ofstrange · 3 years
text ✉️ atticus
Bryn: why is everybody assuming I won't be drinking regardless of what else I do?? I wouldn't be Brynmor Evans-LLewellyn if I didn't drink at all
Bryn: you know just as well as I do that vampires can't enter spaces uninvited. even advanced ones like myself.
Atticus: that's kind of worrisome to admit, Bryn. but who am I to judge anyone, really?
Atticus: I would offer to crash the party and then invite you in but, well, I hate parties. and large events in general. and people.
Atticus: it's why I rarely celebrate my birthday unless one of my brothers force me to.
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ofstrange · 3 years
text ✉️ atticus
Bryn: besides drinking, what should I do for my birthday? it's on NYE so options limited 🙄
Atticus: drinking sounds like a good way to celebrate a birthday -- especially on new year's eve. i'd say you could bar hop but the options are pretty limited in roswell.
Atticus: you could always crash someone's nye party, wreak some havoc.
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ofstrange · 3 years
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A guide into possibly the hottest and messiest family in town… but at least they’re getting their shit together now.
Marisa Tomei as Anastasia Mallard, born in 1967 and is currently a middle school teacher.
Patrick Dempsey as Heath Faust, born in 1965 and his whereabouts remained unknown since the divorce in 1999. He was a deadbeat father and a piece of shit.
Casey Deidrick as Elijah Parker ( @elijahsparker ), born in 1991 and is currently the guitarist of the punk-rock band Graveyard as well as a part-time DJ at Area 51. He’s the oldest child of Anastasia and Heath.
Iris Parker-Rogers, born in 2019.
Elizabeth Lail as Elle Rogers ( @ellesfm ), born in 1992 and is currently the manager at Annie’s Antiques. She’s the ex-girlfriend of Elijah and mother of Iris.
Remington Leith as Cyrus Phoenix ( @cyrusfm ), born in 1993 and is currently the lead singer of the punk-rock band Graveyard as well as a tattoo artist at Black Box Tattoo & Piercing. He’s the middle child of Anastasia and Heath.
Poppy Ayala Phoenix, adopted in 2021.
Dexter Ayala Phoenix, adopted in 2021.
Diego Boneta as Zeferino Ayala ( @desertwiind ), born in 1991 and is currently a meteorologist and weather broadcaster on the local news. He’s the boyfriend of Cyrus and co-owner of Poppy & Dexter.
Deaken Bluman as Atticus Xavier ( @ofstrange ), born in 1996 and is currently the drummer of the punk-rock band Graveyard as well as a part-time employee at Out Of This World Bookstore. He’s the youngest child of Anastasia and Heath.
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ofstrange · 3 years
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ofstrange · 3 years
deaken bluman & he/him / cis man ‷ watch out , atticus xavier has crash-landed into roswell !! they look twenty five years old and celebrate their birthday on january 13th . they are from las vegas, nevada, reside in jupiter valley and are currently working as drummer of graveyard & part-time employee @ out of this world bookstore. one thing you should know about them is he is a fascinated by all things supernatural and by the occult. ‷ ( mick, she/they, 24, gmt-3 )
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tw mentions of abuse, drugs, alcohol, overdose and depression.
FULL NAME: atticus xavier faust NICKNAMES: ace, atti, x, xavi, kit ( rarely, by his brothers ) PARENTS: anastasia mallard & heath faust ( not in the picture ) SIBLINGS: elijah parker and cyrus phoenix, older brothers PETS: yellow ball python named bartholomew ( bart for short ), black stray cat named lilith THE BIG THREE: capricorn sun, sagittarius moon, aquarius rising SEXUAL ORIENTATION: demisexual, panromantic OCCUPATION: drummer of graveyard, part-time employee at out of this world bookstore, writer LANGUAGES: english ( native ); french and german ( fluent ); spanish, portuguese, russian and ASL ( studying ).
Atticus Xavier, formerly known as Atticus Faust, doesn’t actually have many memories of his childhood because part of it was filled with abuse, which his two older brothers tried their best in keeping hidden from him, and the other part was pushed to the back of his mind over the years. A place he only visits as he pours his misery and sadness into his art and writing.
An awfully quiet and reserved child, had the hardest time making friendships or keeping them and preferred the company of books than most people. Cyrus had been the only exception, complete opposites in the personality spectrum and yet his brother became his best friend. The only person he would open up to as he mostly stayed locked inside his own brain, whether that’d be to torture himself or create something beautiful. Ace wasn’t a very social person but he found other ways to fill up that void, burying himself into studies of philosophy and literature. Whilst his brothers were out and about, he was back at home, studying and reading and absorbing all the knowledge he could. He also became fluent in French and German out of pure boredom.
