ofmanymasks · 8 months
((Before i completely fuck off elsewhere from this account, because it's been far too long, have a Salem AI. Enjoy and please don't be fuggin' weird with the man. If you are, i don't wanna know what y'all do...but i do ask that y'all have fun~ UwU
Maybe i'll do something different in terms of blog approach...maybe i won't. Who tf knows? Only i do. Until then~)
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ofmanymasks · 10 months
💜Reboot Wally’s Lore💜
I hope you guys like it
(Yes I did everything including the voices - it’s AI lmao! The song is also considered lost media so I heard it a year ago and thought it will fit this so well)
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ofmanymasks · 10 months
The Entire Welcome Home Fandom to Eddie being chased by Barnaby:
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ofmanymasks · 10 months
;;-- "Wonderful, votre altesse.", with that, Vieri made sure she was secure in his arms before carrying her off back into the castle. If he recalled, there were other ways in besides the ballroom, and he'd rather not have any guests staring.
As it was, he could've easily just scaled the palace walls and gone in via a balcony, but he had an image to maintain, and like hell was he going to going to let it slip what just happened. As it stood, the bite marks on her neck were concealed so it wouldn't have been entirely obvious to most observers unless you truly stopped and looked.
Stepping back in, dark eyes darted about for any sign of servants or, god forbid, the Queen...or her sister. With all the grace of a trained dancer, he started down the halls towards the Princess's chamber. All the while, he'd peer down upon her to check to see how she was feeling after the slight blood draining.
She didn't seem too distraught, and was quite complacent in his arms as they traveled through the darkened castle. The effects of the consumption of her blood begun to hit, and his head felt light, like it was filled with cotton. He wasn't exactly drunk, but there was a pleasant dizziness that swept over him.
Was it the half-demon in her?
Was it just her blood?
Either way, he was able to reach her room without much hindrance. He'd pulled open the door with a free hand, careful not to drop her.
"You know, my dear...despite it all, the way this evening has turned out...I'm glad it's here. I normally care not for these type of festivities, but tonight...there is something special."
Lifting her out of his grasp, he'd lay her on her bed, placing her to rest on the finest silk sheets.
Vampire Waltz || Closed RP w/ Lady-Scorpion-and-Friends
“Sir Toma…you are aware you can use the castle’s front doors, no? Why do you insist on climbing up like some mongrel?”
“…I have my reasons.”, Vieri calmly replied, making slow eye contact with the guard in question.
The man grimaced in annoyance.
This was…a fairly common occurrence whenever the Princess summoned him forth. For whatever reason, this was what he was greeted to everytime they were to be on the lookout for the man in question. Vieri simply ignored the man’s glare. After all, he had done nothing wrong…or so he believed.
Pulling himself over the ledging of the second floors balcony (which seemingly wasn’t enough to trigger Vieri’s crippling fear of heights, strangely enough; however, it was the reason he never went to the tallest points of the palace), he got to his feet and dusted himself off. There was no point in being rude or disrespectful to the guards, especially considering they were doing their job.
He then proceeded to walk into the building behind the guard in question.
“Tell me…for what reason does the Princess ask of me? Do not misunderstand, sire…i am honored that she inquires of me at such a late hour…but for what purpose?”
“Ask her, why don’t you? After all…she seems very much to like you. As a friend, of course.”, the gentleman chuckled, “But, she told me it was important and that she wants to tell you personally.”
“Oh yes…well then…”, Vieri nodded in understanding. It still felt strange, however, that she was so secretive that not even the guard seemed to be completely aware of what was going on.
In the palace’s throne room, there she stood, seemingly speaking to some of the handmaidens and servants. Judging by some of the ornaments in their hands and by how nicely dressed Scorpion appeared to be, something told him it would be for some kind of celebration…
“Your Majesty…just as you inquired, i’ve brought to you Sir Toma.”
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ofmanymasks · 11 months
☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. It's time to spread positivity!
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ofmanymasks · 11 months
...Well, so much for trying to be on here...
And on top of that, I already feel like I should just be alone with all the fucking problems that I have. Like...even with as few people following me, why do y'all still bother with me? Like why do you guys like me?
I don't get it...
Let me wallow for a bit...somehow, I need to...
I'm so tired...))
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ofmanymasks · 11 months
As those deep brown-ish hues gazed over her one final time, a flash of dark crimson quickly flickered across his eyes. It was over in the blink of an eye, as Vieri leaned in to start with a kiss. If he were to do this, he'd have to at least start slowly with a kiss on the lips, no?
