ofcris · 5 years
     --- Hestia J.
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                                     her  sides  are  shaking  from  laughter  ,  unlikely  stopping  anytime  soon.  ❛    what  kind  of  person  thinks  that’s  a  good  idea  ?  i  mean  ,  he  must  be  pretty  confident  if  he  turned   that  into  you  as  an  assignment.    ❜  it’s  the  first  good  laugh  she’s  had  in  a  while  ,  &  the  tears  that  leak  are  proof  of  that  fact.  ❛    oh  ,  i  really  needed  that  ,  thank  you.  you’ll  have  to  tell  me  his  reaction  when  he  receives  his  paper  back.    ❜       
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     “   i just hope i will not shutter his confidence with this --- couldn’t even write a nice comment on it... don’t want to give him false hope or something,   “   she answered, scratching her cheek gently. eris watched her friend, smiling softly. it was good to see hestia in such good mood, finally relaxed, even for a moment. don’t get her wrong ; she still remembers her word and with who she was siding and that hestia was all against everything half-veela was connected to... but it didn’t change that she had a small soft spot for the other, bonding over their similar tragedies and pain. what have to come, will come anyway.   “   no problem. i will make sure to bring it with me if he tries it again. it should be shared,   “   she said with a quiet laugh, shaking her head a little.   “   --- kids can get so creative. they are keeping me on my toes all the time. i wouldn’t think of something like this back in school...   “
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ofcris · 5 years
     --- Zane D.
Zane strode in, with excellent posture, wide shoulders and a confident walk. When he spotted the half - Velia he gave a small smile and nodded at her. “Miss Selywn” he started, allowing her to kiss his cheek and returning one as she did. “I wouldn’t miss this for the world. I’m fine with drinking.” He turned towards the bar and signalled the barmaid, “what’re you having?” He asked turning his attention back to her as he waited.
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     she crossed her legs, watching him carefully, a soft smile ghosting on lips.   “   predictable, i will start with a nice red wine,   “   eris said, tilting her head a little. her relation with zane was... careful, for sure. trying to be the sweet, naive girl adoring brave auror seems like an easy role, but not with him --- he was a lot more than she was giving him credits for at the beginning, and now half-veela put more effort into keeping close than only smile and use her blood magic.   “   was today shift peaceful for you?   “   she added, doodling on the wood top with her fingertip.   “   hope i will be able to help you relax, mr. auror,   “   she teased lightly.
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ofcris · 5 years
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ofcris · 5 years
( @ofdoncic​ )
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     she smiled --- sweet and openly, blue eyes watching him coming closer as eris lifted her hand to wiggle fingers at him.   “   zane, good to see you!   “   half-veela said in a warm tone, raising a little from her seat to kiss his check quickly, hand touching his arm in a friendly gesture.   “   --- i was worried you will not be able to meet me,   “   she added, sitting by the bar again, leaning against it a little.   “   if you hungry, we can go somewhere else instead of just drinking.   “
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ofcris · 5 years
     --- Hestia J.
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                                  the  auror  simply  shakes  her  head.  ❛    there’s  not  a  doubt  in  my  mind  he’s  innocent  of  this.  unfortunately  ,  the  ministry  won’t  let  us  investigate  further.    ❜  a  fact  she  despises.  hestia  swore  an  oath  to  protect  the  people  of  the  wizarding  world  &  under  the  current  circumstances  ,  she  was  unable  to  do  that.  there  was  no  proof  in  sirius  black’s  case  ,  &  so  many  other  matters  that  needed  attending  to.  ❛    i  don’t  even  think  i’m  supposed  to  be  talking  about  this  with  anyone.  ❜    
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     so, not black then --- if hestia, who was an auror and in the order, said it wasn’t him, eris was almost sure he wasn’t connected ( almost because there was always a small chance of being wrong and she refused to be blinded to that ) . she carefully storage the piece of information in the safety of her mind, finger tapping the cup gently. half-veela nodded slightly.   “   --- i see. that makes it all more... concerning,   “   she said slowly, frowning a little more, before nodding again, this time with more energy.   “   of course! i’m sorry for asking. i don’t want to put you in trouble with the department,   “    she said with a slightly embarrassed expression, starting to fidget with her fingers.   “   that’s not why i wanted to meet, too. i planned for us to have a nice break, i think you deserve one form time to time,   “   eris said with a small sigh.   “   it seems like i butchered it greatly. father would not be pleased,   “   she chuckled quietly, looking at her tea. 
