ofbctrayals · 6 years
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it’s hard for him to force his gaze away from her now, his smile growing – nodding his head as an immediate response to her question. “yeah.” he speaks with such conviction, he’d never been more certain of anything in his entire life. rigel had maintained the belief that absolutely nothing in life was certain, but how he felt about this, his sureness was difficult to ignore or to argue with. as the kiss reignites, he moves closer still, his frame facing hers completely. an arm loops beneath her, around her waist, pulling her even tighter to his chest. it’s almost an innate response, his urgency to be close to her, for this kiss to continue on and on, charges his boldness. he’s more affectionate now than he’s ever been before, fingers stroking against the small of her back. “…this is better than any thought ‘ve ever had about it…” he chuckles loosely as his gaze searches her own once their foreheads are connected. the confession gives quite a lot away. not only had he thought about it, but he’d thought about it a lot. though he doesn’t seem embarrassed by his revelation. if anything, the deep exhale that falls proves it’s more of a relief than anything else. he’d never liked to hide anything from her, he’d never felt particularly good about it. “you do?” it’s spoken teasingly, practically purred against her lips, his smile growing once it’s escaped her lips. rigel wants kaliah to like it, he wants her to more than like it. her approval of it, further inspires his enjoyment of it. his lips slipping to press against her jaw; heart hammering wildly against his ribs – if he was a cartoon character it’d be leaving a dent against his chest. “i want you to like it,” he’ll admit, breath soft against her skin. “…want you to more than like it.” he adds on quieter still, free hand resting on her knee once it’s slipped against his legs. 
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her eyes flutter as she rolls them at his teasing, the usual REACTION she’s always had to his teasing and their banter: some things do not change, after all. it is only a temporary pause in their exchange, and kaliah only smiles with a note of smugness and a hint of desire as she returns to kiss his lips, the edge of his mouth, and then the edge of jaw, the crook of his neck, slipping closer to him and tangling their limbs all the more with each heated kiss and lingering motion. “is it?” she questions to his-- it’s better than i’ve thought about-- although it’s clear what she wants him to answer-- and she only motivates him to do so with a simple slip of her touch from his side to his thigh, brushing against the fabric of his jeans with a tenderness tied with teasing and then putting more weight into her hold. she’s reminding him she’s there; there’s desire in her reach, and she flirts with her fingers, whispers temptation with her hold. she presses one last kiss before drawing back, leaving her forehead touching his and only speaking into the shared breath between them. she looks at his features now, in the dim moonlight and their heated nature, considering for a half-second if she should ask-- and she does-- “how long?” it’s quietly curious, but kali cannot help but WONDER as she exists in happiness now how long it might have been an option she was unaware of. she nudges his nose with hers, as if that will spur an answer. she specifies, in case it wasn’t clear-- “did you think about it before now?” how long did these feelings exist without my realizing?
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ofbctrayals · 6 years
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“ I’ll always like performing. ” It was the circumstances under which she performed that were not favorable — but Jacinda kept those feelings to herself. She nodded at the hearsay it was good work and truthfully it was. The lounge itself was nice and attracted a more upscale clientele, plus there were men like Ren who made sure the girls were always safe. “ You should stop by one of these nights and see for yourself, they make a hell of a martini. ”
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“really? you sure about that?” wyatt cocks a brow, questioning if she truly did find it that enjoyable-- and want to do it for a long time, or like to do so. he personally couldn’t imagine fighting forever, or even another fifteen years: it would wear on his body, and he’d give out before then, and although performing did not have the same drastic physical effects, it would eventually become a routine that took too much energy for some. “well, a martini’s not really my kind of drink. but you might make up for it if you’re good at your job. sing a good couple numbers.”
