ofadonis-blog · 8 years
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ofadonis-blog · 8 years
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“ nope.” adonis popped the p of the word he said. closing the fridge and turning around to face the girl, he would look at her. “ i don’t think we’ve met.. “ he let his voice trail off. he was still trying to remember every one’s names and faces. he just thought it was a good idea to at least get to know everyone in the house. all of them had different styles, personalities, and looks. “ i’m adonis. “
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her large brown eyes followed the noise, only to land on another one of her apparent housemates. valentina shrugged her shoulders softly, staying silent for a few moments before realizing he wasn’t facing her so he couldn’t see her actions. “ is there nothing good in there ? ” she spoke up.
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ofadonis-blog · 8 years
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     adonis would close the fridge after giving up with finding something to munch on. he would give the young women a sly smile. “ i’m adonis. ” he says returning the smile. his pearly white showing as he would return the kindness. “ so, off to the supermarket we go.” he says. with this experience, he knew that you could gain many things out of it. friends, enemies, music, bad vibes, good vibes, and of course fame. 
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phoenix returned to the kitchen with the bowl cradled in her hands, watching the boy shift through the fridge. she figured he was in search of something to eat, a common thing to discover in this house. pushing that thought aside, the brunette focused on her main priority of washing her bowl. “um, sure! nothing good in there, huh?” she asked, a bright smile dominating her features. “i’m phoenix. just to get that out of the way.”
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ofadonis-blog · 8 years
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ofadonis-blog · 8 years
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     it was quite odd for him to be living in a house full of different young adults, adonis was so used to a room-mate or even his younger sister walking around his home. it was a huge adjusted for him, but he was sure he would get used to it. he opened the fridge after he stepped into the kitchen. the kitchen was beyond huge, his mother would freak if she saw it. examining the items in the fridge before letting out a sigh, “ does anyone want to make a super market run with me? “
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ofadonis-blog · 8 years
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ofadonis-blog · 8 years
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        it took adonis a while to get used to the many remotes in the home. he would examine the many remotes on the table before picking up the third one and gave it to matty. “ try this one. ” he said. he was sure the first one he picked up controlled the lights or some random thing that was in the prove mansion. 
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          matty had all five remotes lined up on the table in front of him. he picked up the first one and pointed it at tv, pressing the power button only to have nothing happen. “ what’s the point of remotes if they don’t do anything? i just want to watch p.s i love you but no, none of these things work, ” he huffed. “ do you know how to turn this stupid thing on? ”
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ofadonis-blog · 8 years
( * iMESSAGE ✉️ anyone
phoenix: all i wanted was a bowl of lucky charms to start my day when i woke up this morning and i didn't get that bc someone ate it all idk
phoenix: so guess who's really fucking sad rn??? 😔
adonis: firstly, it wasn't me who ate them all !
adonis: don't be sad, there's a lot of lucky charms for you
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ofadonis-blog · 8 years
okay, so i did a task or two and it’s saved in my drafts. i return back to school tomorrow, but hopefully my posts will be showing in the tags.
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ofadonis-blog · 8 years
since this is a brand new account, my posts aren’t showing in the tags just yet. can’t wait to interact with everyone.
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ofadonis-blog · 8 years
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Reece King
- PensiveCzar
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ofadonis-blog · 8 years
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ofadonis-blog · 8 years
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Reece King by Vicky Grout  | PAUSE Magazine - Boys of Summer (London)
Creative Direction by Terence Sambo
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