#tw mentions of death
steveshairychest · 1 year
After defeating vecna for a second time, Steve decides he's had enough of Hawkins and all things supernatural.
After hunting around for a few weeks, he scores himself a quaint little apartment big enough for him and for Robin when she eventually moves in after college. He doesn't sell his parents' house or demolish it like Robin suggests. No, he leaves it to sit and rot. He hopes his parents will come home one day and find it overgrown and falling to pieces, hopes they'll trudge up the steps to find the note that he had nailed to the front door that says, 'Welcome home :)'. Robin insisted on adding the passive-aggressive smiley face.
They move away from Hawkins and don't think about it for years. Sure, Steve still calls their friends who decided to stay there, and he often finds himself missing their company, but he doesn't miss the place itself. Only the people. He's made it very clear to them that he doesn't intend to step a single foot back into Hawkins until he dies. Everyone knows this, especially Robin, who's been informed on multiple drunken occasions that Steve wants to be buried on top of the hill next to Eddie so that he at least knows someone else in the graveyard.
But then he gets a letter in the mail, a simple letter in a white envelope and it haunts him for days.
The letter is from Wayne. His handwriting is rough and messy but familiar; they've been sending each other letters for a few years now. The cigarette ash smudged in some corners makes him smile. Most of the letter is just niceties; asking Steve how he is, what he's been up to, if he's found himself someone. Stuff he's used to. But then the words, 'I can't be alone for it Steve, I can't do it. I need you here. It's been 5 years, and the day still hasn't gotten any easier. I'd like it if you came to visit.' They punch Steve in the gut and leave him aching for days.
It takes him an entire week to call the number on the back of the envelope and confirm with Wayne that he'll be there. Just this once he'll go back to that retched place. For Wayne.
For Eddie.
The drive passes by in a blur, one second he's on the highway, the next he's passing by the Welcome to Hawkins sign and driving along the streets he thought he'd never see again. Wayne told him over the phone that morning to meet him at the cemetery, said that he wanted to get the hard part over and done with so that they could spend the rest of the day catching up and listening to Eddie's tapes. He'd be lying if he said he didn't cry for a solid 10 minutes in the car park, the memories that he had tried so hard to forget rushing back the second he lays eyes on Eddie's grave at the top of the hill.
He still remembers the hollow ache in his chest the day he helped Wayne pick out a spot. He had gone home that afternoon and begged Robin to make it stop, to hold him and tell him that the pain would go away. She had told him what he wanted, she had held him on the kitchen floor and promised he would never have to feel like that again.
She'd lied. That same ache spreads throughout his body as he trudges up the hill to stand before the shabby grave and the tears he thought he had left back in the car come bubbling back up as he stares down at the graffitied headstone. He hasn't seen it since the day he left. He forgot how overwhelming it is to see Eddie's name carved on the headstone.
"I'm sorry I haven't visited." He says through sobs, his vision blurred by tears as he plops down on the soft grass in front of the headstone. "I miss you." The words almost choke him.
There's the sound of footsteps behind him, boots crunching against the leaves and twigs. Wayne must have finally shown up. Steve doesn't turn around, he doesn't want Wayne to see his tears. He's supposed to be here as support. He's supposed to be the one coming up behind Wayne to offer his condolences. He stops beside Steve and sighs softly.
"Hi." Steve says weakly and finally looks up at Wayne - except... it's not Wayne.
"Hi, Steve."
It's Eddie.
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system-hottakes · 11 days
Not a serious hot take, but the endoskeletons from 2014 indie horror franchise Five Nights At Freddy's are the only endos I support
-- Umbrella
lmao, same. the only endos I support are Fnaf endos, because at least they're honest when they try kill me
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thefanciestborrower · 2 months
The Devouring of Prometheus
Ohh boy this fic has been over a year in the making and by golly am I proud of it. It was mostly an attempt to imitate Mary Shelley’s writing style while adding more classic lit vore into the world cause oh boy do we need it. This fic is a little darker than my usual fluffy stuff because. You know. It’s Frankenstein. But everything is still safe despite what Victor thinks. Anyways, please enjoy and let me know what you think!
Warnings: Contains soft, safe, unwilling vore, mentions of digestion, mentions of dying, mentions of cannon character death, minor injury, and vomit
Characters: Victor Frankenstein and the Creature
Word Count: 2,830
Mankind has no greater fear than that of being devoured. It is an instinctual fear, engrained deep within our very beings from the moment we are born, as it is in every living being, and yet it is perhaps one of the most uncommon fears to experience in its true, unaltered form. We are quite familiar with the notion of being killed and eaten by a wild beast, since such a thing, while not terribly common in the more civilized parts of the world, is often talked of in books and by explorers returning from long voyages to strange, wild lands. It is a threat to be sure, but perhaps not the most fear inspiring one. A hungry lion might indeed pounce upon you with his teeth and claws bared as if to shred you to ribbons while you lay awake in agony, but in truth he is far more merciful than even most men and will end you swiftly with a bite to the neck before he ever starts to feed. The fear of being eaten in this way, then, is diluted by the promise of a swift death at the claws of a creature who bore you no more malice than you do a butchered duck. 
The terror of being consumed lies not in the act of consumption, but in the method. Stories full of giants and ogres who devour men whole and alive fill the countryside and take captive the minds of all who hear them, filling their dreams with images of gnashing teeth and slavering mouths, capable of sending a grown man down, kicking and screaming, in a single swallow. I must confess I never heard much of these tales growing up, aside from a few Clerval was so fond of telling, and when they did reach my ears, I simply scoffed, laughing such frightening images away in the clear light of day when nothing could seem more ridiculous. They were children’s tales, I thought, simply meant to frighten and entertain, for nothing, man or beast, could swallow whole a living man. Oh, how I wish I had been right. 
He came for me in the night. I was asleep, or nearly so, when a sudden noise at my window startled me awake. At first I assumed it to be the scratching of a branch or perhaps even some night creature making its rounds through the garden outside. After all, I was far more unfamiliar with the Oxford landscape than my dear friend Clerval, who had spent much of his afternoon exploring the grounds, so I felt there to be no need for concern. Indeed, I had nearly turned over to drift back to sleep when I saw his eyes. Those wretched, sunken, yellow eyes staring as if into my very soul through the dusty window I had neglected to lock in my naivety. I might have screamed had fear not grasped my throat and strangled my voice, and though I longed to run, terror turned my legs to lead and forced me to watch as the fiend pried open the window with a delicate ease that seemed almost laughable compared to the rest of his hulking mass. I pulled my sheet up to shield my chest like a child might, entertaining fantasies that perhaps this was simply a nightmare, and if I remained still in my bed then he would be unable to harm me, but when he began to climb through the window with the elegance of a lion stalking his prey, eyes never once leaving me, panic settled over my heart and I realized this was no mere conjuring of an overworked mind. The beast was here, looming over me in my chambers as I trembled in bed with naught but a thin sheet and even thinner night clothes to protect me. 
“Devil! What do you want from me!” I cried at last, terror loosening her claws from my throat. “I have not forgotten our agreement, so why do you insist on tormenting me so!” 
I received no reply, the beast more than content to simply stare at my trembling form. Perhaps he enjoyed how weak I must have appeared before him as his eyes flicked over me, almost sizing me up for reasons I could never have comprehended in that moment. Cold and yellow as they were, I could see an inkling of some mysterious emotion behind those eyes, but it’s identity I couldn’t say. Nor did I care. My thoughts were quickly preoccupied as he advanced upon me, padding forwards like some great and terrible cat, until he stopped just shy of the side of my bed, so close I could have reached out and touched him. 
Again, I saw that strange emotion flicker behind his dead eyes, but before I had time to ponder it he wrapped his hands around my chest and lifted me from the safety of my bed with terrifying ease, like one might lift a small child or a doll, and while I screamed and writhed in his hideous grasp, his hold only tightened. My ribs creaked and complained under the pressure and my cries became strangled and choked. With a ghastly popping sound he opened his grotesque mouth, jaw hanging at an angle too wide for any human to achieve, and to my upmost horror he quickly stuffed my head inside with the terrifying efficiency of a ravenous beast. The slimy muscle of his tongue lapped against my face and my body convulsed in disgust as I desperately fought not to be sick. Revolting as my situation was, I did not wish to add my own vomit to the mix, even if it might have disgusted the fiend enough to free me. 
I could see nothing but darkness, each desperate gasp for oxygen only supplying me with the barest sliver of foul air. Teeth ringed my neck like a terrible collar, and for a moment I entertained ideas of those teeth, the very same I had picked and sorted by hand, crashing together to sever my head from my body like some terrible executioner. Before my thoughts could spiral much more in this direction, his grip changed and I was suddenly shoved against the slick, fleshy opening of his throat. My blood curdled and, with a sudden, crushing pressure, my head was crammed downwards in the most painful manner which caused me to cry out in despair. My skull felt as though it would shatter, and I screamed a horrible, terrible shriek of agony and terror as my shoulders were crushed down after me, the tight gullet of the beast threatening to break them into splinters. My vision swam, stars of pain and lack of breath sparking and dancing before my eyes, and though no light followed me into my hellish prison, I could still see the blackest pitch wavering at the edge of my vision, threatening to drown me in its inky embrace. For a moment I wished it would, if only to keep me from the terrible suffering I knew lay before me, but fate is a cruel mistress and before I could sink into that comforting ocean of darkness a terrible pressure bloomed upon the crown of my head and forced me into an open pocket of stinking, putrid air. 
Coughing and gaging I struggled to draw even a single breath. My ribs, now horribly compressed, creaked and shuttered terribly under the pressure of the creature’s throat, and though my legs still flailed outside, and my hands desperately scrambled for a hold on what I felt to be his chin, I did not dare move the length of my compressed torso for fear of inflicting more damage upon myself. Another painful swallow jolted me down, my face jamming roughly into what I presumed to be the bottom of the creature’s dreadful stomach, and the grotesque flesh not only yielded to accept my presence, but did so with an almost pleased sounding groan, if stomachs can be pleased, as if I really were simply a morsel of food to be consumed and forgotten. The sound filled my heart with a terror I’ve never known, and I cried out, though my voice was quickly silenced by the slick flesh as more of my body was squeezed through that terrifically tight ring of muscle and forced to bend and twist to fit my new prison like some sort of contortionist. 
I know not how long it took the devil to consume me: the darkness of my surroundings and constant pain dulled my senses and left me disoriented to the point where I no longer could even tell up from down. I remember no longer feeling the cold air on my body after some time, my entire being now encased in sweltering heat, and searing pain as my legs were crushed down against my ribs. Finally, it was all over. My entire body had been fully compacted into the creature’s stomach, and although this new development was arguably a much worse position than my previous one, I was far too preoccupied with gulping down precious lungfuls of oxygen to care.
Then, all at once, the reality of my situation came crashing down upon me and with the fervor of a cornered beast I began to lash out and fight, twisting and turning in the confined space in hopes of causing my captor at least the slightest bit of discomfort. 
