ofthedivinekrp-blog · 7 years
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hello babies, so, with a few days of careful consideration, given the schedules of ours, as well as our members, we are deciding to close Of The Divine for the time being. there’s always a possibility of us returning. But, with the current turn out we have, along with admin j and i’s scheduling outside of admining, and actually role playing in the group, there isn’t enough effort being put into it on our side trying to balance everything out. with that being said we will be closing our doors for the time being! we appreciate all of you that stuck with us through the revamp and hopefully we run into you in some other places, you guys were all so sweet and so willing to stick through the slow process and we could never be more grateful! we thank you for time!
                                      - admin t & admin j
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ofthedivinekrp-blog · 7 years
is this open?
we are open! the dash has been a little slow due to some members having personal and technical issues, and admin j and i have been on our own characters keeping the dash moving the best we can!
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ofthedivinekrp-blog · 7 years
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ofthedivinekrp-blog · 7 years
Please refollow Jinwoo!
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ofthedivinekrp-blog · 7 years
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If you see your muse up here by mistake please message the admins! The following muses are:
ON ACTIVITY WARNING PERIOD (you have three days to become active again or will be unfollowed)
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ofthedivinekrp-blog · 7 years
i did tons of promo this morning, but if you don’t hear about us somewhere else, you can hear about us here! come join our little community full of powerful people with even more powerful ancestors! attend the uni, open a business, build a family whatever you like! just remember that what’s done in the dark comes to the light ^-^
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ofthedivinekrp-blog · 7 years
hello beautiful internet tag lurkers! we’re a newly revamped Gods rp based in a little ol town somewhere near the coast of South Korea, and we’d love to have some more babies join our small little family, there’s tons of fcs to choose from and you can even bring an old muse that you’d like to redo and repolish while having a little power fun! we’d love to have you! with that being said, i’m going to work on some of these tasks and get some food ! i’d love to see a few questions of even apps and reserves in the inbox!
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ofthedivinekrp-blog · 7 years
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If you see your muse up here by mistake please message the admins! The following muses are:
ON ACTIVITY WARNING PERIOD (you have three days to become active again or will be unfollowed)
Nam Joo Hyuk and Oh Sehun are now available to be role played!
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ofthedivinekrp-blog · 7 years
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hi bbies it’s been a wonderful week or two with you guys and since we’ve got some traffic on the dash we’ve decided to present to you:
Task #2 - A soundtrack to my life
Keep reading
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ofthedivinekrp-blog · 7 years
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As the stories are told, we hear about how they created the sea or lived in the moon, but we also are told about their family life, who they married and how they became who they were. And as time passed we are left to wonder what happened to their bloodlines. We know where they begin but where did they end? And finally, we are faced with the reality that they, might live among us.
They attempted a safe haven, deep near the edges of the water, asked for peace, and were granted it, until a new ruler had come to take over, and their peace had betaken from them. War broke out, millions of the ‘special’ people we slaughtered on the land, bodies buried and burned in a mass grave like animals. They were persecuted for a while, until his reign of terror had ended, they tried a second time, for peace.
                    Semi literate. Descendants of Deities. City RPG.
                           Main. Full plot. Navigation. Application
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ofthedivinekrp-blog · 7 years
i’m going to be hanging out a little bit, updating the blog and such, you guys should definitely come check us out, bring in your favorite muse, give them some powers and a knew home! we’d love to have you!
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ofthedivinekrp-blog · 7 years
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hi bbies it’s been a wonderful week or two with you guys and since we’ve got some traffic on the dash we’ve decided to present to you:
Task #2 - A soundtrack to my life
This is a one part task that we want you guys to have some fun with, with that being said we don’t want this to just be an ordinary playlist for you! We’d love you to have a song on there for different meanings, we want you to think long and hard about what your muse wants to present themselves as, as well as how they view themselves with others.With that being said, to create this playlist we’d like to see:
a song that would play when your muse walked in the room
a song that would play when your muse is sitting alone in their home
a guilty pleasure song
your muses favorite song to dance to
your muses go-to karaoke bop
and then we’d like a song that describes each relationship you have for your muse. 
Put a specific lyric, or lyrics that you think describes the situation best, or maybe even your muses favorite lyric from the song. You can also add your muse’s favorite songs as bonus tracks! Give us some insight on them, maybe even make us a little album cover, tell us about their music taste, have fun with this and possibly use it as a way of development! This task is due January 31st at 8 pm CT !
