officially-jaded · 4 months
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officially-jaded · 5 months
So... like 50-60% of the people I work with... maybe closer to 80%... "know" I'm gay... but we don't actually talk about it. 🤣
Like, I've never said it... but... they know...
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officially-jaded · 5 months
vent szn: wtf is twitter anymore
tbh i miss twitter before it became "x" ik it's kind of late to say this but it hasn't been the same and i'm pretty much slowly flocking back to tumblr. reasons? the former bird app is a literal cesspool and is a mini version of 4chan. i no longer feel comfortable even posting my own shit there anymore bc i fear of getting attacked and doxxed by people who don't touch grass
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officially-jaded · 5 months
go crazy here or somewhere else??
idk if anyone is going to read this but i'm contemplating whether to make a separate fan acc for tony stark/rdj or basically spam everything in here. like should i just go crazy and stupid on my main or make a separate acc?? suggestions are greatly welcomed thankss
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officially-jaded · 6 months
You know who’s a sexy bastard? Tony Stark, that’s who.
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officially-jaded · 10 months
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officially-jaded · 2 years
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the siren 🌊
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officially-jaded · 2 years
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officially-jaded · 2 years
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Fucking dead 💀💀💀
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officially-jaded · 2 years
You can literally be the kindest, most elegant, loveliest person in the world and assume that everyone treats you wonderfully. With the law, you never ever have to worry about anything. None of the fears that you’ve been running from will ever have any power over you. Your kindness will never be taken advantage of. Your generosity will be repaid by leaps and bounds. Your warmth will draw everyone to you. You can be the absolute embodiment of love because in your reality kind, honest people are rewarded, cherished and treasured. The nicest people live the longest.
Isn’t that fucking beautiful? Doesn't the world seem like a much much safer place- one you wished your child self could have experienced? If this is what you want, give it life. Fulfil it, water it. Nurture this dream and watch it transform your life 🌷🌿
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officially-jaded · 2 years
How to change your beliefs and manifest in few days.
Based on an article I found.
"Psychologist Deann Ware, Ph.D., explains that when brain cells communicate frequently, the connection between them strengthens and “the messages that travel the same pathway in the brain over and over begin to transmit faster and faster.” With enough repetition, these behaviors become automatic. Reading, driving, and riding a bike are examples of complicated behaviors that we do automatically because neural pathways have formed."
For example when we read. We don't read letters by letters or words by words. Most of us read by just looking at it. It is automatic. The information goes into the brain extremely fast. Because we repeated the action of reading SO MUCH that our brain process it at "the speed of light".
If you want to create a new belief, you have to REPEAT.
"In terms of repetition, it is estimated that it takes 10,000 repetitions to master a skill and develop the associated neural pathway. As clinicians, we can encourage and support repetition when our patients are working to achieve their health goals."
Most of the time, you will manifest things into your life, under 10 000 repetition. Your 3d will start conforming way quicker than this BUT aiming toward this goals will be very helpful.
Repeating your technique Wether it's affirming, visualising, scripting, is extremely important that's how neural pathways are created, that's how new beliefs are created.
Consistent thoughts = beliefs.
Beliefs = 3d reality.
"Visualization can be a very powerful sense that can help patients build new neural pathways toward behavior change. For example, ask patients to visualize what their optimal health looks like, feels like, and what they would be doing if their diabetes was managed."
How to loop it enough to manifest quickly?
I'm going to specifically focus on visualizing and affirming.
You can pick 10 affirmations which implies the same thing. You repeat them 100 times each. In the morning and right before going to sleep. In total you repeated your affirmations 2000 in the day. Tbh I believe that after that much repetition you should have manifested what you want already if you did not waver. If you continue doing it consistently for at least 5 days you would have repeated it 10 000 times and a new neural pathway would have been created. The seed would have been planted. The new belief is here, and your 3D is conforming.
I personally script a scene. A scene that implies that I have what I want. I will loop the scene as many times as I can. Litteraly brain washing my mind with it. Specially when waking up and when going to sleep. If you stay consistent results should come in less than a week.
Repetition creates fast results. No matter the amount of faith you have in your manifestation. You don't have to wait weeks or months to get your manifestation. As long as you repeat it enough, it will show up. You don't have to believe in it, YOU HAVE TO REPEAT IT. You have to persist. Until it shows up, because it will. There's no way it won't.
Affirm, repeat, persist.
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officially-jaded · 2 years
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the perfect ariel💜💜
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officially-jaded · 2 years
𝐰𝐡𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝𝐧'𝐭 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐮𝐩
you could be getting your desire at any time. persist. know that everything that you desire is yours. you could be 5 seconds away from getting your desire, but you gave up. you could be 1 minute away from entering the void state, but you gave up. instead of giving up, persist. persist in knowing that everything that you desire is already yours. persist in the 4d, live in your imagination. you can't ignore your 3d? that's a lie. you're just not disciplining yourself. neville was able to manifest getting out of a war and being sent home back to his family in a matter of 9 days! how he did it? persistence. he persisted in his 4d, lived in his imagination. know that everything that you desire is already yours. no matter what you see in your 3d currently, you already have what you desire. live in your 4d. know that your desires are already yours. no matter what your eyes see throughout the mirror, you already have what you desire. ignore the 3d. no matter what, you already have what you desire. your desires have to show up in the 3d. it's the law. stop giving up if you don’t see your results in your 3d. the only reason why you’re not seeing them, is because you keep thinking that they’re not there. live in your imagination, be involved with your 4d, engage with your mind, have inner conversations. when you constantly look in the mirror for “proof,” it's going to put a barrier between you and your manifestations, because you’re so longing to seek your results in the 3d instead of working in your 4d (your mind). your inner reality is your only reality. stop worrying, all that you desire is already yours, no matter what! you will see it once you stop caring so much about the 3d. joseph murphy once said that “your subconscious mind doesn’t have eyes it only takes in what you give it” and it's true. your subconscious only takes in what you tell it! if you’re still having doubts and worries about what you’re manifesting, it’ll take you a while for you to physically see what you already have. flip that negative thought around. breathe, meditate, do some eft tapping or what you want to do and persist in your assumptions. you’re limitless and can create anything you want with your mind. your mind is powerful. you are powerful. now go be a limitless creator and create the reality that you desire!
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officially-jaded · 2 years
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officially-jaded · 2 years
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officially-jaded · 2 years
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goodnight :)
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officially-jaded · 2 years
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((┳┻┳◯⃭⃝🍡↷ (´。•ω(•ω•。`) love, oreo. ))
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