ofvalyrian-a · 2 years
allowing herself to take a seat on the couch before her light gaze settled on the male, luna’s eyebrows furrow in confusion as his words register with her. had she heard him correctly? or was her mind playing tricks on her? “ you broke off your engagement? ” truthfully, she isn’t entirely certain of how she’s supposed to feel. there’s a wave of relief that washes over her, but it’s quickly replaced with guilt. she shouldn’t be happy about such a thing, should she ? “ i’m sorry, henry,” the female murmurs, holding her knees to her chest in an attempt to keep herself from walking across the room and reaching for him. “ i mean, i’m not sure of what to say, i know it wasn’t easy, especially considering you two had been together for such a long time…” her voice trails off, pearly whites biting the inside of her cheek. “what happened?”
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his head dips into a nod at her words ( gaze dropping away from her in order to watch his fingers fiddle with the bottles label— it’s easier than looking at her, easier than confronting the reason he’d ended things, even if there was no place he’d rather have gone but here ). “we’d been heading that way for a while.” had they? or had his feelings just steadily been fading for a while? “distance is—  it’s hard.” it hadn’t been easy on either of them. they’d tried making time for each other, but time zones, work schedules and social lives had made it difficult. in their case, distance had not made the heart grow fonder. “just grew apart, developed feelings for someone else.” that second part he hadn’t meant to admit aloud, yet here they were. “didn’t feel right getting married anymore, you know?” 
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ofvalyrian-a · 2 years
following closely being the red head, the male can’t help but grimace in response to her words, images forming in his mind. “yeah, no, thanks.” kaiden had spotted people making out by the lake before, but luckily they had never gone further than just that. dark hues glance around his surroundings in awe, a soft murmur escaping his lips as he chuckles to himself. “of course, i swear it.” he was honored that the female had trusted him enough to bring him here so there was no way he’d tell anyone about it, not even ada. “who else knows about this place?” he questions, long legs carrying him towards the shore before fingers reaching for a small pebble. it throws it accross the large body of water and watches it skip off its surface a few times before before it disappears into its depts.
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a soft chuckle escaped her, “and this close to the winter hols, you’re bound to run into a few couples who are eagerly saying their goodbyes.” which she would more than gratefully take a pass on. shuffling further into the little outcrop, saffron allowed herself to plop down on a rather large rock with a sigh. “um, just felix, i think?” a few slytherins had followed them once to see where the pair had been disappearing to ( the pair both needing to vent about obnoxious parents and unrealistic expectations ), and the small group had stumbled upon them sharing a bottle of firewhiskey. saffron had no idea what the man had said to the others, but the look of terror before they’d scurried away ( and never mentioned it again ) had given her a good enough idea. hues watched the rock he throws skitter across the surface with a small smile. “and now you. probably the best place to hide when everything else gets to be too much. definitely better when the weather is warmer, but can’t complain about how it is now.” 
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ofvalyrian-a · 2 years
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            “see ? we’re a match made in heaven,” while samuel had always wanted a family, it’s not until the pair had gotten together that he started considering actually doing it with someone. she was the one for him, that much he was sure of. “ oh, i can be good at convincing.” she was better than him, there was nothing in this world that the male could deny her, but he liked to think that he had the same effect on her. at the mention of the other’s best friend and her situation, the man frowns a little. “ seriously? weren’t they together for the longest time? ” he had always been fond of norah, and henry seemed like a good guy. “ that sucks, honestly, i hope she’s alright.” he means every word, he’s too happy to dwell on it for too long.“ yeah, maybe you can do something with her later.”  
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“no one would ever question that love.” more than once the woman had been told by countless others that the pair looked at each other like they hung the sun, moon and stars in the sky. the sort of love people spent their entire lives trying to find, and they’d just been lucky to find it so early. “i’m sure you could get that little smile of yours on — you know the exact one i’m taking about! and then bring it up and i’d cave in a heartbeat.” lips split into a grin at the thought, though the expression softs significantly at the thought of norah. “just about as long as us,” she murmurs with a frown, making a mental note to once again reach out to the other woman — though this time to plan a get together rather than just to check in with her. “do you mind if i have her over here one night?”