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ofbctrayals · 6 years
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it alarmed him, shocked him, that she’d ever think she wasn’t his kind of girl. of course, it would be a lie to ever say he hadn’t considered the opposite a truth. that he wasn’t the type of guy she’d ever feel anything for. he was timid, not loud enough, not strong enough. not enough of something, of anything. it hadn’t even entered his mind that, that kaliah thinking she wasn’t his type of girl could have contributed to their situation, whatever that had been. her confidence had always inspired him, he’d always admired how sure of herself she seemed to be. he doesn’t expect her to finish off the remark she trails off from. too – too smart, too strong, too beautiful? those would all make sense from rigel’s perspective. the more he thinks about it, the more he convinces himself that they balance each other out…in one way or another. they said opposites attract, it wasn’t outlandish to say that could be them, too. even if it had always just been a mere fantasy, before. now though, there’s a stroke of confidence and hope that has hit him directly in the chest and stomach and the excitement he feels due to it is very hard for him to disguise. he’s ready to speak up again, then her lips are pressed to his own and his heart picks up pace, butterflies escape the boundaries of his stomach and flutter around his entire frame. it takes him a moment, a stunned moment to reciprocate it, but he does – deepens it even, in his haste; one hand resting upon her own that squeezes at his knee, the other carefully cupping her cheek. breathless as she pulls away from it, he’s speechless and can only shake his head at her apology right away. it’s something he’d dreamed of before, but for the first time in his life his fantasy world paled in comparison to the reality. “don’t…don’t be sorry,” he speaks with a firmness that he was often deprived of. he didn’t want her to apologise for it, to regret it. his skin still tingles because of it. “i liked it, like it…i’ve thought - thought about it before,” the confession leaves his lips, suddenly, but he wants her to know the truth, he doesn’t want to let this opportunity fall through his fingers. leaning in his nose brushes against her own before their lips collide again, his hand moving from kaliah’s own to cup her other cheek, lashes fluttering to a gentle close. 
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“yeah?” it’s three questions all in one, breathed through the smallest of smiles against his lips--- was he sure she didn’t need to be sorry? had he liked it, truly? and had he actually thought of it before? kali certainly doesn’t think he might be a liar, but she was once more simply in need of confirmation, of ASSURANCE that he spoke the truth. after all, the implications if they were true would only spur her onwards. she takes his movements as answers for NOW and turns her body to the side to match the direction her head and gaze had been, now perpendicular to his frame and returning to his lips with just a few more degrees of urgency and warmth, encouraged. her hand only rests on his ribs now, both steadying herself and satisfying the desire to hold onto him as she kisses him again, tasting the liquor they’ve shared and something singularly HIS at the same time. she hopes it lives up to what he’d thought--- she’s curious to know what exactly he thought, but kali is too occupied in the moment to dive into that conversation for now. she pauses for a moment, bumping his nose with her own and scrunching it for a moment, eyes shining. “prefer the real thing over thinking, myself,” she teases a little breathlessly, her forehead touching his. she knows she has always been the more OVERT with her relationships and physically affection in the past than rigel’s track history--- to her knowledge-- but this surpassed those for her. her leg folds and knee seems to slip against his legs ever so slightly, and kaliah kisses him again, pressing into him. she hums thoughtfully as she breathes once more. “i like it too.”
