ofmiseries-blog · 7 years
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although the predicament in which the two women were faced in was the slightest of bit loving & cheerful SOMEHOW through it all cora managed to strike a small appreciative grin on to elena’s rosy petals. love still lingering in the air for elena could never truly despise her no matter how much suffering she put her through in their dying marriage. eying her drunken wife as she got up from her lap elena couldnt help but bite down on her lesser lip wanting desperately to grab hold of her hand and pull her back down in to her warm embrace. “sleep with me tonight.” she hums gently with a soft almost inaudible voice, dights grabbing hold of the others hand toying with her fingers. she knew she shouldnt let in her in that easily knowing that although she believed her words ( in the slightest bit ) there was no telling what tomorrow would hold for the pair. but she couldnt contain herself & her hope for their marriage that she carried & wanted to begin this healing of their marriage core spoke of instantly. tiny feet patter against the wooden floors as she quickly grabs a bottle of water from the fridge, svelte frame covered in merely a red robe. “drink as much as you can, if we can limit the puking we will.” a smile cascades over her features as she hands the female a icy water bottle hand falling back in to the others as she gently tugs the pair up the stairs. 
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cora was a BIT disappointed that she had been rejected, especially in her drunken state, craving nothing more than to be touched and loved by her wife. but she couldn’t expect her to just give in, this was probably a lot to process for her. jumping back into old routines wasn’t going to happen in a snap of the fingers, neither was the healing process that went along with it. when elena grabbed her hand her eyes widened, stunned for a second at what she was suggesting, “i would love to.” she beamed a wide grin, her face lit up, trying not to sound too excited but couldn’t help herself. she couldn’t even remember the last time they slept in the same room, let alone the same bed. “ugh, what would i do without you? i always forget the drinking water part.” she semi jokes, knowing she’s a stubborn drunk and the last thing she likes to do is do what other people tell her. but it was elena, who always had a way with her. forcing herself to take a big couple sips of the water, she eagerly followed her wife up the stairs. she tries to be quiet as she walks past the kid’s room, knowing how hectic it can be to get them into bed. plus, she was in no state to be seen by them and she wanted to be alone with elena. once in THEIR room, she carefully closes the door behind them, “i just want to get out of these clothes.” she whines, then struggles to take off her top and pants, throwing them aside carelessly. then she proceeds to basically fall into bed, not by choice, her balance was not at it’s peak performance at the moment. “well, are you gonna join me?” she asks as she sits up a little to look at elena, an inviting smile on her face as she pulls up the covers for her to get in. 
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ofmiseries-blog · 7 years
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sadie was having a night in (for once) lazily laying around her apartment in just her sweatpants and a sports bra, she needed a break from all the partying. she still felt like shit from the night before, her hangover dragging out and torturing her for her  q u e s t i o n a b l e actions. it was taking her everything not to pull out the vodka in the cabinet, pour herself a couple shots to take off the edge. but she knew if she did that, she wouldn’t be able to stop herself. when she heard a knock on the door she groaned, she was in the middle of binge watching orange is the new black and had no plans to get up off her couch anytime soon. but she managed to get to the door and open it, surprised to see the other girl behind it (usually she’d give notice). she looked visibly upset, tears running down her face, but before she could even get out a greeting the other LUNGED her body at her. the kiss was so forceful that sadie stumbled back following the contact, not sure how she should handle this situation. god, she would love to just fuck away their problems like they usually did. but this time felt different, and even though the girl had a boyfriend and their status title was fuck buddies, she really CARED about her. she came to her senses a moment later, pulling away from her, breathing HEAVY from the whirlwind of a kiss they shared, “okay, that…was fucking hot. but uh, some of your tears got into my mouth which was kind of a turn off.” she said still holding the frame of the other, keeping her steady and preventing her from kissing her way out of this. “what’s wrong babygirl? did that asshole boyfriend do something to you?? cause i swear to fucking god i’ll kill him if he did.” sadie’s protective mode switched on thinking about the possible scenarios, her voice vicious.
