ofjvsper · 5 years
( lee felix, cismale, he/him )  who is that ? oh, it’s just JASPER AHN. the TWENTY year old has been in beauhart for HIS WHOLE LIFE and is currently a STUDENT. i’ve heard they can be LOYAL and ADROIT, but also JEALOUS and POSSESSIVE. maybe that’s why their anthem is DYING TO BELIEVE by SLEEPING WITH SIRENS and iced coffee in the morning, climbing on rooftops, clutching something so tight your knuckles turn white makes me think of them.
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it  is  unfortunately  your  local  meme  queen™  and  favorite  korean,  ness,  back  at  it  again  with  another  muse  because  i  have  no  control.  he’s  fresh  out  of  the  oven  and  i   really  wanted  to  tell   y’all  about  him  so  i   haven’t  really  thought  up   a  lot  of  connections  ...  yikes,  but  i’m  always  willing  to  brainstorm  !  if  you’re  interested  in   plotting  then  i’d  suggest  liking  this  post,  sending  me  an  IM,  or  adding  me  on  discord:  trash™ ♡#4281
so, jasper was not born into a life of unconditional love and happiness. he was an accidental pregnancy that resulted in his parents getting married too young due to his pressuring grandparents that refused to help the couple financially if they didn’t comply. with that said, he had a rather cushy life and was given everything that money could buy — except for the undivided attention of his mother and father
growing up, he was raised on the more wealthier side of town and his childhood was somewhat of a lonely one that was filled with empty place settings where mom and dad should have been. his parents seemed to operate as if they didn’t have a son, always off doing their own thing, never really paying much attention to the little boy. however, this didn’t have him act out but rather keep to himself and cling to the various items and objects he had in his possession
he had a hard time academically from a young age and some teachers claimed he simply wasn’t applying himself, that he didn’t care to learn or lacked motivation. it took him a little longer than other kids his age to pick up on things such as reading and especially mathematics. jasper never had been one to speak up so he couldn’t exactly formulate what was going on in his brain through words and when he was ten, he was diagnosed with dyslexia and adhd. after that, his parents put him on metadate and got him the best tutors that money could pay and things began improving. still, his parents made no effort to check in on their son and make sure he was struggling less. all they did was simply pay for the tutors and gave themselves a pat on the back for doing the bare minimum
despite his learning disabilities, music was the one thing he truly found comfort in and, as it turns out, he was quite gifted when it came to picking more artistic/creative things naturally. it took a little bit of time to work up the confidence but he eventually got to make use of the bass guitar that he’d received for one of his birthdays. he began teaching himself how to play, learning to read the notes with some assistance, and even getting into the recording process. the quiet nights in a large yet empty house were now filled with the low hum of a bass and the sound of music provided more solace for him than any form of affection could
in school, especially high school, he was a jokester and would definitely be the type to do silly things just to make his peers laugh. he was friends with anyone and everyone but only had a handful that he actually felt a connection with and would hang out with outside of school. he was kind of the kid that you never would have expected to be popular ? jasper was definitely the person that everybody knew, for better or for worse
after turning eighteen and graduating, he was free and legally an adult so he moved out and into vivian’s place whom was more like family to him than his own parents. since he had a decent amount of money in his trust fund which he now had access to, he proceeded to take a year off from school and just focus on music and messing around with making his own songs until he felt confident enough to jump back into a learning environment. he's since enrolled at beauhart university with a major in music and a minor in music technology
is doing his best
deep™ voice but sometimes speaks in tiny font
either talks too much or not at all
lowkey a headass but acts like that for the memes
pretends to be the hottest thing since sliced bread but is really overcritical of himself ... fake it until you make it, baby 😎
he craves intimacy in all forms, not just romantic or sexual
tries and wants to do the right thing, he really does, but trouble has a way of finding him
he can come off as a bit quirky or eccentric but in a somewhat endearing way
doesn’t take anything too seriously and can be a little immature
loves animals more than people
name:  jasper ahn
age:  twenty (  20  )
zodiac:  cancer
birthplace:  beauhart, conneticut
gender:  cismale
pronouns:  he/him/his
sexuality:  bisexual
occupation:  student
education:  high school diploma, some college
height:  171 cm.  (  5′ 7″  )
hair color:  orange
eye color:  dark brown
alignment:  chaotic good
mbti:  esfp
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ofjvsper · 5 years
lorem  ipsum dolor  sit  amet,  consectetur  adipiscing elit,  sed  do  eiusmod  tempor  incididunt  ut  labore  et  dolore  magna  aliqua.
╰      ✨ . *    𝐉𝐀𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐑    ——    MUSINGS    * . ✧ ╰      ✨ . *    𝐉𝐀𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐑    ——    VISUALS    * . ✧ ╰      ✨ . *    𝐉𝐀𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐑    ——    THREADS    * . ✧ ╰      ✨ . *    𝐉𝐀𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐑    ——    AESTHETICS    * . ✧ ╰      ✨ . *    𝐉𝐀𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐑    ——    RESPONSE    * . ✧ ╰      ✨ . *    𝐉𝐀𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐑    ——    ASK   MEME    * . ✧ ╰      ✨ . *    𝐉𝐀𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐑    ——    OUT   OF   CHARACTER    * . ✧
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