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ofcris · 5 years
     --- Lucius M.
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  “Ms.Selwyn. Simply charmed you were available to meet with me.” Lucius speaks in an earnest fashion, holding her hand gently in his own. He knew appointments with Eris were much sought after; coveted even, by the young wizards seeking an impressive bride. Sinking into his seat, he signaled to the waiter for their tea to be brought - as always, Lucius had chosen an upscale restaurant, for the pair to drink and share jabs on the behalf of their fellow wizards. It had not been long since he last saw the witch, yet lifetimes worth of events had unfolded in a matter of weeks. “Now that you’re free from the arduous task of shaping delicate, young minds, what do these months of leisure mean for you?
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     she smiled, sweet and gently, nodding slightly in response.   “   of course. it’s always a pleasure to meet you, mr. malfoy,   “   eris answered in a soft voice, blue hues watching the other sharply. she sits down with a grace - half natural, half whipped into her - and smiled a quiet thank you to the waiter. she liked this place --- but she liked most of the places lucius was choosing carefully. half-veela made herself comfortable, though her back was still straight, finger touching warm porcelain of her cup. there was always that duplicity about meeting with a malfoy --- she enjoyed his words and wit, but was wary of chances it will be turned against her, no matter their relation or mutual... friends.   “   more work than i would like to care about, i’m afraid,   “   eris chuckled quietly.   “   though i’m pleased to finally be able to give my own studies focuses its deserve, even if it is in breaks of making sure i’m ready for the new school year,   “   she took a small sip of her tea, corner of lips lifting at the taste.   “   what about you, mr. malfoy? even if the end of year doesn't mean our job is over, i believe you should also have more time to pursue your personal hobbies?   “
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ofcris · 5 years
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I don’t know if the truth is any better, but at least it’s real
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ofcris · 5 years
❛ You’re messing with me. ❜ - from hestia
posted here!
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ofcris · 5 years
❛ So do you want to play good cop or bad cap? Because I don’t think emo cop is a thing. ❜
posted here!
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ofcris · 5 years
@weaselyrn​ said:      ❛ So do you want to play good cop or bad cap? Because I don’t think emo cop is a thing. ❜
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     she looked at ron with a slightly lifted brow, tilting her head just a tiny bit.   “   i don’t think i have what’s needed to play a bad cop, but it also not a role i can leave to a student, can i?   “   eris said, a small smile ghosting on her lips.   “   i cannot say that i know what emo is, too... you are putting me in difficult position, mr. weasley,   “   half-veela added with a good-natured tease, lacing her fingers together.
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ofcris · 5 years
@bttrrsweet​ said:      ❛ You’re messing with me. ❜ 
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     she laughed, shaking her head just a little bit, hand lifted to cover her lips ; with warm, pinkish cheeks and glittering eyes, she looked younger, innocent.   “   no, i’m not!   “   she waved her hand slightly, smiling to the other with amusing.   “   it actually made me feel awful because it was very flattering poem, but i still needed to give him a t on it because it had nothing to do with runes,   “   half-veela shook her head slightly, fingers playing with the edge of glass. 
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ofcris · 5 years
     --- Hestia J.
@ofcris  sent    ↳     ❛ I just have this feeling that everything is going to work out just fine. ❜
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                                   ❛    then  you’re  much  more  of  an  optimist  than  i  am.    ❜  she  states  with  a  playful  roll  of  her  eyes.  her  stature  then  shifts  ,  &  her  expression  more  serious.  ❛    the  azkaban  breakouts  are  only  just  the  beginning.  whatever  is  coming  next…  well  you  know  how  it  was  the  last  time.  it’s  only  going  to  get  worse  from  here.    ❜
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     “   i might just have a lot of faith in all the right people,   “   eris said, a little smile tugging at the corner of her lips. she kept the cup close to lips, warming them slightly, fingers wrapped gently around the porcelain. the breakout was a good thing for her, but for hestia, it must have been one of the nightmares comes to life and she felt sad for her friend  --- and even then, there was no guilt in her chest nor mind.   “   do you think black did it?   “   she asked, carefully putting her cup down, blue hues traveling over the older’s face, a small frown showing on her forehead.   “   why wouldn’t he come for them earlier?   “  
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ofcris · 5 years
( sirius’ askbox )    ( wolf’s askbox )   ( astoria’s askbox )     ( eris’s askbox )
These may have been edited for clarity or length or to better apply for roleplaying.