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ofmiseries-blog · 7 years
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‘ w-what are you doing? ’ caleb asks as a very tipsy girl drops into his lap, as he’s sitting by himself on a couch at a party. the only reason he showed was to help them avoid their jerk of an ex, assuming he would try to get with her and his job was to stop it. but an hour earlier he had failed, and they went off to “talk” and god knows what else. that was the last time he saw them, until now. he couldn’t tell if things had went well or not, what was going on here? he definitely didn't want the other’s on and off again ex to see them together, in this position, the jock would make his life HELL. ‘ how’d it go with brad? ’ he asks curiously, trying to keep his hands to himself and his cool at the same time. the girl was his chemistry partner and they’d grown pretty close over the year, but never in this wildest dreams did he think she was into him like that. but on the other hand caleb’s feelings for her were off the charts, he’d been head over heels for her for a while. “maybe you should uh, sit next to me. i don’t want people getting the wrong idea.” he suggested lightly, he knew people would be WATCHING, he already felt like he had eyes on him because this wasn’t his scene or crowd. caleb didn’t get invited to parties, and he DEFINITELY didn’t have girls like her hanging off him.  
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ofmiseries-blog · 7 years
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she knows exactly where the jealousy is coming from– it’s all in the fact that she had too many feelings and too much attachment for this girl, and it was bad. sure, the romantic side of her kept telling her heart that it was just fate that she met her brother first, it was that the two girls were meant to meet. honestly? after knowing sabrina for only a day she was ready to leave the girl’s brother for her, but she’d already known that sabrina wasn’t one for serious relationships. the dark-haired girl had informed her that the intentions between them were strictly physical and no-strings-attached, and daisy wanted too much to let her know that she’d already fallen in love with her, so she pretended like she hadn’t and suppressed those feelings. she figured that whenever sabrina got tired of her, then she could break up with her brother. she wouldn’t be able to be around sabrina and not let herself be crazy for her. “watching me?” she repeated, hand fisting in her shirt to keep her close, relaxing back into the wall. “nobody was watching me.” she informed her with a little shake of her head, teeth sinking into her own bottom lip momentarily. “they were watching your brother make a fool out of himself, like always, and maybe me because i was next to him. that’s all i am to them, his girlfriend. nobody here cares about me enough to know me as anything more than that.” 
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it was disheartening to hear daisy put herself down like that, because sabrina was standing right there. she wanted to scream, SHOUT that she was someone that cared to know everything about her. but that would disrupt the causal relationship they had, make sabrina have to confront her feelings, which she wasn’t sure if she was ready for. but she couldn’t let daisy continue to feel the way she was feeling, “that’s...that’s not true. the girl who waited all night to get you alone does.” she admits softly, the vulnerability she was feeling making her stomach churn, putting her hand against the wall beside daisy’s head. there was a chance she wouldn’t believe her, but she had to put it out there. “but don’t make me get all sappy and shit, alright? i’m just happy my brother can’t handle this alcohol and this hallway is empty. oh wait, i will get sappy for a second. i think it’s FATE how tonight turned out.” she teases with an amused smirk, she couldn’t stay serious for too long, it made her UNCOMFORTABLE. but to sabrina, this was a big step for her. “are we spending the tonight together? i don’t even mean in like the i fuck you and roll over type of way. i wanna like...ugh, cuddle and shit.” she mumbles the last part, feeling self conscious about the way she’s talking, her eyes locked on daisy’s. it was nice when she slept over in sabrina’s bed, she could lock the door and no one would disturb them, it was like they were in their own little world. it did help that sabrina and ryan’s parents didn’t let daisy sleep in the boy’s room, only sabrina’s. 
