ofcopper-blog · 10 years
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ofcopper-blog · 10 years
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                       Okay, so here I am at 2054 followers and I am blown away. I really never thought I would get this far here on tumblr and I’m just thrilled to bits to write this up. I’m so excited for this giveaway you don’t even KNOW. I thought, hmm, how can I top my pizza giveaway? Then I realized another pizza giveaway! With totally cool prizes made by the people who made this POSSIBLE! My awesome followers and the people that I follow of course! I really can’t even being to talk about all of the massively talented people that I follow. So, I got into contact with some of those people and they have agreed to help me out with a little giveaway. 
So, I suppose onto the rules of this little giveaway. Now, the artists, theme makers, icon makers, or myself reserve the right to withhold or relinquish any prize for any reason at any time. So, if you don’t get into contact with them, or if you’re just hard to work with, then hit the road jack and a new winner will be chosen.  You MUST be a roleplay blog. I cannot stress this enough. Last time I had loads of people reblogging that weren’t even roleplay blogs. You must be comfortable giving out personal information including ( but not limited to ): skype, name, address, e.c.t. You MUST be following me. That is a biggie.   It would be very helpful if you gave a look at distruust fxrtyfive, resubmerged, postvoided, from-human-to-timelord, witchyblackcat/ druiidae, dominatrick, booksmarting, timelordcurse, qourgi and asoldiernomore because they’re the ones that really make this giveaway possible.  The giveaway ends on March 25st 2015 at 10pm Eastern time. Likes and reblogs count. Reblog as much as you want, I don’t care.  Don’t spam your followers because this is a long post and everyone hates that but yolo. I can’t really control if you unfollow after the giveaway but I mean, that just makes you look like a fuckin loser. So, who is the real winner here huh? Me. It’d be great if you stuck around because then you might see MORE giveaways. I tend to do random pizza giveaways on a whim. So, there’s that. I’m also a pretty cool rper who writes pretty well. I guess. 
Two winners will receive a pizza valued up to 25$ USD or equivalent currency ordered to them either via internet or phone. If for some reason you cannot eat pizza or do not want pizza, I will be willing to substitute any purchase less than or equal to 25$ INCLUDING SHIPPING from either thinkgeek.com or amazon.com.
100 winners will receive a personalized Doctor Who post card with a personal message written by me on the back. YOU MUST BE WILLING TO GIVE YOUR ADDRESS or else how am I going to mail you a post card?
Two winners will receive a custom funko pop made by timelordcurse valued at up to $35 ( not including shipping. ) This funko pop can be a pop of anyone. For examples on Ryan’s work please click here. Any questions about the pops must be directed to timelordcurse. I don’t know anything about anything. I’m just a potato.
One winner will receive lineart of whoever they want valued up to $35 dollars from from-human-to-timelord. Examples of her work can be found here.
Any art requests or questions must be directed to from-human-to-timelord. I do not know anything about art, I can hardly hold a pencil.
One winner will receive custom artwork from asoldiernomore this can be of anything and with any specifications, however, it is up to you to discuss it with Sarah, as like I said, I don’t know anything about art. Examples of her artwork can be found here.
One winner will receive custom flatline full colored artwork from quorgi. Again any questions should be directed to them, I don’t know anything about art. Examples of her work can be found here.
One winner will receive a custom theme by witchyblackcat druiidae Her themes are simply wonderful and she’s a really excellent person to work with. You can find examples of her themes and more information HERE.
One winner will receive a custom theme made by postvoided. I freaking drool over these themes okay. This prize I was like, why didn’t I just ask for one for ME? Examples of Angela’s themes and more information can be found [ HERE ]
One winner will receive a custom theme made by resubmerged. These themes are gorgeous. I wish could make photoshop my bitch like Sheep does. I mean REALLY. For more information please click  here.
One winner will receive 15 custom icons made by dominatrick. Examples of her icons can be found on her blog. 
One winner will receive  20 custom icons from booksmarting. Examples of her icons can be found on her blog.
One winner will receive a custom promo graphic from fxrtyfive. This can be for you or for you and someone you write with often. An example can be found [ here ]
One winner will receive a custom promo graphic and 15 static icons made by ME. I don’t have any examples, so I guess you’ll just have to trust me.
One winner will receive a custom psd from distruust examples of her awesomeness can be found on her blog.
EVERYONE that reblogs this will get my eternal gratitude and adoration. And probably my tears.
So, to sum it all up I’m giving away:
100 Post cards
3 custom themes
3 sets of icons
2 promo graphics
2 pizzas
3 pieces of custom artwork
1 custom PSD
2 custom figurines of whatever character the winner choses
and my undying love and affection. Thank you so much for all of your support and all of your love over the past year and a half. You guys are AMAZING. Seriously. I can’t thank you enough. I love you. You can’t stop my pizza. —Lulu
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ofcopper-blog · 10 years
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               "            Sometimes people just go off into the                              woods fer a month. IT's normal round                              here. Ain't got to make a big deal about it.     "
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ofcopper-blog · 10 years
Send an "Ѡ" for my muse's reaction to being sent accidental nudes.
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ofcopper-blog · 10 years
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144 notes · View notes
ofcopper-blog · 10 years
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ofcopper-blog · 10 years
" Did we really just do that? "
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Sentence starter meme
" Do you have a problem with it? I mean, if it was too soon. I--I'm sorry. "
0 notes
ofcopper-blog · 10 years
send one of the following sentences to me for my muses response. mixture of angst, fluff, nsfw and everything inbetween. taken from sources such as movies, tv shows, songs and my own brain. 
