ofbridie · 6 years
random questions for character building (and fun)
go to karaoke song?
a song that describes them?
are they good at sports?
do they have a favorite movie?
three things in their fridge?
most three recently watched on netflix?
celebrity crush?
are they close to their family?
best thing in their life?
greatest regret?
biggest lie?
biggest flaw?
best accomplishment?
greatest fear(s)?
what is their vice? (wrath, greed, pride, lust, gluttony, sloth, envy)
what would their hogwarts house be?
did they graduate high school? if so did they attend college?
when was their first real relationship? how’d it go?
have they ever broken someones heart? has someone broken theirs?
have they ever been married? are they married?
do they have children? have they before?
do they want children?
opinion on pets? cats or dogs?
opinion on horror films?
do they have allergies?
do they have a certain aesthetic or style?
do they have tattoos or piercings? 
do they have any distinctive features or marks?
do they enjoy coffee or tea? hot or iced?
are they religious or spiritual? 
are they a morning person or night person?
if they could have any superpower what would it be?
who is their ride or die friend?
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ofbridie · 6 years
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            ––––––      indi’s   not   one   to   share   lamentations   with   the   average   person,   and   hearing   birdie’s   complaints   is   definitely   no   exception .   “   WOW .   it’s   almost   overwhelming   to   recognize   what   a   ‘ you ’   problem   this   is .   ”    there’s   a   certain   talent   to   be   attributed   to   the   absolute   lack   of   fucks   given   by   the   taller   of   the   two .     “   i   think   i’m   even   more   surprised   that   you   considered   this   a   ME   problem .   truly .   ”    they   give   a   quick   glance   over   at   the   female,   taking   on   a   sense   of   something   resembling   pity .    “   if   you   want   to   continue   your   first   world   problem   rants   that’s   fine   i   guess .   i’d   just   rather   do   it   inside   my   apartment   so   i   can   annoy   my   roommate   and   get   some   fucking   food   in   my   body .  ”
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bridie  looks  at  the  other  with  a  growing  expression  of  contempt,  and  by  the  end  of  their  words  her  petulant  disposition  is  only  GROSSLY  heightened.  '  it  is  a  ME  problem  -  '  she  punctuates  her  words  with  some  finger  air-quotes,  '  but  it's  now  a  YOU  problem  too,  because  i  decided  to  confide  in  you.  '  she's  not  QUITE  sure  how  that  works,  but  she  runs  with  it.  she  NEEDS  somebody  to  complain  to  right  now.  '  and  it's  a  HUGE  problem  actually.  i  can't  be  one  job  down  this  close  to  christmas.  '  she  almost  whines,  folding  slim  arms  across  her  chest.  this  time  of  year  was  always  more  ...  DEMANDING  than  other  months  for  bridie.  there  were  the  obvious  reasons  such  as  keeping  up  her  bustling  social  life  and  purchasing  presents  (  for  herself  )  to  consider,  of  course,  but  it  also  seemed  to  be  around  this  time  of  year  that  her  mother  fell  even  DEEPER  into  her  pit  of  despair.  she  knew,  without  a  shadow  of  a  doubt,  that  within  the  next  few  days  her  mom  would  be  calling  her  up  with  some  kind  of  elaborate  tale  that  would  all  conclude  with  her  begging  for  money.  (  perhaps  it's  where  bridie  gets  it  from  ).    '  but  FINE.  you  go  inside  your  nice,  cosy  apartment  and  stuff  your  face.  i'll  just  whither  away  here.  '  she  announces  dramatically,  resting  her  head  against  the  staircase  wall  like  some  kind  of  SAD  PUPPY.
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ofbridie · 6 years
closed starter for @ofbridie
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“i don’t get it, bridie,” brooke started, allowing the camera to FLASH and capture the picture before she said anything else. she brought the camera away from her face, the film printing. “how is it that you look good in every single picture,” brooke questioned, giggling lightly at her friend. “it’s just not fair.” brooke shook the film in her hand that the camera had just dispensed. it was so good to have someone who made being yourself easy. luckily for brooke, bridie was one of those people. although the girls were as different as night and day, they were a little more… UNIQUE than most. 