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ofmiseries-blog · 7 years
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this once a one time thing soon became an endless cycle for elena, the constant staying at home & supervising the kids while her wife ( or what was left of her wife ) went out doing who knows what. she craved for those years where she would hit the bars & clubs back, but at last here she was. in the quietness of her rather large but humbled abode. the wooden floors chilled & the kids tucked fast asleep in their bedroom. elena was feeling utterly lonely, her years of being a young adult slipping past her dainty finger tips and in crawled motherhood. this was not the life she had wanted as a child, all she had wanted was a loving & compassionate marriage yet she was left with such bitterness. though with every chance she got? she tried desperately to rekindle what they once had. svelte frame rested on the living room couch as she anticipated her significant others return. dark chocolate hues steadily rolling back as her body went limp, as time went by, she had soon fallen asleep. but what felt like only a minute later, the petite female was being rocked side to side. extensive lashes fluttered open to reveal her drunken ( from the smell of her breath ) wife. she was completely lost for words & not because of the show before her but from the fact that she had just awoken giving cora room to ramble on.  “cora..” she hummed tiredly. her dainty hands kept to herself as the other straddled her lap. “you’re drunk. as much as i want to believe that, i cant.” although she would be lying if she said that cora breaking up with her boy toy didnt make her delighted. “you’ll wake up tomorrow morning & regret everything you said.. i know it”
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cora felt bad she wasn’t sober having this conversation, but in her drunken state she was convinced that she couldn’t wait until morning to tell her. she couldn’t go one more night with her and elena being the way they were, she’d be tossing and turning in bed itching to tell her. it felt like her RESPONSIBILITY to extend the first olive branch, since her wife was the one that had previously tried to make things work with cora turning her down every time. now she felt so STUPID for letting this go on so long, but she couldn’t change that now. all she could do was say she fucked up and try her hardest to save their marriage and her family. though the break wasn’t all bad though, she finally realized what she needed and wanted in life. and that was elena, her doubting that was a step back in their relationship, but she knew it was going to help them take two steps forward. she could understand elena’s skepticism, but this wasn’t like it was a common occurrence. she wasn’t one to go out and come home drunk and tell her sweet things she would just take back in the morning, “well, that’s where you’re wrong. i’m just gonna tell you the same thing in the morning, and the morning after that, and the morning after that...and hopefully by that time you’ll believe me.” she pokes her in the chest, a sweet smile gracing her features. she knew she needed to gain an amount of trust back with her, after all she hurt her these last couple months, and she was willing to go the mile. “i just wanted you to know, alright? i couldn’t let you go another second without knowing how i feel.” she admits softly, then lets out a small sigh, “but i’ll um, let you get back to bed. you’re probably tired, can’t imagine the kids went down easy.” she keeps the conversation light, attempting to get off the other’s lap but stumbling a bit. 
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ofmiseries-blog · 7 years
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         if years ago you were to tell coda that she’d be married (well, soon to be divorced) with two children at the age of twenty six, she’d be far from surprised. ever since she was little all she wanted in life was to be in love, and make a family of her own. considering her father lost her trust long ago when she found out he was a drug kingpin all her life, she never got the luxury of coming home to a happy family. it was always her and her mother fending for themselves while her father selfishly spent his time anywhere but where he was needed. that alone gave her some apprehension when finding someone to start her life with, but with cora, all her nerves washed away. they seemed minuscule compared to the pure euphoria she felt when in the arms of the other. but now, here they were, on the brink of their ending. she’s finally got the kids down after a rowdy and messy night, settled in the living room with a book on her lap. she’d fallen asleep pretty soon after, not a surprise with what she had to deal with earlier. truthfully, she wanted to wait up for cora, mostly because she wanted to see if once the kids were down, they could talk. not about the kids - for once. the sound of the door and the others’ voice does nothing in terms of waking her. it’s when cora’s shaking her awake that the blonde bothers to open her eyes. having just woken up, her words are fuzzy but her brows are knitting together in utter confusion. it was nice to hear these things coming from her wife, even if the immediate scent of alcohol came with it. coda was too emotionally invested in this to let a moment like this go to waste, but she’s still apprehensive to return any of the affection. it didn’t sit well with her that the other was drunk. with enough booze, coda would sing the same tune. but after all, they do say a drunk mind speaks a sober heart. sighing, coda watches as the other climbs atop her lap. the action alone only brings back a flood of memories to when this was something that occurred nightly for the couple. “cora,” she murmurs, her head cocking to one side. “is any of this true? or is the booze talking. you reek.” she scrunches her nose at the other, hands placing gently against her hips. “sorry to hear about your break-up.” frankly, coda didn’t like that cora was dating already. sure, the two weren’t going to be married for much longer but that didn’t stop her from being as jealous as she was. 
