ofchxrisma · 7 years
…so i guess technically i’ve moved because my other blog is done…besides the muse page and that’ll take a minute. 
if you want me to follow you over there, go ahead and message me or give this a like. 
This is all your big ol’ ‘if you don’t wanna continue a thread, let me know’ shout out
someone tell me not to move again. this crap ain’t fun.
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ofchxrisma · 7 years
…so i guess technically i’ve moved because my other blog is done…besides the muse page and that’ll take a minute. 
if you want me to follow you over there, go ahead and message me or give this a like. 
This is all your big ol’ ‘if you don’t wanna continue a thread, let me know’ shout out
someone tell me not to move again. this crap ain’t fun.
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ofchxrisma · 7 years
…so i guess technically i’ve moved because my other blog is done…besides the muse page and that’ll take a minute. 
if you want me to follow you over there, go ahead and message me or give this a like. 
This is all your big ol’ ‘if you don’t wanna continue a thread, let me know’ shout out
someone tell me not to move again. this crap ain’t fun.
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ofchxrisma · 7 years
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Adain smiled warmly at Abby. The girl had such a vibrant presence to her- it was refreshing and very different than most people she came across, albeit slightly intimidating.
“Maybe that’ll be my spring break trip! Travelling alone’s not as fun though.”She chuckled, giving a small nod before continuing. “That’s really cool!! Definitely takes a certain skill set. What are your favourite types of projects? I attend the Pratt Institute, just a few blocks away. Majoring in performance arts with a minor in music production. I um.. perform once a week or so here too! I absolutely love it.”
‘What?’ Abby demanded playfully as the girl nodded and continued to talk. ‘Traveling alone is the best kind of travel because you don’t have to do what anyone else wants you to do.’ It was easy almost to have two conflicting conversations with the girl she’d only just met recently. And something she hadn’t been able to do for a while. ‘Honestly that’s pretty cool. My best friend’s into music, but not really performing he’s too shy for that.’She wrinkled her nose, because she knew Eli would have been a great performer if he could manage to get comfortable on stage. 
‘Anyway, I love those small scale things. Helping someone realize their artistic vision for the visuals they’re putting out there for their company.’ 
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Stood Up | Closed
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ofchxrisma · 7 years
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Blaire leaned forward the same moment Ainsley did, breaching the distance between them. She hadn’t been teasing, so much as testing Ainsley’s reaction. Having Ollie between them was one thing, of course, but enjoying each other–alone–was entirely different. Blaire kept the kiss slow and sweet, warmth flooding through her veins as she tangled her fingers in Ainsley’s dark strands. 
Slow wasn’t usually something Ainsley was interested in. But with Blaire, slow was teasing. And despite her plea that the other woman not tease, it felt amazing to be teased. Sent waves of pleasure through her. Curious, nimble fingers found their way under Blaire’s shirt to skim lightly at her warm skin as Ainsley lost herself in the kiss with Blaire taking the lead.
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Balcony Scene [Blaire/Ainsley/Ollie]
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ofchxrisma · 7 years
“Either a more giggly, or a more sleepy,” she told him. She smiled as Mason teased her, glad he wasn’t judging her intoxicated state instead. They both knew it was rare she truly allowed herself to unwind. “I did try to wait,” she teased. As the busy, popular man of the evening, Mason no doubt had a lot of people to see and speak to before finally returning home. She hadn’t wanted to interrupt…and she hadn’t wanted their apparent attraction for one another to steal anyone’s focus from Mason’s victory, either. 
She smiled again as Mason pulled her onto his lap, the lithe writer nuzzling her nose against his throat before resting her head at his shoulder. The wrap-up dress she wore shifted, revealing her bare thigh, not that Alaska noticed.  “I have the potential to be distracting a few more ways than that,” she said. The warmth of his breath against her cheek caused Alaska to steal in a breath, an electric shiver racing down her spine. 
She wanted them to celebrate, talk, discuss Mason’s victory…but the champagne had loosened her already bold tongue, and she didn’t bother to curb it. “It turned me on, you know,” she said, tilting her head back to look up at him. Alaska pressed a soft kiss to the line of Mason’s chiseled jaw, then nuzzled his throat again. “Seeing you dominate in the courtroom like that, demanding attention…respect.”
