ofheracles · 5 years
“Okay yeah, hats off to you. This place is pretty nice.” She complimented. 
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“I’m not entirely useless in the modern age you see” He commented kicking the ground giving a shrug. It was a great adjustment for a man who felt as if he was still drowning but he was learning how to breathe underwater it seemed. “It is a nice place though or would you prefer someplace else?”
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ofheracles · 5 years
𝒜𝒫𝒳:𝐸𝒱𝐸𝒩𝒯 #𝟥 ❝ 𝐿𝓊𝒸𝓀𝓎 𝒟𝒶𝓎𝓈❞
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“ I’m sorry. “ Meg was embarrassed that she had caused such a mess. Yet it had not been the first time this week she was to have mad a fool out of herself. Lady luck had not been on her side the past week. If it could go wrong, it had. “ Is there anything I can do? “ One second, it had only been one second of looking down at her phone that had caused such chaos. 
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"No I'm-" Heracles stopped in his very tracks, halted as the world came crashing in. Everyone's luck was flipped fully around or removed altogether. From the moment he was born the gods had divined that every day of his life would be full of both great luck and horrifying tragedies. Now here he was in this life thrown about like a rag doll face to face with an image he'd not seen in thousands of years. She looked like her. She looked like the one woman he’d never be able to forget even in death the memory of that face was with him. “I wouldn’t touch me - not until someone figures out what in Hades is happening. Malakas running all over the place. I’m fine”
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ofheracles · 5 years
✘ - do u resent Zeus?
My muse has to tell nothing but the truth for 1/10 asks.
“Yes.” Heracles answered. He had been a living reflection of the god made up of flesh and bone. The man who should’ve been king; father to many and the greatest of all heroes. All he had ever done was honor his father with every breath. All his life he had been plagued by Zeus’ wife because of the god and not once had he asked Zeus for any sort of boon or demanded his father give him anything. As Heracles fled his home covered in blood it was father he had called out too in desperation first before consulting the prophet. Growing up hearding cattle he spent the vast majority of his time talking to the all powerful being. The only thing he had done that went against his father was freeing Prometheus because he sympathized with the tortured god. He’d freed the titan because it was a cruelty the demi-god would not stand by to watch any longer – to live and die and live again just to die.Zeus had promised this precious son he would be at his side among his family once he shuffled off his mortal coil. Promised by a father he loved… Had any other of Zeus children loved him as much as Heracles had beside Athena? Zeus had lied and of course Heracles was absolutely resentful of the father that allowed him to die and to be dead for thousands of years just to be thrown up here in this world stage… Hera had always hated Heracles but he’d never imagined his father would care so little for the son that was so much like him. “Yes I do.”
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ofheracles · 5 years
Tyler Blackburn looks dead sexy…in a miniskirt! / Henrik
"He is ... a handsome man." Was all Heracles said with a shrug. What was it that the children said these days? Hit that? He'd hit that? Of course, if Heracles actually hit anyone it would be a disaster but 'hitting' ... he did that well.
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ofheracles · 5 years
Your hands weren’t meant to take peoples lives. They were meant to save them. / Jane
His piercing blue eyes remembered scarlet stained hands. He can recall following the trail of blood to the scene and he remembers the goddess who drove him into it. She’d sent an uncontrolled rage flooding into his bones that had caused him to drip in the blood of his beloved. No one's hands were ever meant for death but if his purpose now was to end the gods - Hera would see those hands of his. Of all the times he had paid obeisance to her, saved her life and tried to reason with the goddess it wasn’t enough. She'd never forgiven him for his birth nor had she let him have any peace. 
As the girl spoke, however, of lives saved her words it made him think. Where he had seen the death she dared him to remember what came after. Jane dared him to remember the beings he'd saved. How many people wouldn't have existed had things not happened the way they had? He was conflicted "Would you forgive her? Would you forgive any of them for everything they've done? All I want is to be left alone and yet even in death, they have to call me forth and tell me that I'm not done killing yet. That I'm not done. That I haven't earned peace yet. What would they have my hands do, Jane?"
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ofheracles · 5 years
Okay, I’m gonna do something slightly illegal now, so you just look the other way for a second. // Will
Confused, the large demi-god, crossed his arms over his chest and exhaled a deep breath. With as well toned and entirely muscular as he was one would think if anything needed breaking into you might as well use Herc as a battering ram or rather a distraction with as insanely handsome as he was but fine that was the boys choice. "Should I make a bird call or just knock the witnesses out? I might try that death grip the Vulcan Spock used on that show.. star trek. You said it was a documentary?"