“Fiend! Devil! Release me at once!” I panted, gnashing my teeth in fear and anger. “This is no way to treat any man, let alone your maker!”
I had no doubt that he could hear my cries and feel my struggles, confined as I was, and yet no answer came. Despite the nature of my location, I was completely and utterly alone, for what man pays attention to his food after he’s eaten it. Again, I tried to call out, to plead for release as I fought against the smothering flesh, and again I was ignored, save for a light pressure against my back from which I hastily jerked away. It was his hand; I knew it instinctively. The brute was no doubt relaxing after so fine a feast of human flesh, and that touch was nothing more then the satisfied gloating of a predator now sated with a filling meal that would last him far longer than any morsel of bread or wine. I was merely something to be enjoyed, digested, and forgotten.
 How many more, I wondered, would be lost in the same way once I had perished. Clearly my current location indicated my captor had grown fond of the taste of human, and with a heart wrenching shudder I suddenly realized I had no way of knowing wether I was the first victim of the monster’s appetite, or if he had already glutted himself with other gentle country folk, just as he had done to me, and I was now resting in their grave. The thought was too much for my already distraught and troubled soul, and the disgust which filled me suddenly became too overwhelming to sustain. With a thick heave I proceeded to retch onto myself, my sick mixing with the beast’s own bile, and I sobbed bitterly for my home. 
“Oh, my dear mountains and precious lake. Will I truly never again delight in your sweet air and radiant beauty? Am I to perish so far from all that is fair and wholesome, without even the cold stars to bare witness to my demise?” I lamented; my voice thick with the grief of a man who believes he is to die isolated from everything he once held dear. 
The spongy flesh seemed to mute my voice effectively as a heavy curtain might, and my words fell upon deaf ears, for no reply came from my creation. My captor. My killer. Was I really to meet my end as nothing more than a meal? My last breath tainted by the stench of bile and vomit? The pressure to my back returned, and although the touch revolted me, I was far too exhausted from my fear and the quickly thinning oxygen to do more than twitch in protest. What difference would it make anyways, my fate was already sealed.
Each breath I drew grew more ragged and gasping with every passing second, my panic having done nothing but quickly use up what little air I had in the stale cell, and in some fever, I realized that, although my air was quickly thinning, I had not yet begun to feel the slightest tingle of digestion. Oh, what sweet twist of fate was this! I still would meet my end as nothing more than a morsel of food this was true, but I would be long since unconscious and perhaps even suffocated before acids truly began to work on me and thus spared the sensation of digesting alive. It was a small assurance, but so consumed was I by grief and terror of my fate that even the small mercy of a painless death brought me comfort. It was more than a man like me deserved after all I’d done. The innocent blood on the creature’s hands stained mine as well, and I thought bitterly of poor darling little William and dear Justine. Their blood has been spilt on my account, and yet, while their deaths had been horrific tragedies, I took solace in knowing they had left the world far quicker than I would, and that I would be seeing them again soon.
My vision swam before me, and with one last shuddering sigh I slumped against the slick walls, no longer attempting to catch my breath, for what would be the point in trying to breathe when there is no air left to fill my lungs. The stomach clenched around me with a disgusting squelch, smothering and squeezing my helpless form as it worked to knead what I presumed to be caustic acids into my sodden clothing and soft flesh, preparing for the undoubtably difficult task of liquifying my un-masticated body. With a gasping, barely audible sob I pressed a trembling hand out against my churning prison walls, cursing my creation and praying my end would be swift. Then the darkness engulfed me, and I knew no more.
Due to the circumstances in which I had fallen unconscious I fully expected to never wake again, so when I started awake some unknown amount of time later in the very bed I had been snatched out of, I could seldom comprehend what was happening. My first thought was that my horrendous experience had been naut but a dream; an apparition brought upon me by the dreadful task I knew I would soon be required to complete. Then I became aware of the disgusting film of sticky, foul smelling sick coating my body and the dull, yet throbbing pain in my ribs, and my blood ran cold. It had been no dream. My creation truly had assaulted me in the night, swallowed me whole and alive, and, by some miracle, vomited me back out before his digestive system could process me. In fact, aside from my ribs, which were badly bruised, I appeared whole and unharmed. Not even a drop of acid had singed my clothes, and my skin was fair and unblemished as it had always been. I pressed a hand to my cheek as if to make certain of my unharmed state, and then, to my own surprise, I began to laugh. It was not a mirthful laugh, but rather one of incredulous shock and relief as I grasped at my warm and unharmed skin. So certain had I been that those final moments filled with slimy blackness and foul reeking air inside the creature would be my last that the cold air of my room and the sting of my nails against my face might well have been gifts from Heaven itself. Even now I marvel at my incredible escape and wonder what could possibly have prompted the monster to give up as filling a meal as I surely must have been. I do not think I shall ever know, but judging from the healthy nature which I possessed upon waking, I can only assume he realized he could not process me as he intended and his body expelled me, though wether such an expulsion was voluntary on his part I still could not say. Nonetheless I knew I was no doubt incredibly fortunate to have survived such an encounter and my resolve had the been strengthened. Where before I had postponed my promise, I vowed to not do so again, for who knew how long the wretched beast would be content to wait and leave me and others be. As soon as I was able, I would set to work creating another who would contain his terrible urges and put this dreadful encounter behind me forever. 
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randooffthestreet99 · 7 months
Nightmare/Dadmare who is immortal. His boys, who are not.
Nightmare having to come to terms that, after a long, and as happy as they could have life, his boys were gone. Really, truly gone. (He keeps their dust in little jars with their jackets in their rooms)
The hatred he would hold about how unfair it was, that he had all eternity with the people he despised the most, and his boys were gone.
Nightmare going on a rampage once they are all dead.
Nightmare eventually coming to accept their deaths and grieving. Finally, finally making peace with everything and coming to begrudgingly accept his brother.
And once all the hatred, all the regret, the Negativity has left him, he reverts to his original form.
And Nightmare gets to see his boys again.
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i-wanna-die-like-now · 7 months
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Day 13: Stiches!
So I decided to add a short fix for this prompt because I couldn't draw my idea in a day.
Jazz moved down the stairs slowly, almost robotically, if she was more aware of her surroundings maybe she would have noticed she was getting the blood from her hands all over the clean walls that she used for support or that the blood that covered her clothes was dripping onto the steps and soaking into her socks leaving bloody footprints after her. But she didn't notice, her mind had shut down and detached from her body, it had been that way for a while now. She knew what it meant and she knew it was in response to- she knew what it was in response to. 
It's for the better.
She tells herself as she finally reaches the bottom of the stairs. 
It'll be easier.
Jazz couldn't tell if she actually believed that or was just trying to comfort herself, nothing about the situation was easy. 
The living room is empty, it took her a while to notice the TV playing the end credits to the film her parents had clearly just finished. Their small chatter drifted out of the kitchen, it made her feel sick that they sounded so happy, however, the laugh that burst out of her mother made something deeper churn in her chest. 
How dare she laugh after what she did. How could she still smile and act like nothing had happened? 
By the time Jazz reached the kitchen doorway her hands were shaking.
Her parents' screams sounded far away to her ears, Danny's screams echoed in her mind, his were far more haunting. The memory of his cries of pain and sobbing brought her attention back to her parents and the matter at hand. Their horrified faces morph into panic as they make a move to get closer, maybe they were trying to comfort her or maybe they thought she was injured. 
Jazz couldn't tell. 
It didn't matter. 
"Don't touch me." The words were odd on her tongue, heavy in her mouth, she wondered if she had even said them at all or if she had imagined it. It hadn't felt like she had but her parents' expressions and body language showed that she did in fact voice it, they were both pulled back like they had been slapped. 
"Jazzy?" Her Da- Jack's usually booming voice was quiet and soft, timid. It didn't suit his large frame, but Jazz felt herself grow angry at that. A seething anger that pulled her mind back into the present, her body heaved in a huge breath and for the first time in the last three hours Jazz felt it. 
She suddenly felt hyper-aware of the blood that clung to her skin, her shirt was drenched and sticking to her frame in a way that made her feel sick. 
Just how much blood had Danny lost? How much did he lose before she found him? 
How much had he lost while they cut into him? 
A rough scream rips out of her throat, she felt it more than heard it. Her throat burned, it had been burning since her first scream of the night, at finding her brother- it was almost a relief for Jazz to be able to feel it again. Or it would have been if she also didn't have to feel the emotions that came with it.
All she could muster out was a broken "Don't fuck-ing call me that." She hates that her voice breaks, that she's showing them how vulnerable she feels. She needs to stand her ground. Slamming her hand against the doorframe Jazz lets out a sneer and puffs out her chest in mock confidence. 
"You don't have the right to call me that. Not anymore." As painful as it was, Jazz put one foot in front of the other and made her way to the lab's door, it was closed. 
It wasn't often the lab's door was closed, even when they had been building the portal it had usually stayed open, Jazz had spent months beating herself up for that after Danny's accident. The self-loathing doubled when she found out he had died. 
She was supposed to protect him. 
Without thinking too much into it Jazz rips open the door, she had to get rid of that stupid portal for good. Ignoring the shocked gasp from Jack and angry yelling from Maddie as she stares into the basement where her parents had spent her whole childhood. Where her parents had built the thing that killed her baby brother and made the weapons they used to hurt him. To catch him. To tie him down and-
The lights were off but that didn't matter because the portal was illuminating the lab. She made her way down the steps quickly only to be stopped by a tug on her arm. 
"Jazz! What do you think you're doing, it's dangerous, get back here!" Maddie's hand locked onto her and pulled her back, the blood that was soaked into her socks caused Jazz to slip and fall down the last few steps and out of her grasp.
Maddie's voice sounded distorted to her ears as she took in the sight of the lab from the floor, the green glow lighting up the metal surfaces, the portal was closed. 
Her hand curled into a fist as the metal table that sat almost in the middle of the room came into focus, ectoplasm coated the surface and the tools they had used lay scattered on the ground. She could hear her parents talking but none of the words reached her. 
This is where they did it. 
"This is where you did it." 
"Jazz what are you talking about, come on let me help you get up, are you okay? You're covered in-in.." Jack trails off.
"Blood." She finishes for him. 
There had been so much blood, she hadn't know what to do. With that much, she knew the wound was too deep to leave alone, no matter how much he protested, no matter how much he tried to convince her he would "heal in no time". 
She didn't know what she had been expecting when she lifted his shirt, maybe a burn or a gash. 
Jack pulled her into his arms to help her stand, worry pulling on his features as Jazz stared ahead, her face drained of all colour. 
"Oh! Jazzy-pants don't you worry about that-" 
Danny's skin was cold, far too cold for what's considered normal for humans but he's half ghost so surely it's normal… surely that's a good thing his core is ice, maybe it was healing him- 
"You have to tell us what's going on, Jazz please talk to u-" 
She had a med kit under her bed, she had helped him out with plenty of injuries before so why was he being so reluctant to let her help-
"For god sake Jasmine!" 