❛ You’re not very scared of me, are you? ❜
❛ What’s going on up there? ❜
❛ Who the hell are you? ❜
❛ I’m sure I can handle whatever it is. ❜
❛ I just have this feeling that everything is going to work out just fine. ❜
❛ Are you okay? ❜
❛ I was recently dead, so I think I’ll mend. ❜
❛ Worst. Spring Break. Ever. ❜
❛ It’s kind of hard to miss. ❜
❛ You and I, we can’t talk like this anymore. ❜
❛ Tell me where he/she/they is before I blow your head off. ❜
❛ No one should ever have to be alone like this! ❜
❛ Okay, I need your help. I’m going for Meghan Markle tasteful. ❜
❛ Oh, look, it’s Satan … in a crop top. ❜
❛ Come to burn my world down? ❜
❛ What do you want? ❜
❛ Hey, I didn’t see you at breakfast. ❜
❛ Trusting you is what got us into this mess. ❜
❛ What’s with the performance anxiety? ❜
❛ I was making an entrance, mop head. ❜
❛ Aren’t you supposed to help? ❜
❛ Why should I believe you? ❜
❛ Everybody lies. ❜
❛ Some people just want to watch the world burn. ❜
❛ We’re gonna give these townies a taste of what we’re really made of. ❜
❛ We are a school for the supernatural, which covers a lot of territory. ❜
❛ If you had it I wouldn’t have to say it. ❜
❛ People in town said it was for troubled rich kids. I see the rich part is true. ❜
❛ You’re the one that’s always telling me I need to get out more. ❜
❛ I tell you that you need to stop locking yourself in your dorm room binge-watching Cutthroat Kitchen. ❜
❛ Do you think I’m broken? ❜
❛ She was the best person I knew. Pretty much loved her in that way that they say only exists in movies. ❜
❛ People who say that are the people who have never had their hearts crushed. ❜
❛ This isn’t much of an after party. ❜
❛ I see you’ve decided to double down on your nihilism this morning.
❛ I’m trying to be rich with honesty. ❜
❛ Hot tip: next time you burn your ex’s hair off, make sure she can’t rock a lob. ❜
❛ Consider this a life lesson; people disappoint. ❜
❛ As fun as this hurricane of toxic masculinity is, I have to get to class. ❜
❛ I’m sorry. Is the fact that I’m not openly hostile to you make it seem like we’re back to being friends? ❜
❛ So do you want to play good cop or bad cap? Because I don’t think emo cop is a thing. ❜
❛ You know, you’re not going to lose the election over an outfit. ❜
❛ What did I ever do to make you hate me so much? ❜
❛ It’s not about you. Shocking, I know. ❜
❛ You’ve left her with no room for herself. ❜
❛ She doesn’t have time for a relationship because you are a black hole of time and energy of love just sucking it all up, never giving any of it back. ❜
❛ She won’t ever burn your world down, so I will do it for her. ❜
❛ If you could just put down the crossbow, my freak out level is about eleven right now. ❜
❛ You’re messing with me. ❜
❛ So what, you’re just going to stay in your room alone while everybody else is out having fun? ❜
❛ When are you going to take care of you? ❜
❛ This world needs the selfless and the selfish to keep spinning. ❜
❛ You seem morally inclined enough to do something stupid. ❜
❛ Bad liars look away when they lie to their kids. Good liars look them straight in the eye.❜
❛ I hate that you always see me when I’m weak. ❜
❛ You’re not weak. You’re a survivor. And that makes you one of the strongest people I know. ❜
❛ You gotta stop beating yourself up about this. ❜
❛ You’ve never had free booze before. ❜
❛ Please keep these two from trying to kill or die for each other. ❜
❛ You do not get to be the martyr. That was my job. ❜
❛ So you think you’re a superhero or something? ❜
❛ They say revolution is messy, and I’m okay with that. ❜
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ofcris · 5 years
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     deborah ann woll : cisfemale : she/her : professor of the study of ancient runes :                                          the devil within by digital daggers ϟ 
                                  did you see ERIS ARIADNE SELWYN ?                you know , 34 year old half-veela who was formally in ravenclaw.            some say she can be quite +patient but are known to be -manipulative .                            they are secretly aligned with the death eaters.     maybe that’s why they remind me of                       sharp, carefully painted nails & gentle, clean hands ;  innocent, shy smiles & evil, destructive thoughts ;                                            poisoning minds with soft whispers.
um hi, it’s kay again.