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Mason had to agree when it came to Alaska’s ability to be distracting. It wasn’t just when she was watching him that Mason found himself stealing glances at the stubborn writer. It was moments like this. Moments when she was wholly unaware that he dress had shifted - though that fact wasn’t lost on Mason. 
“Did it?” he teased, blue eyes sparkling as he ran his fingers lightly, teasingly, along the bare skin of Alaska’s thigh. “So you’re saying you should come see me in the courtroom all the time,” he murmured, free hand moving to cradle the brunette’s cheek tenderly before urging her to raise her head so he could kiss her. 
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Case In Point [Alaska/Mason]
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ofchxrisma · 7 years
Adain chuckled once again, a grin still present on her face. Being stubborn had it’s occasional drawbacks but she couldn’t, or perhaps wouldn’t rather, change it. She then smiled and nodded again before stifling a yawn behind her fist. “My apologies that was rude. But ah.. I think taking my time with things is a good idea, I mean I am here for the next three months. It’ll be nice to settle in again.” At his comment about Ainsley she shook her head, it seems the wild child out of the two cousins hadn’t changed. “Naturally. Hopefully I’ll get in touch with her soon. I ah- I suppose I should leave you to tend to your schedule.” She stated, starting to gather her bag and cardigan. “But honestly, Mason it has been so wonderful to see you. Try not to be a total stranger while I’m here okay?”
“Adain, formality is not necessary here.” They weren’t in the palace and she was family. “You’re probably exhausted. I’m the rude one for keeping you.” Pushing himself to his feet, Mason reached for his cousin, wrapping the young woman in a hug. “We will spend time together while you are here. Without the interference of our parents this time.” He pressed a friendly kiss to her forehead before releasing her and stepping away. 
Royal Reunions | Closed
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ofchxrisma · 7 years
Iris shook her head as she led Eli towards the studio. It was only a few blocks away, and the walk gave them the chance to talk before they were in front of their instruments. “We’ll take this slow,” she told him. “It’s for my sake as much as yours, E. If we can perform in front of each other, then maybe a small handful of people, then if we can handle that, the show. Cool?” Maybe that would be less pressure for them both. 
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The walk to the studio gave Eli a chance to get some air. Gave him a chance to relax and not put so much pressure on himself. Iris’ reassurance was helpful with that too. “Take it slow,” he murmured, nodding as he glanced at her. “Y-you want to do the show. And I-I wanna do it with you...mostly” He’d get to the point where he’d want to do it. Where he would be comfortable. He just had to convince Iris of that. “But, but yeah. Start with this.”
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Like Mic [Iris/Eli]
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ofchxrisma · 7 years
Landon’s smile brightened when Elijah stated that the books would be great. Mission accomplished, then. He would do anything in his power to help a customer. To help anyone, really. Blinking along with the twitch in his muscles, he nodded, chuckling softly when he was deemed a lifesaver by the other man. He was pretty sure he was far from that, but appreciated the man’s gratefullness nevertheless.
“ Well… I’m not sure about that, but, uh, I’m glad to have been able to help. Is there anything else I can help you find? ”
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Eli shook his head, smiling shyly. Landon might not think so, but he was definitely a lifesaver. Anyone who could help his kids as far as their interest in reading was concerned was definitely a lifesaver. 
“I-I don’t think so.” He wasn’t really looking for anything for himself and he definitely had plenty of options for his students. Maybe too many options, but it would give them a place to start. Give them the chance to expand their interest a little. “Thank you, I-I really mean that.”
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ofchxrisma · 7 years
August nodded again when his boyfriend asked for confirmation that he wanted to go. Of course he did. All things considered, sometimes pushing himself out of his comfort zone had the best pay off. And the certainly wanted to support Eli and his kids.
Brows quirking upward when he said it was next weekend, he bit his lip lightly. It was soon. A little sooner than he liked for planning purposes, but he would make it work. Again he had to remind himself that discomfort had its advantages and seeing Eli and the kids running the race, watching them excel in something about which they were passionate, seeing Eli in that environment, was worth every small bump that came with going.
Fingertips skimming his shoulders and upper arms quietly as he hugged himself loosely in his arms in his own shy manner, he nodded slowly, still nibbling away at his lower lip. A small smile pulled at the corners of his mouth.
