ofthedoctor · 3 years
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❝The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing, not curing, not healing and face with us the reality of our powerlessness, that is a friend who cares.❞
moodboard - &. the hitter (( @miyasakis ))
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ofthedoctor · 3 years
( the mastermind​ ):
Eddie’s smile must be contagious for Seraphina returns it immediately, something like warmth saturating the upturn of their lips. A chuckle follows shortly after, skipping joyfully out of their mouth and through that fond smile. They pretend to mull it over, a hum forming in the back of their throat. “I think I’m going to have to go with ‘crime against humanity’. My grandfather would have my head if I said any differently.” Mischief sets in the quirk of Seraphina’s brow and she leans into his space, a free hand coming up to her cheek as if to shield her words from prying ears—as if this quip was for his ears and his ears alone. “Italians and their food, right?”
They lean back and bring wine to their lips, gloved fingers delicately tipping the glass. In the brief moment it takes to do that, they’ve already made a new decision, a new direction in which to take the conversation. 
“Dr.Sousa, do tell me, would you like to join me on the fire escape? Roman doesn’t allow smoking in his apartment and I would love the company. Your company, in particular.”
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      the words ‘do you cook a lot?’ were left unsaid, not because eddie was not curious, of course he was, there were so many things he wanted to know, no just about seraphina but about everyone in the crew. they had been working together for a month and while the important things they needed to know from each other had been shared —skill set wasn’t really what eddie thought they should know about each other, but eddie settled for letting them share whenever they felt like it. so he settled for letting out a small laugh.
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     ❝i would love to❞ eddie said with a smile, while not a smoker, and not on the comfort level to joke with seraphina about how bad those were for their health, he settled for being polite, besides there was nothing he would deny sera. he fought against offering up his arm for her, and settled for a courteous hand wave, ❝lead the way...❞ 
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ofthedoctor · 3 years
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ofthedoctor · 3 years
      after fighting the urge to raise his hand and ask questions that will surely earn him a few eye rolls —are we all supposed to come together and create a pizza? are we pairing up? doing it by teams? are each of us making one and then we are trying each other creations?— eddie decided that for once he would go with the flow, he walked around helping when asked, passing out ingredients, making sure things didn’t end up on the floor, but if he was being honest cooking wasn’t his forte. 
      well eddie didn’t actually know if he was good at it, having never actually tried it. growing up he spent a lot of time in the kitchen but it was mostly what he had been doing now —passing ingredients, utensils, and the occasional tasting, and then as he grew older there was just never any time to cook. perhaps he would give it a try. but right now two wine glasses later eddie found himself doing what he did best, watching from the sidelines. 
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     eddie knew he should join in the action, but before he ventured into it he decided to first take a good look at the unfolding scene. he had been with these people for a month and things had gone as best as possible, a few hiccups here and there, but it was hard to imagine doing the job with anyone else. a smile crept up on him, sure he could blame the wine, but he was becoming fond of them. suddenly a voice brought him out of his thoughts. the one who had started it all. the mastermind.  
      ❝oh i would hate to get in the middle of that❞ eddie said pointing at the heated discussion, ❝i’ve enjoyed pizza with pineapple, but i have to say my favorite is always going to be classic pepperoni...❞ he said with a smile, ❝what about you sera? which side are you on?❞ eddie asked wiggling his eyebrows.
Where: Roman’s apartment When: 14th of May, 8:30 pm Whom: open for anyone
There is a comfort to the chaos, a soothing quality to the unintelligible yet tangible buzz that currently sparks the air. If they wanted, they could focus on the individual pieces of the atmosphere, pluck out someone’s protests against pineapple on pizza and then another’s impassioned defense of the sweet fruit. However, as she sits on her bar stool throne, a glass of white wine nestled into the curl of her gloved hand, she decides that it’s all the more enjoyable for her to simply…let it all mix; let the chaos wash over them like the tide, like resin poured over canvas.
Seraphina smiles into their glass and is about to tilt the liquid into their lips until—A stray catches their eye. A little sheep, wandering away from the herd—Or perhaps not even wandering; perhaps it’s not even intentional, the way the other person stands apart from the group, observing (just as she is observing) rather than partaking. Or, who knows, perhaps it is intentional. Either way, it’s not a part of Seraphina’s plan and that needs immediate correcting.
The Mastermind casually glides over to their side. Casual, like the way she’s dressed: perfectly fitted jeans and a cream blouse, loose tresses falling behind their back like an ink waterfall. An attempt at relatability, at humanity, a visage meant to disarm walls.
