General information (DGS3 Project)
Hello everyone, thank you for being interested in the project! Here’s what you need to know:
Basic idea: The basic idea is to write season three of Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency in script form in a way so that it could potentially be produced as a radio show, just like in the good old Douglas Adams time. (Reason: Ideate Media already seemed interested in a Dirk radio show and a possible production would be less expensive. Plus: A radio show script is a bit closer to an actual book, thus more enjoyable to read for others and easier to write.
Genre: Since we already had a “murder mystery” and a fantasy season I’d like to go into thesci-fi direction for season three.
Plot: We focus on the show bible (https://www.google.de/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://www.zen134237.zen.co.uk/Dirk_Gently/Dirk_Gently_-_Bible.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjHuMCW2uXdAhVBHSwKHS8DBaIQFjAAegQIARAB&usg=AOvVaw09oiiGLb2MlcnhcKLjoxM4) and keep the tone of the show. I plan on working with what we already know about season three (hyperintelligent lethal children kidnapping an alien, the broken universe with Amanda having to fix it, Dirk x Assistent romance, Farah joining Blackwing, Bart/Ken(/Priest) ‘villain’ team, Mexican Funeral reunion, Friedkin’s new job in the void, Dirk’s little agency and also include the already mentioned holistics Marjory Teeple, Kevin Nothiere and Roose Fryburn.
How do I plan on doing this whole thing? 1. We hope that enough people want to join in as writers. Best case scenario: 8-12 people. 2. Depending on how many people we are in the end, we agree on how many episodes we want. 3. We all brainstorm together to come up with a case, the most important plot points 4. Characterizations for the new characters (Roose Fryburn, Kevin Nothiere, Marjory Teeple and others) 5. Separate stories (including a character development arc) which work with the case for our main characters 6. We fit the most important plot points for the season into the episodes to get a rough structure for the story, then add details. 7. Beginning with the first half of the season, the writers form teams (2-3 people) and each team will work on a episode. 8. After that’s done we repeat the same process with the second half of the season. 9. Possible rewriting and proof reading 10. Celebrate
Deadlines: I was thinking of not strictly putting up deadlines but agree to try and get this whole thing finished over the span of a year plus maybe one or two months. For example: Plotting and outlining the whole thing: 3 months. Writing the first half: 3 months. Writing the second half: 3 months. Rewriting and proof reading: 3 months.
How we communicate with each other: I made a discord server and will send everyone who’s an active part of the project the link to it. Optionally, in case everyone’s okay with it, we could also open up a WhatsApp chat.
And since I started this whole thing I’d do my best to play the role of the supervisor and keep everything going and flowing.
That’s basically all I got for now.
If you want to add anything or have questions, feel free to message me or write a comment under this post :)
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