Snapping her eyes over to Maddie Jazz takes a step back and then another, and another. 
She had came down here to get rid of the thing that killed her brother, she hadn't been expecting to see the evidence of what they had done to him laying out in plain sight. 
"You're evil, you- Fuck. How could you even do that to another living thing!" The confusion was clear on their faces but Jazz was already reaching for the Anti-Creep stick that was leaning against the wall, anger bubbling over. "You've always been this way, I don't know how I didn't see it sooner, I really should have. I should have known Danny wasn't safe to be around you, he was so sure that you would be okay with it in time." 
"Jazz what are you-" Jazz cuts Jack off as she slams the bat into one of the bazookas they had hanging up on display. The metal sparks and crashes to the ground drowning out her parents' screams of panic and surprise. 
"All these inventions." She lifts the bat above her head and swings it down to crush the rest of it. "Of course, he wasn't safe!" Her throat burned even more as her voice got louder. "He was never safe, I should have seen it years ago, oh god how couldn't I see it!" 
Jazz's voice borders on hysterical as she swings the bat again, this time breaking some beakers that were laying out. 
"You never cared for him, you never cared for me!" Voice breaking Jazz feels her tears boil over. 
"Jasmine! Stop it, what are you doing? Jack stop her!" Maddie's voice was tight as she ordered Jack. 
"Mads what am I-" 
"Fucking try!" Jazz screams over Jack, swinging the bat towards her father, her tears burn. 
"Jazz I can't, please just, I can't-" He looked so weak, his eyes were bloodshot and his eyelids looked weighed down. He needed to stay awake. 
"You have to try, god damn it Danny fucking try!" She was using a sewing needle, a fucking sewing needle, to sew him back together. It was bending. Her hands wont stop shaking. Pulling them back she wipes the blood off and onto her shirt quickly before getting back into position, using her fingers she pulls the skin together, wiping her hands did nothing. She redies the bent needle with her other hand.
Danny lets out a pained whimper as she forces the needle through his skin again, pulling it through the gaping wound on his stomach and pulling the thread tight. 
She can see his organs. 
She repeats the motion. 
Eyes wild and face pulled into a scowl she keeps the bat pointed at them. 
"You've spent your life on this lab, on your research!" She spits the word as if it were something disgusting. "That blood came from a living breathing person!" 
"Jazz please calm down, that's ectoplasm, it's not blood." Maddie uses a tone she does often, the condescending edge she gets whenever Jazz brings up the psychology of ghosts. "I assure you that no living thing was harmed." 
Although her hands were raised in a surrendering gesture she held herself confidently. 
Jazz's tongue felt heavy, her body boiling as her anger reached its peak, she didn't even think twice before swinging the bat at their other inventions. 
The inventions they made to harm her brother. 
The row of guns spark and crash as she beats them with the bat, lifting it above her head she forces it down again and again until she was sure they were unusable. 
"These always came first, your inventions or research or experiments!" After one last swing of the bat Jazz leans down and catches her breath, her voice breaking as she lowers it to a whisper. "Sometimes I wonder if you knew all along and were just toying with him." She looks over her shoulder, her parents' forms blurred by her tears. "and the sick part is I'm still not even sure." 
"Jazz honey what are you talking about? Please put the Anti-Creep stick down and talk to me, were your parents-" Jack has his arm out, reaching for her with a pained expression. 
"You were his parents too!" Jazz screeches. "Although parents is a reach, I was his parent! I raised him, I cooked for him! I held him at night when he had nightmares! I'm the one that had to fix him!" She couldn't see through her tears, she couldn't hear from the rushing of blood in her ears. The only thing she could see was her brother laying down as he sobbed, covered in blood and holding his own organs in with his hands while she took a sewing needle to his skin to stitch him back together. 
She wanted to rush back to him but first, she needed to destroy the rest of the lab, the portal. 
At least she would have if it wasn't for Jack wrapping his huge arms around her body and lifting her into the air. 
"Jazz please calm down, talk to us, you're not making any sense!" 
"Exactly Jasmine! You're spouting nonsense and destroying our work!" Maddie's voice cuts into her, it causes her chest to burn. Letting out an animalistic scream she kicks and thrashes around in Jack's arms. 
"You cut into him! You fucking monsters, your work killed him!" Jazz couldn't help the sob that tore its way out of her throat. "He thought you'd get better! He always had faith in you and you used that knife and ripped him open!" 
She could feel Jack go stiff, his arms loosening around her as he let out a puff of air. 
"I had to stitch him back together just like I've been stitching this family back together for years! Because that's exactly what I've been doing and I hate myself for it! If I didn't spend my life stitching everything together then maybe he wouldn't have died!" Finally, her thrashing caused her to be dislodged from Jack's arms, she made quick work of shoving him away and getting past her now pale mother and towards the portal. 
It only took a few perfectly aimed swings to render it useless.
"He died trying to fix this portal for you." 
"Phantom he-" Maddie paused, looking over at Jazz with an expression she had never worn before. "He's a ghost honey-" Jazz's bitter laugh silenced both of them. 
She could tell by the horror on Jack's face that he understood, she knew Maddie did too. Maybe she was in denial. 
She needs to call Vlad, he would let them stay with him for a while if she explained the situation. 
"If you had even cared slightly about Danny you would have seen the signs, it didn't take me long to figure it out and I'm not a ghost expert." Jazz drops the bat on the ground, stepping over it to make her way back upstairs, ignoring the yells of her parents as she slams the lab door closed. Locking it for good measure. 
She feels the numbness of before washing over her as she picks up the house phone and dials Vlads number. 
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viciouslyyearning · 1 year
Considering a story idea here... With a monstrous prisoner and his caretaker
Imagine you're living in an old kingdom that's been around for at least a few hundred years, the royals appear kind and caring but as soon as someone mentions something out of that image they disappear. The secrets are ignored for self preservation of the people.
Due to the reputation of the castle, as well as the decent working conditions, whenever an opening for a job under the crown is available it is just as quickly snatched up. Except for one.
Not nanny for the children, not companion for the young royals of the court, caretaker. It is a position that is filled and reopened again and again as though whoever takes the job on just... Leaves. If nothing else.
With no family left and no means to make any money you brace yourself for caretaking of a royal pet who's a bit more dangerous than ought be.
You are found by the guards after applying and taken directly to the King and Queen. They are nice in the way a shopkeeper might be, nice as long as you give them business, nice as long as you do as they need.
They tell you that your job will be to watch over and care for a prisoner locked away in the catacombs under the castle. He is in a small cell, unable to escape so there is no threat to you. They only wish not to deal with him personally. They refuse to kill him either so, a life of nothing is his punishment.
You hesitate, and ask his crime to deserve as such.
"That creature was judged by my great great grandfather, I trust his judgement and instructions. He will not be killed but he must not be allowed to die either." The queen spoke with order in her tone.
You bowed, her louder tone reminding you it is not your place to ask.
The King stood alongside his Queen, "you will be housed in a small cottage, the entrance to the catacombs is in the basement, hidden from any outside of your job and our title." His voice grew firm. "You will not discuss the contents of your role here. You will never allow him to be found by curious eyes."
You agreed silently, wholeheartedly.
The Queen spoke once more, "You will be provided meals for you and for him. Be certain not to switch the two, one is fit for health, the other is only there to not allow starvation. All you need do is give food and water as you see fit. As long as he doesn't perish under your care it can be as often or as far between as you'd prefer." She hesitated, "it would be best to ignore him entirely while you are there. He has earned his punishment and will serve his sentence for however long it takes."
You were escorted quickly and stealthily to your new home, it was a decent little cabin. Room for one with some food already stocked in the shelves and a small bag of coin to start you off.
The guards left you after that, not a word to be shared.
You settled what few belongings you had and noted the time. Supper already, might as well go ahead and greet your new... Acquaintance.
You looked through the pantry to find a decent sized bag filled with scraps of food, presumably from the castle. Half eaten, molding bread. Squishy fruits, foul smelling meats.
You were quick to close the bag once more. Bewildered at the state of what you assumed was your prisoners meals.
You shook your head and left the bag, searching through the rest of the pantry to collect the food that must have been meant for you, fresher, not smelling of something rotten, decent textures.
Assembling two bowls of a mix of cheeses, slices of meat, some grapes, and a small half loaf of bread each. Grabbing an empty water skin and filling it up as well, you headed to the basement and down through the catacombs.
The catacombs were musky and dimly lit, the greatest light source being your small lantern. It was a decent sized hallway with various connecting rooms, some with empty dusty cells, others carved out hovels. You made sure to note different rooms as it would be your new working grounds.
It took a few minutes of walking before you finally saw a room with a lantern that had long since ran out of fuel.
It was deathly silent as you slowly peered into the room, dingy brown rock walls, a wooden table covered in dust, and a heavy cell door made of metal bars with a small hole at the bottom of it.
You cautiously walked into the room, bringing your lantern with you, illuminating the room, you couldn't see much but felt something here. It wasn't empty silence it was a silence that contained something... Or someone.
"Hello?" You called cautiously, walking towards the dark cell.
You almost dropped your items as a pair of glowing green eyes opened in the darkness to watch you. You swallowed silently, observing the silhouette of what must have been your prisoner.
As he said nothing, you sat on the ground in front of the cell door. If he was sitting you would too. "I'm here to bring you your meal." Your voice wavered slightly, uncertain of what his response might be, would he slam the cell doors, scream madly, try to reach you and hurt you?
"Oh..." The feeble voice sounded softly. Heavy with an unfamiliar accent and resigned to his fate.
You nodded, finally looking away and towards the two bowls. You froze when you felt his eyes focus intently on you.
The rattling of heavy chains echoed through the stone room.
When you looked back to where the man was you had noted he'd crept closer, in doing so it allowed you to take note of his appearance. Long unkempt dark hair, a scruffy beard and a mountain of a form covered in simple grey fabrics. The man was massive and also so damn feeble. His green eyes watched you closely, he sat away from where you were still. Waiting.
While watching the man you slowly slid one of the bowls through the slot in the door, watching him eye the simple meal like a predator. As soon as your hand had retracted he slowly reached an arm towards the bowl, seeing his skin close to your light let you see how his hands were black as charcoal, blending into his natural skin tone. As he moved to grab his bowl you could also take note of how skinny he was, how dry and cracked his lips were. The poor man had damn near been starved multiple times if his reaction was so calm to his situation.
Once he had taken the bowl and looked properly at it's contents his eyes darted to yours. Had he truly been eating the scraps you had found?
You looked away to take your own bowl and begin to eat, hearing the man tear apart his meal with a fever.
You both sat in silence, the man long finished before you, yet staying where he was. It wasn't until you lifted the waterskin to take a sip did he make any noise.
You looked to him, watching him stare intently at the skin. "When was the last you'd had a drink?" You spoke gently.