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cora knew that if she were sober, she wouldn’t be speaking so freely. that wasn’t because the words she were saying weren’t true, but because she was a COWARD. she had put coda through all this with the separation, it would seem like it was for nothing and meant nothing. she wasn’t regretting their break up, no, how it was before a couple months leading up to it was ROUGH. there was no denying that, but she felt like they were finally ready to rekindle things now that cora knew what she wanted. all the problems they had seemed so minuscule at the moment compared to the love and history they had, she now realized she was willing to make them work no matter what. she could only hope coda could see through her drunken ramble, and that the feeling was mutual. “the booze is helping with the talking part, but i’m not saying anything i’ll regret in the morning.” she reassures her as confidently as she can, focusing hard to not slur her words so much, she just wanted her to take her seriously. she didn’t deserve any more back and forth, coda deserved a sure thing. “did you not hear what i just said? the break up was a good thing, now i can come back to YOU. i know i probably sound like a drunken mess right now but i really, really want to make this work. i’ll do whatever it takes...as long as you’re all in with me too.” she sounds VULNERABLE, putting out all her feelings on the table, something she hadn’t done since they separated. “i love you so much.” she blurts out, the urge to say it overwhelming, leaning her forehead lightly against hers, running a hand through coda’s hair and leaving it there. the other woman’s hands were just on her waist, and it still felt so GOOD, to be touched by her again. they hadn’t been imitate like that in months, and even though the gesture was small, it felt like coming HOME. 
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ofmiseries-blog · 7 years
( open to: girls only ! ) 
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cora knew she was a bit LATE coming home from her date night out, but things hadn’t gone as planned. she’d broken up with the guy she’d been seeing for a couple of months after her separation, it just wasn’t working out. sure he was something new and exciting, but there was no substance there. not like what she had (in the past now) with her former wife (though they were technically still married). opening up the door of the house they still shared with their two kids, she stumbled in, a LITTLE tipsy. after the break up she spent the better part of the night at the bar, an uncommon activity for her. but with everything going on at work (she was a CEO for a big company), the kids (one 3 and one 5), and her love life, she felt like she deserved it. she thought her wife would of been upstairs in the guest room where she was staying for the time being, but instead she found her on the couch asleep. had she been waiting for her? it was a sweet sight, “babe?” she let slip out of her mouth, out of habit, shaking her a bit to wake her from her slumber. sober cora would of never disturbed her, these past couple months all they had been doing was co parenting, not much else. they only talked when it concerned the kids, “god, you look so cute just woken up.” she comments with a small druken giggle, then does something UNPREDICTABLE. “i broke up with matt tonight, there just wasn’t that...spark there. and then i started thinking about you and me, about our beautiful family...and i was like, what am i doing? i have this amazing thing waiting for me at home, i should be with them. so, now i’m here and god did i miss you.” she admits as she straddles the other woman’s lap, not sure if this was a good idea but she wanted to TOUCH her. be in the presence of the woman she LOVED, because these last couple of months she felt like she hadn’t. it was just the shell of her, no substance, no nothing. 
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ofmiseries-blog · 7 years
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“what are you doing?” daisy asked in a hushed sort of whisper, eyebrows furrowed as she was tugged away by the girl. really, there was no reason to actually be whispering since nobody at the party was paying any mind to her. nobody ever noticed her if she wasn’t attached to sabrina’s brother, like her only identity was as his girlfriend. sabrina was the exception, she saw her all the time and, to  be honest, daisy was mostly just always kicking herself for having to have met her brother first. the boy wouldn’t have stood a chance if she’d known sabrina before, and he still sort of didn’t. “you missed me? really?  you seemed pretty occupied by that girl to me. she was pretty. did you hook up with her in the bathroom?” she asked, voice cold which– she knew that wasn’t air. she was the one with a boyfriend, and yet? the only person who ever touched her anymore was sabrina, nothing else felt right. 
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sabrina wasn’t expecting to be met with such harshness by daisy, she was the one that was dating her brother, how did this get turned around on her? though she couldn’t lie, she liked the thought of the other girl getting JEALOUS over her. honestly she had forgotten all about the girl she was dancing with the second she got her hands on daisy. their friends with benefits relationship (or whatever it was) wasn’t typical, it was fucked up and she knew she would be dumb to bring up how she was being unfair. none of this was fair anyways, “what? no. we were just messing around, she was just a distraction until i could get my hands on YOU.” she reassured her, she felt like she was a girlfriend who was caught with someone else at the moment. but they had no real commitment to each other, “i was watching you all night, but you probably didn’t notice. but to be fair i think everyone had their eyes on you, i mean, with the way you look tonight.” she says in a low tone, a sly smirk on her face, looking her up and down. 