His love for the occult and the unknown started as soon as they found their way to Roswell, the mystery town creating a new sort of curiosity inside of young Atticus and he became fascinated. Quickly, he became a true believer in all things that were considered “weird” or “paranormal” as they mesmerized him and is also an avid conspiracy theorist to this day. He’d often find himself in trouble in his teenage years while trying to find evidence of the things he’d read about but was never disappointed when he couldn’t find anything — as a matter of fact, that only fuelled his curiosity even more.
Despite not needing or even wanting to create deep connections with others, Ace still was hugged by a deep sense of loneliness and sadness from time to time. Later on in life when he finally decided to seek for explanations, he’d find that he had clinical depression that was most likely caused by the sudden abandonment of his father when he was only a child. His brain couldn’t properly process the loss as a good thing back then and instead, started to blame himself for making the man leave their family so abruptly.
Atticus then took all of that loneliness, all of that pain, and sadness and turned it into something good. He found his solace in the arts, he started to draw, write and even compose. At that point, his brothers were already all playing something and he begged his mother for drumming lessons. And what started out as a means to fit in with the “cooler older kids” became one of the things he’s most passionate about in life. Graveyard was then born and Ace was forced out of the comfort of his “hometown” into the land of the unknown, the City of Angels. Those following years were a complete mess, a blur of parties and drinking and horrible situations that Ace would rather not talk about. But they were also good, their band grew and they were able to share their craft, receiving grand recognition and appreciation for it. Around that time, he came to terms with his sexuality and the fact he was actually demisexual. It was all too confusing for him as he had grown up with two hyper sexual brothers and thought that he was broken because he wasn’t like that. Groupies would try and never succeed until he became enamored by a fellow admirer of art, someone who served as a muse for him for the whole time they were together, and that was the first and only person he’s ever been with. Their relationship lasted for nearly two years until they parted ways as friendly as they could. Atticus would be lying if he said he still doesn’t think about her.
Unlike his brothers, he didn’t have any problems with drugs as he was often the first to leave the parties, social interactions being exhausting for him. Ace managed to be the only one sane in the band, only ever resorting to marijuana to calm himself down and indulging in whiskey whenever he felt like it. On the road, he still managed to keep his art alive, his drawings and poetry becoming a huge part of their aesthetic and complementing their ideas for the band. Things were fine, fun even, for a while until they took a turn for the worst with Cyrus’ addiction and Elijah’s overdose. Ace felt completely hopeless as he watched his brothers falling with no ways for him to do anything about it, even if he did try to commit the both of them to rehab.
So when Cyrus finally broke and left them behind, unlike Elijah, he completely understood. Maybe their closeness made it easier. Ace was the first one to pack his things and follow his brother back to Roswell, fully supporting his decision to put himself in first place, as he should. He stayed with their mom for a while, the comfort of being back home was definitely something he needed in order to recharge himself, and started to work part time at the Out of This World to keep his messy mind busy.
A year has passed and Atticus couldn’t be more happy to be in a less chaotic, more stable place in his life. He misses being on the road, playing shows every night, but there’s something about the calmer lifestyle that is all too appealing for his antisocial self. He’s still working on his drawings, his website is filled with artworks up for sale, and has finally started to work on a novel of his own. He’s done a few freelance jobs as a writer but wants to take that more seriously now that he has the time and freedom to. Working with Graveyard in this less troubled but still drama fuelled version of themselves hasn’t been the easiest for him but nothing a blunt or two won’t resolve. He refuses to step between the arguments that occur between his brothers but if the situation calls for it, he’ll take Cyrus’ side every single time. He’s the sole occupant of his small, cozy home but has two pets to keep him company when he’s up until four in the morning working on a new piece. He can also be easily found at the Crashdown, drinking unhealthy amounts of coffee while working, or at Frazier Woods in the evenings, trying to connect with the nature and the supernatural beings that live in the area.
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ofstrange · 3 years
* ⠀ ☆ ⠀ ⠀ 𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐞 ⠀ ⠀ —— ⠀ ⠀ tag dump.
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ofstrange · 3 years
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ofstrange · 3 years
what is the dumbest way you've been injured?
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          “ broke my arm jumping a fence while running from the cops back in rome. it was stupid but at least i had a good time. ”
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ofstrange · 3 years
do you have any siblings?