He breathed slowly, finally looking away from the skin, almost ashamed to have been caught. "Since the last time it had rained, there is a crack in the rocks that allows a small trail of water to run through this hole."
His words made you freeze. It was someone's job to keep the man alive and hardly that had been done. He was sound of mind and calm, could the basic decency of humanity have not been applied here? You sighed, slowly capping the waterskin and sliding it through the slot. "Drink."
The mans hand shaked as he reached out, almost unbelieving. Lifting the waterskin and delighting in feeling that it was almost full, not even an empty promise but a container of fresh water. He drank desperately, downing the entire waterskin and leaving you wide-eyed at the display.
Once finally finished he breathed deeply, eyes closed and silent. You watched curiously as he finally opened his eyes once more to look to you.
The man bowed his head silently, clutching the bowl and waterskin as though precious treasures. As he lifted his head he shuffled closer to return them both. "I can not tell the last I've such a meal. Your kindness is greatly appreciated."
He spoke with such joy and respect it astonished you. For multiple reasons, though the main one rising in your throat. "Did no one feed you a proper meal? This was just what I could grab short notice."
He looked confused now, "I would say that was a proper meal, not a speck of soiled food anywhere." The both of you had moved closer to the cell bars as you spoke, allowing you to see how truly massive this man was and how powerful he would be if well kept. Damn near twice your size at least.
You shook your head, "No this was not a actual meal, this was something quick and easy." You declared. "My entire job is to keep you fed and I refuse to make multiple different kinds of meals, whatever I make for myself I make for you, that will be simplist." You decided, refusing to also waste time on food that would make you sick from looking at it.
The man stared at you with wide eyes that looked almost tearful. "Avalon." His voice came out more clear than before.
Cocking your head to one side you spoke, "Avalon?"
"My name," He replied. "If you are to speak so kindly with me I wish you to know it."
"Ah, thank you then."
He nodded. "You might wish to return home now, I don't think you'd enjoy wandering in the dark." Guesturing to your flickering lantern, Avalon made a very good point.
"Shit!" You exclaimed as you realized that it would extinguish soon, not enough fat to keep it burning for much longer. You quickly gathered your things, pausing as you realized you would be leaving with the only light source, leaving Avalon in the dark once more. You grimaced as you looked to the empty lantern that had been left behind.
"I can bring more fuel for the one here when I return tomorrow."
"Tomorrow?" Avalon grasped the cell bars, staring intently with a hopeful look in his eyes. "You would return tomorrow?"
Now you were once more confused, "Yes? I plan on bringing you a meal at least once a day, most likely in the evening so I'll have time to prepare."
The massive man smiled so brightly you'd think you had told him he was free. You couldn't help but offer a small smile in return. "I'll be back tomorrow, and I'll bring more lantern fuel so you're not sitting in the dark." With that you turned and left, walking quickly to avoid having to navigate the tunnels in the dark.
Avalon stared at the door, watching the same spot long after your light had left. Even he could understand the miracle that had been such a kind person being the one to care for him. He almost felt hopeful, if nothing else, than for someone to properly speak with, not to be ignored. As long as you showed no kindness whenever the king saw fit to come around, would you be safe.
For weeks everything was calm, you would cook a hearty meal for supper, and bring it with you down to Avalon's cell where you would both eat together. Along with two waterskins, one for each of you. You both would spend time talking, sharing stories or various thoughts and dreams.
You had noted that Avalon only had his clothes, so you brought him a blanket and a pillow, he refused anything else. He noticed how you seemed to have a difficult time when you were feeling ill and presented a small rot that had grown in the rocks, telling you to use it for a tea and it would cure the sickness and it did.
The two of you would share many a nights talking, until the night you had brought a small storybook with you and saw Avalon light up like never before. After that it had become tradition for you to bring him two books each week. One for him to read to you when you were there, one for him to read when you were away.
Avalon had proven to be quite a gentle, soft-spoken, and kind man. You could never imagine why he had been locked away. The night you asked he confessed that he wasn't certain either, he couldn't think of doing anything warranting such treatment nor could he remember how long it had been.
So you had dropped it.
And all was peaceful. Almost pleasant.
Until it wasn't.
The evening was like any other, you had began to make your way through the catacombs, almost able to make the trip blind at this point. Your hesitation came from hearing a commotion from Avalon's cell room as well as bright lights of multiple torches lighting the hall. You hurried closer, growing anxious as you saw multiple guards standing watch, noting how they immediately moved to let you pass.
Avalon's cell was opened, and the King had dragged him out by the metal collar around his throat, connecting chain rattling as the king snatched Avalon up to his knees by the collar.
Avalon let out a sharp wheeze, yet remained limp, refusing to do anything but allow whatever to happen. The very sight made you want to do something.
"Ah, caretaker." The King spoke with a delighted tone. "I was wondering where you had been," The King guestured his free hand out, holding a heavy looking mallet in said hand, one covered at the end in blood. Avalon's blood by the looks of it.
You bowed slowly, not wishing to risk the rage of a King in such a state. "My king. To what do I owe the pleasure?"
The King grinned, dropping Avalon's chain and grabbing a fistful of his hair, jerking his head back in one fluid motion and allowing you to see the bruising and blood along his face and neck. "I was just coming to see your work, you were told to keep this one," shaking Avalon's head slightly, he continued, "in a living state and I see you have!"
Avalon wheezed before stilling once more, remaining limp as a small pool of blood began to form beneath him. How many injuries did he have that you couldn't see?
The kings voice was overly sweet, "almost too well I might add. We wish him to live not to thrive." His tone turned accusatory. "This?" His voice grew as he shoved Avalon to the ground, the far bigger man falling to his side, gasping as he hit the cold hard rock floor. "This thing is not a friend, not a companion. It is a prisoner by the decree of this kingdom's crown." The King slowly stalked closer, barley contained rage making itself known as he continued. "You were asked to keep it alive. How have you chosen to do so?" He asked staring at your arms that contained the usual meal and drink
Ah. An evaluation then. You were quick to respond, looking the King in the eye and speaking as respectfully as you could manage. "I have decided to feed and water him once a week as that seems to keep him stable enough. If the nights are too cold I bring him a blanket and take it back once it warms up. I am uncertain of his limits and don't wish to push lest he freeze or starve." Your tone sounded as uncaring as you could manage, the King wished you to make Avalon suffer, you would make him believe that you had like everyone before you.
Out of the corner of your eye, you noted Avalon watching the King from his spot on the ground, one of the many guards holding a sword to his throat to ensure that he wouldn't rise up.
Your focus returned to the man in front of you who stared intently, before tapping against the bowl of hot stew, one of Avalon's favorites.
"Then why feed a prisoner as you would a friend?"
You were quick to reply as confidently as possible, "The food given to me to feed the prisoner was foul enough that I refused to lay my hands upon it. For my own convenience I simply make what I enjoy and use a portion to feed him. Less work, less mess."
The King before you considered your answer before gently taking the bowl from your hands, "I will ensure he receives his meal tonight," he finally broke eye contact as he turned and walked once more towards Avalon. Dropping the bowl carelessly as he raised his mallet high and swung down hard against Avalon's side, the cracking wet noise paired with Avalon's sudden muffled scream made you flinch.
"It would be wise of you to take your leave now and return home, caretaker."
Avalon wheezed raggedly, looking to you with a pained expression before looking towards the opened door behind you, silently begging you to obey and leave.
You slowly took a step back, ducking your head down and rushing out, trying to find the strength to leave while hearing the King continue his display of mad aggression.
Rushing back to your home you locked the door to the catacombs. Uncertain of what to do, all you could do was wait. Wait and watch the bridge to the castle where the King would have to travel to return home.
You sat by the window until long after dark before you finally saw the torches of the King and his guards leave, waiting just a while longer to be certain.
Once you were positive that they had left for good you grabbed anything you knew would help and headed straight for Avalon's cell.
The sight that laid before you almost left you in tears, Avalon had been locked back in his cell, collared and chained to the bolt in the floor once again as he laid in a bloodied heap upon the ground. The bloody trail from where he had been dragged slowly fading to a dark brown.
You moved silently, doing the one thing you never had before and unlocking the cell door.
Avalon's breath froze, he was listening.
"Avalon?" Moving to sit next to the giant man you set down your supplies, wanting him to know what you were going to do so you didn't surprise him. Not after what you had seen done to him. "I'm going to clean you up if that's alright?"
No response other than his breathing settling once again.
You reached a hand to place it along his back, hesitating. You had never touched him before, he wouldn't hurt you, you knew that. He would have already if it was his intention. Taking a breath you settled your hand between his shoulder blades, eyes tearing up as you felt the warm blood beneith his clothes.
Avalon shifted slowly, with your help the two of you managed to place him upon his blanket against the wall.
As soon as he was settled you realized just what position you were in. Kneeling in the floor next to the slumped over giant of a creature you only made it up to his toreso at best, his massive hands able to cover your entire stomach if he tried. This powerful and dangerous prisoner that you were supposed to fear or hate for whatever unknown reason, opened his glowing eyes and looked at you with such relief and fatigue that any fear left in that moment.
You leaned closer and reached a hand out slowly, not wanting to startle your companion.
Avalon watched closely, eyes growing hopeful as your hand almost reached his cheek.
The moment your hand settled against his cheek, softly stroking the skin and offering comfort he hadn't felt for ages.
"I'm sorry, Avalon."
He stared at you, your voice so sweet in his ears, your warmth easily pushing past all of the cold and the pain he felt in that moment, your care. He couldn't stop himself from leaning into your hand, raising his own to keep yours in place as he closed his eyes and choked back a sob.
Your own tears were quick to follow as you moved closer, moving to hold his face in both of your hands, you let him keep you in place. You startled for only a moment as his free hand wrapped around you, slowly pulling you into his embrace as he cried, desperate for any comfort you were willing to allow.
The soft silent cries were muffled into your shoulder as Avalon held you close, encasing you in his arms. His grip was gentle, yet firm and unwilling to let go. You couldn't care in the slightest as you attempted to comfort the creature that had grown to such great importance to you.
You remained there for the rest of the night, staying in his grip for hours until he finally released you to allow you to patch him up as best you could.
Avalon was grateful for every moment you allowed him, often saying so when he could find the strength to speak.
It felt wrong leaving him in his state. You spent your days afterwards by his side, helping feed him and replacing any bandages that might need fixing, staying by his side in his cell as he slept. You realized quickly that he slept best with you somehow touching him, be it his head in your lap, your hand in his, or simply pressed into your side as close as he could get.
As the days passed and his strength returned, his wounds closed at remarkable speeds. His ever gentle personality grew as well, into something more affectionate, dependant.
One calm evening you sat in his cell with him laying next to you, arms wrapped around your hips as his head laid in your lap. Breathing slowly and easily as compared to the broken breaths from before.
Placing the book down next to you, you looked to the side of Avalon's face, brushing his hair away so you could see him better. "You shouldn't be here." You decided.
