around now, honestly. All in good fun. But most didn’t understand his humour. The ones     who did, well. They weren’t accounted for, at the moment. And his best friend...?     Xander’s nostrils flared. “Guess you’re part’a that ten percent then, huh, ese?” A smirk     as the mercenary shrugged his shoulders and pocketed the bullet. “I didn’t getcha     name, Ten Percenter?”
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of-heathens · 8 years
Carol had caught him too late but immediately stepped in. “Whoa, what the fuck?” She extended out her hand. “Hand it over right now. I don’t care if the whole world is burning, you don’t pull that shit in here.” Not a stranger to substance abuse, she definitely didn’t need to hand hold one through it. Not today at least. “If the little boy wants some attention by getting arrested, I’ll do just that.” Christ, what kind of place were they running here? 
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                 “----- F’ya insist,” he muttered lamely, biting on his tongue to keep from      chortling in the woman’s face as he placed the (( now void )) bullet into her hand.       “Don’t see what good that’s gon’ do for you now, though.” The smirk spread across      his face that time. “I ain’t ‘bout attention, ma’am, lemme tell you that. With the work       mi padre an’ I do, it’s better to NOT get caught. Oth’wise, Waller gon’ lock us up in      a hole an’ throw away the hole.” Deadshot. He meant Deadshot. And mercenary      work. “They’re runnin’ a place where people up an’ disappear, everyone gets hurt,      or goes missin’, or dies. Or a combination of ‘em all.” A nonchalant shrug on the      boy’s part, feigning disinterest. “The name’s Xander, ‘case you were wonderin’.”      He was all talk now, high as he was. “I don’ believe we’ve met.”
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of-heathens · 8 years
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“A solid conclusion to make if you’re a moron.” Giselle Potts had inherited a lot from her father, including his lack of a filter. Eyeing the male, the biomed grad lifted an eyebrow, nodding in his direction. “However, should you overdose and die I will not be taking any of the heat for standing by. I’m much too clever to go down for any murder charges.” She smiled tightly, although the urge to turn the other cheek was strong, her older sister instincts were much stronger. Especially when her every other thought was on her own brother.
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                 “Well ain’t ya just a charmer, love,” the Mercenary replied with a quirk of his      own brow, clutching his hands to his chest jokingly, mockingly, but nonetheless with      the subtlest hint of amusement. “If I wan’ed a lecture on poor life choices, I’d just call      mi Madre.” In truth, Xander had never met his birth mother. Or he did, he supposed,      when he was just born, but ----- This redhead didn’t need to know that. For what it      was worth, he didn’t have a mother, didn’t NEED one, and besides... Harley was the      closest person to that in his life. (( The same person affiliated with the man who      kidnapped some of the people the Santana cared most for ----- ))
                 He didn’t let his smile falter. “S’pose what they say ‘bout redheads is true, then.      Glad t’a see someone’s livin’ up to those sass expectations. And also that someone at      this damned school has a dece head on them shoulders.”
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of-heathens · 8 years
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         The cafeteria was usually a good source of fresh fruit, something which would be good in this sort of situation. Sofia’s eyes focused on the little device in front of her, to the normal eye it seemed as if Sofia wasn’t doing her part in the rescue but she was desperately trying to locate them without drawing little to now attention to her. She heard the only other person speak up rather loudly, what seemed like in frustration. She made her way to the selection of fruit, they had their basics: apples, oranges, bananas but that just wouldn’t do. When she finally decided on her apple she turned facing the guy who still seemed to have some residue under his nose. “You’re right— what are they gonna do with you? Answer is nothing—- go crazy, dude. Moderation is key though.”
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            “Fuck moderation,” he scoffed. 
            Already, Xander was feeling the HIGH,ecstatic to find solace up and away from     Aeterno, from his own emotions. The mercenary played it off, however, gaze flickering     over the other’s frame momentarily before returning to rest on her eyes. 
            “The name’s Santana. Xander Santana. I dun’ believe we’ve met, shorty.” He     flashes a cocky smile, arrogance now heightened by his white-powdered bliss.     “You buyin’ what I’m sellin’? Literally an’ figuratively, that is. Though I ain’t got     rates ‘cuza the circumstances, so if you’re wantin’ somethin’, it’s free today an’     today only. Consider it a sample.”
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of-heathens · 8 years
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(( Xander || &. Open ))
              “FUCK it,” The mercenary quipped, retrieving his stash of      ‘goodies’ and snorting a line off some windowsill somewhere in     the godforsaken cafeteria. “What’re they gon’ do, huh? Arrest me?”     Xander drawled to whoever was listening ((which was oftentimes     nobody in particular)) “People are disappearin’, man.” His way of     saying he CARES about Annie. And about Evan. And they’re gone.     GONE. And the man who took them is the father of his BEST FRIEND.
              “They’ve got worse crap to worry about. I ain’t shit.”
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of-heathens · 8 years
“i can’t give up on you, so please don’t give up on yourself.” -Annie
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                            “Oh, babydoll, there ain’t no need to worry,” 
                 Xander’s smile was radiant, pristine, his pearly whites but      the most prominent of distractions from the turmoil he experienced      at a profound level. With a reassuring kiss pressed against her cheek,      the mercenary added; 
                 “How could I give up on anythin’ when I have you believin’                                                so strongly in me, huh?” 
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of-heathens · 8 years
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of-heathens · 8 years
“It’s even better ta see you, kiddo,” Harley replied with heartfelt honesty. She had the urge to laugh at the guy’s words, but instead, she frowned jokingly, as if implicitly saying something like: I am not impressed. She pretty much sucks a lot lately when it comes to hiding her soft side, but that’s something she’d deal with next time. As her laugh gave her away, Harley sighed afterwards. “So instead of enjoying, you go around callin’ this place a hellhole? You’ve got issues with optimism right there, Xand,” she commented. “C’mon, you got no CRAZY stuff ta do?”
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                 “Just as sweet as ever, I see,” the mercenary replied with a wry smile, in      place of his nostalgia, which he opted to push as far down as possible; lock it in      the chest with the rest of his secrets, so to speak. “Oh, I’ve got plenty of issues,      Aunt Harls. My lack of optimism don’t even touch the surface,” Xander replied,      letting loose a faint chuckle, before waving off the blonde’s next question. “I’ve      got my job and my art, the rest had to go. Apparently, Queen Waller don’t like      the whole hitman thing, unless it benefits her. So I ain’t been doin’ much with that,                                                                                         no matter how much I miss it.”
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