officialcbkw-blog · 7 years
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EVENT - Halloween at Freddy’s
                    ' Everyone, please report to the show stage. '
          It's an announcement you weren't QUITE expecting; not when the trial had just ended. The image of Aqua's corpse twitching & writhing amongst the keyblades was still burned into your mind; just another image you would never be able to erase from your mind along with the dead bodies of other victims. 
          But this was odd ! Usually, Circus Baby gives you all a bit of a BREAK; a moment's rest until the next ' motive ' that would drive someone to kill off another one of their fellow partygoers. Yet the trial ------ it was only two days ago ! Was Circus Baby really starting this again so soon ?
          You & the other partygoers to make it to the show stage & almost immediately there's a CHEST. A dreaded chest that you hoped you'd never see again. The pirate outfits. Oh no, Circus Baby just let you all take them off. Was she really doing this again ?
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                    ' Please calm yourselves. You do not                     have to wear pirate costumes again. '
          That was the first thing the warden said before she opened the chest to reveal a PLETHORA of costumes; not just pirate costumes. You're already eyeing one before she speaks again.
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                    ' Halloween is coming up, is it not ? This would                     not be a very ' child-friendly ' pizzeria if we kept                     you all from celebrating the festivities. '
          Oh wait, that's right. Halloween was coming up.
                    ' Lolbit & I have taken the liberty to give CERTAIN                     partygoers tricks & treats. You may use these                     costumes to go trick or treating at their doors. The                     only rule is that you MUST wear these costumes if                     you want something. Certainly, that's a better bargain                     than our past rules. '
          Well ------ at least, she's being nice enough for to let you guys have a BIT of fun.
Updates !
Welcome to CBKW's Halloween Event ! This is still part of Interlude pt. 1 & is not the special ' surprise (: ' mentioned in the previous post.
15 muses have been selected & will be contacted privately with three random grab bag items ( tricks ) & three candies ( treats ). If you were not given tricks and treats and would like to be able to give them out, contact one of the mods.
Costumes can be WHATEVER YOU WANT. Literally anything. Wanna dress up as a donut ? You can. Wanna dress up as a gundam ? You can. Wanna dress up as an ink demon ? You can. Wanna dress up as a FUCKING T-REX  ? You can. Costumes however will be taken away at the end of the event.
You do not have to wear these costumes 24/7 but you must wear them while trick or treating. Any partygoer caught giving candy to an partygoer out of costume or any partygoer trick or treating without costume will be punished.
It will be up to the muse if they want to give the trick-or-treater a trick or a treat. Trick or treaters are literally at your mercy.
People who were given tricks & treats can still go trick or treating if they'd like.
Any items you still have by November 1st can be kept by the partygoer.
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officialcbkw-blog · 7 years
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          ' Would you all like to know how Aqua killed that girl ? '
          ' Just like everyone else, Heather Mcnamara wanted to get away from the animatronics that hunted you in the night. It was TOO DARK for her tastes however & she wanted a LIGHT SOURCE. She went to the kitchen & grabbed a BOX OF CANDLES from the drawer without closing it & she LIT all of the candles with our stove. She left the box on the counter & tried to calm down ------ what a shame ! But Aqua did not believe the same. She was paranoid; a fragment of the warrior she once was as she would have killed anyone that even crossed her path at that point. Of course, Heather was our unlucky victim that she came across. '
          ' Aqua considered Heather an IDIOT; detrimental to the survival of the other partygoers. Candles ? What a fool, she was ! Light would bring animatronics to the innocent ! That was what ran through Aqua's mind as she GRABBED the candles from Heather & STEPPED ON THEM, leaving behind the WAX ON THE FLOOR & WAX ON HER BOOTS. She began to STRANGLE the girl with her PINK BELTS ------ but Heather fought for her life & SCRATCHED her murderer as much as she could; BREAKING her nails. She PULLED at Aqua's hair too but ------ ICHIMATSU tampered with the crime scene & TOOK THEM FROM HER HANDS. Eventually, HEATHER DIED. '
          ' Aqua took the WHITE CLOTH from her clothes to try to wipe away the BLOOD & the WAX. She then SCRAPED AT HER BOOTS WITH HER NAILS & tried to WASH HER HANDS IN THE SINK; LEAVING WAX BEHIND. She did try to DRY with a TOWEL the sink's insides but the dummy still missed the wax. She took the WASHCLOTH, THE BLOODY CLOTH, & THE BELT & walked across the dining hall to leave WATER DROPS on the floor. Desperate, she shoved the BLOODY CLOTH into a SUIT. She then went to that SPECIAL ROOM & hid the BELT in the suit there. Her last attempt to hide her wrongdoings were to hide the WASHCLOTH in the SUPPLY CLOSET with the others. '
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          ' Do you think she was right in what she did to poor Heather ? That is up to you to decide. For now, you may return to your rooms ------ & take off those pirate costumes. '
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officialcbkw-blog · 7 years
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          With chapter 3's execution done ( just need to write up HOW Aqua did the thing ), it's interlude time ! However, due to certain things, the interlude this time will be different. The interlude will be in two parts.