Avalon's eyes opened slowly as he shifted to look up to you. "You think so?"
"No one even knows what you've done to be locked up." You watched as he leaned into the hand you'd placed against his cheek, a now common gesture.
"And yet I am and forever will be. They wait for me to die, refusing to try and kill me, unknowing that I never will." He spoke quietly, causing you to pause.
"You never told me that," Shifting slightly and settling once more you moved his face to look at yours. "Avalon why won't you die? What could you possibly gain from living this way."
He sighed softly, looking to you with such an openness. "Before, I would have told you that it is the nature of my kind."
"And now?"
He smiled softly, reaching a hand up to the one you had on his cheek and nuzzling into it happily. "Because you are here. I refuse to leave your side."
The threat of the royal family weighed heavily upon your mind. Avalon deserved better than this, he always had and now you were beyond certain. But how could you obtain such a thing for him?
"What happens when I'm gone, then?"
The creature sat up, turning to you in confusion and something you hadn't seen in his eyes before. "Why would you not return? You have a cabin, food, coin, all you need do Is keep me and avoid the king whenever he feels the need to lash out against myself."
Looking up to the creature that towered over you had lost any semblance of intimidation long ago, thankfully. "If they find us like this? If they see how I care for you and how you care for me they very well might execute me seeing how the king acted thinking I fed you a decent meal only once a week."
You hardly finished your sentence before Avalon's green eyes glowed with an unnatural fire, he snarled and let out a menacing growl, showing off a pair of fangs you'd only caught glimpses of before. "I will sooner burn this entire damned kingdom to ash and rubble than allow them to lay a hand upon you." He declared, his voice echoing in multiple layers at once in the most threatening and terrifying you had ever heard from him. The fire in his eyes gave you just a glimpse to the danger this creature could have been at one point.
"Avalon?" You called gently. Watching as he quieted and looked to you like a lost puppy.
He sighed and reached out to you, holding you close once more as he sat against the wall of his cell. Avalon closed his eyes and nuzzled against the top of your head, focusing on your warmth, your scent, the way you fit in his arms. He wouldn't lose this, he refused to lose you.
If he could get you to agree...
"Why don't we leave then?" He questioned hesitantly, "We can just leave, the two of us. We can find somewhere safe and I can care for you as you have me." He looked to you as he felt you shifting.
"You would want to stay with me after gaining your freedom? I'm not expecting that of you-"
He silenced you gently, "I have already told you that I will remain by your side. Even before I was here I remember people being scared of me or hating me if not both." Avalon rumbled happily as he looked to you once more, "never you."
Happily you leaned against him, soaking in the affection he so happily gave and received. "It would have to be at night. I would need to collect a bag of supplies and we would need clothes for you that blend in with crowds."
Avalon let out a breath of relief that you were willing. If it wasn't safe for you here he would need to get you away from this place, all the better you agreed.
It took another week of planning, between strict patrol of the castle walls left so little opportunities to leave unseen. After watching the patrol schedules you had found the best path, at the time just before the sun rises.
That night your bag had been packed and brought down to Avalon's cell. He encouraged you to rest before the journey, promising to wake you when he felt the time was close.
Sleep was nonexistent however you could take bittersweet solaces in being in Avalon's arms as the night passed. Trying to not think that it was the last you'd be able to rest peacefully with him.
When it finally was time you could only wish you were as certain as Avalon. You could tell that he definitely had a greater advantage than when you'd first met him. No longer skin and bone the massive man had filled out and looked healthy and strong, as well as determined. Stark contrast to the once lifeless walking corpse you had cared for.
Avalon held you close one final time before releasing you and letting you grab for your pickaxe. The old thing had to be put to use to get his chains off as the magic in them would shock him should he ever grab them with his own hands.
Had that same magic not been embedded in the metal he could have also warned you of his nature, his capabilities as soon as the damned collar would come off. Could he have, he would have told you what he was from the beginning. Though, you had to be quick, no time to explain until after.
The pickaxe was loud and someone might hear it, you would break his chains and the both of you would leave, finding the path and escaping into the deep woods. There he could take the collar off once the chains were disconnected and transform into his true draconic form. Once he could do that he could easily protect and care for you as he found somewhere safe for the both of you to settle happily for the rest of your lives. If only he could tell you his piece in the plan instead of probably giving you a heart attack when the time comes.
As you walked over, pickaxe in hand he braced himself for the sound.
With your arms raised, you slammed it down upon the chain bolt. The metal ringing out in protest and startling you with just how loud it was. With no time to waste you struck it again, flinching with how the room rumbled as though arguing with your actions.
"Once more." Avalon suggested worriedly.
Once more.
Once more.
With the final swing the chain broke at the bolt, disconnecting the metals and freeing Avalon from being forced into one place.
You both stared at the broken chain in disbelief for a moment before looking to each other with hope. Avalon stood tall and moved to follow you as swiftly as he could through the catacombs.
He would let out little noises of excitement or disbelief every few minutes, the reality of the scenario sinking in.
As you made it to the entrance to the catacombs you had him wait, poking your head out and noting the distant shouting and torchlight moving your way. Fear struck your heart then, "we need to move quickly."
Avalon happily moved out of the doorway and stepped into the soft grass with the joy of a child, wanting to embrace the moment for all it's worth before hearing your heart speed up in fear. Instantly he had regained his composure and noted the guards approaching. Avalon took your hand in his and began moving quickly through the brush and trees. Trying to focus on getting you somewhere safe, not the utter joy of seeing the outside world for the first time in how many hundreds of years.
You were far more worried than he was, however. Listening for every tiny noise while trying to escort someone of his size away from any noise or light. The break in the castle walls weren't far, if you could get through that and to the edge of town you were free.
As the wall came into view you bit back a smile, truly believing it was going so well, it would work, you could leave the kingdom and it's mysterious disappearances and secrets and leave it all.
With Avalon by your side, you could leave you would both be free- the sharp pain that struck your leg forced you to cry out and stumble. Only being caught by Avalon as his expression shifted from worried to murderous.
The arrow in your leg was the same crafting as the royal guard's.
"You thought you would go unnoticed?!" The King appeared above you both, standing atop the castle wall, sword drawn and smiling far too wide. "Did you not think that there were guards that took note of how long and how often you'd go to the catacombs? That we would just ignore how worried for a mindless beast you seemed the night you found it in such a state at my hands!?" The King's voice boomed, not that you could pay it much attention, the arrow lodged in your leg was your main focus, whimpering and tearing up you couldn't walk much less run in this state.
You attempted to speak, to tell Avalon to leave. They would certainly kill him now. However, when you looked to him, when you saw his expression, the murderous rage in his eyes as he glared the king down from his position in the dirt beside you. You couldn't find the words.
The King could, however, "and you, beast!" He shouted, pointing a sword towards Avalon. Speaking confidently as a swarm of soldiers surrounded you and your companion, arrows and swords ready. "You truly thought you'd be allowed to leave? The first king who dominated this land and seized the fearsome dragon who owned it all?"
Avalon turned back to you with a great sorrow in his eyes, "I will get you out of here, I will bring us someplace safe." He swore quietly, ignoring the King's shouting. Focusing on trying to comfort you. It was only as the soldiers stepped closer did he snap to attention. Raising a hand to his metal collar, the final magical enchantment connected to him.
"The Kings before you were as cowardly as you. I lived here before this kingdom had formed and aided in it's creation as a friend of the King. He feared my power, and betrayed me. I had done nothing to deserve what your family has done to me. My companion has done nothing to deserve what you have done to them." Avalon tore at the metal, sparks of bright magic flying from the metal as well as his throat as he began to pry it open with an enraged shout.
The King looked horrified, raising his sword as he shouted to his army, "ATTACK!"
Avalon tore the collar off, in the same moment shouting in anger that turned into a thunderous roar from the changing and growing black scaled dragon.
As soon as you closed your eyes and braced yourself for the incoming soldiers, you were lifted up quickly into the sky, Avalon held you tightly in his claws while lifting himself off the ground with his mighty wings, flying far enough that you were both out of range before he took a deep breath.
Pressed to his scaled chest you could feel the immense heat of the dragons core growing as though it were made of-
Avalon opened his maw and a torrent of green flames fell towards the king and his soldiers.
You closed your eyes and tried to cover your ears from the sounds of the army of humans being burned alive.
As quickly as it began, it was over once more. Avalon breathed heavily, lifting himself higher in the sky and swooping down somewhat to take off with speed, flying high and fast away from the kingdom that had imprisoned him for so long, with you in his claws still.
With so much excitement and nothing making any sense you simply kept your eyes closed and allowed yourself to slip into unconsciousness.
It was a dull pain in your leg that you registered first upon awakening. Secondly it was the massive dragon form that had encircled you. Avalon was fast asleep, curled so tightly around you with such a massive form that even laying down his body was almost as tall as the trees you had seen grow.
Your senses returned to you swiftly as you tried to get up and move, only to let out a pained whine as your leg gave out, before you could hit the ground however, Avalon's clawed paw was underneath you. He had caught you and was now awake. The draconic maw inches from you as he leaned close to look you over.
"Gentle now, it will hurt worse if you move too much too quickly." His voice rumbled, similar yet far deeper and rough.
You whimpered slightly, attempting to calm yourself as the memories came back to you at once.
Avalon seemed to catch on rather quickly, "oh, it's alright little love, I swear." He cooed softly as he could in such a form. Slowly he dragged the paw that held you closer to his form, moving his maw so he could look at you once again and gently as ever nuzzle against you, careful to avoid your leg.
You caught your breath, letting your heart settle as you began to rationalize. It was just Avalon. He saved you he saved both of you. He was a big dragon apparently but he would have hurt you already if he meant to.
"Where... Are we?" You managed. Looking around to notice the plush bedding you had been laying on, seeing glints of something shining brightly in massive piles beyond the dragons form.
Avalon sighed happily, "my old cave. My home before I was imprisoned. Apparently none had found it in my absence and my hoard remained." He sat up slowly, keeping you close to his chest as he showed you the extensive collection of golden items and precious jewels and treasures that littered the cave.
You felt your heart freeze. With everything sinking in you tried to focus on your thoughts as you felt Avalon press his maw to your side once more.
"You're a dragon."
Said dragon rumbled contently, "I am."
You pressed a hand over the sore spot on your leg, trying to distract from how it felt. "You didn't say anything about this because?"
"The magic in the chains and collar forced me into my human form indefinitely, I had no proof. You would have thought me mad."
He wasn't entirely wrong.
You winced slightly as he began to move, instantly the dragon began to fret once more.
"Oh, forgive me, here. I'll place you back upon your bedding," the massive dragon moved so slowly and carefully it was almost impressive. As soon as you were placed upon the soft blankets once more you settled and watched as he finally stood, able to see the true size of such a creature.
Avalon began wandering through the cavern, digging through piles of treasure methodically.
You were content to watch before closing your eyes and attempting to find the position that eased the dull pain in your now bandaged leg.