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ofmiseries-blog · 7 years
i know i have replies from like last week to do but i was on vacation sooo i’ll probably get to that this weekend :)))
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ofmiseries-blog · 7 years
( open to: girls only ! ) 
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sabrina had been trying to keep herself occupied all night with some random hot chick, letting her whisper inappropriate things in her ear and dance up on her but her eyes kept wandering over to her brother with his girlfriend. they looked so in LOVE, and that  k i l  l e d  her because she and the other girl had been hooking up behind his back for months now. she wasn’t supposed to be bothered by this, it was supposed to be no strings attached. she was just filling a physical void, nothing more. but the player actually developed feelings, and now she was FUCKED. throughout the night from her causal glances she noticed her older brother getting more and more drunk, but she didn’t really think anything of it. he always was overdoing it at parties, he was a part animal just like sabrina herself. but at least she could handle her alcohol. the next thing she saw was her brother rushing outside to go vomit (she assumed), and his girlfriend looking like she was about to follow. she saw a chance to move in, god, she felt like an awful person but she couldn’t help herself. “don’t worry, his bros got him. you don’t have to deal with that... again.” she reassured the girl after suddenly grabbing her and pulling her around a corner in a secluded little hallway, “i missed you.” she said in a hushed, husky tone as she backed her against the wall, her eyes filled with determination and their lips dangerously close in proximity. she felt bad for her brother but at least she’d make sure his girl’s night wasn’t ruined which was backwards and messed up but that’s how she justified it. 
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ofmiseries-blog · 7 years
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sierra knew she had gone too far when she kissed ryan right there in front of everyone, INCLUDING her girlfriend, which was lower than low but she was too caught up in the moment to think about it. the moment it happened, she regretted it. “i said i was sorry, i don’t know how many times i have to say it.” keeping them a secret was already what was pulling them APART and she was going to be brave and do it in front of her friends but the closer it came, the more pressure she felt doing it. being a LESBIAN on a cheerleading team isn’t exactly what people expect or even want because once she does, everyone will start to look at her differently. “please, don’t be like this. you know that he doesn’t mean anything to me and making me out to look like a SLUT is hurtful.” which is probably why juliet had done it because she had seen the look on her face the night before. “you are not a loser, you are anything but that and i don’t want this to be a break up, i love you, you know that i do.” this was STUPID high school shit that sierra knows will never matter later but this was happening now and she really didn’t want to care what people thought of them and it just felt like she was losing the girl because of a MISTAKE she made. before she knew it, she held onto to juliet’s hand pulling her back in front of her, and she didn’t stop herself as she KISSED her girlfriend, right in the middle of the hallway.
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juliet was ready to walk  a w a y , not just physically, but from the relationship also. she’d felt selfish in a sense though, she knew that if sierra came out to everyone her whole life would change, and she didn’t want to FORCE her. but on the other hand juliet deserved to be in a relationship where she could be openly in love, and not hide because of fear of social persecution. so the whole situation was UNFAIR to both of them, and she just couldn’t see a way to make it work in their current state. “i know, and that’s what sucks the most. god, this thing is so fucked.” she lets out a frustrating sigh, and opens her mouth to further comment but suddenly her lips are occupied with the other’s. for a second she was FROZEN, what was sierra doing? was this real? after the initial shock she was able to return the kiss, though she couldn’t help but break a smile through the lip lock. she’d kissed the other girl many times before, but this time it felt like a different sensation. one she could definitely get used to. “wow. i guess... i guess that solves that.” she pulls away breathless, feeling giddy inside, her tough exterior melting. she was always being pushed to the side and ignored, like she was invisible. but finally someone was making her feel like she was actually SEEN, like she mattered and they were proud to show her off. “i’m sorry i was such a BITCH, you know i was just frustrated. but i don’t want you to do this because of me, i want you to do it for you. okay?” she wants to make sure sierra is comfortable, not like she was making her come out of the closet. 