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ofbctrayals · 6 years
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“i’ll always be here for you, to listen – whatever you need, no matter what happens.” it’s not just a promise, it’s a fact. regardless of which path their friendship travelled, rigel knew that he wouldn’t be able to deal, wouldn’t be able to survive without kaliah, least of all not here. she’d been right there for as long as he could remember, he couldn’t even bring himself to ponder a scenario where they parted ways. even if feelings might have made it hard to breathe around her sometimes, he suspected it’d be even harder to…be away from her. eyes wander towards kaliah then, as he bites down into his bottom lip, securing the smile – not willing it to be all too blinding. “why are you surprised?” even if he was surprised she’d agreed, that wasn’t to say he suspected it to be overly shocking that he wanted to spend more time with her, like this. rigel had always hoped his admiration wasn’t all too apparent, but he’d never anticipated it actually being the case. he finishes off his own drink, like clockwork pouring another. “i’m glad, believe me.” his heart hammers wildly against his chest as her hand rests against his knee, swallowing thickly he rests his hand between them, looking over at her as she continues to compliment him, “…it had to be good, wanted it to be good – maybe the best time we’ve ever spent together,” the best time spent in general, but he chooses not to divulge that, not willing to get above himself. as her gaze wanders above them towards the stars, his own remains attached on her for a moment, before leaning back against the blankets. it feels good, knowing that he counted as one of her favourites, he hoped he never did something to cause that to change. “…the most vital star of all the stars…” he trails off as he looks up, searching out everything his mother had taught him, everything they had located since they’d first started stargazing when they were younger. wincing until he discovers something else he recognises, pointing up at it with pure delight, “orion! the best constellation if i do say so myself..” he cocks his collar playfully, laughter splutters from his lips once it’s been said.
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“i guess i just didn’t think i was your kinda girl.” the words escape with a little shrug, a small sigh. it is punctuated with another gulp of the whiskey she is so fond of. a confession of preconceptions that had become walls in her mind, a fortress of her own making, designed to hold herself back from allowing the feelings to grow any further. kaliah’s mind wanders to the many times she had considered that perhaps there might be something there-- then quickly shooed the thought away, correcting herself, reminding herself that rigel was good and kind and unblemished by the battles and bloodshed in their town, whereas she came from the family that had architected the whole WAR and would see it through to the end, each caito’s hands stained with sins. “that i was too...” too messy, too dirty, too criminal, too corrupt, too everything that he didn’t need. she doesn’t finish the sentence, only exhaling and shaking her head to communicate her thoughts. “i don’t know, i was surprised for a lot of reasons. but a good surprise. and it is a good time,” kaliah smiles quietly, turning her head to look over at him beside her. she watches him react with such light and joy to a simple, beautiful thing such as the stars, and the smile only grows, provoking her to move just a touch closer. her shoulder brushes his now. it’s the laugh that bubbles from him--- that laugh she has always loved, the laugh that has always WARMED her, it now brings a heat to her chest that inspires her to interrupt the entire conversation, the entire whatever’s-happening, and close the space between the figures lying side by side on the blanket and plant her lips upon his in one sudden movement, free hand rising to cup his jaw in her grasp. the hand that had remained resting on his knee involuntarily squeezes along with the kiss, as if grounding herself to remember it was all REAL. when she breaks away for a moment, she exhales: no longer holding her breath after who KNEW how long, wondering what it would be like to do what she just did. eyes remain closely watching his features for a reaction from her place lying beside him, questioning his thoughts. she breathes an apology--- for interrupting, for perhaps moving too quickly, for imposing her definitely drunken kiss upon him, for the taste of rich liquor on her lips, for the complications it had taken to get them there---- “sorry.”
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ofbctrayals · 6 years
hurt meme.
“ i got you. it’s gonna be okay, you’re going to be okay.”
“i feel like everyone’s miles away from me.”
“my mind is a dark place. you don’t want to be there.”
“i know this hurts, but you have to stay awake.”
“don’t close your eyes, please don’t close your eyes!”
“i just want to be numb, i don’t want to feel anything.”
“please don’t do this, don’t act like you care.”
“you don’t care, nobody cares, just leave.”
“you’re my friend, of course i fucking care.”
“i can’t give up on you, so please don’t give up on yourself.”
“i love you so much, i forgot what hating myself felt like.”
“i fucked up, why do you not care?”
“i can’t walk, just go on without me.”
“you have broken ribs, take it easy.”
“i have no idea how to do cpr.”
“whose blood is that?”
“apply pressure to the wound, don’t let go.”
“don’t you dare fucking let go!” 
“what the hell happened to you?” 
“are they dead? did you kill them?” 
“do you know what you’ve done?” 
“you’re either with me or against me.” 