It was only a few more minutes before you felt the heat from Avalon's maw radiating inches from your form. Opening your eyes you saw him holding a vial of a deep purple liquid.
Curiously you reach to take it, feeling the cold nature of the liquid through the glass.
"I have made friends that specialize in healing magic and nature. Drink. It will ease the pain until you heal naturally." He spoke quietly, moving to once again curl around your form.
You hesitantly opened the vial, the scent was somewhat sweet and almost fruity.
Noticing your stalling, Avalon leaned his muzzle down to gently tilt your hand as well as the vial closer to your lips. It tasted of a strange fruit with something bitter, an odd combination and not the greatest either. After drinking you made an unpleasant noise, closing the vial and setting it far from you.
Avalon pushed it farther away, agreeing with your response. He settled down however, nudging the blankets surrounding you even closer to ensure you were comfortable and warm.
He did seem rather pleased as the liquid began taking its effect and your discomfort diminished, replaced by a newfound exhaustion.
You yawned loudly, mind feeling foggier with every passing moment. "What will we do now?" You mumbled out, shifting to lay comfortably with Avalon pressing as close as he could to you.
He spoke softly and with such care, "Now you will rest, I will care for you. Later we can decide if you wish to stay here, close to the kingdom that betrayed us both, or if you wish to leave we can simply leave and find somewhere else. I have ways of transporting my hoard if needed be."
You nodded, cuddling into Avalon's muzzle as best you could, feeling him press closer to you in turn.
Avalon cooed softly and watched closely. You were already asleep. You might not notice if he slipped away to finish burning the damned castle to the ground with the rest of the royal family. No doubt they would send hunters and soldiers to find you both. That can't happen yet though, you need time to rest and heal and understand.
He didn't want you to see him act so harshly to keep you safe. He enjoyed you loving him, not fearing him. But if they came, if he didn't protect you-
Avalon growled lowly, eyes glowing green with the promise of death. He would kill every single one of them. One by one until they are all of them a pile of ash.
There was a reason he had been imprisoned, after all.
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ace-ahoy · 1 year
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It's ace attorney fan art
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hisnamesdylan · 2 months
”You won’t stick around too long,sweetheart. Not when you find out what he’s really like.”
— Quill Kipps
Lucy: proceeds to not stick around because she did in fact find out what he’s really like (reckless with a death wish bound to get himself killed, especially if it means protecting her).
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star-railfanboy · 8 months
His Hero Pt 1
|Hello Everyone who comes across this. I saw some fan art drawing Dan Heng as Spider-Man and my brain refuses to let go of the thought. Dan Heng is my Favorite Star Rail character and Spider-Man is my favorite superhero so I'm mixing the two in this au. It will be more than one part. The reader will be shorter than Dan Heng. Anyways as always feel free to change the pronouns to fit you own. Enjoy and I hope you have a wonderful day or night.
Scenario: He got bitten by a radio active spider. Before that happened he was a standard college book nerd. He was working on his biology degree. He has a high moral obligation when it comes to people in need. That is if he is able to do something. He somehow manages to find a balance between his life and his life as a vigilante. Though getting closer to his crush is a bonus to the chaos that is his life.
Dan Heng x A Male Reader
Warnings: minor spoilers for Dan Heng and Blade's lore as well as the main story quest, mentions of death, injuries, minor angst, and very long|
Dan Heng:
Dan Heng had gotten injured during his last battle. He never expected he'd get into that situation. He was against a new organization that had arisen in his city recently. They claimed their leader could predict the future.
He was against the person named Blade from the group. He looked familiar to Dan Heng. The hero couldnt place his finger on the familiarity until he said something. The thing happened to catch him off guard. Blade called him by his dead brother who caused a lot of problems for him. It made his blood run cold and muddled his mind for a moment which lead him arm getting cut.
His late brother was the reason he wasn't living a normal life. He was the one that raised Dan Heng. He had cause a lot of issues for a lot of people. Dan Heng unfortunately looked similar to his brother that many mistook him for the other. He did a lot of things that upset a lot of people. However before things went down hill he was considered a hero and highly respected. He wished to not be his brother's shadow anymore.
His brother was the original Spider-Man. He bitten and relied on two of his friends. They were named Yingxing and Jiang Yuan. Dan Heng sort of remembered them but somethings happened when his brother had his down fall and his memories were scattered about.
He never met the two as he always hid in his room when they were over. He had seen them a couple of times when he peaked out of his room to see if they had left yet but they never saw him. With Yingxing he never saw the other's face while once or twice he caught a glimpse of Jiang Yuan's face. His brother also never mentioned him as they had a rocky relationship.
Dan Heng only found out about his brother being a hero because he came home injured. He took care of the wound. Though he had no clue about the experiments his brother was conducting until he found himself bitten by a radioactive spider that bit his brother. He remembered not wishing to even be in his brother's lab but Yinyue Jun forgot something important at home. He brought to his brother. His sort of remembered Yingxing being there but he doesnt trust his memory of the incident. After all his mind became hazy and memories fragmented.
He hadn't seen nor heard anything involving Yingxing since Yinyue Jun had died. Which happened not soon after he visited the lab. While Jiang Yuan mistook Dan Heng for his brother and arrested him for a short period of time. The arrest was removed off his record when they discovered that he was Dan Heng not Yinyue Jun. Jiang Yuan is kind and wished to help Dan Heng if he needed but the dark haired male was always mistaken as his brother.
Dan Heng also sense the white haired male held guilt for anything that happened involving his brother. He remembered everyone talking about his brother at the funeral. So many mixed emotions and opinions that he couldn't make heads or tails about. With his memories scattered it was hard to sort his thoughts and memories about the other. He choose to separate himself from his brother but people still claimed he was just living in Yinyue Jun's shadow.
He managed to make it out of the fight just fine. He had taken Blade down though he figured it wouldn't be for long as one of his comrades showed up. He had left quickly as Kafka was one of their group he didnt like messing with. He was safe from the two but he was still shaken up. Dan Heng hadn't changed out of his suit just yet. He just found himself in an alleyway hidden from sight trying to calm himself. He was trying to organize his thoughts. While he didn't sense any danger he heard footsteps approaching.
Dan Heng gave a sigh just what he needed. It was bad enough his vigilante side gig was exposed cause he ran into March 7th one night. Of course she thought he was Yinyue Jun as he reused his brother's suit design. He was now the same height as his brother once was. The general public minus Jiang Yuan thought he was still the original Spider-Man. The only difference was he refused to work during the day to avoid being seen. His brother was once again the original hero.
He wanted to leave before he was seen by this new person. He readied himself to swing out of there bracing himself for the sting that will occur. "Wait a second!" The person called out. He mentally cursed to himself.
For the second time that night his blood when cold. He'd recognize that voice anywhere. It was someone he holds dear. They met because of group project the shorter male had to work on with his roommates. Stelle and Caelus had fought over who was his friend. March wasn't home that day. They got acquainted then but didn't become close until he started his job at the local library. They were studying science and history. Which was very fitting for the other.
While he was reminiscing at how they met he felt a hand on his wrist. (Eye colored) eyes staring at him. "Look I'm sure you prefer not to be touched but I noticed a gash on your arm. My friends are constantly talking about you. You saved two of them once so I dont think youre a bad person. I know you're a hero and most likely wish to keep your identity hidden which I fully respect. Just hear me out please. I want take you to my home to patch you up. It's not far from here. I just worry about you swinging about with that wound Spider-Man." The shorter male said with a worried look. His eyes staring at the gash with a frown.
Dan Heng started thinking about everything. He knew (Name) was trustworthy. After the two became friends he learned the shorter of the two was very kind and gentle. He was also someone the hero would trust his life to if the situation called for it. Dan Heng thought it would best to just nod. He knew the other would lose sleep from worry. He saw relief flood into the other's eyes.
He was lead to (Name)'s home. It wasn't far and he was positive no one saw them. Dan Heng became a bit red under his mask due to the fact (Name) hadn't let go of his hand yet. The smaller male had sat him down. "Make yourself at home while I go get my first aid kit. Is it also possible to pull your arm out of your suit? If so pull it out please. I don't wish to damage your suit further but I want to make sure your arm is properly wrapped." (Name) said letting go and
"Caelus and Stelle are going to kill me if they find out about this. It'll be even worse for me if they tell Dan Heng." Dan Heng heard him mutter to himself while grabbing the first aid kit from the bathroom. While he was grabbing it Dan Heng pulled his arm out of his suit. It was made with the mask and body suit were separate. Had he not ran into (Name) then he'd be in that alleyway still.
He was rather nervous about this. (Name) came back and accessed the wound. He quickly began tending to the wound. "It may sting for a second. I'm going fo clean it." His soft voice said. The hero thought his voice had eased his mind a bit. He winced slightly from the disinfectant.
"If this happens again feel free to come here to get taken care of. Both of my parents are both in the medical field. I learned a lot from them. They taught me since some of my friends were constantly getting hurt when we were kids." (Name) couldn't believe he just offered that.
The (eye colored) male knew his friends would yell at him for this but he couldn't help it. The hero saved March and Caelus both in the past. His identity was a secret so getting help must be hard. It must be so lonely and hard. He had no interest in prying at all. He took care of his wound with ease. The hero was gone quickly after with a soft thanks.
What he just offered had finally sunk in what he offered. The adrenaline of seeing the wound and his need to help others died down. He pulled out his phone and opened his chat with Himiko. 'Hey Himiko I may have done something extremely dumb.' He quickly typed out. He couldn't go to his other friends after all. They'd make a trip this late to come scold him.
'Is everything alright? Do you need me to send Welt to stay over for a bit?' Himiko quickly replied as he cleaned everything up. This was going to be stuck in his mind for awhile. He just hoped making a deal to aide the hero wouldn't come to bite him in the butt. He chatted with Himiko for awhile until he was able to relax about the situation.
Dan Heng swung through the city until he snuck his way back home. His other three roommates didn't know about him being Spider-Man. In fact the only ones who did know were the oldest of the friend group. Himiko and Welt helped him immensely from making his suit to improving his gear.
After he got changed out of the suit he leaned on a wall. He had tossed his phone on his bed to not think about it. He covered his now extremely red face. There's no possible way he'd actually take (Name) on his offer to patched up as much as he yearned for it. It would put the smaller male at risk if anyone saw him heading there to get help.
He was trying to calm his racing heart when he noticed his phone light up signaling a message. He picked it up to check who could be messaging him. His eyes widened when he saw Himiko asking if he was ok. It was as if she had a second sense. 'I am fine you don't need to worry about me.' He responded.
'Glad you are ok.
A little birdy told me our dear (Name) patched up your wound and offered for you to come to him in the future. Though you did make him worry and freak out afterwards.
He messaged me freaking out because he offered to help a certain hero.
He was worried because he knows nothing about the hero but had a run in with him being injured tonight. I am relieved he patched you up regardless. Anyways get some rest and good night Dan Heng.' Himiko messaged.