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ofmiseries-blog · 7 years
my rp partners: flawless writing. every sentence flows perfectly and the characters are multifaceted and brilliantly written
me: man door hand hook car door
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ofmiseries-blog · 7 years
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i would really love some replies on this or this ! 
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ofmiseries-blog · 7 years
( open to: boys/girls/nb ! )
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eli knows the other is watching as some random girl dances up on him at the party, whispering dirty things in his ear. he wasn’t usually one to play games, but he didn’t know what else to do. the other didn’t want to make a real commitment (they’d broken promise after promise), and that was fine, but he was going to make them REGRET it. the skater wasn’t much at all into the party scene (he was known as the DD most times), but tonight he was DRUNK and ready to go wherever the night took him. he didn’t actually want to sleep with the girl who was currently getting VERY handsy, she was warm body, a reason to FORGET the other if only until morning. he’d always been loyal to the other and that’s what hurt him the most, he fell in LOVE with them and they knew that and continued to let their thing go on knowing damn well it wasn’t going anywhere. before he could see if the other was expressing any JEALOUSLY his mouth was suddenly occupied, the girl taking him by surprise and kissing his alcohol flavored lips. he couldn’t lie, it felt good, but nothing compared to what the other could provide. but he was going to go with it, pushing the girl up against the wall and intensifying the kiss further. he wanted to make it look like they were about to fuck right then and there, which he of course would never do, but he wanted to get his point across. he didn’t need the other, he was desirable, plenty of other people actually WANTED him. 
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ofmiseries-blog · 7 years
( open to: girls only ! )
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“i don’t think i can come on your trip with your little popular crew this weekend. oh, and don’t BABY me after the stunt you pulled on the football field yesterday.” juliet didn’t even look at her girlfriend who had come up to her locker at the end of the day, her tone SHARP and unforgiving. usually she didn’t let things get to her, but the situation was complicated and difficult. her cheerleader girlfriend was supposed to come out to all her friends on a camping trip this weekend, but just yesterday she was making out with ryan the quarterback who made the winning touchdown in front of the WHOLE school. she put up with a lot of shit, keeping their relationship a secret, but that was pushing too far. she was DONE, “isn’t ryan waiting for you to give him a good time behind the bleachers or something ? or at least that’s the word going around the school, everyone’s buzzing about the new power couple. wouldn’t wanna stand him up because you were talking to some LOSER, he’s a keeper.” she’s HURT more than anything, putting some books into her locker and slamming it shut. “now if you’ll excuse me, i have a date with a joint at the skate park with my delinquent friends.” she says bitterly, knowing how the other’s group of friends saw her and talked about her. they were in completely different social circles, she should of known they were NEVER going to work. juliet loved her but she couldn’t be treated like this anymore, she deserved better than that. 
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ofmiseries-blog · 7 years
I love when people are genuinely excited about our plots/ships. I love when I’m not the only one who’s like “!!!” I love it. @ my partners you will literally never annoy me by being overly excited about our ships I love it so much.
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ofmiseries-blog · 7 years
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eli was in his own little world, sitting poolside in the backyard all alone as an end of tour party that his skating crew threw was raging on without him. that was until a well-known groupie he’d gotten to know over the duration of the tour snapped him out of it, straddling his lap, “i don’t wanna party with you tonight, alright ? why don’t you hang out with devon ? he’s the one that’s always drooling over your ass.” he suggests in an annoyed tone, trying to dismiss the girl to his friend because all he wanted to be was ALONE and he was pretty positive his room was being used as a sex arena right about now. the skater usually LIVED for parties like this, but not tonight. he’d just gotten his heart broken, he’d strung along a girl he loved but couldn’t be faithful to or give real commitment for too long, and when s=he came back from tour the other was fed up with it. so, he lost who he thought was the LOVE of his life. there was nothing to celebrate in his eyes, “i’m just not in the mood, understand? god, what are you even drinking? i feel like you could get me drunk by just breathing on me.” he says sharply, not amused by the girl’s actions because he was feeling so down and DEPRESSED. to his own surprise, he was completely sober tonight. which was out of character for him, but so was moping over a girl.
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