ofvalor · 1 month
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The Avengers are broken. The X-Men scattered to the wind. SHIELD has been lain low by infighting and HYDRA wears the Office of National Emergencies like a second skin. In New York City, a new generation of heros and villains begin picking up the pieces left behind after a devasating cataclysm on the West Coast caused a wave that tore apart the trust the world had put in its superheroes and broke down what little progress had been made in pushing forward tolerance for mutants.
A new group of heroes rises up to Defend those who can't defend themselves, and a new, Sinister Syndicate of villains come together to chase their own ends. Meanwhile, a plucky group of mutant upstarts both above and below ground continue to fend off the smoking wreck of SHIELD, reforged into a new Agency with One unified goal - bringing superhumans under the yoke of government control.
Legend Has It that things used to be better, but that was then, and this is now. What side are you on? Whose story will you tell?
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ofvalor · 2 months
The apology falls on deaf ears, Kate too lost in the sensation of it all - and her reassurances are heard by them both. She sees the transformation start - slowly at first, with Gwen trying to hold back and then .. all at once. The spider-webbing black ink overtakes her skin, and though she's being kissed hungrily - the lips shift to teeth.
It's - she's not sure what to expect that it to feel like, but it wasn't something warm.
And in a few seconds, Gwen is larger, stronger, and she's completely and totally filled. Whatever words were on the tip of her tongue are swallowed up by sounds nothing short of filthy as she adjusts to the size and strength and movement.
"Fucking - fuck - Shi - Gwen.. Venom." She's trying to say anything, but her mind is blank, and her sentences just devolve into whimpers as her leg is lifted up over Venom's hip, while her fingers dig into the inky black substance.
She wants to ask Gwen how it feels to be inside of her like this, wants to know if it's heightened, if it's better, if it's worse - but all thoughts are dashed as her hips start to snap up.
There's a tightness in between Gwen's legs for a moment and then it's like somebody throws a pressure valve and she groans as she bites down, tastes the hot, red of blood, and between Kate's moans and her own hard breaths she realizes what's she's done. "I'm- I'm sorry, Kate, I'm so sorry, I-"
At first its horror, etched into Gwen's crooked, monstrous face, somewhere farflung and halfway between the plucky sleuth of years prior and the thing she is now. Her blue eyes sunken away into dark hollow pits of shadow, spiderwebs veining out from her sockets, from tthe corners of her mouth. This isn't the Gwen Stacy who fell and died and was, by and large, forgotten by the world outside of her immediate friends and family. This was the Gwen who clawed her self out of death, who struck a bargain to buy more time in exchange for her sense of humanity. But if she's so monstrous, why does she - do they feel so very human now, with wet warmth blossoming between their legs, with the heat of prey on their lap, stroking at their cheek. Gwen stops breathing; the Symbiote can do that for her. "It's okay." Kate says. 'It's okay' they hear. It's a quiet, transition, horrifying in broad light, but Gwen Stacy lunges forward, snapping her lips up against Kates, and its an ungainly, monstrous thing, this kiss - unlike Gwen's timid pecks of loping, tongueful affair. This is brutish and crude - hungry. The Symbiote shows itself, all teeth, all curves as it accentuates Gwen's physique; the sleek, shiny surface of it's symbiote skin looks as though it should stain the sheets like ink but it doesn't, and slender, feminine claws wrap around and lift Kate's thigh as they shift position in the bed. Skin-contact with the symbiote should be lethal, even painful, but symbiosis has changed Venom, reigned in it insatiable hunger to consume. Taught it instead to indulge. Instead its a dozen little sensations for every inch of contact as Venom asserts itself, gratifies itself, and gives Kate what she wants; Gwen Stacy - all of her.
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ofvalor · 2 months
in the process of culling muses / moving things to sideblogs. gonna do a yj one, marvel one, and a hub for my ffxiv ocs bc i have all the brainrot. this isn't gonna be a fast process by any means but ay
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ofvalor · 2 months
peeks in.
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ofvalor · 5 months
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Though the world may not know it, Port Leiry is a hotspot for supernatural activity. Unbeknownst to the humans that live there, a few species of the underground have taken up residence there and are crafting it into something of a haven behind the scenes.