“ Yeah, yes. OK. Next… Friday. I’ll– That’ll work. I can make it work. I want to be there. I- I, uh, I will be there. ”
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Eli beamed at his boyfriend before ducking his head and sneezing into his elbow. “Sorry. I’m glad. I-I really want you there. I...it’ll be fun.” A mixing of his two worlds. Worlds that didn’t usually mix for no real reason other than that they were both really busy and he knew it made his boyfriend uncomfortable. 
“I-you can drive on your own. Or or with me.” Eli wanted to wrap his arms around August, but he knew he couldn’t. He respected the other man’s inability to be around him when he was sick. Even if Eli was adamant that he wasn’t actually sick. “I...thank you for wanting to come.” 
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ofchxrisma · 7 years
“I can’t argue with you on that one.” In many ways, Tobias greatly admired his partner. She was independent to the point where there was never a question on whether she could handle herself or being alone for that matter. Sofia was probably the most capable person that he’d ever met, and that was certainly one of the first things that caught his attention about her. Leaving Sofia with their son didn’t scare him-they’d both be more than alright.
She had a point on that one. “It’s going to be insanely hard sometimes, but we’ll be alright. This deal is going to pay for Xavier’s college funds!” He smiled from ear to ear, starting to feel more comfortable about their decision, happy that they had decided together.
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“We’ll be fine,” Sofia agreed, curling into Tobias’ chest even more. “And when we miss you, we’ll FaceTime. And we’ll visit.” As much as she would always encourage Tobias to follow his dreams, these reminders were as much for her as they were for him. Because she would miss him. She would be fine without him. But that didn’t lessen how much she’d miss going to sleep with him and waking up with him. 
“Xavier and whoever comes next. If anyone comes next.” This was good for their future. Set them up for awesome things. 
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ofchxrisma · 7 years
His words made yet another lump form in her throat, only this time she was able to keep the tears from falling. In many ways, Cody felt almost too good for her and Verena used to expect him to leave her for someone more conventionally attractive. Yet he stayed and her fears vanished more and more with every day he spent loving her. “Thank you. Truly thank you.”
Verena did, however. She’d experienced her last pregnancy all the way up to her third trimester. Thankfully that meant that she knew what sorts of things the doctors would ask of her during appointments, and she remembered what some of the “healthy” things to look for were. It was nice to have even a smidge more insight going in this time around. Although nothing could prepare her for what was to come…
The next few weeks seemed to pass by in a blur. The early appointments went by without any troubles, and the pregnancy was progressing well. Other than some morning sickness, all Verena could really complain about was how tired she seemed to be. All the damn time. Her belly had also started to grow a lot sooner than she’d anticipated too, although she didn’t mind that in the slightest.
Already in her second trimester, Verena felt much more comfortable about attending appointments than she had in the beginning. Currently, she was receiving another ultrasound, her hand gripping Cody’s tight. All was well so she found herself tuning out, staring at the screen in wonder. Until her doctor changed everything. “Wait, what did you just say? Twins?!”
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The weeks had seemed to fly by for Cody, though he doubted Verena felt that way considering how exhausted she always seemed. He tried to make it easier for her. Tried to be there as often as possible, but he could still see exhaustion etched in the lines of her face. There with the joy and wonder that the pregnancy seemed to bring. 
As her belly swelled Cody could feel his excitement growing. He’d known of course the moment that V told him they were having a baby that it was real, but doctor’s appointments and the growing of his girlfriend’s stomach made it all the more real. 
As they sat in one of the first appointments of the second trimester, his hand clutched tightly by the brunette on the table, he listened intently to everything the tech was saying. Watched the screen for a glimpse of their baby. He’d noticed the change of the tone of the technician’s voice - confusion laced what had been strictly professional courtesy before and his eyes shot to their face. But it was only a moment before the confusion gave way to the proclamation that they were having twins. 
“Wait what?” he demanded, confusion now coloring his own tone. “Twins?” It had been a possibility of course - twins ran in his family. But he hadn’t for even a moment considered that they would actually have twins. “Like twins as in two babies?”