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ofheracles · 5 years
Fine. Tell him, ‘Understood. I’ll never die before you!’ / Noah
Heracles was understandably bitter with the gods and quite honestly he stood with Persephone on the issues at hand. The gods were wrong and the gods had lied. Yet the boy was happy, content in a way and he was jealous of his cousin. There were many reasons for the green-eyed monster to rise in the hero's heart. Many reasons and yet the only real reason he was jealous was that his godly parent loved him enough to always be truthful. Heracles could watch people die, he had to watch thousands fall in battle after battle as he lived boldly unlike any other man had lived before him. Heracles could also be called out for the terrible things he had done as well in his youth and Heracles wouldn't pretend either that he'd been a saint either. He wouldn't be able to watch the boy standing before him die no matter how jealous Heracles was - Noah was family. Herc couldn't say that to any other newer demigod or old friends that were once plants. Perhaps he could to Minty but that would be another story. "I can't say that - it would be like saying that to you. Let me tell you this now boy and tell you truly. I would go to Hades and back to protect my younger cousins. Some of us still value family"
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ofheracles · 5 years
Fullmetal Alchemist by Hiromu Arakawa
It’s a cruel and random world, but the chaos is all so beautiful.
Nothing’s perfect, the world’s not perfect. But it’s there for us, trying the best it can; that’s what makes it so damn beautiful.
A lesson without pain is meaningless. For you cannot gain anything without sacrificing something else in return.
Even when our eyes are closed, there’s a whole world that exists outside ourselves and our dreams.
Enduring and forgiving are two different things.
When I, who is called a “weapon” or a “monster”, fight a real monster, I can fully realize that I am just a “human”.
Stand up and walk. Keep moving forward. You’ve got two good legs. So get up and use them. You’re strong enough to make your own path!
Fine. Tell him, ‘Understood. I’ll never die before you!’
I’m tired of this. It’s like, just when I think our goal is within reach, it slips right through our fingers. It’s happened time and again.
Fool! Nothing but black ink runs through my veins!
Is it alright to believe in the future where everyone can live in happiness?
What?! I’m not small! It’s the world that’s too big!!
So that the new generation that will be born can enjoy happiness. 
It’s ironic that as scientists that don’t believe in god, were the ones that are closest to god.
Bloodshed begets bloodshed. Hatred begets hatred.
Truth is stranger than fiction.
I hate deserts. There is nothing but sand.
Let me tell you a little story. You may have heard it before.
You really are special. Being able to create something so wonderful…..
Your hands weren’t meant to take peoples lives. They were meant to save them.
To obtain something, something of equal value must be lost.
A king is no king without his people.
The truth is cruel but right.
All right people, listen up! If you’ve got a family back home waiting for you or if you just want to save your own skin, turn around and walk away.
Life will come to an end, a return to dust from which we came…
Okay, I’m gonna do something slightly illegal now, so you just look the other way for a second.
[…] looks dead sexy…in a miniskirt!
This is what you wanted, isn’t it? To become a human, so you could die with them?
@ofillyria​ too!
Fullmetal Alchemist | RP Meme
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ofheracles · 5 years
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ofheracles · 5 years
The sight of him made her heart leap. Sid hadn’t seen her nephew in person since he was a newborn. Well, perhaps he hadn’t been a newborn. It was so long ago, he was so young. Then he died. Like often their children did. Being used to the feeling didn’t make it hurt any less. His recognition of her was either a blessing or a curse. She would choose to see it as a blessing. “My name is Sidney Po.” She introduced herself. “At least… that is what I call myself now.” a pause. “I haven’t always.” Her eyes met his, and briefly she wondered if he’d put it together. It was a lot to jump to, to wrap your mind around. “You would know me better… as Poseidon.”
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The demigod thought at first this was a trick - that there was some sort of being that would take advantage of his struggle to come to terms with his surroundings. Then it wasn’t a trick. Posiden. A god in the flesh. He wouldn't lie and say that there was bitterness there on the tip of his tongue seeing them knowing how they had lied to him. It opened very old wounds and tore apart pieces of him that were just getting used to breathing in this new age. He had loved his family once - still did but when one had been dead for thousands of years when they promised him a place among them it was hard. "Posiden" He spoke looking them over taking a deep breath. "It's been a very long time... do I call you aunt?" The hero asked.
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ofheracles · 5 years
          still somehow dazed by her own stupidity, she only halfway registers the question as she turns around. “ what? ” she queries, visibly confused by his odd conclusion. “ no – no. he didn’t. he was lovely. i mean, seemed to, at least. i’ve gracefully sabotaged myself as always, ” she rants, letting out a defeated sigh. “ thanks for the offer, though. i guess. what were you going to do to him, anyway? ”
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Heracles gestured in the direction of the boy that'd walked away from the young woman and shrugged his shoulders. "Dragged him back here by his ear and made him show you the proper respect due to a woman before throwing him through a wall. He'd look like a real malaka then. I could catch him if he really did offend you”
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ofheracles · 5 years
“I think after last week we all need a break.” Did she seem calm? She hoped so. Sid absolutely wasn’t. Calm was the furthest thing from Poseidon Sidney Po. 