“who the hell did this to you?” 
“are you alright? you hit your head pretty hard…” 
“i can’t see!! what’s happening to me?” 
“when was the last time you ate?” 
“what do you mean you’re fine? you are not fine!” 
 “i’m fine, it’s just a flesh wound, i’ll be okay.” 
“for how long? how long were you bottling this up?“ 
“there’s so much blood, you won’t last.” 
“are you… throwing up in there?” 
“why aren’t you eating?” 
“just breathe… you’re okay, i promise, just breathe.” 
“i can’t breathe, i can’t –” 
“i woke up, & you were gone.” 
“just tell me something, was it really worth it?” 
"it’s okay to hurt & breakdown. you don’t have to be strong all the time.”
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ofbctrayals · 6 years
Send me a △ and ask a really invasive question aimed at my character
They’ll have to:
Rate on a scale of 1-10 how much they don’t want to answer that question.
Answer that question.
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ofbctrayals · 6 years
[ ☎ ] my muse calls yours in tears.
[ ✪ ] our muses are stuck in an elevator together.
[ ◐ ] my muse is having a sleepover with your muse.
[ ✿ ] my muse attempts to cook dinner for your muse.
[ ◈ ] my muse makes a drunk confession to your muse.
[ ღ ] my muse makes an attempt to cheer your muse up.
[ ✦ ] my muse pushes yours out of frustration/anger.
[ ❢ ] my muse discovers yours all bloodied and bruised.
[ ➤ ] my muse accidentally punches your muse in the face.
[ ⌚ ] my muse recalls their favorite memory with your muse.
[ ✜ ] my muse collapses in front of yours, all bloodied and bruised.
[ ☯ ] my muse tells yours that they never want to see them again.
[ ✈ ] my muse asks yours to accompany them on a trip/mission/etc.
[ ● ] my muse catches yours snooping through their belongings.
[ ☻ ] my muse wakes up in your muse’s closet the night after a party.
[ ✌ ] my muse reaches out to yours after months of no communication.
[ ☢ ] the car broke down in an unfamiliar part of town, and our muses are lost.
[ ✠ ] it’s three in the morning and my muse unexpectedly arrives at your muse’s home.
[ ☁ ] the entire city is without power due to a storm, and our muses run into each other during a supply run.
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ofbctrayals · 6 years
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her words immediately provoke a raise of the male’s brows, providing him with another shot of confidence he hadn’t realised he needed. feigned suspicion paints rigel’s features as she starts to ramble her reassurances, cocking one brow – though he was sure she was telling the truth. “are you sure about that? you’ve never just stared at me, then?” nodding his head, lips pout a little, “…alright alright, i’ll take your word for it.” he’ll murmur his own assurances, before adding a not so subtle, “just me then.” he’s not sure where he finds the confidence, but he hopes it remains, even if his heart is beating at a expeditious rate against his chest, he even starts to suspect it’s trying to escape. arms wrap around his legs as he watches her search the confines of the bag he’d so carefully prepared. he’d done his best to provide some variety, to prove that he knew what she liked and to stay away from what she didn’t. rigel snorts at her praise, “i’m glad you think so. all ‘ve ever wanted is somethin’ i’ve done to be the shit, y’know that about me.” laughter echoing now. he wraps his hand around the glass, mirroring kaliah’s raise of it before taking a healthy sip of his drink, never one to allow alcohol to go to waste. “are you surprised?” he’ll ask, his smile full of a natural endearment as he takes another swig of his drink, “you’re more than welcome. thank you for agreeing to come here with me, i – uh, put a lot of thought into it. you deserve a lot of thought.” 