"How long have we been down?" 
"Am I supposed to just let you go?" 
"Are you real?" 
"You look homeless." 
"I’m destined to be a crazy cat lady/man." 
"Time won’t change me." 
"It’s empty in the valley of your heart." 
"You did this?" 
"I will hold on hope." 
"I’d rather burn than boil." 
"I see you found my little…hobby." 
"Never trust a drunk." 
"You have no idea what I’m capable of." 
"I predict a riot." 
"I’m in no mood." 
"Is this where we all sing Kum-Bah-Yah?" 
"Killers don’t wear aprons." 
"As you wish." 
"Rock and Roll’s the Devils work." 
"I am lost and so alone." 
"I’m asking for your guidance." 
"Show’s over, motherfuckers." 
"If it wasn’t for you, I’d be dead." 
“God. This is the loneliest place I’ve ever been and I lived in a tree for eight months.” 
"People are strange." 
"It’s a nice day to start again." 
"I’ve been gone for fourteen days. I could have been gone for more." 
"Do you think he’ll/she’ll ever come home?" 
"Try not to get worried." 
"I’m sure I just need some rest." 
"You light a fire inside of me." 
"I threw my pie for you." 
"I wanna get out of here." 
"Don’t you dare leave me again, [ insert name ]" 
"You’re so naive." 
"There’s no such thing as perfect." 
"Imperfection is underrated." 
"It’s such an ugly world for something so beautiful." 
"I’m not fond of asking." 
"Are you challenging me?" 
"This is the best fucking pie I have ever tasted." 
"I will always wait for you." 
"You’re the magician’s assistant in their dream." 
"We will never be royals." 
"There must be an angel, playing with my heart." 
"I must be hallucinating." 
"We were made to be together." 
"Just like me, they long to be, close to you." 
"There’s a difference between wanting something and needing it." 
"Why so serious?" 
"This is our infinity." 
"Did we really just do that?" 
"At the end of the day, there’ll be nothing but trouble." 
"When will my life begin?" 
"Look at you as fragile as a flower." 
"Guess I always knew this day was coming." 
"Please, sit. Make yourself at home." 
"I’m allergic to bullshit." 
"Is it your aim to ruin my life?" 
"My fate is in your hands." 
"I wanna stay inside all day." 
"People will talk." 
"For goodness sake, let us be young." 
"I’m nobody."
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ofcopper-blog · 10 years
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ofcopper-blog · 10 years
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                              ❝ you CRAZY or something ? ❞
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ofcopper-blog · 10 years
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out of smells;; I'm so sorry I haven't been active around here.  I had something come up with my family.  So, if you'd like a starter, like this post.  Otherwise, all other threads except  aroseintime and desolationheart are DROPPED. For my sanity of course. 
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ofcopper-blog · 10 years
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              "                     !!!    "
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                      “             kiss me? “
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ofcopper-blog · 10 years
Since I’ve not been here, and since somehow you babies are still sticking around ,and still following — and still enduring my terrible self. Have a giveaway! Rules : Must be following me ( positivelyregal ). Reblogs / Multiple reblogs / likes all count. Ends at 9pm EST ( 2 hours ). Prize : 25-50 icons of your fc of choice! Made to your particular desires.
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ofcopper-blog · 10 years
seeing as how it’s christmas & i just hit my first 100: giveaway time!
RULES:  - be following me. i don’t mind if you follow for the giveaway, but if you unfollow afterwards, you’re a cunt. it wouldn’t hurt to follow lokin either, as he’s providing one of your prizes.  - be a god damn roleplay blog. don’t be that guy. - this giveaway will end sometime after the new year. the specific date shall be announced, though…..when.. i can.. determine it???? it will definitely be until after the new year, though! it just depends on when my father returns from Louisiana.  - one winner! - reblogs & likes will count but spamming your follower’s dash isn’t going to like, win you cool points or anything. 
the winner will receive an icon pack with as many icons as i can make for them, with a promo banner made by me, and a customized theme made by the fergalicious unrivaledmind. you can see his theme examples on this post here. if i don’t have the resources to make your icons (such as lack of screencaps/footage where i can take screencaps myself) then i’ll message you about other things i can do for you. 
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i won’t be uploading them to tumblr, i’ll post them on my imgur and then give you the link to that. WINNERS WILL BE CHOSEN WITH A RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR. i will try to get to you within a few hours of choosing the winner, where i will ask you how you would like your icons made (aka: which border, some faceless or not, watermarked or not, you know the drill). i will come to you before i announce the winner publicly just in case you don’t respond and i need to choose another person. if you don’t respond within two days, i’m giving your prizes to someone else. 
please be patient when it comes to your prizes! and don’t go to lokin about any of the prizes/regulations of the giveaway. any questions you have need to come to me.
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ofcopper-blog · 10 years
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          Out of smells;; Oops, I did that thing again where I'm terribly busy. BUT I HIT 100 FOLLWERS and I'm going to make a small bias list to commemorate that. 
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ofcopper-blog · 10 years
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             "         You ever look up at the sky and think                                      'wow, we're really small?'                                               "
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ofcopper-blog · 10 years
the black keys || howlin’ for you
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