They smile, warm and teasing at the same time. “So, what’s your verdict? On pineapple, I mean. Crime against humanity or pleasant tropical topping?”
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ofthedoctor · 4 years
    in all honesty eddie never really had a chance to discover whether he was a good cook or not, he knew the basics, but he had never had time to properly cook a meal, but he sure loved to follow instructions, and if he had figured out what that invitation actually meant —it seemed everyone but him had an idea of what was awaiting them, if anything the easily stainable cashmere sweater he was wearing was an indication that he did not expect that much tomato sauce. to say he was feeling out of place would be an understatement, so eddie scanned the room for those he felt most comfortable around, kenji was busy being kenji, so eddie went ahead and decided to tease angel, truly the annoying little sister he always wanted. ❝why are all your stories so downright horrifying? how are you even alive?❞ eddie asked in an exaggerated tone, and then popped the pepperoni he had managed to snag into his mouth, and looked at angel with a grin.      
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truth be told, angel was much more accustomed to ordering pizza, not making them fresh. hell, the closest she’d ever gotten is panfrying up some three day old leftover slices—which was truly the only good way to reheat old pizza. but this whole thing was fun! sprinkling over whatever toppings she felt like, the delicious smells filling up her nostrils, and sneaking pepperoni slices into her mouth as she waited for the oven alarm to go off. suddenly, a hand snuck up the counter, all the way to her little pile of snacks. ❝ HEY! don’t you fuckin’ dare! ❞ she swatted at the hand, turning to see who was trying to swipe her pepperoni, a look of over-dramatic indignation on her face. ❝ i’ve fought off giant subway rats trying to steal my takeout once, don’t think i’ll let YOU get away with it. ❞
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ofthedoctor · 4 years
may 14th, 8:05pm roman’s apartment the doctor & number two (( @romcnesque ))
    eddie had arrived exactly on time, not just because of the last line on the invitation, but the idea of making people wait was simply something he could not handle. he of course had showed up with a bottle of wine, because you never show up empty handed to a dinner party, but what was set up in the kitchen was far from a dinner party. ❝ohh❞ eddie let out in a barely audible tone when the realization hit him, the invitation had been neither poetry nor riddle, it was actually a too many cooks situation, and they were actually creating the perfect slice. and people teased him about always taking things literally.  
   as the scene began to unfold in front of him, eddie could not help but think about the crew wrecking havoc in roman’s apartment, eddie was starting to become fond of them, but honesty was one of his better qualities, and he could almost smell the fire about to happen at any moment. making a beeline for one of the kitchen drawers, eddie fished out a corkscrew, forgoing the decanting he poured a couple of glasses and walked towards roman. ❝here❞ he said giving one to the second in command, ❝was this as much as a surprise to you as it was for me?❞ eddie asked with an apologetic smile, worrying about what the night had in store for the crew. 
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ofthedoctor · 4 years
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full name: marcos edmundo almeida sousa nicknames: eddie, ed, doc, sousa codename: rook gender & pronouns: cis man & he/him date of birth & age: october 16th, 1986 & thirty-four hometown: richmond virginia orientation: bisexual biromantic occupation: cardiothoracic surgeon 
a bit of history.
eddie was born to an old money heiress who never wanted children but had to continue the family legacy, it was lucky he was a boy, because she was done, and to a promising politician, who tried to be a good father but ultimately failed because work was always more important than spending time with his son. eddie never stood a chance at a normal childhood, while there was not a thing in the world eddie couldn’t have if he asked for it, the one thing he desired was what he could never get, the love and attention from his parents. 
eddie was raised by the help, maids, cooks, bodyguards, gardeners, chauffeurs, they were the ones responsible for the kind and caring person that eddie is today, they taught him the value of hard work, looking out for others, honesty, giving without expecting anything in return, and above all to be a good person. 
as a child eddie was quiet and well behaved, traits unusual for most children, and he mostly read, to keep himself busy and try and make the job of his caretakers easier, until he got interested in science, from then on it was mild explosions around the sousa estate. a curious mind and a love for knowledge, eddie had read every book at the family library by the time he was shipped off to boarding school. 
his sweet quiet nature made him an easy target for bullies, even as he grew into his looks he was never a part of the popular crowd. but it never mattered to him, he was quite happy hiding behind his books and whatever experiment he had running on his dorm. until one day a prank gone wrong in the dorm next door, had sixteen year old eddie sticking his hand into a classmate to stop them from bleeding out. and his love for healing was born.