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Heracles was adrift in this city; wandering without full knowledge of how the world worked any more. What had he done in his life that had caused the gods to punish him so and then to wake up so here thousands of years from his own time only knowing this was not his world and that he had been duped. Lied to. How hard was it to find an oracle in this day and age and the last person he'd spoke to offered him drugs and asked him what he was on. When this person spoke he felt a prickle of familiarity... as if he knew. So much of this world confused him Heracles simply spoke. "Madame I don't know who you are but I feel as if I do... what is your name?"
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ofheracles · 5 years
Perhaps it came with years of experience but it was rather obvious to the originals, when a person was rather out of place and with the recent events one couldn’t be too careful. “2030. I am going to assume it’s a fair observation that you are a long way from home.”
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Something deep within his bones told him while technically he was much older, while Heracles had called a more ancient time his own and had he been granted immortality been a much more senior being this one breathed a dangerous wisdom. Caution needed to be exercised. Had Heracles done the math correctly... he was very much a long away from home. “Yes.... quite a long way”
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ofheracles · 5 years
“Greek Gods?” Hope couldn’t help the roll of her eyes as she pulled her hair down from its ponytail. “That’s definitely a new one.”
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He heard the words, the seemingly harmless words fall from her lips and for a moment he knit his brows together in confusion. Had they all died? If they had  - how had he come back to life ... what had called him forth? There were too many questions left unanswered here in the new age. "They are nothing knew - they're older than you think not quite as old as what existed at the beginning but old enough to know when the world was still new."
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ofheracles · 5 years
            she’s standing in the middle of the road, staring at a really cute boy as he walks away, after she’s accidentally said something painfully stupid. story of her life, really. “ — i refuse to believe that just happened. ”
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"Did the man hurt you?" the demi-god asked not aware of the full situation or what she had said. For Heracles he was ready to do as he always had. Confront a danger and if he hurt the girl he'd have no problem dragging him back to her so the welp could apologize to her. It didn’t seem right to leave a woman alone if she’d been harmed.  "If he hurt you I will make sure he apologizes"
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ofheracles · 5 years
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                CHARACTER PLAYLIST ↪  THE 13th LABOR
i. prologue // joris de man ft. julie elven,   ii. odyssey ( greek version )  // the flight, mike georgiades ft fanny perrier-rochas,   iii. memories of other // bear mccreary ft eivør,   iv. daddy issues // the neighborhood,   v. legend // the score,   vi. the lady in the lake // daniel pemberton,   vii. papa can you hear me? // barbra streisand,   viii. a million on my soul // alexiane,   ix. legend of the eagle bearer // the flight, mike georgiades,   x. swan song // dua lipa,   xi. born for this // royal deluxe,   xii. meet me at the top // UNSECRET ft butterfly boucher,   xiii. bullet with butterfly wings // tribe society,   xiv. heroes // zayde wølf,   xv. run boy run // woodkid,   xvi. legends never die (ft. against the current) //  league of legends,   xvii. edge of the world //  GAITS,   xviii. who are you //  svrcina,   xix. mad world // UNSECRET ft REMMI,   xx. battlefield // svrcina,   xxi. dear god // lawless ft. sydney wayser,   xxii. odyssey ( modern version ) //  the flight ft. emma rohan .
This is essentially a soundtrack of Heracles' life from birth to death to rebirth. Let it take you away, let it carry you off into his story and imagine yourself there watching it all unfold before the demi-god became a legend, before stories were passed down and history was forever inaccurate. imagine the real story, the truth as it should've been recorded before he was reduced to a playful disney character but rather flesh, blood and an incredibly powerful being. imagine - just picture the evolution of a demi-god. a hero. a man. a being punished for what he was while simultaneously revered for it. a man more than worthy of being a full-god ten times over. Now he's here - his lungs fill with air after several thousands of years to start again and what sort of future lies ahead is completely unknown. what will a demi-god have to do to survive in the new world?  Theme Song → Heracles theme song is Odyssey by The Flight  and it is the only song to repeat in the playlist. To me quite personally its a song that really encompasses every part of him. It is his song, a story of his life lived and what lies ahead for him in the future.
  –{{   L I S T E N    H E R E   }}–
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ofheracles · 5 years
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Peyron’s eyes went quickly to the voice who spoke to her. Something immediately coming to her that he was not around from here. That he was not of this world. It was a feeling she got every once in a while, her powers, The same power that her mother had. To sense the emotions coming from others who surrounded her. The witch in her able to just sense if something was bad or off. Letting her eyes look the guy over she straightened out her shirt slightly from the sudden jumping up she had done. “ It’s a cafe. “ Peyton spoke rather bluntly at first, watching the area around her as she spoke.  “ You can get coffee, tea and such. “ She replied still in a soft voice not to raise too much suspicion around her.
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Moving closer to the girl, feeling a strange sense of agitation in surroundings such as these the girl seemed to have a presence about her of knowing something or rather of being aware of what he was with the way she spoke. Perhaps she would know where to find an oracle would be or if they still existed. Heracles was unsure even if she wasn't part of this torment - a devil sent to confuse him while the god played their tricks on him. He would see about that but concern also washed over him at her jumping.  "A cafe... this isn't - are you alright?"
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