ofsunlights · 7 years
jackson lang:
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jackson offered up a small shrug as he heard his friend’s comment about the weather- he hadn’t spent anytime outside so he truthfully couldn’t speak for himself, but he’d take his word for it. after all it was winter. “i’ve often found- that we rarely receive what we ask for,” he mused, a smirk dancing across his face as he lifted his gaze to look at his friend. “especially when it comes to weather.”
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Lucas couldn’t help but roll his eyes as the other spoke, though it was true the action was more playful than malicious. “Of course you have some philosophical to say,” He raised a brow as if to emphasise his point, he then let his gaze fall to his fingertips letting light dance across them. “Call me selfish but I miss the sun,” The next few days were going to be hellish if the weather didn’t let up.
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ofsunlights · 7 years
lucy rand:
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“I was planning on getting everyone Amazon and Netflix cards. It should cover all their possible necessities.” Lucy would rather get 50$ to spend on whatever she wanted than get an ugly pair of jeans that weren’t even her size and had to find a spare afternoon to return. But apparently, that was impersonal and cold. As if the world they lived in wasn’t detached. “Do you know at what time stores close? Otherwise, I’d just have to make use of that free trial month Amazon offers on their Prime feature." 
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The boy nodded as the other spoke, she made a decent point at least. Such actions would at least make Christmas a whole lot easier for everyone involved. “I would’t complain too much about that,” He agreed. Lucas went through far too much netflix as it was, such a gift wouldn’t have just fed his addiction. “I’m pretty sure they such late tomorrow, y’know to make room for all the last minute shoppers,” The stores were hardly going to miss a chance to make more money. “Do amazon even deliver over Christmas?”
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ofsunlights · 7 years
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“The weather’s been awful today don’t ya’ll think,” Lucas comments to no one particular as he lounges on one of the sofas in the student lounge, gazing out of a near bye window. The lack of sunlight was making the boy sluggish no matter how he was trying to hide it. He then turns to the other. “It might have the decency to be a bit nicer given it’s the holidays don’t y’think,”
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ofsunlights · 7 years
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LUCAS GUTHRIE is a 21 year old SIXTH YEAR at Age of Heroes Academy who looks a lot like THOMAS DOHERTY. HE identifies as CISMALE and rumor has it they’re the child of SAM GUTHRIE & TABITHA SMITH. They’re described as UNDAUNTED & DOMINEERING and got into the academy due to their ability/power of SOLAR MANIPULATION & POWER BONDING. Their moral alignment is CHAOTIC GOOD.
Alright loves, so the triplets are something me Hannah and Nelly have been working on for a while, and so I’m very very excited to introduce you to my newest babe Lucas. 
Ok so the first things you need to know is that Lucas is the eldest sibling (though there’s very little time between the three of them at all) and so kind of sees himself as the ‘leader’ of their trio. This isn’t always a good thing tho as he himself is a hot mess.
Lucas is very close with his triplets, there are times when he’s almost convinced the three of them are actually the same person because he can read them ridiculously well compared to literally anyone else. (Think how in this is us baby! Kevin and Kate couldn’t sleep unless they were next to each other)
Personality wise he’s loud, protective, a little more flirty than the rest of my characters, he also be a little anxious and tends to hold things back from the people he cares about because he doesn’t want him stressing over him ever. Think of an odd cross between Marcos Diaz and Steve Harrington.
His powers are pretty cool (think Marcos with a few alterations) he’s essentially solar powered, meaning that he absorbs energy from the sun and can then manipulate it. The downside of this however is that if he doesn’t absorb enough energy it leaves him fatigued and sluggish. Not so good in the winter or on grey days tbh. It’s very rare that it severely debilitates him it really just results in him being much more of a day person than a night person
He used to think his powers were pretty useless compared to his siblings, until he figured out that he could mess with heat as well as light. Lets just sat he’s lit plenty of accidental fires.
His attitude to school isn’t always the best, he tries, but then he has a terrible habit of over sleeping, and has probably way too much time. He’s still undecided about the whole hero thing if he’s honest. He’d never admit it but he’s ready to follow Josh & Summer’s lead on that one.
Outside school though Lucas is definitely someone that you want on your side. He’s a good friend, trying his best to a ‘regular’ twenty one year old despite the fact that he has a crazy life. He’s real passion is football (the american kind) ngl he’s probably on the school team, or helps with coaching it anyway.
He’s pansexual (polyamorous? probably) and is a pretty big flirt so I should probably apologise in advance for that, but if your characters not cool with it just tell him and he’ll stop
His version of flirting is just him being especially nice to people anyway since he’s a southern boy at heart
Tl:dr Lucas is a sweetheart who honestly I didn’t set out to love this much. He’s also super friendly so you guys should totally come plot with him ok, so like this and i’ll come bother you on dis/cord xo
Pinterest: X
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ofsunlights · 7 years
lucy rand:
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“Oh, damn then I guess I will have to actually spend time in buying gifts for people I see twice a year and have no idea what they like or do so they can go and return it the day after because I obviously won’t get them what they want.” Lucy shrugged, she had gotten presents for her family and the Cages, but they were practically family. “I just felt like gift cards would save everyone time." 
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Lucas couldn’t help but let out a laugh. “Yeah that sounds about right,” He nodded. “I mean I but if you put some thought into which gift cards went to who you might be able to get away with it,” He himself was pretty awful when it came to presents. He had his triplets sorted already of course, those presents had been in his dorm room for months, but he hadn’t sorted anyone else until much later. “I’d offer you a hand, but I doubt I’d really be helpful,”
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ofsunlights · 7 years
lucy rand:
“If I were to give everyone gift cards as a Christmas present would that make me a terrible person or it all depends on how much money I spend on them?“ Lucy wondered not in the slightest worried. 
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“I mean,” Lucas spoke, his southern accent as strong as it always was. “I suppose a fifty dollar card Christmas card would be a sight to see, but I can’t say it’s what I’d want to find under my tree. Still I ain’t gonna stop you,”
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ofsunlights · 7 years
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ofsunlights · 7 years
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ofsunlights · 7 years
You were wild once. Don’t let them tame you.
Isadora Duncan (via wnq-writers)
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ofsunlights · 7 years
First, he is terribly afraid of dying because he hasn’t yet lived.
Franz Kafka, The Metamorphosis (via thequotejournals)
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ofsunlights · 7 years
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Deep breaths, and… First came… Me! And Dad said… Gee! And then came… Me! And Mom said… Whee! And then came… Me! And we said… That’s three. Big Three? BIG THREE!
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ofsunlights · 7 years
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ofsunlights · 7 years
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ofsunlights · 7 years
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ofsunlights · 7 years
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Thomas Doherty for RAW
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