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ofthedivinekrp-blog · 7 years
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Did you hear? YU XIAO LONG, the twenty year old STUDENT, was spotted in downtown Yeoshin. We heard they’re a descendant of YINGLONG is known for having the ability(s) of HYRDOKINESIS and CRYOKINESIS. If you look closely, they have an uncanny resemblance to SEVENTEEN’s WEN JUN HUI.
* . ✧ ˙ ˖ — and deep down in the soul, something rises, knowing well that what made us is what could be our demise.
Yinglong, the Responsive Dragon, is a winged dragon and rain deity in ancient Chinese mythology. Yinglong is described as a four-winged dragon with eagle talons, deer antlers, and demonic eyes. He is also considered the ancestor of four-legged creatures.
Once known as the Winged Dragon, Yinglong was said to have lost his wings after killing the drought-causing demon Kua Fu. Even without the ability to fly, he still had the power to conjure rain by responding to the prayers of the people who gratefully named him the Responsive Dragon.
The Shanhaijing contains two versions of this story; one where Yinglong also kills the rebellious rain god Chi You and another in which Chi You escapes the dragon's wrath only to die by the hands of the drought demon.
* . ✧ ˙ ˖ — we are capable, pressured into valiant things, able to do what others can’t in this foreign land.
He has control over water and ice. Xiao is able to control the weather in a way that he can make it rain any time. If he touches water, he can turn it into ice. He is not able to spawn water and is only able to bring it to him by making it rain or calling out to rivers and such.
He is also able to transform into a dragon but, he does not have full control over it. At most, he has been able to control in hiding his horns that have spawned about from time to time recently.
* . ✧ ˙ ˖ — as stories told, legends passed, languages spread, we start to forget who were before.
triggers in the following passage: [ list any possible triggers in your bio here! ] Alcohol abuse, domestic violence, and death.
Xiao’s great grand-parents are prince and princess’ of the Xia Dynasty’s Emperor Yu. After Emperor Yu stepped down from the throne his son Qi stepped in; Emperor Qi had an affair with a concubine whom wanted to steal the throne for her and her son. But, they did not succeed and instead, late Emperor Yu had granted them to be apart of the royal and if  ever no heirs were to be produced from the main line, they could claim.
They have been given the Yu surname as a promise and a reminder that they are descendants of the Emperor Yu.
Fast forward into a later time, Xiao’s great grandmother Yu Xue Ai was the princess whom fell in love with the God Yinglong. Even though the Yellow Emperor was the one whom the Dragons protected and served, they had made a pact of protecting other royal clans that could one day rule China as well.
Princess Xue Ai had cared for Yinglong; she was once a priestess whom had devoted herself to serving her Emperor and Gods. But, after Yinglong had fallen for her, their relationship had bloomed until their love bore a son, who became a new bloodline for the Yu clan. A bloodline of the Dragon God.
The family flourished, the clan being divided into two. One was the descendant of Emperor Yu only, whilst the other had Yinglong’s blood running in them. Their family had never risen up to the throne as they had found being advisers for the Emperor to be a more appropriate line for them instead. For millennia’s, the family lived in peace until the ruin of the monarchy and rise of people for the Republic happened.
The modern royal families of China had to hide. After the monarchy had been abolished, Xiao’s family went deep underground.
In the fight of the people wanting to claim the Republic of China, most of the Yu bloodline had been massacred. Xiao’s mother Mei had been saved by the legendary Yinglong. Their family had been the one whom was still entrusted for the spiritual connection and bond between the old protectors of the Emperors.
Even as the passing dynasties had been a disgrace and brought corruption to the Gods, The Yu family had kept their promise and held their honor high. Yinglong had always watched over his family, never truly parting from them as he instead became their protector in return for all the generations of service and spiritual prayers and offerings they have given. When the death of almost the entire Yu clan had happened, Yinglong took it upon himself to save the last remaining family member, Yu Mei-Long.
He had given his great-grand daughter to the care of of the people of Jiangsu. One of the many hideouts filled with treasures that the Yu family had made just in case such a crisis were to happen. Mei grew up servants as her family, and occasionally seeing Yinglong as she continued on her duties of being a priestess that prayed and gave offerings to her ancestors.