Interlude pt. 1 - Partygoers may return to their rooms. They are highly encouraged to look for lore pieces or anything else. Or just interact. There may be tiny events in this time but nothing too big.
Interlude pt. 2 - Secret :)
Purge, Sonny, Ico, & I are working hard to get everything ready for Interlude pt. 2 ! For now, please enjoy interlude pt. 1 !
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officialcbkw-blog · 7 years
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                                           「 GAME OVER 」  
                    「  AQUA HAS BEEN FOUND GUILTY ! 」               
                    「 COMMENCING THE EXECUTION 」
❥ Blood
❥ Gore
❥ Impalement
          Farther, farther, farther she's falling; her body never stopping as all sight & sound disappear from her being. There was something so strange about this ' downfall ' though. Her body, her soul, all of it felt weightless as it floated down the abyss like a feather. Circus Baby's Killing World was a curse in itself. Her execution should not have been this ------ tranquil. Yet its quiet as her feet slowly land upon glass & she stands; looking about to see where she was.  Where was she ? The world was entirely black ! Was she dead ? Where was her gruesome execution ?
          Little did she know her retribution had only JUST begun.   
          DARKNESS; all she saw was darkness ------ an endless void that made up her prison. Was this death ? She thought so ------ that is, until she saw more platforms up ahead.
          ------ So that's what was going on. Perhaps she could go on living if she made it through the darkness.
          With a leap does she jump; steps light like water as she lands on the next. Once more does she ascend; falling upon the glass ahead. It's PEACEFUL; quiet ------ 
          ------ TOO QUIET.
          All at once was that blissful quiet shattered; a plethora of hisses, screeches, growls, ------- everything filled that one tranquil silence & shattered it to pieces. Rapid flashes of blue fill her sights & soon ------ she's surrounded by something too familiar to her.
          ' Unversed ------ '
          Can she summon her sacred weapon; her KEYBLADE in this place ? Somehow everything had been taken from her in that childish prison ------ but this ------ this was a place far from it. MAYBE SHE CAN ?
          It's LIFE & DEATH but she closes her eyes & soon enough, that familiar cold metal is in her hands. She can't help but smile as she looks down & sees the petals cascading towards the glass ground & RAINFELL clasped tightly in her hands. Perhaps she can fight her way through the darkness.
          It only takes a single slash of the blade to obliterate just a few of the creatures. But she knows; SHE KNOWS that this is a battle & she takes off; holy weapon in hand as she keeps moving; jumping as gracefully as an acrobat as she keeps swinging. Platform to platform does she almost effortlessly destroy those monsters ------ an act more than worthy of the KEYBLADE MASTER.
          & then ------ she feels pain.
          Sharp, red pain sears up through her arm; trailing through her nerves & into her mind as she looks down. Blood drips down her arm; staining once pure white cloth with the iron. It's a small wound; something she can easily shake off ------- but it's that single laceration that makes her come to that NUMBING realization.
          She doesn't have her armor.
          If she had her sacred armor; those monsters wouldn't have so easily sliced through her skin. All of her being; her mind, her heart, her soul ------ all of it was EXPOSED to these beasts.
          Like a true keyblade warrior does she merely raise her blade & keep slicing; metal clashing against monster as she pirouettes through the air. Her form was perfection; like rhythmic waves through a storm & it was practically a SHOW for those who watched. Perhaps she could fight the darkness !
          But the platforms never end. NO; no matter how far she jumps ------ there's more. & do those Unversed waver in their onslaught ? Not even for a moment. The more that the warrior destroys; the more would come to ensure that their rampage NEVER ended. 
                    & though the warrior was mighty 
                                                            THE WARRIOR WAS ONLY HUMAN.
