ofnghtfall · 2 years
someone pls give me more motivation to get on here because i miss Fiona a lot
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ofnghtfall · 2 years
im sick, so who wants a starter from fiona while i have a completely random burst of muse
yes, this is a starter call and yes again, this is a starter call for a sick fiona
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ofnghtfall · 2 years
okay, so- for now, i’m going to do this: i’ll leave fiona on her own blog (no this totally isn’t because i’m in the process of adding more muses to my multi) but if i don’t get on her more and more in the next month or so, then i’ll give moving her to my multi some thought. 
in the meanwhile, if you’d like to find me in a more stable blog / where i lurk a decent amount of the time, i’m at @galaxietm / my multi. thanks for being so patient ya’ll <3
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ofnghtfall · 2 years
peeks onto the dash 
should i consider moving fiona to my multi?? i wanna try to write here more, but gosh i’d be lying if i said that i wasn’t considering if i should move her or not.
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ofnghtfall · 2 years
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      “ you aren’t doing a very good job if I noticed you. Unless you wanted me to see you.” 
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      “Maybe I wanted you alone to find me. Is that so wrong?”
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ofnghtfall · 2 years
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      “Who says I’m hiding? Perhaps I’m simply blending in.”
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            “ you aren’t hiding very well.” 
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ofnghtfall · 2 years
pokes head in here 
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hewwo, i’m not dead i promise
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ofnghtfall · 2 years
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can i make jokes about being the first Fiona blog yet--
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ofnghtfall · 2 years
pokes head in here and blows dust off blog  
seems like a good time to make an official return--  
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ofnghtfall · 2 years
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hi! sorry i haven’t been here. i’ve given brief explanations on dis.cord but this post on my multi explains why i’ve been gone. 
a big’ol tl;dr but my laptop suddenly died on me and i’ve been without one. so my roommate is letting me use his pc when he’s not using it in the meanwhile. all of my files were (luckily) safe and another friend backed them up for me. so i’l not flying totally blind. 
however, please note that activity will be a bit more sporadic / spontaneous than before. thanks for the patience ya’ll! i may or may not queue this post a bit so that it’s out there. <3
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ofnghtfall · 2 years
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        “     you…don’t like me very much, do you?”
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      “I... don’t like a lot of people. But... I’m trying to like you. Uh... to be nice to you, anyway.”
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ofnghtfall · 2 years
nghtfall    >>    ofnghtfall
i blame @ofspy for this
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ofnghtfall · 2 years
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“Why would I avoid you? I’ve had plenty of work to do, on top of my main goal. There is no reason to do so.” Maybe he was lying, who knows. But he shrugged it off. “ And you’re doing wonderful at being nice to her, I thank you for that.” 
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“It seems to me like you have plenty of reasons to avoid me. If your lack of eye contact the last time we spoke was anything to go off of.”  she didn’t add the words that didn’t need to be spoken- about their past, how awkward their last encounter had been.  “Yor is... nice. Pretty too. I can see why you’d pick her for this.” 
she briefly considered adding ‘and she’s not awkward around kids like i am’, but thought against it.
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ofnghtfall · 2 years
looks at my headcanon backstory for Fiona
do you ever think about the fact that Fiona probably doesn’t have a  high opinion of herself-- and then when she meets someone who gets her to feel better about herself, things end in a not great way and oop there goes the self-deprecating, dry humor she only uses around the handful of people she’s comfortable around. 
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ofnghtfall · 2 years
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“You wanted to talk? “ 
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“Are you avoiding me? Have I not been making an effort to be nicer to your wife?”
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ofnghtfall · 2 years
hi, i’ve meant to do stuff here but i’ve had very little spoons to be online much this week, so the little i’ve been online / lurking / etc, i’ve been over @galaxietm just doing general maintenance over there!  also hi, tomorrow’s my bday and i actually have something i’m doing this year, haha.
but yes hello, i’m going to try to do things here today <3
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ofnghtfall · 2 years
hi im josie and don’t know how to read 
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