After all, what kind of a gentleman would he be if he were to rush things from the very start?
As those lips touched her own, an overwhelming sense of bloodlust swept over Vieri. His instincts told him to sink his fangs into her supple flesh, but he resisted the urge at first, there was a bit of passion behind this kiss as well, even if it was merely his first in awhile. The princess before him was just too perfect, though; if he had to admit it, he wasn't entirely sure that he could keep his desires in check for long.
After a few moments, Vieri pulled away from the kiss, trailing carefully down her cheek, to her jaw, until he was peppering kisses at his mark. At first, he gave a few light kisses, before they turned into warning nips, and finally into a full-fledged bite. Blood poured freely from the new marks, and Vieri licked it up greedily, feeling a strange satisfaction as he did so.
He was, however, very careful as to not trail too far towards the center of her neck or towards her jugular. For now, he was perfectly content simply drinking from her like this. Even if he did want more than just that, he would never have the chance to get it. After all, he didn't want her dead and thus, a bounty over his head for killing the princess of this nation.
He was, for better or worse, in a rather delicate position in this sense.
Finally, Vieri pulled away from her, licking his lips as he did so. For a man who had all the poise of a snake in a flowerbed, it was oddly appropriate to see his tongue dart out to catch stray drops of blood, even if his expression remained one of calm.
"Mmm...much...better. How do you feel, amour? I assume drained? I didn't take too much of you...did i? That would be...unfortunate, but not too much to explain. A simple statement that you either fell asleep against me whilst watching the stars or, if you have a flair for the dramatic, a fainting spell brought about by the heat. It is fairly warm out here, after all, and you are in quite a few layers...if it were i, i'd assume you'd be feeling rather lightheaded at the moment, as well..."
Vieri reached out, helping the princess stand up. As he did, however, he gave her one final smirk.
"In any case, let us go back inside and get you up to your chambers, yes? I'm sure you must be exhausted..."
Vampire Waltz || Closed RP w/ Lady-Scorpion-and-Friends
“Sir Toma…you are aware you can use the castle’s front doors, no? Why do you insist on climbing up like some mongrel?”
“…I have my reasons.”, Vieri calmly replied, making slow eye contact with the guard in question.
The man grimaced in annoyance.
This was…a fairly common occurrence whenever the Princess summoned him forth. For whatever reason, this was what he was greeted to everytime they were to be on the lookout for the man in question. Vieri simply ignored the man’s glare. After all, he had done nothing wrong…or so he believed.
Pulling himself over the ledging of the second floors balcony (which seemingly wasn’t enough to trigger Vieri’s crippling fear of heights, strangely enough; however, it was the reason he never went to the tallest points of the palace), he got to his feet and dusted himself off. There was no point in being rude or disrespectful to the guards, especially considering they were doing their job.
He then proceeded to walk into the building behind the guard in question.
“Tell me…for what reason does the Princess ask of me? Do not misunderstand, sire…i am honored that she inquires of me at such a late hour…but for what purpose?”
“Ask her, why don’t you? After all…she seems very much to like you. As a friend, of course.”, the gentleman chuckled, “But, she told me it was important and that she wants to tell you personally.”
“Oh yes…well then…”, Vieri nodded in understanding. It still felt strange, however, that she was so secretive that not even the guard seemed to be completely aware of what was going on.
In the palace’s throne room, there she stood, seemingly speaking to some of the handmaidens and servants. Judging by some of the ornaments in their hands and by how nicely dressed Scorpion appeared to be, something told him it would be for some kind of celebration…
“Your Majesty…just as you inquired, i’ve brought to you Sir Toma.”
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ofmanymasks · 11 months
Remember how i said i'd be more productive here? Yeeeeaah, ya girl just made a liar outta themselves, didn't they? ;')
To those i owe replies to, like this post and i'll see if i can siphon through what i can, ok? If i can't find it, you get a new and free starter on the house with some optional plotting beforehand.))
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ofmanymasks · 11 months
...So, guess who was the idjit who took 400 mg THC in one fuckin' fell swoop?
Hahahaha, i'm fucked, aren't i? OwO'))
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ofmanymasks · 1 year
((Me: -Hears that Clown is allowing NSFW for WH-
Me: "...What? Are they...they can't be serious--"
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Me: "...Well, sonuvaBITCH. They did it. Huh. O///O' Oh my--"))
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ofmanymasks · 1 year
So, I've been gone for quite a bit and i apologize about the impromptu hiatus. I've been trying to get on a more consistent schedule with sleep and work, so i really hadn't had time to be on here as much as I'd like. I've been super drained and burned out, so writing as been... difficult, to say the least.