          Though they were small ------ the injuries added up. A few scratches from a metal claws of a Scrapper, the slamming of the Bruiser's steel fists against fragile skin, the searing fury of the Red Hot Chili's fire ------ all of it HURT ! But there's no choice; there's no choice but to grit her teeth & keep moving. The bloodied skin, the deep red bruises, the burning of hair & flesh ------- none of it mattered ! SHE CAN'T just focus on such trivial matters if she wanted to live !
          Another jump to yet another platform & she begins to go through the motions yet; that mindless cycle of cutting through the Unversed. Kill after kill, those monsters just kept coming at her & all should do was kill them & kill them AGAIN ! She's about to slash when she hears a CRACK.
          Widened blue eyes stare down; meeting the closed eyes of ------ HAKUNO KISHINAMI. The very first victim of this ' Killing World ' that Circus Baby ruled. It was only then that she realized ------
          All of these platforms ------- they were of the PARTYGOERS.
          The cracks grow louder & all at once does everything; the glass, the Unversed, EVERYTHING slowly begins to fall. Everything seemed to go in slow motion ------- yet the movements were  lightning fast as she jumped off an Unversed & onto the next platform. RYOUTA KAWARA; that girl's killer. Aqua could only spare it a momentary glance before that too would shatter before her feet. Jump, JUMP ! Onto the next dead partygoer that would fall ------ just as they did in life !
          The last one; HEATHER MCNAMARA ------- she can only look down upon her face; HER handiwork. But then she sees familiar figures in the distance.
          A tall man dressed in grey & gold right alongside his younger, blonde partner.
          ' Terra ! Ven ! '
          It's only when she speaks those words does Heather collapse under her & she YELLS; caught off guard by her own emotions. But her keyblade blesses her as her own magic; a a spell woven as a majestic swirl of white & blue propels her to her friends.
          She's EXHAUSTED; beaten down; weak & near ready to collapse ----- but she still runs. Oh, how she runs; tears of joy streaming down her eyes as she goes to embrace her friends -----
          ----- & then they turn.
          Her heart sinks; its a MOCKERY of the friends she made, the ones that she's quite literally fought wars alongside ! To see these robotic monstosities masquerading as her friends. It angered her. It infuriated her. It filled her with DARKNESS. She lets out a war cry as she raises her keyblade before ------
          CRAAAACK !
          She looks down at the glass.
          It's her own face; her own visage shattering to pieces. 
                                                                                & then everything FALLS.
                                                      SAVE HER ?
          Her screams pierce the void beyond & it seems like she's falling forever. Deeper, deeper, deeper in to the darkened heart until ------
          S P L A T !
          STEEL of all colors pierce through her body; from muscle to bone & back again until her blurred vison could just barely make out HANDLES. All sorts of colors swirled within her sight but ----- she sees HER BLOOD splattered upon ornate keychains.
          This was the Keyblade Graveyard.
          HER GRAVEYARD.
          No ------ NO ! ! ! 
          A choked gasp only sends blood forth; dripping down her chin as pain pulses through her entire being. She twitches; she wiggle, she WRITHES to try to escape but ------ there's so much blood & those handles were so DEEPLY embedded into her broken body.
          Like keys to keyholes.
          & like a warrior does she die a SLOW & AGONIZING DEATH; impaled by the weapons of those fought alongside her.
                                              YOU CAN’T.
                CHAPTER 3 - LIGHTS OUT - CLEARED !
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officialcbkw-blog · 7 years
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          It seems like an eternity that you stand there; expectantly watching your warden to slam the gavel. What a trial this had been; both in the literal & the figurative sense ! Hopefully, no one voted you ------
          & then, she finally raises her hand; letting the curtains rise for those DAMNED televisions. You hate that tune ------ but it plays & you know its the end.
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          ' Your time is up. '
          Yet again do the screens light up to reveal the FACE of the murderer; children cheering as & confetti falling their visage burns itself in your vision.
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          None other than AQUA herself.
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          ' The votes were unanimous. Each & every           one of you voted for Aqua. A certain Blue,           Shovel Knight, Miaso, Morgana, & Akira           wanted your votes BONELESS though.           I am afraid that the quality of bones do           not affect the weight of your vote. A shame.           Damn kids & your memes. '
          ’ You are correct. Aqua is indeed the KILLER.           A tale of foolishness if I may say but ------ that           will be explained in time. ‘
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          Before Aqua can even dodge; the claw from Circus Baby’s abdomen lunges forth again, seizing her & tossing her into the execution chamber.