City of Ruin is a mature, multi-muse supernatural city RP set in the fictional city of Port Leiry. The focus of this group is on character development and weaving plots through their stories
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ofvalor · 8 months
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Sophie rubs her shoulder gently as she guides her into the home, up towards the bathroom. It's slow going but she's trying to be careful with her, all the while glancing down to try and assess what all of the damage is. Once in the bathroom, she wastes no time setting Drea down on the edge of the tub and leaning over to turn the hot water on. Grabbing a rag she takes it to rub it over the worst of the cuts, getting the grime and blood off of her gently. "Maybe we can do a little something once you're clean and taken care of, sweetheart. Do you want to talk about what happened?"
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Usually she prefers leaving Sophie's house in this condition, rather than showing up like this, and she shivers as the older woman gently pulls her over the threshold. One arm carefully holds her ribs, reminding her not to breathe in too deeply. She probably should have gone to a hospital first, but Drea doesn't really feel much like explaining the situation to the authorities. "A bath would be great," she groans, leaning in to Sophie's embrace. "Think I can convince you to get in with me?" she waggles her eyebrows cheekily, ignoring the way the bruises on her face pull with the motion.
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ofvalor · 8 months
❝  can we take a break—i’m just.  i like this,  but i need to go a little slower.  ❞ - rachel/amelia
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Maybe she was being too eager - a common issue between her and Rachel - or perhaps Rachel just needed a breath. Either way, Amelia nodded and allowed the woman to sit up, slide off and give each other a bit of space. It helped Amelia center herself, too. It was so easy to get into her head when sex was on the table, and she was grateful for when Rachel dictated the pace. It helped her breathe. Helped her feel loved. Wanted. Like a person.
Still, though, she leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to the nape of Rachel's neck - all slick with sweat, and moved her lips to her shoulder. "You okay?"
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ofvalor · 9 months
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All she can do is nod at Van's answer, shifting her gaze away from the grim mangled features - though still covered - and back towards the leaves and the rising sun. She blinks. Slowly. As if she might still be waking up or realizing that she's not alone out here on the porch. She shifts and looks down at her arms, covered in goosebumps from the chill in the air. Another slow blink. "I.. yeah. It's chilly."
Lottie finally answers, and shifts to wrap around herself a bit more, then rests her head against one of the posts outside. Around them, the sounds of wildlife are tapering off - going to sleep and migrating far away from the looming freeze. "I didn't realize." She murmurs, once more, feeling a little more present. "Guess I won't be able to sit out here in the mornings anymore."
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Her wounds have begun their long healing process, and they itch, day and night. The rags that cover her face like a mummy's are half there to keep her from scratching at the healing skin, and half to spare the others from the gruesome sight of her mangled face. The leaves have begun to change color, nature's sign of the passage of time. Van's pretty sure that it's been almost a month since Laura Lee got on that fucking plane because of her, and she feels like she at least owes it to the blonde to look after Lottie. And also because if anyone would have an idea of what she'd seen out in the woods while on an honest to god funeral pyre, it would be Lottie.
Van's grown accustomed to how quiet and distant Lottie has become since the plane went up in flames, and she never tries to push. She wonders how much Lottie blames her for losing Laura Lee, for surviving when Laura Lee didn't. "She's still sleeping," Van shrugs, her voice gravelly from the early hour. "Aren't you cold out here, Lottie?"
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ofvalor · 9 months
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Kate winces at the snap, but doesn't let it deter her. When she found out -- she was horrified, of course she was horrified. But it's still Gwen. And she still cares about her, still more than cares about her. "I don't know how I can. All I know is that I want to."
Aside from the first wince, she shows nothing but pure adoration for Gwen - worry for her sure. But otherwise, nothing but love. She lifts her hand to brush some of her hair back, and holds the back of her neck. "Like I said.. I know it's not going to be easy. I'm not looking for easy. I just care about you. If that includes.. eating people and the.. the symbiote, then okay. I'll take that, too."
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"Share what?" She asks, shoulders sinking visibly as she takes it in, tries to let herself believe what Kate Bishop's saying. "I fucking eat people, Kate!"
Saying it outloud, to another person makes it real and that makes her eyes boil over whether she likes it or not.
"I can't live unless people die. Do you know what it's like to know that? To know the only thing between me and ripping your throat out is making sure I rip somebody else's out? How are you gonna help me shoulder that? How can you help me shoulder that?"