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“maybe i have,” kaliah decides, feigning a serious look in his direction. she has, of course. not ever when he was looking, of course. of course. how could she not have? she squints a little, as if trying to determine whether or not she’d betray the truth to the individual before her. “i mean, i am now. if that answers your question.” she sighs dramatically, although a brief chuckle escapes her before she brings the drink to her lips and drains it this time, quick with a refill following. “you’ve been the shit plenty of times before. always being there, listening to me, you know--- this is not the first time you’ve been the shit, rigel,” she says, and although her voice laughs her words are serious. he has always been dependable, always been a source of friendship and trust. “surprised that you’d want to do this with me. not surprised that you’re such a gentleman and everything.” she points through the air as she speaks, then punctuates her sentence with another sip. her head turns to face him, listening carefully. she’s rather aware of the lack of distance existing; rather aware of how his eyes crinkle when he smiles, how amiable he’s been through the whole thing. “of course i’d wanna come with you.” she knocks a hand against his knee, but leaves it there instead of drawing back as she might have in the past. “i like that you thought about it.” her voice is quieter now. she finishes the drink, flickering her gaze upwards at the stars above them. the brunette goes straight from the bottle now-- a long pull, but she’s never been concerned about hiding such things from rigel-- and lays back, relaxing on the blanket with her touch still on rigel’s leg. “all my favorite things. you remembered ‘em, and i mean-- you’re one of ‘em.” she sets the bottle down and points upwards, hoping he’ll recline and join her. “north star.” 
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ofbctrayals · 6 years
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“…it’s always one way or another with you, isn’t it?” it’s a offhand remark, a mere observation that had captivated his attention. richard always made sure to pay particular attention to those that surrounded him; to never be left off guard. samantha might have been beautiful, their time spent together might have been…out of this world, but that wasn’t to say he was comfortable around her. after all, the prettiest snakes always seemed to have the most venomous bite. “is that what they say? i guess it’s not wrong,” he trails off somewhat, pearly whites tugging at his lower lip. despite his wariness of those around him, richard couldn’t help but be intrigued by them too. he thought the town was a dangerous place, granted, but he also felt a buzz deep in his gut that he’d been deprived of for years, a craving for adventure and excitement finally being fulfilled. “i’m not unhappy to see you.” he murmurs quickly enough, gaze glazed over as it meets with her own. he wouldn’t crack so easily, he’d learnt how quickly one could completely shatter if they let that occur. “oh, c’mon. me hitting your car means it can go in for repairs, perhaps a nice spruce up – s’going to be better than ever and you’re not even paying for it. consider it a blessing, of sorts.” he knocks his head to the side for a beat. “i’m far from offended by your feelings, however, i can assure you of that.” 
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“i mean, you know one way.” samantha can certainly return offhanded remarks into a quiet jab that both reminds richard of their previous encounter and amuses her; it softens the blow of the vehicular damage. shoulders almost perk in contentment. she is pleased, admittedly, that he isn’t admitting unhappiness or distaste at their encounter. still, she tuts as if he’s spewing nonsense. “as if i can’t afford them myself, and have a second car to drive. it’s the principle of the thing, richard.” she reminds him with another poke in his direction, a click of the heels taking her there. “but i guess that’s one way to look at it.” one concession: that is what samantha torres can grant here, hardly ever at his comments, she raises a brow, questioning. “so, you’re happy i’m... irritated with you? or happy that i’m less than thrilled with the circumstances?” she’s trying to get him to speak candidly, to tear down the walls of falsely polite and restrained conversation he has before her, before them. “c’mon, richard. be honest. no need to be nervous,” she smiles. “i’ve never hurt you, and i’m not going to start. you know that, right?” her lips fall into an almost pout. “let’s get a drink. we can... take it out of what you owe me,” she suggests, squaring her shoulders but leaving the coquettish smile upon her lips. “discuss how we’ll go about fixing this, you know.”