Dan Heng gave a sigh. The smaller male was too kind for his own good. He'd be extremely worried had it been anyone else that was Spider-Man. He should plan something as his hero alter ego to thank him for patching him up. He also makes a mental note to persuaded him to not offer that. It could very much put him into dangers sights.
His hand subconsciously went to the bandages on his arm. He remembered the soft tone and gentle hands. His heart sped up once again for that night. He'd just realized he'd never been at the other's home. His face started heating up. He hoped he wouldn't have any late night knocks on his door from his roommates.
Needless to say the two males were up for the rest of the night. Dan Heng thinking about the shorter male. While (Name) was thinking of him without knowing know it. The following day started off normal for Dan Heng which was nice after a night of fighting crime.
His roommates had left their shared home earlier for classes or work. Making him the only one home. He didn't have any classes to attend that day which he was happy about. It also meant his arm would be able to heal more easily. At least for one day. He replaced the bandages on his arm carefully
All Dan Heng had to do was work his shift at the library. Which was a relief for him considering how much sitting in a lecture hall coping notes may irritate his cut. He heard a small knock on the door. Which he went to go answer. He looked slightly surprised seeing (Name) upon opening the door. His expression went back to his typical stoic one.
"Hey Dan Heng is Stelle here? She left something at my house the other day. I wanted to meet up with her but she hasn't been answering my texts. I think she's mad at me after Caelus made me draw for him in their gatcha game. Caelus got the character she wanted. She got a duplicate and blamed it on me rolling for the other." The shorter male said with a smile. Dan Heng shook his head.
"She has already left for her classes. Would you like me to put it on the counter for her? You also might have to roll for her later. Next time tell them both anything that happens isn't your fault." He said knowing how those two are. The shorter male nods. He gave a smile glad to have ran into Dan Heng. He was invited in for a moment. "Do you work today? If so and our shifts align we should walk there together." His gentle voice said.
"I am closing tonight so I won't be in until later. However I am happy to walk you there if you work earlier." Dan Heng answered setting the notebook on the counter and leaving a quick note for Stelle. It just meant more time they can spend together. He looked into shining (eye color) eyes. Dan Heng had a fond look in his eyes. He would deny it if anyone asked but he could get lost in those eyes.
"That would be appreciated. I am a mid shift today so when you clock in I'll be clocking out. If it's no hassle for you." The shorter male answered rubbing his neck. Dan Heng noticed his posture seemed timid. He tiled his head concerned. The other had a habit of not liking to bother others. He was worried someone was harassing his friend.
"Is everything ok?" The taller male asked with a worried look. His ocean eyes watched the other look away. "You know you can tell me whatever is troubling you. I'm always willing to lend an ear if you need one." He said softly. The other gave a sigh. His tone make the shorter male's heart skip a beat. "Promise not to get angry?" The response caught the hero off guard.
"If you're in danger or anything I won't be angry just worried. I can arrange for myself Caelus or Stelle to pick you up and walk you to work if you need. If none of us are available we can ask Mr. Yang." Dan Heng answered coming closer to the other. He was observing any movements that might spark concern.
The shorter male shook his head. "I'm not in danger I promise. It's just I have been feeling as though someone is watching me lately. Plus I want to spend more time with you as I haven't seen you very much." He lied for the first half of his sentence. It felt like something was amiss but Dan Heng couldn't place a finger on it.
Dan Heng frowned hearing his response. "If you have that feeling why didn't you ask sooner? I am happy to walk you. After you get off come here someone should be home. Wait for me here and we'll talk with the rest of our friends if we can work something out until the feeling is gone alright?" He offered a reassuring look.
"I'm fine with waiting at the library until you get off. I have some exams to study for anyways." (Name) said. He was happy go be around the dark haired male. His presence soothed him for some reason. He loved being around the young biologist. He was glad they met. He gave a nod in agreement.
"I am happy to help. It's better safe than sorry in this kind of situation. If it's just a feeling it should subside soon. Let me get ready and I'll stay with you for the rest of the day. I don't have any classes today and wasn't planning on doing much." Dan Heng got a nod in response. He'd make sure nothing would happen to the other.
"Also if the feeling is truly nothing then that's ok as well. I'd rather you feel safe. I can also teach you some self defense just in case if you want." Dan Heng stated. The other quickly shook his head no. His face was slightly pink. "Though it wouldn't hurt to learn I don't think we need to go that far." (Name) said looking away.
The two walked to the library chatting a bit. There was periods of silence but it was very comfortable. The two walked together as if it's was natural for them to be by each other's side. It has always been this way since they became close. As they were walking Dan Heng sensed danger and pulled the shorter male closer to him.
He winced and gave a sharp breath. He grabbed the other with his injured arm. "Dan Heng?" The shorter male asked worried. He felt safe in the other's arms but that sharp breath worried him. "Don't worry about me." He said still holding the other close. He looked around trying to find the danger it was in the middle of the day so there wasn't many people around.
He got slapped on his injured arm. He took another sharp breath. "What are you so on guard about Dan Heng?" March asked while looking at him holding (Name). She quickly took a picture. "You both are together and didn't tell me? How rude!" She shouted. She watched the shorter male go super red. While her stoic roommate had a faint blush. He quickly let go of the other.
"You're misunderstanding March. I am just walking him to work. I felt something was off and then you appeared. Also delete that picture" Dan Heng said. He shook his head at March 7th. While (Name) looked concerned. "Did you injure your arm? I can look at it if you need." The shorter male quickly asked grabbing his hand which made his blush darker slightly. He couldn't let the other see his arm since the other may piece together his identity.
"Some of my books fell on me last night while I was organizing my shelves. Which bruised my arm a bit. I am fine. Again dont worry about me." He stated. There was the worry in the his friends' eyes. "It'll heal soon I'm ok I promise." He reiterated. He didn't need March seeing it too. He was still high alert and his senses were going crazy. He wanted to ensure his friends safety.
The shorter two started walking. They were barely in front of the taller male. March wrapped her arm around (Name)'s basically dragging him. Dan Heng followed and out of there corner of his eye he spotted long black hair disappearing into an nearby alleyway. He knew it belonged to as well. A frown appeared on his face.
He heard a creaking sound and reacted quickly by pulling his two friends back into his chest. "Hey what's the big idea!?" March yelled. She was about to go off more until a very old looking sign fell onto the ground. Had he not pulled them back it would've fell on the shorter two. March immediately looked at him wide eyed. "Do you have super powers or something?" She asked.
Dan Heng looked at the building. It was very old and looked abandoned which is probably why the sign fell. "I just have a good intuition. Are you both alright?" He asked letting go of them both. (Name) just looked at the crumbled sign in shock for a moment. "Dan Heng you're amazing for saving us. You're always so reliable!" He said turning to his dark haired friend. His eyes shining in awe.
Dan Heng looked away his face a bit pink. "Let's get you to work and talk about this later. I don't want you being late." He mumbled. March stared at the other. She started plotting in her mind since these two obviously liked each other. They were about to start walking again when a police car pulled over. "Are you three alright?" The cop asked getting out and coming over.
Dan Heng recognized that voice and sighed. "We are fine Jiang Yuan. Do you need a statement from us?" He asked glancing at the other. March looked between the two in surprise. She was shocked Dan Heng new this person at all. He was so anti social she thought he only knew those of their little friend group.
The white haired man shook his head no. "I saw everything that happened so no need as long as you're all fine." He stated with a relaxed smile. Dan Heng gave a quick nod ready to leave. "How do you know Dan Heng?" March asked before they were able to leave.
Jiang Yuan gave a small head tilt and another smile. "I was long time friends with his older brother. How have you been doing by the way? You ignore my messages so much that I worry." He said. Dan Heng sighed. "I'm fine and March before you ask I don't wish to talk about my brother. Now if you'll excuse us we'll be off." He said quickly. Which cause Jiang Yuan to frown a bit.
"I'll talk to you later Jiang Yuan." Dan Heng said as they started walking off towards the library. He should ask the other if there was anyone other than him and Yingxing that knew who Spider-Man was before him. That would help him when dealing with Blade and may lead to the stellaron hunters' fall.
They made it to the library without further delay. After the sign fell Dan Heng's sense stopped sending warning signals. When (Name) was safely in the library he dropped March off where she needed to go. She had tried pestering him to learn information about his brother until dropping it when he said nothing.
When he was alone he pulled his phone out and called Jiang Yuan. Who to his surprise answered immediately. "Dan Heng I didn't think you'd actually talk with me. This is a pleasant surprise. I had gotten off work not that long ago so I can chat for as long as you need." He said in his usual tone. Dan Heng just listened for a bit. "Could we meet up I have some questions involving your old group with Yinyue Jun?" He asked.
"Certainly. Where would you like to meet? I am free for the rest of the day. It sounds serious though. If I may be so bold to ask. Is everything ok?" He answered. "I am unsure at the moment. You know Himiko's coffee shop? Let's meet there." Was the response he got back.
Dan Heng felt himself grow anxious at this meeting. He wondered if he was actually going to get the answers to some of the questions that have been on his mind for awhile. He ordered himself a coffee and sat in the corner of the shop waiting for the other. He had started texting Caelus while waiting.
After 15 minutes Jiang Yuan showed up. He ordered a tea and then came over and sat across Dan Heng. "So what do you need to ask?" He said giving his full attention to the younger male.
Dan Heng sent a quick got to go message to Caelus before putting his phone away. "Did anyone know about my brother's side gig other than you and Yingxing?" He asked. His eyes watched golden ones look surprised. He must've caught the other off guard with his question.
"How did you find out about his side gig? As far as I was aware he kept it a secret from everyone but Yingxing and I." Jiang Yuan said. He placed his arms on the table and rested his face on his palm. He thought that Dan Heng had no clue who he was when they met for the first time. Much less Yingxing.
"I knew cause he messed up and came home bloody. Before his passing I got bit by a spider like him. As I'm sure you're aware from reports the hero is still active." Dan Heng said. Even though they plus Himiko were the only ones in the shop they were still in public. Which made Dan Heng keep things as vague as he could.
Jiang Yuan gave a nod and an understanding look. "Only Yingxing and I knew. Yingxing was the one who made all of his tools and I'd help him stay out of trouble with the law. Your brother didn't trust our other two friends with the information. Even I wasnt given all of the details. Yingxing was the one that every secret was entrusted to and the same goes for vice versa. Anything else you wish to know?" He explained.
He watched the younger male frown and go into a deep thought. Jiang Yuan grabbed his cup and took a sip waiting for the other to process the information. Dan Heng wondered if Jiang Yuan knew of Yingxing's where abouts. "Where is he now?" Dan Heng asked when the older male placed his cup down.
"He's presumably dead. With Yinyue Jun being his murder. Which is why our first meeting was less than Ideal. I had no clue he even had any living relatives after all." Jiang Yuan answered. Dan Heng's stoic expression changed to a perplexed one for a second. "What's the matter?"