Gwen's eyes search every tiny twitch in Kate's expression, halfway hoping she isn't half as strong as she knows she is - its simple math, the longer Kate's around her, the more likely it is that Gwen gets her killed, or worse, does it herself. Maybe it'll be enough. Enough to chase her way so that Gwen can't hurt her, can't be close enough to hurt her.
That's her punishment for flying too close to the sun. Everything she wanted at the cost of everything she had.
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ofvalor · 9 months
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They're able to clear out the rest of them in short order, but Kate barely has time to grab onto something and shift her balance so she won't get knocked down by Colleen's fist slamming into the asphalt. It rocks her. It always rocks her. But she recovers quickly, kicking a guy into the face to knock him out once she spotted him trying to stand up.
Looking around, the rest of them are down for the count -- and she nods towards where the rest of them more than likely are. "You sure? We could go after whoever you saw."
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It's not that she's not grateful for Kate's help, considering she hadn't expected quite so many of the bumbling henchmen to give chase. Kate was right, the rest of the fight is two blocks away, but Colleen had seen a flash of platinum hair, a striking shade that she knows. She doesn't often run into her own students, especially not the ones she sends on to Bakuto, and most definitely not running around with the very street gang she'd been trying to avoid. But that's a long story, too long to tell in the middle of a fight, not that she has any intention of telling Kate at all. Colleen drops to the ground and sweeps the legs out from one of the Maggia thugs. "I... thought I saw someone." But even if she had, Felicia would be long gone by now and she wouldn't leave the others. "Doesn't matter. Brace yourself." It's the only warning she gives before her fist starts to glow and she punches the ground with just enough power to cause the ground around them to shake. It leaves a slight crater in the asphalt, but nothing worse than any of the other potholes in the street. "Let's get back to the others."
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ofvalor · 9 months
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The touch is gentle - but it opens the floodgate. More tears spill down her cheeks, lip wobbling, and her vision blurring as her eyes squint together in an attempt to stem the flow. She sniffles, and turns her head downwards against her hand, but to nuzzle against the touch and kiss the palm of her hand. It's then that she can feel herself starting to calm down some. Finally.
"Are you sure? Are you sure we can navigate this? It doesn't feel like.. It doesn't feel like it's possible."
She takes another deep, shaky breath and lifts up to sink into Gwen more fully -- she needs the touch. "I don't know if I can do this."
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There's always this predatory sense inside of Gwen when the people they - she cares about are made to be upset, or frightened, or otherwise put into the push and pull of human tribulation. Her first instinct on seeing Kate this upset is a pull at the back of her mind to hunt and prey on whoever's responsible, and this, of course, is tamped down by the revelation that Kate is talking about her mother.
This puts Gwen in the position of consideration; what if it were her father? It's a human quirk to try and relate one's own situation to another's; the symbiote sees this as impractical and has tried to break Gwen of the need to empathize to poor result.
The black hood and visage recede from her face, revealing Gwen's own features and unmasking her voice as she sinks to a knee to check Kate for any real damage after that narrow escape. When Kate crumbles, Gwen's hand tips her chin up. "We'll navigate it, Kate - it's what we do. Power, responsibility, all that."
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ofvalor · 9 months
oh, shut up and kiss me. (draco)
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He tilts his head down at her, a slight smile on his lips. It would be so easy to refuse and walk away - leave her wanting. But he can't deny that he's also been wanting this (for years, maybe? it was hard these days to put a specific timeline on how his feeling have developed from hatred and frustration to something a bit.. softer.) just as much as she seems to.
It's too soft for them, this moment, and yet he still brings his hand to lightly touch at her jaw. "I assume we'll forget about this come tomorrow." It's almost a plea -- He doesn't want to. He wants to move forward, to see what this might bring them.
And yet, he still leans down without waiting for the answer he dreads to hear to press his lips to hers.
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ofvalor · 9 months
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Kate bites down into her lower lip at the poking and prodding around her wounds and has to roll her eyes at Gwen's straight up grin up at her. If she didn't think moving would make it all worse, she'd shove Gwen in the shoulder. Instead, she just leans back and heaves out a heavy sigh.
"I am holding still." She murmurs, "Don't - ah! You fucker!" She nearly kicks her feet and squirms when the rag is brought to the wound proper - it burns, but it's starting to feel a bit better.