          ‘ Now remember, everyone MUST watch the           spectacle that is about to take place. Or else —–           you will too be punished. Now —— ’
        ’ Enjoy the show ! ’
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officialcbkw-blog · 7 years
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          ' Have you all come to your decisions ? '
        The warden asks from her place in the courtroom with the mechanical smile still on her face. Her verdant hues trail towards the TINY MAN; one more chuckle spared for that silly punishment of his.
          ' A shame. I was hoping that this ANT could           writhe in that stupid outfit of his just a little longer. '
          & if the partygoers looked, Tinydachi was STILL in that stupid Popee costume. Please vote so you can spare him of more suffering. Please. 
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          ' So what will it be ? Will you believe Aqua's           claims & declare her innocent ? Or will she           be rightfully be served death like all the rest.           It is up to you to decide. '
❥ Please send your votes HERE
❥ You will have two chances in the event you manage to vote wrong. The first wrong vote will result in nothing save for some hurt feelings & mistrust. The second vote will follow with an execution, regardless of innocence.
❥ You may vote for whoever you’d like ( except for Wardens & Shopkeepers ); including yourself. However, take caution as you are essentially voting someone to die.
❥ You are allowed to think over the trial & ask any final questions or make any final posts. The voting period only ends when the majority of partygoers have voted.
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officialcbkw-blog · 7 years
"Baby? When the clothes were swapped for pirate costumes, is it possible for someone to take our original clothes?"
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          ' Not at all. Your warden was very adamant          about that silly pirate game of his. '
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officialcbkw-blog · 7 years
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         ' All right, trial's over. Y'all clearly can't get it.         Besides, I believe we have someone more         WORTHY of execution. An awful, terrible man         who wants to be a FATHER figure to you all. '
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        She turns towards Karamatsu with his shitty Freddy Fazbear glasses who seemed to be turning beet red at his weird fantasies being brought to light. Seems like Baby was telling the truth after all. Murmurs were exchanged across the crowd as everyone stared at him in shock & horror.
        ' He wants to be our WHAT ? '
        ' ------ He has a WHAT k.ink ? ! '
        But Baby interrupts the chatter as she turns towards Blue.
        ' Blue ? You may do the honors. '
        The squid that Karamatsu called family nodded; ------ & wow, what a betrayal that was ? ! Karamatsu stared at the other in doubt but little did he know ? This wasn't an act of betrayal. 
                                   THIS WAS FOR HIS OWN GOOD.
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        She walks over to him; a calm expression her face as she doesn't say a word. Instead, she lets her actions speak as she LIFTS KARAMATSU OVER HER HEAD WITH HER TENTACLES & THROWS HIM INTO THE EXECUTION ROOM. 
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        Karamatsu would scream but ------ well, no one really seemed to be bothered. Good riddance to the pizzeria Daddy.
        When Karamatsu opens his eyes, he finds himself surrounded by squids. Now, you'd think this was the beginning of a poorly written tentacle h.entai but it's not. Suddenly, the squids grab him & drag him into the colorful ink & he YELLS again as he hears another voice.
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        ' ONWARD, MY SQUID ARMY ! '
        It's Blue riding a squid surfboard. With Tinydachi dressed up as a squid on her head.
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        He's dragged across the ink until Blue suddenly disappears; leaving her squid brethren to submerge Karamatsu into ink. When they finally let him surface he finds himself ------
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        At a church.
        With Blue dressed up as a priest; wildy waving bells in her hands & tentacles.
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         ' SHAME, SHAME, SHAME, PAINFUL MAN ! ! ! '
        & thus, Karamatsu was kinkshamed forever.
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officialcbkw-blog · 7 years
Morgana ; [🐱] "Baby, we know the belt belongs to murderer! Buuuut, we did had a moment in time that we had pirate costumes. Sooo, does the belt belong to the pirate costume or their original clothes?"
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          ' I will say it again. '
         ' The belt WAS part of the murderer's          original outfit. However, it was just a          belt so they DID wear it with their          stupid costume too. '
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officialcbkw-blog · 7 years
"The belt that was found," Kayle turned to Baby, "Was it a part of the killer's original ensemble? Or is this from the stupid pirate costume rule you enforced?"