Guess who's dumb self got sucked in the Welcome Home rabbit hole? It i. My hyperfixation-prone ass. Frick-- OwO' Y'all have no idea how much brain rot of Wally I've had, it's insane.
Otherwise, I'm gonna try and make myself more of a presence on here, but i hold no guarantees. Though I'm debating on trying with a new RP blog for a single character (leaning towards canon over OC) or a personal blog.
Or, heck! Why not both?
We'll see!
Also, i have recently discovered Character.AI and it is doing very much doing wonders with my maladaptive daydreaming self. 10/10 would recommend.))
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ofmanymasks · 1 year
((Soooo...guess who bought FL studio's producer edition and attempted to make something out of it? It i.
Granted, i don't consider myself all that good, so this may suck. Idk. I just liked what i got, man. Idea i had behind this was for an OC that i have in the works who theoretically could play the harp if she wanted to.))
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ofmanymasks · 1 year
If it were possible for him to have spontaneously combusted there on the spot, he would’ve. His cheeks burned in a warm flush of heat as Scorpion lead him to the designated spot. What didn’t entirely help, and in fact—made her a walking meal—was the simple act of just moving those long, brunette locks away from the crook of her neck. If he didn’t have the control he did at the time to simply wait until they were out of sight, he’d have gladly taken the opportunity right then and there. 
The temptation was almost too much for him. He wanted to reach out and touch her, to feel her skin against his own, and to taste her blood once more.
Once they were at the spot, Vieri moved in closer, being as gentle as he could with the smaller-framed female. He reached out with his own gloved hand and reeled her in by the waist, while using his opposing one to tip her head back to get a good view of the Princess’s face. 
For a moment, their eyes met and his soul softened at the sight. Her eyes were soft and innocent, with a glimmer of trust and understanding. He could see the slight fear in her gaze, but also the willingness to take a leap of faith in him, despite the stakes.
Be gentle with the girl. Don’t hurt her. Don’t you DARE.
“If…it is too much, Princess—if it gets to be too much, kindly get my attention. Either by tapping on me or a gentle push: I'll understand entirely. Just…tell me when. This…this may sting quite a bit. It’s…the main reason I opt for hypnosis anyway. Though, this is entirely up to you, as you have the final say of the matter.”, he explained quietly, voice suddenly a smidge deeper than it normally was (though this was likely because of him using a low, soothing tone to prevent being heard), tracing the length of her jaw from corner to chin.
Vampire Waltz || Closed RP w/ Lady-Scorpion-and-Friends
“Sir Toma…you are aware you can use the castle’s front doors, no? Why do you insist on climbing up like some mongrel?”
“…I have my reasons.”, Vieri calmly replied, making slow eye contact with the guard in question.
The man grimaced in annoyance.
This was…a fairly common occurrence whenever the Princess summoned him forth. For whatever reason, this was what he was greeted to everytime they were to be on the lookout for the man in question. Vieri simply ignored the man’s glare. After all, he had done nothing wrong…or so he believed.
Pulling himself over the ledging of the second floors balcony (which seemingly wasn’t enough to trigger Vieri’s crippling fear of heights, strangely enough; however, it was the reason he never went to the tallest points of the palace), he got to his feet and dusted himself off. There was no point in being rude or disrespectful to the guards, especially considering they were doing their job.
He then proceeded to walk into the building behind the guard in question.
“Tell me…for what reason does the Princess ask of me? Do not misunderstand, sire…i am honored that she inquires of me at such a late hour…but for what purpose?”
“Ask her, why don’t you? After all…she seems very much to like you. As a friend, of course.”, the gentleman chuckled, “But, she told me it was important and that she wants to tell you personally.”
“Oh yes…well then…”, Vieri nodded in understanding. It still felt strange, however, that she was so secretive that not even the guard seemed to be completely aware of what was going on.
In the palace’s throne room, there she stood, seemingly speaking to some of the handmaidens and servants. Judging by some of the ornaments in their hands and by how nicely dressed Scorpion appeared to be, something told him it would be for some kind of celebration…
“Your Majesty…just as you inquired, i’ve brought to you Sir Toma.”