As she had grown older, Mei fell in love with a common man. They wed and with the blessing of Yinglong, they lived happily in their mansion…
That was until Xiao was born.
Xiao Long’s name is written as 晓 and 龍, meaning dawn and dragon. Being born at the dawn of July 13, it was a custom from his family to be named Long, as he is a descendants of a dragon.
Xiao grew up in a big mansion filled with many servants; most of his time had been spent with the nannies that raised him. Once his mother had given birth to him, Mei had grown fatally ill. It seemed as though that giving birth to Xiao had put a strain to her body.
Nevertheless, she had lived till Xiao was 7 years old. After Mei’s death, his father could not handle the death of the only woman he had ever loved, even more so when their son seemed to have been the cause of it. Xiao only seemed to resemble his mother through his eyes, but his other features were similar to his father.
When Xiao was 10 years old, his father had grown mad with hatred towards his son. He had blamed Xiao for his mother’s death and had even plotted of killing the young boy. His father grew greedy and wanted to take the family treasures for himself. Day and night Xiao’s father bought women and got drunk, until he eventually came to a time where he had started to physically beat his son in anger.
The once calm and kind man had morphed into a monster.
In one night wherein his father was heavily intoxicated, he had slurred to the boy of how he had regretted having a son that would inherit the fortune his wife had given to him. Out of his drunkenness, he had tried to kill Xiao, if not for the servant that had seen them and stopped the man from killing his own son.
Once Yinglong had found out about his only grandson being killed by his own father, Yinglong had taken it upon himself to punish the man. He did not hesitate to kill Xiao’s father.
Xiao was given into the care of his Nanny Lin, he saw her as his older sister and he had grown even more accustomed to loving and seeing the servants in his home as his own family.
As Xiao grew older, he had grown bored of his home in Jiangsu. But the real reason was that his older sister Lin had died due to a horrible accident. Everyone had thought he had been handling himself so well, yet after the year anniversary of Lin’s death, Xiao had asked for permission to leave Jiangsu.
Xiao traveled until he found himself in Yeoshin.
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ofthedivinekrp-blog · 7 years
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Yu Xiao Long (Wen Jun Hui) Yinglong
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ofthedivinekrp-blog · 7 years
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ofthedivinekrp-blog · 7 years
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Did you hear? BANG JAEHYUN, the nineteen year old STUDENT/BARISTA, was spotted in downtown Yeoshin. We heard they’re a descendant of VENUS is known for having the ability(s) of LUST EMBODIMENT. If you look closely, they have an uncanny resemblance to BTS’ JEON JEONGGUK.
* . ✧ ˙ ˖ — and deep down in the soul, something rises, knowing well that what made us is what could be our demise.
Venus is the Roman goddess whose functions encompassed love, beauty, desire, sex, fertility, prosperity and victory. In Roman mythology, she was the mother of the Roman people through her son, Aeneas, who survived the fall of Troy and fled to Italy. Venus was central to many religious festivals, and was revered in Roman religion under numerous cult titles.
The Romans adapted the myths and iconography of her Greek counterpart Aphrodite for Roman art and Latin literature. In the later classical tradition of the West, Venus becomes one of the most widely referenced deities of Greco-Roman mythology as the embodiment of love and sexuality.
* . ✧ ˙ ˖ — we are capable, pressured into valiant things, able to do what others can’t in this foreign land.
Jaehyun has the ability of Lust embodiment, the ability to embody all forms of sex, lust, and arousal. From this, he’s able to gain power from the apparent lust emanating from others, as well as himself. While Venus was the Goddess of a vast amount of qualities, Beauty and Sexual Desire were two of her main abilities. She was a pillar for many in this regard, though Jaehyun’s own doesn’t hold a candle. While he’s well-aware of capabilities, the youth is still learning, and has only since barely mastered its main properties. There’s a certain selfishness that comes to his abilities, mixed foul with his traits and he knows it. But from what stems of this power, many would consider him a sexual master, due to further applications that derive from it–spanning from heightened stamina, to sex specialty.
Despite having mastered some of its applications, the power can quickly go out of his control depending on the situation. Particular in light of emotional circumstances, or high powered ones, Jaehyun can unintentionally invoke its applications and find himself falling into its whole. He can become a mess of emotion and a sex addicted monster at the best of times.
* . ✧ ˙ ˖ — as stories told, legends passed, languages spread, we start to forget who were before.
triggers in the following passage: Depression, mental instability, suicide, death, adoption, bullying, sex addiction.