"Did my older brother fight a bad guy with red eyes and long hair? He goes by the name Blade." Dan Heng asked. He was trying to make sense how Blade knew his brother's name while he was suited up. Jiang Yuan put a hand to his chin to think for a moment. "That description doesn't fit any of the villains he fought. Why do you ask?" The white haired male tilted his head again.
"I fought him last night and in the middle of battle he called out my brother's name. He laughed like a mad man while lunging at me with cracked sword. It looked as if it had been repaired with gold." Dan Heng explained. Jiang Yuan frowned.
"I wonder if my old friend is still alive. Which would make me more curious about what happened when your brother died. Yingxing had several conditions and was nearing his death bed when your brother started to fall from his title as a hero. Unfortunately I am unable to provide any more details as I dont know them." Jiang Yuan said. He noticed the younger male going back into a deep thought.
"Looks like it's time to permanently change my suit. If I encounter Blade again I'll try taking a picture for you to confirm or deny. I wish to right the wrongs caused by my brother if possible. Would you mind if I worked with you for a bit?" Dan Heng asked. Jiang Yuan agreed happily. He seemed fine with the idea of being relied on.
After the older male left. He spoke with Himiko about them working on a new suit design that fits him better with Welt. She seemed to agree eager to dress him up in different styles. He looked at the time and noticed it was close to his shift so he made his way back to the library. He quickly clocked in for work greeting his coworkers who just got off. He was working the front desk today.
When he arrived to the front desk he was an unhappy Stelle standing at the front desk with her friend Gepard from one of her classes. "Why didn't you tell anyone that you brought an injured super hero home last night? Then you chose not to tell any of us? I only found out because Gepard had seen you with Spider-Man in an alleyway while he was picking something up for his sister." They asked crossing their arms.
"Because you and the other over protective members of our group would scold me. He was injured and I couldn't just leave him to bleed out." (Name) said quietly looking away. "Of course we would." They said with a blank look. He was treating it like it wasn't a big deal.
"That's extremely dangerous (Name). Is that why you've been feeling like someone has been following you? If so you should've told me earlier. What if you became a target." Dan Heng stated as if he had no clue. (Name)'s eyes widened and Gepard had jumped being startled by the dark haired male. The shorter male looked down defeated he definitely didn't want Dan Heng knowing.
"I know but the hero had saved both March and Caelus before. He's not a bad person. Anyways what's done is done. Even if I could go back amd change it I wouldn't. Doesn't matter how angry you all are at me. I gotta clock off." (Name) said quickly getting up.
Stelle and Dan Heng exchanged looks. They gave a nod to the other. Gepard looked confused as if the two had a whole conversation without exchanging any words. "I'll leave it to you then. You better bring him home with you tonight so he's not at risk. Caelus will also be informed." They said turning to leave. They both knew he'd handle it. Seems he wasn't as careful as he thought to not be seen.
(Name) returned holding his head low. He refused to look at Dan Heng. "I don't wanna talk about it." He muttered pulling out one of his text books. He looked defeated. Dan Heng wouldn't admit it but he felt hurt when the other refused to look at him.
"I won't scold you anymore but please be more careful in the future. If Spider-Man puts you in danger I have no clue what I'd do if you got hurt. While it's great you helped him take better care of your own safety ok?" Dan Heng said with a sign. He started scanning books that were recently returned.
"I will thanks Dan Heng." (Name) muttered. Some of the taller male's words had made his heart stutter. It was going to be ok. "Hey Dan Heng would you mind spending the night? I'm honestly paranoid about being alone. Having you with me will put my mind at ease." Though his voice was quiet Dan Heng heard every word perfectly.
Dan Heng smiled thinking about how much he was trusted. He was entering things into the library's data base. "Only if you agree to stop avoiding looking at me." He answered. He glanced at the chair (Name) were sitting in to see his (eye color) eyes looking up at him. His face becoming red as they met the other's ocean blue colored eyes. "I promise I'll stop." He muttered going back to studying.
Dan Heng thought he was cute when he was all pouty like that. He was going to skip his vigilante duties for just one night. It wouldn't hurt anything right? He hoped but his moral obligation was guiltiling him from the inside. He would just go out while the other slept. Couldn't hurt right?
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cardboardbox-fly · 6 months
True loves kiss will break the spell,
Put a bullet in his brain
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steveshairychest · 1 year
Modern-day poet Steve Harrington writes achingly beautiful poetry about a boy that he never got a chance to love. Except he doesn't actually know the boy that stars in his poems. He's never even been in love before. But he is constantly plagued with dreams of their life together that feel so real. He's never met a man named Eddie but there's a part of Steve that aches for this man and he can't stop writing haunting poetry about cradling the bleeding man in his arms and carrying his corpse through the gates of hell.
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enden-agolor · 6 days
How are you and your boyfriend doing?
I just want you to know that you're amazing. You make my day and night with all of the homosexual cube males (and of course the homosexual cube females and the other cubes) and I hope you're doing better. I only want good luck to find you in the future. I know it's tough losing someone you love, I understand what it feels like. Just know that you can do this. I believe in you man! Keep up the amazing art and have a good day/night!
Hey there, and thanks so much for reaching out...
Before I get into how we are doing, I just wanted to say thank you for taking your time to say this. We really appreciate it, and I love so dearly that you enjoy my silly block art. I still have a lot of trouble wrapping my head around that, especially as of late, that people actually like it so much. I have trouble accepting so much praise, but jeez does it go a long way. So thank you. 🩷
As for how we are doing
We are okay. We now know the woman who did this, and we also have a lawyer too. Animal control was no help (no surprise there) so we are mostly relying on the lawyer for help us figure out what to do next.
Andy went back to the doctor recently to get his cast removed and reapplied. His thumb was looked at, and while the sight is... very unpleasant to look at, they say he's healing nicely. Looks like he'll be keeping his thumb. Yahoo!
We also got Shiro back. Bro is in a little brown box now. Our little minecraft brown brick. I've been through animal death more times than I'd like to admit, and I cannot go into detail about that here, nor will I ever in public probably, but I know with my experience that I will be okay. My main concern is Andy, because Shiro was his best friend. The trauma of the event is unholy, especially for him. I'm taking care of him the best I can through these tough times. Feed him, bathe him, take care of the house and animals. Definitely a Recovery moment (as he likes to call it 💀) In the end, Andy is very strong. The strongest person I know. He's tough and has a heart of pure gold. I know he'll be okay. Sudden loss is terrible and changes you as a person, but life must go on and I know we will be okay. We just have to live our lives in honor of our sweet little guy. It's what he'd want.
Everything Shiro taught us and we taught him will be carried along to a new friend in the future whenever we are ready for it, so in a sense, Shiro is still very much with us in the way he impacted our lives and will continue to do so in the future. Even if he is gone, he'll always be our baby boy and I know I'll see him again some day.
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mintflavouredwhump · 1 month
TW mentions of death, suicidal thoughts
An immortal whumpee realising the downsides of their endless lifespan.
Not only do they outlive their loved ones but have to deal with time slowly blurring the outlines of those wonderful memories until Whumpee has to struggle to remember their faces or the sound of their voice. Maybe they dislike forming new relationships in case they forget about them as well.
Permanence and stability is a luxury they can never afford. People die, countries fall and languages vanish. Whumpee has to constantly change and evolve if they want to keep up with the world.
Even when they wish for death, they have no choice but to keep on living and hurting.
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gascansposts · 9 months
Miss Zombie Mika!!
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We stan!!!!! (Even tho she fuckin DIED AHAHAHH) ((poor Leo :( my boi got so much rizz and for what,,,))
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thejournaluser · 1 month
story prompt
Just last week, I almost got into a car accident had someone not push me away and took the hit for me. Heroic, yes, and thank you. I was about to drink my soda until my friend asked for some, I gave it to him instead and it turns out it was poisoned. Today as well, I had this one dude running up to me with a knife until a police officer got in front of me and got stabbed instead.
At first it was lucky of me, until it kept coming and never ending. So I made it a personal mission... to die. No one will be stealing my deaths anymore!
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kankuroplease · 2 months
I like the design of wolfang's mother we can know a little more about her story
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She is a boorish woman who comes from a clan that merged with the Inuzuka’s
It took her a few years to grasp the language the Inuzuka speak, but once she got it, she never stopped talking
She got the facial tattoos and a last name a bit late too, but hey. Better late than never
When she was a child, she was the the kid that was always getting in trouble or running wild through the woods with the animals
She wears the fur of her mother’s dire wolf
And her great grandfathers tiger’s teeth for earrings. They were gifted to her for her coming of age celebration
An extreme picky eater. She will argue that she needs meat and will eat around most vegetables
She has a habit of growling whenever she is mad
She and her wolf are always ready for a battle
It’s not that she’s fearless, she just reckless💀
They operate in a cliquish manner. If her wolf doesn’t like you, she doesn’t like you either
If she’s eating, the wolf is eating, etc
Leads a lot of hunts
Loves sun bathing but it doesn’t love her. She burns and just ends up with more freckles
Has a happy trail and she is proud of it
Any excitement and her claws are coming out
The first time she saw Tsuna, she didn’t think much of him
It wasn’t until he growled back at her when her and her clan were arguing with the Senju over battle plans that she was like
It had been too long since her last bedmate and camp has been boring 😈
She did get attached to Tsuna very quickly and finding out he was married pissed her off
Very typical of a man in power to cheat on his poor wife
What? She likes women? Why the heck did you marry her then?… you didn’t have choice? Bet you tell every woman that
Hm, she has a lover that lives with you? But you don’t even share a bed and yet you’re still providing for her because she’s your friend?
Damn, she needs to learn her ways. But also, that means he’s sort of still available. She’s still a little upset, but whatever
Randomly bites Tsuna while they’re cuddled up or when his arm is on her shoulder
Thinks he smells like fresh rain and Japanese Yellow Sage. Which became her new favorite smell
Which is what made her cry even harder viewing his body as he didn’t smell like himself anymore
Honestly, could say she loved him and felt loved by him. She just wished they had longer than a short couple years
She hated Sara for having him for longer and potentially taking Tsuna’s unborn child from her
It was her fellow clan members that convinced her they needed to leave sooner than later if she didn’t want the Senju taking her child
Raising Wolfgang wasn’t difficult for her, he was a good child and her clan helped her a lot
She told him stories of his father for his bedtime stories and enjoyed seeing the small peeks of Tsuna’s personality in their child
He laughed just like him when he’d ride the larger ninken with the other children
Also looked out for others like his father always did
Maybe tossed him up a little too high sometimes, but she never dropped him
She also stressed over him a lot. She didn’t want him to get hurt and he just seemed to be a magnet for enemy attacks
The hardest decision she made was joining with the members of the clan that went to fight along side of the Senju again
But she was very surprised at how welcoming Sara was and that she gave her the things she did
It also warmed her heart to see Wolfgang getting along with his Senju cousins (even if they didn’t know they were related yet)
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