ofpostcardsandpoems · 6 years
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ofpostcardsandpoems · 6 years
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ofpostcardsandpoems · 6 years
“Well...  I spend a lot of my time in the library.  That’s not what most people do for fun, but you’re welcome to join me if you’d like?”  Ben replied with a soft smile.
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❝ WHAT do people actually do here for fun ?? Now that I have kid of given up on getting out of here I’m actually starting to get bored. I’ll even take a job offer.  And I still can’t believe I actually said that. But I mean there has to be something here they can’t expect us do to nothing right ??  That  would just end up in pure chaos.  ❞
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ofpostcardsandpoems · 6 years
The tap on his shoulder made Ben jump, but as the woman spoke he was able to calm down.  “Uh, I can try?  But I can’t really guarantee anything.  I don’t know much.”  He smiled apologetically.
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‘excuse me!’ she called out, walking behind someone and tapping on their shoulder slowly. ‘excuse me, i have no idea where we are, right now. could you give me some answers?’
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ofpostcardsandpoems · 6 years
Ben hated night time.  The darkness made him paranoid, because he always had the irrational fear that IT would jump out at him, even after all these years.  He knew that he wouldn’t because it hadn’t been twenty-seven years, but he still caught himself looking over his shoulder at even the slightest noise.  He also had difficulties sleeping, which was natural after what he’d been through, and instead resorted to walking around at night, seeking some form of entertainment.
Of course, tonight it started raining.  Not just drizzling, but pouring, and in the winter when it was freezing, no less.  He tried to pull his hood over his head, but that did next to nothing to shield him from the harsh elements.  He scoured the streets for a building with the lights on, and when he came across one he ran to the door and knocked on it.
“Hey-”  He spoke softly when the door opened, trying to wring out his hoodie sleeves on the front stoop.  “I’m really sorry to bother you, but, uh...  Do you think I could come in, just to get out of the rain for a little?  I promise, I’ll leave as soon as it lets up, I just don’t want to freeze.”
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Bill woke up with a startle. The man was having that kind of dreams again - chasing after IT, realizing that IT had killed his younger brother and being forced to kill his own brother after he figured that it wasn’t Georgie - not really. He took a deep breath and reached for the bottle of pills that he kept in his nightstand, the ones that allowed to sleep. Not peacefully, but hey, at least he slept. 
He found himself wondering if they had the same kind of dreams - Beverly, Richie, Eddie, Mike, Ben, Stan… part of him wanted to know where they were. How they were doing. If they had the same kind of nightmares that he did, if they wanted to forget the past as much as the oldest Denbrough did. That was why it was better for Bill to be way from them. 
He got up and walked to the kitchen, running a hand through his air. He filled a small glass with water and took two of the sleeping pills, drowning them with a bit of the water. Bill was trying to decide whether he should get back to bed or try to write a little bit more, when he heard a faint knock on his door. Who could it be? He had no friends on the island, no one he knew. Why would someone be knocking on his door in the middle of the night?  He walked to the door and with a small sigh, opened it. “ Hello? “
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ofpostcardsandpoems · 6 years
thoughts on the IT kids?
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Given they are all intact minus poor Georgie (though admittedly that might be better for him).  I feel nothing but pity for that group of kids, they’ve seen some shit and that doesn’t just leave you.
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ofpostcardsandpoems · 6 years
“I know right?! I’m a sight for sore eyes.” Richie teased, not having lost his overly confident attitude. “I’ve been pretty good. I mean, the best you can be around here. Although, I do prefer this place over Derry any day. How have you been?” He smiled softly, taking in his friend’s appearance. “I swear, you’re making me look like such a scrawny kid standing next to you.”
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“You sure are.”  Ben let out a soft, deflated chuckle and shook his head.  “I’m good, I guess.  College is kinda beating me to the ground, but it’s a nice distraction.”  He shrugged and chuckled yet again.  “I mean, you always were kinda scrawny.  No offense.”