"Barely broke the - I'd like to see you get shot at, you little shit."
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She hates that she's gotten so good at this, and even as she's peeling Kate's shirt up her side to look at it, she's feeling her eyebrow creep up her forehead - for Kate, it's minor - its probably the spots around the thing that hurt the most rather than the graze itself. She cocks a grin - something else that strikes her as a level of comfort she never really expected to have at this. "Hold still, you baby." It's tough talk, especially from Gwen 'Girl in the Chair' Stacy. She feels bad about it, so she adds. "You've caught way worse from way better." Hot water first mixed with some peroxide, and she feels Kate clutch the table when the rag catches some scuffed skin. Then it's onto some salve that's equal parts painkiller and antiseptic. "This'll numb it a bit in the meantime - barely even broke the skin."
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ofvalor · 9 months
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Felicia's gaze lifts back up to Cindy, peeling the rings off of her fingers to lay them neatly in a row - taking her time to do it gingerly. The more time in between saying anything the more time it gives Cindy to either fill the silence or give herself more time to think it over. Once all the adornments are off, she stands and moves to the window, one hand on her hip.
"It's not rude if it's true." She hums once more, this time not looking up at Cindy. "Tell me again what the score is? Is it a fun heist? Will the goods be the least bit enticing? Make it interesting for me, Moon."
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Cindy perches on a wall, preferring a position higher up where she can have the best vantage point. The rock sparkling on @ofvalor's finger catches her eye even from fifty feet away. It's foolhardy to even ask that question to Felicia. There's no trust between them, at least not yet. She knows she has to fight her way in after having been SHIELD's lackey for so long, but she's determined to do it. Albert is worth it. Finding out more about her parents is worth it. If she has to play nice with a few known criminals, then so be it.
"Okay, first of all, rude. Second of all, I'm not lying. But if you want to pass up a decent score, that's on you." For once, this isn't even a trap. She knows she has to earn trust, so this heist was coordinated all on her own, without SHIELD's knowledge. Just another necessary step to get what she needs.
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ofvalor · 9 months
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Carina holds the book tightly to her chest, like it's a lifeline. She hadn't meant for the words to come out like that - they hadn't been an accusation, but a soft realization. And now Dom is angry. She's weak, again, because she'd not been trying to take care of herself like she should again. The food that Dom brought is sitting on the end table, another salad with her favorite toppings and the dressing she hates the least. It's so fucking thoughtful, and yet Carina can't admit to herself that it feels good to be taken care of, to be thought of.
So it doesn't feel real. And Dom knows why. It's not a secret between the two of them why it's so difficult for her to accept this, but she hadn't expected the anger.
Any other time she might find the strength to fight back, but she's afraid if she moves too quickly, she'll pass out. "I.. like it." She finally murmurs. She moves - slowly - to sit down on her dorm bed and reaches for the salad. It's at least something to prove she appreciates all of this. It's also the first time she's attempted to eat in front of Dom, despite all of the hand delivered food.
"Can you stay for a bit?"
It's easier to ask that than to rebuff everything else she's saying.
CARINA TANETI said “i thought it was part of the act.”
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There is a prickle of irritation at the base of her spine, different from the typical gentle exasperation she feels towards Carina. Trying to win her over has been one of the harder things that Dom has done in her lifetime, and she doesn't know what it is about Carina that keeps dragging her back like some lovelorn kid when she definitely knows better. The sentence feels heavy and loaded between them, and maybe that's why she snaps back at her. The push and pull can be hot, and Dom's no stranger to being a dirty little secret, but she also wants better for herself.
"What act?" she throws up her hands, a scowl planted firmly on her face. The very words make her feel sick, like Carina thinks she's just been pretending this whole time. Like she makes a habit out of carefully tracking other people's schedules to try and catch a glimpse of her between classes, or browsing bookstores to find her favorite poetry anthologies to give to random women. Dom wonders if maybe that's the way the other girl feels, and a hot flush crawls down her neck. "Why the fuck is it so difficult for you to believe that I might actually be into you? That this is fucking real for me?"
It's a rhetorical question because Dom has gathered enough from Carina that her parents did a number on her, but she doesn't deny that it hurts to lay herself open like this only to constantly be rebuffed. "Do whatever the hell you want with it, I don't care," she says finally, nodding at the book. "Since you think it's an act."