                                                          (   pinterest.  )   //   (   spotify playlist.   )
     eris was a result of an affair --- almost a reason of breaking her father’s marriage. and yet, when he come with a new child and new woman to his house, his wife wasn’t having it. 
     mrs. selwyn knew that the killing cure wasn't the only way to get rid of the whore that took her husband --- and made sure to use this knowledge. the only thing that rescued little girl in her husband’s hands was kieran ---- her own son, a little over 12 years old --- who come to check the loud noises. it was easy to cover the dead body with a charm, but the cry of a baby already cached kieran’s attention and there was not going back when mr. selwyn said ‘it’s your sister’.
     after that, the selwyn family’s home becomes just another cold manor ; with father always away, guilty and shame and bitterness rolling in his chest and step mother who never failed to sharply snap at the girl, eris grew up with a feeling like the only person that does care about her was her older brother ---- kieran was quick to hug her and kiss her ‘boo-boos’ and keeping her warm and loved, trying to shield her from stepmother’s hate as much as he could.
     but there was no hiding away when kieran left for hogwarts --- even with coming back as much as he could, with letters full of love and support, eris wasn’t able to protect herself from the hand and wand of her stepmother, nor from her cutting words. 
     she quickly learns to bite her tongue and cast her eyes down, stay silent and calm. she hated her stepmother and resented father, looking up hopefully to the times when kieran was close. he was the one who would go with her to park, to have her playing with other kids, even when his friends were laughing at him for being such mom. 
     then, the war came. they talked about it, with kieran quietly admitting that maybe there was something in the dark lord plans --- not everything, but their world needed protection, needed to keep the traditions alive. he didn’t want to fight, he wanted to study ancient runes, but then, mother was nagging him to take up the auror career till he break down and did took that path.
     he was dead not long after ; stupid break-in and the scared kid was all it took, with kieran’s hesitance to cast a spell before the panic got over a thief and the killing curse was cast.
     it was like the world become just a white noise in eris’ head. she couldn’t look at stepmonther, who did everything to make kieran’s death seems like a sacrifice, like something noble, making him into a hero ---- a dead hero and it took a lot of eris’ to not scream at her that she killed him. she told him to do it, he didn’t wanted and now he was dead. she took the only person that loved her away and she was going to paid.
     it was surprisingly easy to find a death eater willing to recruit a half-veela. with a smile and a few words, she could trade a piece of information and who would think a teenager could be dangerous? eris swear her loyalty to the dark lord, with a price of marking after she got what she was after.
     and sure enough, soon aurors ride the selwyn’s manor, taking stepmother into custody under suspicions of being a dark lord loyalist and of planned murder of her own son. eris was afraid that the trial would give up her lie, but there was no court trial ---- the war ended and mrs. selwyn ended up in azkaban.
    she survived 11 years here and eris saw her once per month, watching her going insane with cold satisfaction.
     in the meantime, she becomes a lady of the manor, with father clutching to her desperately as she was the last of his family --- and with a face so similar to the woman he loved, it was easy to have him in her fist. eris attended the hogwarts and was in ravenclaw, then studies runes and become a professor --- living her dead brother’s dream so to speak. her father died soon after, leaving her everything. it was a bitter-sweet feeling.
because of her stepmother’s actions to make kieran a hero and because of being one of the sacred twenty-eight famillies , eris found herself being invited to more ministry’s functions and balls than she thought she would be --- but she does come here, meets with all ‘the right people’ when needed.
as a professor, she is known for being kind and patient, smiling to students and correcting errors in a soft tone. she rarely takes points, but her detentions are dreadful & she makes a lot of tests---- and if you don’t speak soon enough about not understanding something, the note you get will be your only chance.
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ofcris · 5 years
Monsters are bad things, but monsters that do not walk and talk like monsters are the worst.
Matthew Dicks, Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend (via quoted-books)
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ofcris · 5 years
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 Daredevil (2018)
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ofcris · 5 years
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Deborah Ann Woll
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