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ofchxrisma · 7 years
“Leverage. I prefer to think of it as leverage. Besides, I had two older siblings who could drive and a bike. Which would you choose?” Joss smirked and handed Olivia one of the spoons, then popped the carton lid off. She licked a droplet of ice cream off her finger, then dug in. “That or we’re both just gluttons,” she mumbled, licking her lips as the ice cream melted against her tongue.
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“Not leverage, definitely blackmail,” Olivia mumbled around her spoon. “You were such a butt head when you were a kid, weren’t you?” She laughed softly as she dug her spoon into the ice cream. “But that’s why we’re best friends, right? Our ice cream addiction and the fact that you’re this huge blackmailing weird person.”
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Treble Maker [Joss/Olivia]
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ofchxrisma · 7 years
He shrugged a little at Cody’s remark, staring down at his hands as he pulled at his freezing, tingly fingers. The corner of his mouth quirked upward slightly with the twitch of his cheek and he gave a soft sniffle. At least he was drier now than he had been a minute ago, but he was still shivering every few minutes or so.
Looking up at the other man again, he gave a slightly weary smile and cleared his throat. “ Uh, I- I think we’re past avoiding getting sick, ” he admitted. “ B- but I appreciate your concern. ” The good news was, they weren’t too much further from his home. Once he was back in the warm comfort of home, he could curl up on the couch with Spoopy and Chewy and take a well-deserved nap. Well, maybe after a hot shower.
“ So, um, right on that… that little street right- right there, then, um… About… Half a mile down the road, it’s th-the big apartment building on the left. I’ll point it out to you when I see it. Not too far now, though. Thank– Thank you again, for… This. I– R- r- really, I can’t thank you enough. ”
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Cody shrugged. He knew at this point there was nothing he could do. Especially since the man, Landon, obviously knew his health was going to suffer because of the cold rain that poured unexpectedly. But that didn’t mean he didn’t feel bad. He wanted to help. That had always been his calling.  Even as war waged on and he’d been forced to see things, do things, he would have rather not had to experience; he’d chosen to help whenever and wherever he could. 
He took the directed right, keeping his eyes focused entirely on their surroundings. He didn’t want to miss Landon’s building. Didn’t want to make the man more uncomfortable than he already was. “Anytime, man. Anytime.”
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Out of Luck || Open
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ofchxrisma · 7 years
sup. i’m posting the stuff in my queue so it’s not lingering and whatnot. 
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ofchxrisma · 7 years
“No, I like that he looks like you,” Zoey whispered to him, “It means he didn’t get the redhead curse from his mother.” She leaned back into Cody’s body, looking up at him with a small smile, “We are. We are parents to the most beautiful and perfect baby boy.” She shuffled the baby in her arms, resisting the urge to run her finger along his face. More than anything so far, she found that she loved to watch him sleep.
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James might not be a redhead, but Cody very much hoped that he inherited at least some of the redhead curse as his wife called it. “Did you ever think we’d be here?” Of course they both wanted to have children. It was something they’d talked about long before getting married, but back then, back even a year ago, being parents had seemed so incredibly far away. Seemed like something they only talked about. But it wasn’t something they just talked about anymore. “I’m so proud of you, ya’know,” he murmured, lips pressed to the top of Zoey’s head. 
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ofchxrisma · 7 years
August nodded silently when Jordan again assured him it was all right, that he could stay for however long. Until he could get back on his feet again. Get around his angry girlfriend and probably very worried little brother. A weak, lopsided little smile brushed his lips when Jordan mentioned not needing stitches.
“ Uh, good. G- good, then. That’s… ” He gave a small hum of a sigh and looked down at his hands, already twisting his fingers and picking at his nail bed again.
“ Thank you… So much. I, um… I really appreciate it. All… All of it. Um… The bandages, letting me stay, just.. thanks. ”
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“Do you..I mean have you talked to Rhys?” Jordan asked softly, concern evident in his eyes. “He’s probably worried about you. I can text him if you can’t.” He didn’t really know the other man well..didn’t really know him at all truthfully beyond what August said about him. But he didn’t want him to worry. 
“And you’re welcome. You’re my friend, August. Of course, I’d let you stay here. Help you clean up and everything.” He wasn’t one to abandon his friends when they needed him. And it was obvious August needed him.
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Just A Scratch || Open
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