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bridie  felt  her  lips  twitch  at  the  compliment,  the  threatening  of  a  smile  beginning  to  grow.  she's  not  one  to  shy  away  from  flattery,  but  the  unexpected  sweetness  of  the  words  leave  her  feeling  gratified  in  the  nicest  way.  '  oh  SHUSH,  as  if  you  don't  look  like  you  just  fell  from  heaven  '  she  rolled  her  eyes,  a  front  as  always  to  hide  her  more  emotional  inner  thoughts.  bridie  felt  a  sort  of  PROTECTIVE  URGE  over  the  other  girl;  she  just  seemed  so  innocent  and  -  for  lack  of  better  wording  -  WEIRD  -  just  like  herself.  there  wasn't  much  of  an  age  gap  between  the  two  of  them,  but  bridie  felt  like  she  could  see  her  younger  self  in  the  other.  '  here,  let  me  take  some  of  YOU.  my  ego  doesn't  need  any  more  boosting.  '
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ofbridie · 6 years
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SHE’S MAKING IT TOO EASY, now ryan’s amusement is starting to present itself upon his features; in the curve of his lips, within a sparkle of his eye. “oh, sure – you’re a kink shamer, admit it.” brows raise, as smugness stains his expression, arms crossing against his chest once again. “how does that make me dense? just because i don’t agree with you? that is some dense behaviour right there, i think you’ll find.” he counteracts her claim, slamming the same word she kept throwing at him, right back at her. “my huge ego? what gave that away? i thought i was hiding it pretty well.” shoulders raise and fall as he feigns defeat, “if anyone has a huge ego here, it’s you. do you insult everyone who doesn’t immediately agree with you?” 
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'  i  won't  admit  to  any  such  thing.  '  she  objects  with  her  own  smug  expression  painted  across  lips  and  eyes.  she  can  easily  keep  this  up  for  HOURS  if  she  tries;  she  almost  enjoys  fighting  for  the  sake  of  fighting.  '  your  FACE  is  what  gives  it  away.  '  she  furrows  her  brows,  eyes  narrowed  as  she  teasingly  glares  holes  into  his  features.  '  it's  so  ...  ANNOYING.  '  she  studies  his  expression  with  disdain  before  tilting  her  chin  away  from  him.  '  that's  not  me  having  a  huge  ego,  it's...  '  she  trails  off  due  to  lack  of  wording,  her  lower  lip  tucked  between  teeth,  '  shut  up.  '
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ofbridie · 6 years
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“SO YOU’RE MORE VANILLA, huh? i can respect that.”  she’s making this too fun for him, ryan can’t help but continue to poke the bear, so to speak. he’s doing his very best not to allow his amusement to stain his features, forcing his serious look to remain permanently fixed across his expression. “i’m not too dense, i completely understand – i just don’t agree, there’s a difference.” he retorts happily, a smug little smile reaching his lips, before he has a chance to stop it. “ —woah, who said they were perfect 24/7?” he’ll question, brows knitting together as he feigns confusion. of course he understands to a degree where she’s coming from, but he’d be the last to ever suggest any layer of him was perfect, regardless of how arrogant he could appear to some. “…i’m only perfect 23/6, for your information.” he adds on, with his own little attempt at a joke. 
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'  that's  NOT  what  i  mea-  '  she  lets  out  a  substantial  huff  with  a  roll  of  heavy-lashed  eyes.  the  conversation  had  taken  a  very  STRANGE  twist,  though  that  was  often  the  case  whenever  somebody  was  unfortunate  enough   to  converse  with  bridie.  she's  nowhere  CLOSE  to  vanilla,  but  although  she's  not  a  PRUDE  either,  she's  not  going  to  begin  defending  her  sex  life  with  the  other.  '  which  makes  you  dense.  '  she  says  pointedly,  as  if  it’s  obvious.  anybody  who  counteracted  her  view  was  dense,  in  bridie's  eyes.  she  was  never  one  to  be  proven  wrong  or  to  back  down.  '  i'm  surprised  you're  not  out-rightly  agreeing.  though  i  guess  23/6  is  still  a  pretty  good  reflection  of  your  huge  ego.  '  she  shakes  her  head  with  a  slither  of  a  chuckle.
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ofbridie · 6 years
i love calling my self a Bitch but if a man calls me a bitch im gonna step on his throat an snap his neck
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ofbridie · 6 years
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ofbridie · 6 years
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ofbridie · 6 years
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ofbridie · 6 years
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ofbridie · 6 years
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IT TAKES A LOT, for any sympathy to be expressed on ryan’s behalf. a part of him revelled in believing that karma was a bitch who’d always win in the end. there was a small part of him however, that did consider the possibility that losing a job so close to christmas was far from ideal. “that obvious am i?” he chooses to play along, a cock of his brow the only visible response he delivers. “that’s a shame, could’ve been fun.” the words are added after a tut, teeth gnawing at his lower lip, before his head cocks to the side. he doesn’t believe a word she says, but he doesn’t comment upon it right away. “…takes a lot of thought to try to convince yourself you’re not in the wrong, doesn’t it?” not that he particularly cares, but her reactions were entertaining him for the moment. causing trouble, for trouble’s sake might not have been an ideal way to pass the time. however, he was enjoying it nonetheless. 