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ofpostcardsandpoems · 6 years
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ofpostcardsandpoems · 6 years
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ofpostcardsandpoems · 6 years
WYR Be able to pause time, or rewind it?
“Rewind.  There are a few things I’d like to go back and fix.”
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ofpostcardsandpoems · 6 years
Hearing his name being called, Richie looked up from the phone he had gotten himself. He had only gotten it to put some music on there as he missed listening to his favorite tunes. “Hamburger Helper?!” The boy smirked, never having had a good sense of timing, but in his eyes it seemed better to joke about it than think of the terrible memories. “Dude, it’s good to see you!” Smiling, he walked over to his friend, embracing him in a hug.
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Ben rolled his eyes, though a small smile tugged at his lips.  He normally hated nicknames like that, they’re what drove him to lose all his weight in the first place, but for some reason they were kind of endearing coming from Richie.  “It’s good to see you too.”  He said quietly, hugging the other male back for a moment before pulling away.  “How, uh, how’ve you been?”
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ofpostcardsandpoems · 6 years
Ben had been here for a little less than a week, and so far the only familiar face he’d seen had been Beverly.  Sure, he was absolutely thrilled to see her, but he missed the rest of his friends.  Just as he’d been thinking about that, he caught a glimpse of a familiar figure.  “Richie...?”  He spoke, just loud enough for the other to hear.
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ofpostcardsandpoems · 6 years
“I mean...  This place isn’t that bad.  It could be worse.”  Ben replied with a small shrug.  “What are you gonna do?  Swim to shore?  Because I don’t think that’s such a good idea.”
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      “  i’ve had about enough of sitting around and doing nothing, waiting for someone to save us from this HELL HOLE, this is what’s so wrong and disappointing about society these days,  ” the brunette knows enough about being TRAPPED, about not having anywhere to go  ;  but she’s not the one to do nothing about it. mona vanderwaal doesn’t wait to be rescued    ——    she moves.
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ofpostcardsandpoems · 7 years
"I think the normal thing to do is eat whatever food you want and watch movies.  That’s what I’ve always done, anyway.”
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Gideon took the shot and let out a breathe. “So… what do people do in Christmas eve when they don’t have a family?”
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ofpostcardsandpoems · 7 years
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. * ¦ CODY CHRISTIAN + BEN HANSCOM you have finally arrived. tell me, did you SLEEP on your way here? ohh, i see, i think you come from IT, isn’t that right? it’s nice to know that you are ALL INTACT. 
HELLO, your name is?
character’s name: ( ben hanscom )
HAVE YOU, had your personality glitched, or is it all intact?
my personality is: ( intact )
WHAT HAS, changed about you?
i have: ( not changed )
HAVE YOU, got a job in this town?
i am: ( a student )
WILL YOU, attempt to leave?
i will: ( not try to escape )
IS THERE, anything else you want to tell me?
( not really?? )
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ofpostcardsandpoems · 7 years
"It is a bit much, yeah..." Ben agreed, looking at his surroundings with a slight frown.
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“i’ve been here ten minutes, and i’m already sick of christmas.” a beat. “wow, i can’t believe i actually said that.”
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ofpostcardsandpoems · 7 years
(¸.• ♛ → Ben was different since the last time they saw each other but also he was always the same, in a really good way because he was a good person and she likes that “That’s amazing, I think and I’m really glad for you” After all, it was nice that everything they were doing was something normal and it was just perfect “I’ve been okay. As you know I was with my aunt back in Portland and I’ve been in school for  Fashion Designing courses, everything it’s be alright, can’t really complain, it’s not the most exciting life but at least it’s not a bad one”
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“Fashion design?  That’s awesome, Beverly.  I’m really happy for you.”  Ben smiled.  He genuinely was happy for her, happy to see that he wasn’t the only one managing to have a normal life.  “Life doesn’t really need to be exciting as long as you’re happy with it, right?”
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