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ofbctrayals · 6 years
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a lot of thought had been placed into the idea that rigel eventually settled upon. some of his original ideas had been far-fetched, outlandish…he quickly decided that simplicity always won out in the end – especially when everything else was anything but. despite his belief in the idea, in knowing full well how she felt about the park and stargazing itself, he still felt uniquely nervous about actually presenting it all to her. maybe she’d changed her mind, maybe she no longer enjoyed what she once had. people changed, though he knew that was just his anxiety talking. it doesn’t take long to set everything out the way he wished for it to be. the male was still in the thinking that everything had to be perfect and he was doing his best to carry that out, to follow through. kaliah was more than just the person he had a massive crush on, she was his best friend too – losing her would be a catastrophe, regardless of how dramatic that might have sounded; it remained a poignant truth in rigel’s mind. a smile overwhelms his features, one he doesn’t have to think about. pearly whites display themselves, something they rarely did, really. “…good, i’m glad.” he’ll admit at her praise. heart still hammering against his rib cage as he sits himself next to her. “you deserve good surprises,” he’ll further remark, arms wrapping around his legs, before he’s leaning back against his elbows. “besides, my name is a star, so i’m technically one too – stargazing just sounds like a good time.” he snorts at his own little joke, cheeks flushed though he’s thankful for the darkness that surrounds them, but doesn’t overwhelm them. in fact, he always felt a lot calmer in the darkness. “oh – would you like a drink? or somethin’ to eat?” he realises then, sitting up suddenly. 
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“yeah, if you’re a star, i think i’ve been stargazing for a while--” kaliah remarks, a laugh escaping lips that had been upturned in a smirk. realizing that had been particularly overt, even for her, she widens her eyes a degree. “not that i just stare at you, like-- i’ve been looking at you before, you know? like i look at you when we talk and hang out and stuff,” she rambled, the ever confident dealer now knocked off her game for a beat. if she had been fairer in complexion, the blush on the apples of her cheeks would have been noticeable. she nods a little enthusiastically in response to his question. “yeah, that’d be great, whatcha got in here?” she peers into the open bag, impressed by the inventory of its contents: a couple of her favorite liquors, some carefully prepared and packed food, even a flashlight. a small smile involuntarily appears on her features, heart warmed by the effort rigel has clearly gone through for their time together. “oh, this is--- this is amazing, this is--- the shit.” her language falls to its usual bluntness, but she knows he is far and away used to it, and simply laughs lightly at the slip. perhaps it is a date, but it is still the two of them--- best friends before anything--- and kaliah makes herself at home, pouring out two drinks for the pair of them. she raises her own beverage in a cheers; a toast to the excursion, the evening, to them. “you’re good at this, o’sullivan,” she says. the brunette subsequently shows her penchant for drinking and downs half her serving before adding, “thank you.”
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ofbctrayals · 6 years
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        His blue eyes were locked on his clothes in the washing machine, as they went around and around. He was completely in another world when he heard the door open, signalling that yet another poor sucker arrived, as if the laundromat wasn’t surprisingly full to begin with. But, when he looked up he noticed that it was none other than Wyatt. Before he was able to say anything he noticed how almost every single person had their watchful eyes on him. It took him a moment to notice the reason why and when he did he had to look down on the filthy floor to make sure he wouldn’t burst into laughter. “ Are you SURE it’s your blood? Or are you running a side business, cleaning up after serial killers? ”
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“if i was running a side business cleaning up after serial killers, i’d be damn sure to have my own facilities and not use PUBLIC ones,” wyatt points out, shaking his head in an amiable denial of the other’s question. wyatt clicks his tongue, as if disappointed. “come on, now. you don’t think i’d be a better businessman than that?” he questions, tilting his head. he begins to toss his items into the basin, and chuckles now beneath his breath. “yeah, i’m pretty sure. unless this serial cleaner killer came and dropped their dirty clothes in my basket, then it’s all MINE---” wyatt remarks, depositing another heaping handful of clothing in the appliance. “and it’s really not that much.” the only true defense offered in any of his words. “what’ve you been up to, aaron? other than accusing people of being shoddy, criminal businessmen?” 