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'  mhm.  you  scream  the  type  -  and  unlike  you,  i'm  not  some  crazed  sexual  deviant.  '  she  purses  her  lips,  pale  arms  crossed  against  her  chest.  usually  she'd  find  his  comments  humorous,  but  she's  always  been  outrageously  stubborn  so  refuses  to  let  it  show.  '  i'm  explaining  myself  because  apparently  you're  too  DENSE  to  understand  what  i'm  saying.  '  she  snaps  back;  partly  because  a  small  inch  of  her  thinks  he  makes  a  point.  she  doesn't  like  to  feel  looked  down  upon  -  it’s  something  she’s  experienced  her  entire  LIFE  -  but  she  doesn't  make  it  any  easier  for  herself  at  times.  '  besides,  not  all  of  us  can  be  perfect  24/7..  big  whoop.  '  a  small  crack  in  her  demeanour.  
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ofbridie · 6 years
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“well then maybe stop lying to your boss, silly,” noah teases, offering bridie a wink. “you can’t pay for crazy nights without a job!” she rubs the other girl’s shoulder and plants a kiss on the top of her head as she rests it on her shoulder. “i mean, i feel like i should be a good influence and say you shouldn’t but… you do have a good point. talk to raven, maybe she can get you a job at the club she works at.” with a giggle, noah shrugs her shoulders and swats bridie’s hand away as she pinches her cheek, rolling her eyes but smiling at her friend’s compliment. “probably six feet under,” noah answered with an innocent shrug before laughing and tugging bridie inside the apartment building, her keys jingling in her hands.
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she  huffs  dramatically,  '  but  how  ELSE  do  i  get  what  i  want  ?  '  she  rolls  her  eyes  with  a  small  smile.  she's  half-joking  and  fully  aware  that  she  sounds  bratty  and  ridiculous,  but  she  can't  help  it.  she's  always  been  impulsive,  and  growing  up  she'd  been  ENCOURAGED  to  do  as  she  pleased.  her  mom  was  a  SHINING  EXAMPLE  that  lying  could  get  you  anywhere  in  life.  until  it  all  came  crashing  down,  at  least.  '  hm.  maybe  i  will.  '  she'd  never  done  anything  like  it  before,  but  the  idea  HAD  always  intrigued  her.  '  sad  but  true.  '  she  muses  with  a  sigh,  '  you’re  my  saving  grace.  '  she  giggles,  an  action  saved  only  for  her  closest  friends,  and  allows  herself  to  be  dragged  inside.  '  ANYWAY  -  enough  about  my  sad  life  -  what  have  YOU  been  up  to  ?  '  
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ofbridie · 6 years
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“A TINY WHITE LIE?” amusement shields judgement, but only briefly. “…you’re a real ray of sunshine aren’t you?” the musing is made with a smirk, knowing full well that he’s one to talk. still, he can tell she’s bothered by him and that just spurs him on even more. his gaze shifts as his head cocks to the side, he suspects she’s trying to intimidate him, he’s quite entertained by that. “ –oh?” brows raise as she cuts herself off, well aware of what the following word was going to be. “why not? it’s much more fun if you do.” a pout presents itself against his pink lips, a sparkle in his gaze full of mischief. “i suspect the truth isn’t something you can handle right? s’understandable, can hurt sometimes, but i’d say killing off a relative to excuse your hangover is a pretty low blow, even for someone as seemingly mature as yourself, don’t you think?” 
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'  positively  MINUTE  '  she  answers  back  with  fervour.  '  if  shit  like  THIS  didn't  happen  then  maybe  i  would  be  -  but  life  likes  to  fuck  me  all  over  the  place.  '  her  words  are  laced  with  her  usual  pessimism  as  she  looks  at  the  other  with  a  blank  stare.  '  you  probably  GET  OFF  to  that  shit  and  i  refuse  to  engage  with  your  masochism  '  she  rolls  her  eyes,  a  glimmer  of  a  smirk  on  her  lips  at  her  own  words.  '  i  can  take  the  truth...  '  a  complete  lie  as  it  lips  past  her  lips,  '  and  it's  not  a  LOW  BLOW  !  ...  i  don't  know  if  i  even  HAVE  a  great  aunt.  and  if  i  do,  she  doesn't  know  i  exist  so  she  isn't  ACTUALLY  family  to  me  when  you  really  think  about  it  '
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ofbridie · 6 years
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link was just on his way back home from a long day at work, deciding to take the stairs to get a little exercise in before he collapsed on his bed. his dark eyes noticed the girl plop down on the stairs and let out a disappointed huff of air. however, link was just going to ignore it in hopes of returning to his bed soon. but, then she started talking. ( well, complaining, really. ) her words made link unfortunately stop right in his tracks, so as not to seem rude. “’m sorry you lost your job. but maybe- for FUTURE reference- don’t kill off your family members for a day off,” link suggested, adding a small shrug to the end of his words. “do you have a roommate,” he questioned, in reference to her lost key. 