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          “ yeah! i'm an older brother to my blood related sister, luna, and a younger brother to my chosen brother, leonardo. ” @loviingcare
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ofstrange · 3 years
Are you ever afraid that Leo might give up on you?
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          “ realistically speaking, he could’ve already done that. i’m not an easy person to deal with and i’m full aware of that but, for some reason i’ll never be able to understand, leo still cares about me, still looks out after me. and i’m very thankful for that. ” @loviingcare
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ofstrange · 3 years
Location: Satellite Sports Complex Who: All @roswellstarters​
Mei stood their watching as the both the punching bags were in use. Arms tucked underneath each other, watching the other form as they struck the bag. Mei could find faults but she found faults in most things… even her self. “Look if your gonna use the bag don’t just tickle it, put some power behind.” 
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          as much as luca loved being watched while working out, always soaking up all the attention that was given to him, he could feel the judgment burning on his figure. one last punch is throw and then he whips his head around, a huff passing his lips. “ what? do you want to come here and teach me, then? ” he cocks his head to the side, slight annoyance over his features.
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ofstrange · 3 years
Did you actually love Luca and Larkin? Who did you feel more strongly for in the time you were together?
“what luca and i had could never be described as love. he didn’t love me, i didn’t love him. i might’ve thought that i did but mostly because i had never been in a relationship before i got together with him. and so, in the drug-fuelled and alcohol-induced haze i was constantly in at the time, maybe i though that i did love him—which is why i was just completely devastated when he decided to end things in such a brutal and sudden way. but no, lookin’ back at it now, it definitely was not love. and larkin was important to me before we were even a couple. she was a friend for years before that and, well, i tried. i really tried my hardest but how can you really love someone that would never let you all the way in? i’d say i felt different things for the both of them during and after. and i do still care about larkin even now but the same cannot be said about luca.” @ofdevil @larkinhq
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ofstrange · 3 years
Who are the five most attractive people in Roswell?
Roswell's full of attractive people, let’s be real here. Choosing five is a crime! But okay, okay, okay, in no particular order: Logan, Kai, Emilia, Luca and Cyrus.
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@logan-oshea @yoshifm @emiliasfm @ofdevil @cyrusfm
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ofstrange · 3 years
if you could kiss anyone from roswell under the mistletoe, who would it be?
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"that's a LONG LIST, i'm not gonna lie. but if i'll limit it to people i haven't kissed that i would LIKE TO, i'd say luca and elle. aydin has a pretty face, i'm certain he'd like me to shut up, even if for a few seconds."
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ofstrange · 3 years
who would you hook up with in roswell?
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          “ who wouldn’t i hook up with in roswell? i mean, the population is surprisingly attractive as fuck for a small town. but if you want me to drop names, i’d say calla, avi and weston are a few of the people who have caught my attention. and, fuck, alex and i have been dancing around that for months now so perhaps i’ll finally give him what he wants. ” @callahenderson @ofamin @wesdavis @httpalexm
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ofstrange · 3 years
is there a part of you that wants your ex's relationship to fall apart?
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          “ yeah. there’s actually a huge, selfish part of me that wants that to happen, even though i’m aware cyrus will never want anything with me again because i ruined not only our relationship but him. and he looks happy, which makes me feel even worse for wanting something like that to happen. i just can’t help it when that same part of me knows he was the best thing that ever happened to me and i can’t seem to let that feeling go, even after all these years. ” @cyrusfm
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ofstrange · 3 years
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ALEX WAS USED TO luca being somewhat grumpy on the job, but it was usually always in the playful manner, in which alex would make fun of him and he’d push back – BANTER, and whatnot. tonight, however,  he seemed to be a little more SERIOUSLY pissed off than usual, and not because of the giant crowd that just passed through here, making them busier than ever. “AND letting me fall to my death, so it seems.” he teases, being dramatic about the slight shove from a few seconds before. “the fuck is up your ass tonight? i don’t wanna have to keep you from starting fights with the customers.” 
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          luca groans at the other’s comment and the question that follows, though he knows he’s being an asshole for free to someone that had absolutely nothing to do with why he was even pissed off in the first place — but that was the luca way, always taking his anger out on someone else. “ what the fuck is up your ass? ” he huffs, cleaning up the bar in the busy evening. why he still bothers to work there when he doesn’t need to? unknown. “ just stay the fuck out of my way when i’m trying to work in this piece of shit of a place, alright? ”
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