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          ' Do not blame me for that. It was your           OTHER warden’s doing. However ------           I will say our killer was RATHER KNOWN           for wearing pink belts. '
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officialcbkw-blog · 7 years
"So what's the weird gummy stuff on the belt, anyway? Is that wax? I mean, the wax in the sink was dry, so kinda hard to think the stuff on the belt wouldn't be dry too, if it was wax. Is it bubblegum? Is it alien snot? Is it neon pink blood from a video game character?"
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          ' I would say that it is alien blood. YOUR HAIR          is the most alien thing here after all. It looks like           its own life form after all. '
          ' However, you are very much alive so I cannot.           It is indeed wax. It's dry enough. '
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officialcbkw-blog · 7 years
"Was the kitchen sink used in any way? Besides dumping candle wax down the drain, I mean."
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          ‘  Well, certainly those WATER DROPS         have something to do with it, right ?‘
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officialcbkw-blog · 7 years
"Baby, can we confirm that the belt belonged to the murderer?"
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       ' ------ Perhaps I shall be nice with one.        YES, the belt does belong to the murderer. '
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officialcbkw-blog · 7 years
[Stulticaeruleum] "You say they weren't the killers. Meaning they were Blondie's? If so, what kind were they? The seance candles or the birthday ones?"
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          ‘ Shouldn’t that be EASY to determine           if you took a closer look at the evidence ? ‘
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officialcbkw-blog · 7 years
(Foolishmessiah, Mutsuko) "Circus Baby... did Heather's killer take those candles from somewhere?" Mutsuko asked Circus Baby. She figured it was worth asking.
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          ‘ Well ------ the killer was NOT the reason the            candles were out in the first place. ‘
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officialcbkw-blog · 7 years
[👻] Miaso spoke in a sing song voice as she asked a question. "Sooo does the belt belong to anyone or something? Or was it a grab bag item?~"
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        ' Grab bag items BELONG to people ------ do they not ? '
         Smooth, Baby. Smooth.
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officialcbkw-blog · 7 years
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          You're smart this time ------ & honestly, you know the path by now. You & your fellow partygoers make your way through the dark corridors on your own ------ better that than to deal with the wrath of your WARDEN. His erratic behavior was far too much for you to take & after you've had to see so many bodies already ------ well ? You felt better with the other partygoers than Foxy. 
          ------ But was that REALLY the case ? One of you MURDERED that poor girl after all. You can't help but just glance amongst the crowd & wonder ------ who could have done it ? Who could have killed Heather Mcnamara ?
          Well ------ that was your job to find out, wasn't it ?
          When you reach the courtroom, you see not GOLDEN FREDDY but BABY standing at the front of the room. A smile creeps itself across her face as she looms over the the partygoers.
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          ' I see you have made it here your own.           Perhaps you are all SMARTER than I though.           It is better that way ------ for you will NEED           those brains to solve this case. '
          ' I sent your judge off to make some preparations           for you all. What kind ? Well ------ you shall see           that for yourself. For now, I declare this court in order. '
❥ Trials are ask & thread based ! By posting discussion in the tag and sending asks to suspects, main contributors to the case, and the main blog. this trial will go on for as long as it’s needed to find the culprit. Thus, there is no need to feel rushed into things !
❥ At the end of the trial, the judge will call for a vote ! Voting will last for 24 hours unless there is an overwhelming majority. However.
❥ You only get two chances. Should the partygoers be wrong with their firstvote, a random partygoer will be punished. Should the partygoers be wrong twice, that person will be executed regardless of guilt. 
❥ Throughout the case, this blog will have the judge or wardens commenting on proceedings. Some of it could be revealing information, sometimes it might be hinting towards the culprit…or just them trying to make things more interesting.
❥ Not all of the wardens can be telling the truth. Some may lie or some may be telling the truth in a roundabout way. Good luck figuring out what the truth is.
❥ DO NOT MAKE ASSUMPTIONS ABOUT THE EVIDENCE/CASE. You may believe a fact or a piece of evidence but they must be confirmed by certain parties or with the wardens/judge to be considered the absolute truth.
❥ Communicate ! Make sure to pay attention to what everyone has to say. What if a muse mentions their evidence or alibi ? Make sure there are no inconsistencies !
❥ Please be patient ! Mods will do their best to answer as quickly as they can !
❥ Also, Tinydachi ( @pocketjester ) is stuck in a Popee costume. Save him.
Circus Baby
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