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ofbctrayals · 6 years
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her question is as heavily laced as the very BLOW they indulged in as he hovers above her. she speaks as a woman that recognized the name upon her tongue - as a woman with stories to tell and where they had come from. perhaps she knew she could tear down already unsteady ruins upon her knowledge, or perhaps she believed that if she spoke upon his name three times something TERRIBLE could happen. perhaps the terrible thing had already been done — he wasn’t certain.  ❛  what do i want?  ❜  he layers his questions with lips upon her skin, the taste of cocaine fueled flesh invigorating to the buzzing that swept upon his now sensitive mouth. he could die right then — heart pounding in his chest, a woman, beautiful in all things considered beneath him and perhaps he could meet his maker, the hell - fond deity his father used to tell him he was part of. perhaps not, instead he could enjoy the moment as his lips pressed upon her skin once again, sucking playfully to leave small ( and temporary ) red marks upon her,  ❛  right now, i want another bump of that and —-  ❜ lips draw downward once again, teeth pulling upon the chest-rim of her shirt as he playfully tugged it down.    ❛  you,  ❜ as if they very build up between them didn’t express that on it’s own,  ❛  now tell me, samantha, ❜ he rises up once more, catches her hand in his and thrusts it against the mattress with a coy grin before leaning down towards her once again,  ❛  what do you want, right now? ❜    not tomorrow, nor the day after — but that very moment was all he would care to think of.
tanned breasts almost spill from the loose fabric that scarcely conceal anything from the familiar frame that balances atop her; samantha’s FREE hand only comes to her own chest now in order to coat a single finger in a layer of snow, setting it on course for its destination between niko’s lips against the soft flesh of his gums, delivering the RELIEF he craved. “wish number one, granted---” she exhales, a small smirk stained with touches of RESTRAINT playing on her visage. if only it were so SIMPLE outside the confines of this bedroom, out of the heavy doors that keep them in their own world that, in the moment, exists only of EACH OTHER and intoxicating substances. her fingers never part from his features, simply tracing lines beginning at his jaw down his chest and abdomen, LINGERING at his waist, brushing against his thigh, grazing his length for her own turn of teasing. he is challenging her, and samantha will always rise to meet her match and answer the call; she does not writhe beneath him, but instead her gaze narrows for a split second in pure anticipation of his next move and HERS, savoring what exists and lusting for what is to come. she does not waver or weaken, no--- instead, she exhales a note of laughter, all DESIRE and daring against him, hardly audible in the midst of heat and heavy breaths, but there. “you,” she echoes back, a bedroom prayer spoken so often in his company it is innumerable. the remaining hand snakes to his back, drawing close bodies even closer. “right now i want you, niko---” a lower, almost POSSESSIVE breath, as if she is declaring something to be hers and hers alone, even if just for the moment. brown eyes that have deepened and darkened almost to black flicker down to the lace around her hips, now a DIRECTIVE, instructions. “to take these off, so i can grant wish number two,” she returns her gaze to his, unflinching, UNYIELDING in the face of a man whose hands are as bloodied as hers in the war they were born into, fell in love during, and were created of--- in the face of a man she knew before he was such ( a murderer, a criminal, a king ) , and loved him then as only the man, and saw him become what he was now, and still allowed him to keep her affections- samantha’s voice does not falter as a coquettish voice pronounces---  and fuck you.” 