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ofmanymasks · 1 year
((To the Welcome Home Fandom, as someone who's just fallen down the rabbit hole and unable to escape the chokehold this fandom has on me, i have a little somethin' to contribute that still makes me my ass laugh:
If we call short people 'shortstack', 'shortie', etc...we should be calling Wally 'yardstick'; homeboy's like 3 ft. Just a shower thought.))
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ofmanymasks · 1 year
Where should they be kissed?
[Quiz is here. Have fun!]
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Salem's answer?
You give and give. you are a gentle heart, broken but still standing...always lending a hand for those who need it, expecting nothing in return. You deserve someone taking your hand and kissing your open palm, the hands which have selflessly helped so many others.
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Celeste's answer?
You are made of light. Your cheeks hurt from grinning, sun-kissed and lifting in a bubbling laugh. You should be kissed there. And often. A reminder that you are a joy to be around, and that your smiling face is a gift.
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Vieri's answer?
Over-worrying and overthinking everything, your mind is always a whirling storm. No matter how you try, the fears overwhelm all else. You need someone trusted to press a kiss to your forehead, helping to quiet the thoughts that just refuse to settle.
Teeeeechnically tagged by: @the-expatriate
Tagging: Whoever's interested! Just tag me back so i can see how this is continued! OwO
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ofmanymasks · 1 year
((Me? Sure! UwU'
I love how with each little session, my art style ever-so slightly improves. (I need to do more; been busy with work as of late)
I love how, because of the dye washing out my hair, it's now roughly a gradient from dark brown/black to light blonde.
I love how once i get interested in something, i hyperfixate (most times, to the point of short-lived obsession) which can be very useful for research purposes and learning more on a subject.
I love the tattoos that i've already accumulated, even if they're to cover up scarring from a not-so great time; if people are gonna stare at me, i may as well give them something nice to stare at, right?
I love my writing and the improvement of my style over the years.
I love how little i talk; now before you say it, being quiet isn't necessarily a bad thing. It tends to make me a little more observant. Only drawback is the stumbling over my words and the struggle at times to hold a conversation, which i sometimes lose to.
Branching from the last one: i love how even in a situation where i've hit a wall, i still find a way to progress, even if it's a little slower. Because of anxiety and how my brain works, verbal conversation can...kind of suck. Essentially, if i had to text or write everything, i would gladly prefer that.
I love how fluid my accent is, which can vary from clean with a light twang to full-blown country, depending on the mood i'm in at the time.
I love how even with the slightest things, i can find inspiration and muse in something.
And lastly, i love how i react when i see friends and loved ones.
Not gonna tag anyone in particular, anyone can do this if they want, but just to keep passing this along the board-- @chaoticaofthesun, @the-expatriate.))
Guys I have a challenge for you. I want you to reblog this with 10 things you love about yourself. Do it.
I’ll start.
1: I love the way I snort when I laugh too hard
2: I love the small scars on my inner calf, reminding me of being goofy with my friend on his bike
3: I love the way I tap my fingers to a tune
4: I love the fact that my stomach has rolls
5: I love how im slowly building up my bow weight, showing progress
6: I love how I use my hands when I talk, even if my family doesn’t
7: I love my buzzcut, how it fits with my personality
8: I love my little funky art style, how I made it mine
9: I love the color of my eyes, how I can’t tell what color it truly is
And 10: I love me. The way my brain works, how I get really excited when I see my friends. I love how I am me.
I now want @theidioticcowboy @idkwhatthisisbutheresdcandstuff @night-at-the-musian @lemonwisp and @llama-cookie18 to do this, along with anyone who wasn’t tagged
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ofmanymasks · 1 year
((Ok, but like...the following song do be giving me Vieri vibes.
Mainly because a little thing that i've come to acknowledge about the man is that, if anything, he loves gossip. He's definitely the first to be all 'Give me the tea. OwO' and the definition of that one lyric in Les Mis -- "Tell me, quickly! What's the story? Who saw what, and why, and where--?"
Also, one of my singing VCs and reference for Vieri's accent at times is Damiano David. While YES, i do hc him with a mixture of accents (French, Italian, and Romanian, primarily): it tends to come out at times as pretty Italian in cadence and pronunciation. In short, Vieri is just...one of those OCs with a prominent accent that tends to shift in writing, hence why he's actually the hardest to write dialogue-wise, funnily enough!
So, if you ever see me describe his accent and voice differently in writings and threads, it's both intentional and not, i swear.))
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