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she  waves  her  hand  dismissively,  '  so  you've  NEVER  lied  for  a  day  off  ?  '  she  questions  defensively.  she  didn't  like  the  feeling  of  being  JUDGED,  and  almost  instantly  finds  herself  scowling.  she  slumps  back  a  little,  letting  out  a  soft  sigh.  '  no.  he  moved  out.  '  she  replies,  eyes  boring  into  the  converse  on  her  feet.  '  but  it's  FINE.  i'll  just  rot  here.  no  biggie.  '
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ofbridie · 6 years
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since emily wasn’t the type of person to hype anyone up, especially not herself, she couldn’t agree so she simply gave a lazy shrug, brow furrowed and lips pursed, “thank you? i think.” at bridie’s reaction the blonde couldn’t hold back a smile, glad she was able to help. “no worries at all. anytime, really.. although i do hope you don’t lose your keys again,” she made sure to emphasize, not wanting to sound like an absolute douchebag. the question surprised her a little and before she let herself think about it, she already found herself nodding, “you definitely don’t owe me anything but sure, yeah.. it’s quite hard to say no to ‘or something’,” she decided to joke lightly before going for some small talk, “anything fun planned for the weekend?”
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bridie  shrugs  nonchalantly,  '  you  can't  help  these  things.  '  she  sighs,  dismissive  as  ever  about  her  own  fuck-ups.  she  steps  into  her  apartment  and  nods,  indicating  for  emily  to  follow  her.  '  of  COURSE  i  owe  you  ...  you  should  accept  shit  when  it's  offered  to  you.  that's  how  you  get  through  life.  '  she  smiles  knowingly.  bridie  had  made  the  most  of  ANY  offers  of  generosity  in  her  life  -  and  god  knows  she  needed  them.  '  i'll  probably  go  out  again.  it's  not  the  weekend  if  you're  not  at  least  a  LITTLE  bit  drunk,  right  ?  '  she  heads  over  to  the  fridge,  peering  at  its  contents  with  squinted  eyes  '  y'want  a  soda  ?  coffee  ?  beer  ?  '  she  grabs  a  beer  for  herself,  despite  it  being  early  afternoon,  before  turning  to  glance  at  emily as she waits for her answer.
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ofbridie · 6 years
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[ ravencarrow ]; anyone know any good 24 hours places around here?  [ ravencarrow ]; idk like a waffle house or something so i can get coffee all night 
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BRIDIE  →  there’s one round the block that does the best pancakes and milkshakes
BRIDIE  →  i’ve never tried the waffles but i bet they’re bomb
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ofbridie · 6 years
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          ANOTHER  PERSON  WHO  THOUGHT  SHE  CARED  .  too  bad  winona  well  …  didn’t  .  the  brunette  raises  a  brow  at  the  display  of  childish  petulance  before  pulling  her  key  from  her  bag  .      ❛          that  was  such  a  great  story  that  i’m  absolutely  riveted  to  this  spot  ,      ❜           sarcasm  drips  from  every  word  and  the  smirk  that  accompanies  it  isn’t  off  -  place  on  such  icy  features  .           ❛          oh  wait  !  no  ,  i’m  not  .  because  i  don’t  care  about  your  problems  .  and  unlike  you  ,  i  actually  have  my  key  to  let  myself  into  my  apartment    .  speaking  of      —          ❜          she  pushes  the  door  open  with  her  hip  before  :           ❛          try  the  poor  schmuck  in  4C  .  i’m  sure  they’ll  be  thrilled  to  hear  your  life’s  story  .  if  not  ,  they’ll  at  least  be  willing  to  let  you  use  their  phone  to  call  the  landlord  .          ❜ 
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'  i  thought  some  human  interaction  and  a  scandalous  tale  might  help  to  ease  out  the  huge  STICK  you’ve  got  lodged  up  your  ass  but  i  guess  not.  '  she  retorts  back,  cocoa  irises  moving  in  a  slow,  uncomfortable  drag  across  the  girls  features.  '  and  YOU  don't  have  a  phone  to  call  the  landlord  ?  or  are  you  just  too  pompous  to  help  people  when  they  need  it  ?  '
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