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ofbctrayals · 6 years
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❛  is this some weird twisted version of you are what you eat? because in that case —–   i’ve seen you eat, bud. it’s not pretty. ❜ a finger raises, poking at the air as if to draw attention to her statement as the other rested upon her hip. it was until that very moment, however, when her features shifted to an uncertain level of offense, head shaking in her own form of disbelief,  ❛  what do you MEAN i haven’t won you? ❜ she questions him,  ❛  you’re here, aren’t you? you think i can keep a conversation like this going on for any longer than half of a breath? ❜    features change like mere moving pictures as she smiles again, the other hand dropping to nudge him in the shoulder,  ❛  and you can bet your ass i’m the only one too, damn. ❜
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“everything about me is pretty, braun. i don’t know what you’re talking about.” he feigns a serious tone, but it is the smallest degree of a smile that betrays it as another move in their game that goes back and forth time and time again. wyatt gestures to the machines that line the walls of the facility, as if presenting some great PRIZE or revelation. “here for another---” he peers at the timer on his clothing, then adds the timing of a brief drying session--- “thirty-seven minutes, since i have to be. i think you’re definitely doing a decent job at it, yeah,” he confirms, a smug smirk on his lips as he nods in her direction. “oh, that’s a bet you’ve already lost. funny, your TASTE isn’t so unique or singular, you know. quite a few like what they see,” the flavor of pride in his words, more to contrast her attempts to bring down his ego than anything, are unusual--- they primarily exist in the banter that carries their conversations. “you should find them at the next match. sit together.”
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ofbctrayals · 6 years
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❛  it’s never about how you fall kali —- ❜  of this, she speaks from experience,  ❛  it’s all about how you make your return. those that have harmed you will get their comeuppance, they always do. ❜ the slightest tug of her lips in a sneer shows her own malicious intent. many forget that with petran in charge, she is still a woman of INFLUENCE among the citizens of valdez. they will be reminded — one day.  ❛  i’ve been …. busy. money is good, our fundraiser went well beyond how we had anticipated,  ❜ which she had to admit was a surprise, considering the current .. regime,  ❛  and their attempt at pushing us back seems to have fallen a little… stale like the cookies i hear they were serving. everything is coming up CAITO, what can i say? ❜     
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“i’m sure they will, it’s just---” kaliah will admit to it, the FONDNESS that still exists in her chest for luke, perhaps beyond that, despite how he had hurt her. “i am unsure if that is what i want. for one party involved, anyways.” she thinks on the one who had garnered his affections in her absence, and a sourness twists her lips, one that mirrors the sneer on her aunt’s own--- that PENCHANT for revenge runs in the family. “my sales have been pretty sizable, too. i guess it is, huh?” kaliah exhales a note of laughter, pleased and bemused. “and i’m guessing i should have reason to believe it’s going to stay that way--” she begins to ask towards the greater plans she knows the senior member of the family surely has for their line “---other than my complete faith in you, aunty?” 
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ofbctrayals · 6 years
Of course I look angry all the time. My entire life I’ve been fighting a war. I am soaked in pain and sadness. The irony however, is that I’m not actually angry, I’m trying to learn how to be happy. And that in itself is a war…
thedemonkings  // The War  (via jcnnifercheck)
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ofbctrayals · 6 years
hi friends !! i’ve been lurking the dash since monday but i had a huge midterm today and lots going on so my apologies for not being around for replies, etc. !! tonight i really need to do stuff around the house (it’s all piled up) so i might get to a couple of things, but chances are the majority of them will get done tomorrow :~) i’m around for ims or plotting via discord always tho bc tbh that would help w museeee so add me at andy dwyer#6554
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ofbctrayals · 6 years
❛ You know I’m here for you, right? ❜ wyatt/mariko
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she knows. she doesn’t say anything at first , but she knows. gaze dragging away from the injured arm, she looks to him with something of a chagrin expression, lips pursed sideways and she thinks she knows what to say. what’s better than to combat an unfounded level of kindness with anything other than the perfect amount of sass? she couldn’t think of anything, but on the same token, she couldn’t think of anything to say either.❛ —– i know.  ❜ it’s nearly star wars esque in the way that she looks away from him, straightens the injured arm above her head in a stretch and places upon her features the MASK that dictates her emotional understanding is flawed. ❛  listen, i appreciate the sentiment and all, but really the only thing that’ll cure this is a wicked hangover the next day, how are you on delivering THAT for me cowboy? ❜
        𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐍 /  𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 // @ofbctrayals
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