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THIS BLOG IS NOW AN ARCHIVE! follow me at @ofgunblades!
drafts will be kept, but all memes in my inbox will most likely be deleted.
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THIS BLOG IS NOW AN ARCHIVE! follow me at @ofgunblades!
drafts will be kept, but all memes in my inbox will most likely be deleted.
18 notes · View notes
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THIS BLOG IS NOW AN ARCHIVE! follow me at @ofgunblades!
drafts will be kept, but all memes in my inbox will most likely be deleted.
18 notes · View notes
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THIS BLOG IS NOW AN ARCHIVE! follow me at @ofgunblades!
drafts will be kept, but all memes in my inbox will most likely be deleted.
18 notes · View notes
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THIS BLOG IS NOW AN ARCHIVE! follow me at @ofgunblades!
drafts will be kept, but all memes in my inbox will most likely be deleted.
18 notes · View notes
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THIS BLOG IS NOW AN ARCHIVE! follow me at @ofgunblades!
drafts will be kept, but all memes in my inbox will most likely be deleted.
18 notes · View notes
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THIS BLOG IS NOW AN ARCHIVE! follow me at @ofgunblades!
drafts will be kept, but all memes in my inbox will most likely be deleted.
18 notes · View notes
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THIS BLOG IS NOW AN ARCHIVE! follow me at @ofgunblades!
drafts will be kept, but all memes in my inbox will most likely be deleted.
18 notes · View notes
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THIS BLOG IS NOW AN ARCHIVE! follow me at @ofgunblades!
drafts will be kept, but all memes in my inbox will most likely be deleted.
18 notes · View notes
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THIS BLOG IS NOW AN ARCHIVE! follow me at @ofgunblades!
drafts will be kept, but all memes in my inbox will most likely be deleted.
18 notes · View notes
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THIS BLOG IS NOW AN ARCHIVE! follow me at @ofgunblades!
drafts will be kept, but all memes in my inbox will most likely be deleted.
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( there’s a 9 in 10 chance that i’m gonna move blogs because the clutter is getting to me. :| it’ll be the same url ( for now ) when it’s up and i’ll follow everyone over there. idk how long it’ll take me tho xD 
should i change my url tho? i’ve got flashesbright and brandedsavior saved... )
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The act of continuing to believe summons a miracle and it’s connected to the future…
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It's Valentine's Day. Cloud's waiting here with a piece of chocolate between his teeth, a smug smile on his face.
          Lightning greeted the sight with a raised brow, a bemused smile turning the corners of her lips upward. There were two ways this little scenario could go: play along and lean in so they might share the delicious morsel, or invoke her sass and pluck the chocolate from his teeth, devouring it before Cloud might offer protest.
          Unfortunately for him, the latter sounded much more appealing.
          An arm snaked around his waist, pulling him close and deceptively leaning in ... before her free hand lifted and yanked the piece of chocolate held loosely between his teeth, popping it into her mouth.
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          ❝ You’re so thoughtful, ❞ she quipped, unable to mask the amused lilt in her tone.
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Hey you, I miss you. 💙 just wanted to drop this here 👀
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valentine’s day application
(Filled in a surprisingly neat handwriting)  Name: “Gwyn Bleidd” Age: “Twenty Two” Do you like to cuddle?: “Yeah, that sounds nice.” Can we make-out?: “If you want to, then yeah I’m game.” A night in or dinner out?: “Night in. Or dine out if that’s what you want.” Ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?: “Chocolate covered strawberries.” What makes you a good Valentine?: “I uh… I’m warm? So y'know, that’s good for cuddling?” Would you cook for me?: “Y-yeah, if you don’t mind me only knowing how to cook like 2 things.” Would you let me cook for you?: “Yes… Please.”
( quasi belated ) valentine’s day application | ACCEPTING
          Gwyn had started to become less and less discrete about budding feelings for the Huntress —- and, for once, to her own surprise, Light wasn’t particularly opposed to the thought ( though her secret —- her status as the summer maiden —- gave her pause ).
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          ❝ I can work with a night in, if you up the ante and include strawberries and ice cream. ❞
0 notes
valentine’s day application
Name: Noctis or Noct.  Age: 20. Do you like to cuddle?: Uh, not really. Can we make-out?: Uh, maybe??? A night in or dinner out?:  Dinner out. Ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?: Ice cream. Uh, maybe both??? What makes you a good Valentine?:  I enjoy silence so I don’t talk too much. Would you cook for me?: Sure. Mostly grilled fish though. I’m terrible at cooking. Would you let me cook for you?: Sure. As long as the food doesn’t have any beans in them.
( quasi belated ) valentine’s day application | ACCEPTING
          Lightning considered for a beat —- two, three. Something about accepting a proposition —- however relatively innocent —- from the prince seemed contrary to her job as a member of the Kingsglaive. 
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           ❝ Why don’t you let me do the cooking. How’s Behemoth steak sound? ❞
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