His parents were your picture perfect couple, the type bragged about in lifestyle magazines–with their expensive yet humble possessions, gleaming smiles and eyes that lit up the world when they shared a glance. A couple of dreamers, who wanted nothing more than a child to call their own, to further their romance and install some spare love into another being. They had succeeded in the process, of course. It had been steady, Doctors telling them that they were to birth a healthy child–that complications were of no concern. They were nothing but smiles and sweet laughter, until the nine month mark hit and that twinkling laughter turned to sobs. Jaehyun had been born, as healthy as a newborn could be. But at a cost, his mother had died sometime after labour, after having held her child for a matter of moments.
Thus left two. Has father had succumb to grief, hardly having time to look after his child. He became forgetful, reserved. Family friends were usually the ones to come over, simply to look after Jaehyun through his stages of development. He was thankful for that, for those who spared their time to think of him while his father had neglected to do so. But, it didn’t take long before his father had had enough. Days spent without his “soulmate” had hollowed him out entirely, made him forget that the world existed without her and for a moment, he’d considered ending it all. Except it didn’t stop at consideration. And that’s when Jaehyun, only just old enough to speak full sentences, had found his father laying on his bed, not breathing and as pale as snow. Suspected suicide, they’d called it.
From then on, Jaehyun was sent to an orphanage. The relatives that had once looked after him, had not signed for care, and thus laid the only option left. It didn’t affect the boy, though. In fact, being forced to interact with other children his own age was a benefit. He’d been socially inept before, due to his withdrawal from his father. Conversation had never flowed then. He wasn’t the most social of kids during his time at the orphanage, but he’d gotten far better. That didn’t stop the bullying, though. As with anything, there’s always a hierarchy. It just so happened Jaehyun was at the bottom of the food chain here. The elder kids felt it best to consistently tease his inability to socialise, to pick on his background, to throw him down as a lesson. He’d just taken it, without moving a muscle nor speaking against it. A blank slate.
It continued as such. Bruises painting his porcelain skin constantly–to which didn’t help when it came to bullies twice as difficult in school. Only when it came to high school, did he develop a backbone. During the first years, he’d been painted as a bad boy due to his apparent social phobia. He’d spend every moment alone, and would remain silent during class. Decked in dark clothing, completely oblivious to the world around him. It was because of this mysteriousness, he was dubbed a problem child. He’d still keep his mouth shut in light of those same bullies, but he was stronger now, physically. He could counter demand, and avert attention with little more than shoves and the like–the occasional punch when necessary. Lord knows how many times were was temporarily suspended due to the amount of fights he’d gotten into. Perhaps a trigger for his depression. The loneliness of it all. As if the world was against him. And maybe it was.
That’s when his power had made itself obvious. Instead of seeking out conversation, he instead took to seeking out company through sexual means. Meeting upperclassmen behind the school with a quick five minutes. Pulling boys out of the corridor into closets. He’d garnered a reputation for himself. The consistent one-night-stands and quickies weren’t helping with the names. With the quick jabs sent his way. He seemed to manifest sexual attraction no matter what. Even the straightest of men would find himself taken by Jaehyun. And he revelled in it, couldn’t help but feel good about it. Fed his ego like nothing else, and he ran with it too well.
Towards the end of high school, he was a near completely different person. Cocky and proud, disruptive. The school playboy. He lived up to the name and then some, used his apparent power to his own selfish and greedy needs. Until he was caught. It was funny, really. How the headmaster had walked in on Jaehyun and his teacher, the latter bent over a desk. Of course, the teacher got fired for sexual misconduct. Jaehyun suffered a similar fate. Luckily, it had happened little before graduation. Luck was seemingly on his side.
But he couldn’t stay. He’d had enough of repetitive routines, having already left the orphanage after surpassing legal age. The next step was obvious, and he’d found himself finding education at Yeoshin. His old self remained, though. Entirely too self-worthy, sarcastic and sex addicted. Most of which was used as a mask to shy other away from the timid boy beneath. He’d found work, dedicated himself to study, found himself craving sex far too much for words. And it was that same addiction that was quickly becoming his downfall. While he could control some attributes, he struggled with most. The power was more-so controlling him over anything.
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ofthedivinekrp-blog · 7 years
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Bang Jaehyun (Jeon Jeongguk) Venus
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