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ofvalor · 9 months
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She watches Josie take it all it, a somewhat smug expression playing on her features. Despite the usual boredom that came with having no emotions and no humanity, this is exciting. Watching someone who knew magic, but never knew what the true power of being a hybrid felt like -- God, she wanted to see how drunk on power Josie would truly get, if at all. And if not, Hope would force the issue. Couldn't have someone sitting around trying to 'fix' her.
"You don't need to know how to compel someone." She drawls it out, with a heavy sigh. There's so many people around them, it doesn't take much for her to reach out and grab a younger looking adult and twist them around with a soft-spoken 'don't scream.' She holds them in place while the crowd moves around them, the din of it and the sound of the music covers up any sound that they might have made. "I can obviously do it for you."
She holds out the person's wrist for Josie. "If all you want is a few drops, then take a few drops." Her thumbnail pierces the vein in the wrist, crimson liquid pooling around her finger.
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Her heart is racing and she rubs at the phantom ache in her neck. She's healed now, as though nothing happened at all, but that's the furthest thing from the truth. While she can't bring herself to blame Hope for this, there's undeniably a part of Josie that is pained because she knows what will come eventually. Hope Mikaelson's emotions were legendary at Salvatore, even before anyone had known that she was a Mikaelson, and now with the enhanced emotional energy of a vampire? She's worried about her.
But there is no time to think about that, not when Hope is grabbing her by the arm and speeding her to their next destination. Unlike all the other times when she's been ferried around by a vampire, Josie didn't feel nauseous this time around, almost feeling like she was moving a semi-normal pace. Was that the transition?
Her senses are overwhelmed as she takes in the sights and sounds of Bourbon Street. Everything is louder and brighter, and she swears she can smell the bucket of aftershave that the frat president on the other side of the street doused himself in. The world looks so different like this, in a way that she'd never imagined it before, like a veil has been lifted from her eyes. She understands a little better why her mom loves being a vampire, despite all of the potential downsides of it. The world feels more alive now. Josie feels more alive now.
She closes her eyes and inhales deeply, her mind churning through what the next steps would be. Her instincts are already firing with the urge to hunt but Josie grew up watching her mother sip on bloodbags or drinking out of mugs that said "world's best mom", not directly from the vein and she hesitates, opening her eyes again to face Hope. "I'm pretty sure I only need a few drops to complete the transition." But a part of her is stalling, frozen now that she's at the threshold of her entire life changing from this point forward, and she feels suddenly alone without Lizzie by her side. "I don't know how to compel someone."
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ofvalor · 9 months
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It is a bad thing. The dark circles under her eyes are much more pronounced since insomnia has been such a common factor in her life now. She wipes at her eyes and stifles a yawn at the reminder of how little sleep she's gotten over the past few days. She had no idea how she found herself here with.. Susie of all people.
Still, she finds she doesn't mind the way it feels to have the smaller girl cuddled into her side, even though she knows the moment someone walks by she'll disentangle herself from her. Eleanor hisses slightly at the way it feels when Susie works on making yet another mark on her neck.
"I guess." She murmurs, but pulls herself away slightly to look down at her. "It feels like it's just making out, not rebelling."
ELEANOR MIYATA (@ofvalor) said "i haven't slept since sunday."
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"You make that sound like a bad thing." She's pouting, not that she really means it, but she likes the expression that Eleanor gets when she does. It's only Tuesday after all, and it's been nice to not have to think about the drudgery of a small town high school where nothing happened. Ditching had become more and more commonplace among their friend group, and Susie has no problem enticing Eleanor into a little debauchery with them.
Girls like her had made Susie's life a living hell and there is a perverse pleasure in drawing the popular girl in, all to slowly ruin her life. Maybe. That is the original plan but the smaller girl hums as she cuddles into Eleanor's side, paint-flecked nails scratching lightly against the other's stomach. Susie likes the warmth and the way Eleanor smells underneath her expensive perfume. Like sweat and soap and she sucks another hickey into Eleanor's throat because she can't help herself from wanting to see what she looks like all marked up. Besides she has to find something to occupy her time whenever Julie is off doing whatever she does with Frank.
"You wanted to rebel. This is step one."
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