college did bring him out of his shell a little bit, say what you want about california but it was a nice change from the east coast that eddie was so used to. he got a degree in chemistry from standford and at twenty-one years old he was accepted into the highly competitive dual md/phd program at harvard/mit, returning from his adventures in the west coast. 
eddie finished med school with a doctorate degree in biochemistry, which made him a very desirable candidate for residency at mass gen. by the time his five years as a surgical resident were over, eddie had offers for fellowships all over the country, he decided to go for the one at new york presbyterian hospital, where after his fellowship was completed, they offered him an attending position when he became a cardiothoracic surgical fellow. 
upon taking the mastermind’s offer, eddie quit his job at NY-Presbyterian and now he only volunteers a couple of times a week at a free clinic that one of his colleagues started, as well as doing pro-bono surgeries when needed. it would’ve been impossible for him to keep up with the hectic rhythm of the hospital and still be of use to the crew, even as an attending he would’ve had to be on call and potentially put at risk either the lives of the crew or the lives of his patients. but there’s a part of him that doesn’t want to totally distance himself from what was once the one thing that truly made him happy.  
fun facts.
eddie doesn’t like his first name and never uses it, very few actually know that he actually goes by his middle name. by naming conventions the maternal family name goes first, but of course growing up in the states eddie only ever used one last name. 
his parents never had time to teach him portuguese, but eddie is able to understand and speak it to the best of his ability, because of his grandparents, who only visited from time to time, his grandmother whoever insisted on japanese lessons. eddie is also fluent in spanish and polish as those were the main languages of the people around him when he was growing up. he also knows german and mandarin, thanks to the very expensive education he got at boarding school. it all came very handy when he found himself working at one of the busiest hospitals in new york.
eddie falls in love easily, and loves with all his heart, which is why he’s had his heart broken several times throughout his life, but that has not stopped him from still trying to find true love. there’s been two great loves in his life, his college boyfriend, who eddie saw himself building a life with but who broke up with him as soon as they graduated, and the fiancée who left him a month before their wedding and moved across the world to pursue her dream job. eddie harbors no ill-feelings towards them and will always have a place in his heart for them, no matter how much it hurt, he treasures the moments he had with each of them. 
during his third year as a surgical resident eddie was involved in committing insurance fraud, lying on the forms and forging signatures. he made sure that a young patient received the surgery they needed even if they had no way to pay for it. eddie was ready to face the consequences —it was a broken system and he was glad to not be a part of it any longer, but instead his family made a generous donation to the hospital, and his grandfather acquired shares from the insurance company and thus put an end to any legal action they would’ve taken against eddie. he was allowed to remain in the program without even an ounce of punishment. this is where the disenchantment with his life began. 
eddie hated being on call for the emergency room, because that’s where life changed forever for everyone who passed through. one moment people were fine, living their lives, and the next, if they were lucky it was a lifetime of debt if they managed to survive. the couple of years he worked as an attending he helped where he could, but it was clear that one person trying to pay the medical expenses of those who needed it the most under the table was not going to change a broken system. so when the mastermind approached him, eddie saw a way to make a real change, a real impact. while hesitant at first, he is more convinced than ever than sometimes you need to break a few rules to fix what no longer works. 
plot points.
the sun, the moon, the truth; eddie has kept his past life a secret, only the mastermind knows about it, and he worries about what would the crew think if they found out about his upbringing, about how money and influence kept him from facing devastating consequences than for any other person would’ve meant losing their medical license and jail time. i would love to play out what happens when they find out, when they learn about who he really is, or used to be, will it change the way they see him? will they stop trusting him? will they hate him? who understands and who feels betrayed?
all eyes on me; it is no secret that eddie hates the spotlight, he would rather not interact with the mark if possible, in part because he is a terrible liar, but i would love to explore a job where plans a through k have failed and he has to step into action. hopefully someone will be there to coach him through an earpiece, otherwise the absolute disaster of him trying to fumble his way through it would be hilarious, for everyone around him, for eddie not so much. 
sweep the leg; a running joke amongst the crew is that eddie’s muscles are just for show, he might look athletic, but he is not. it would be cool to see him get a bit of combat training, maybe after a run in with bad guys where he was totally defenseless, we could also throw in a bit of weapon training, his whole do no harm philosophy about to be tested when maybe he and others were at risk and he didn’t know how to fight back and didn’t have the tools to science their way out of it.
more to be added soon
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ofthedoctor · 4 years
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ofthedoctor · 4 years
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