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ofvalyrian-a · 2 years
“ you don’t believe me ? who else could have corrupted her if not you or me? ” kyle questions, unable to think of anyone that wasn’t one of them. while saffron had other people in her life, she spent most of her time with one of them, and he liked to think that he had helped the red head reveal herself, especially behind closed doors. clicking his tongue, the male lets out a soft chuckle. “ yeah, i know, she is quite good with her mouth,” he confesses, unable to help himself. he was probably enjoying their little banter more than he should have, but he realized then that he could definitely get used to this. “no, baby, you love us both.” he corrects her, winking playfully in response. leaning closer to her until their noses were mere inches apart, he glances back into her light gaze, a smirk on his petals. “ fine, i owe you. how exactly do you want me to pay you back? ”
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"well you sure hadn’t swept her off her feet before i snatched her up prince charming, so i’m sure someone else was involved in there somewhere. we’ll say you get partial credit.” she could be wrong, given adriana hadn’t exactly questioned the red head regarding her past too much ( though then again, when she’d questioned after kyle, adriana had also been running under the assumption the redhead was more fantasizing than speaking from experience ). at the mans confession , lips split into a satisfied grin. “oooh we are going to have so much fun together i can just tell. just like old times but with a fun adult twist.” 
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eyes roll at the correction before hues are swinging back to the male in front of her. he’s far to cocky, and while she might be able to hold her own for a while, saffron is no adriana. eventually, the quips die out ( particularly when he’s so close and looking at her like that ). teeth worry at her lower lip for a few moments as she contemplates what to say before a soft huff is escaping her. “how do you think you should pay me back?” she counters — its easier, when the ball is in his court. 
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ofvalyrian-a · 2 years
a quiet, surprised gasp catches in iris’ throat as a sharp pain shoots through her chest like a bolt of lightning. warm hues glance down at the crimson strains in the white fabric of her shirt, a sense of panic overcoming her, her palm reached out to brace against the nearby shelf, knocking down a few items and steadying her now weak body from collapsing, but only took a few seconds for her body to do just that. pain shots through her once more, she lets out a low whimper and winced, staring up at the ceiling as she slowly becomes dizzier with each passing second. “h-harp,” she manages to choke out, blood escaping past her petals. her vision slowly started to darken at the edges, the clear sign of her unconscious state closing in on her. iris felt the tears trail slowly down her cheeks, staining her as the light drained from her eyes and the world became dark. 
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“iris!” harper calls out, long legs begin to walk towards her sister in an attempt to stop her from taking any more steps in the strangers’ directions, but before she can do so, another gunshot feels the air and she can feel her breath catch somewhere between her throat and lungs. dark hues glance around their surroundings for a brief second before she realizes her sister had been the victim of a said gunshot, horror washing her features as a wail escapes her, from deep within her lungs. it sounds loud, ugly, piercing, and laced with agony but it’s quickly muffled by the press of the male’s large palm over her lips. she can feel all the strength leave her body, convinced that she would have collapsed right then and there if it wasn’t for his arm wrapped around her frame. she tries to fight him, to free herself from his grip and run towards harper, but the next sounds that echo through the warehouse are an imminent threat, one that could kill them all in a matter of seconds. 
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silas’ body is petrified as he watches the younger girl fall onto the floor, her blood painting the floor beneath her. it’s a terrible sight, but not as bad as watching the way agony seems to paint harper’s features, bringing back memories he would rather forget. he wants to say something; that he’s sorry, that he didn’t mean to pull the trigger, but he doesn’t get the chance to. “vera, let’s go, now,” without another thought or look towards his former best friend, long fingers reach for the brunette’s free hand, leading her away from the scene as fast as he possibly could. 
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cassian is making his way toward the source of the sound, aware that the creatures were most likely going to follow it too (but he didn’t care, all he cared was vera’s safety), when he bumps into the pair, the collision almost knocking him out of his feet. steadying himself on the nearby wall, he can feel shivers erupt all over his skin as the familiar sound of a nearby creature fills the air around them. he raises his index finger to his lips, motioning both of them to be quiet. 
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it’s odd how much he would tease the davis’ sister about his relationship with iris. how easily she’d refer to him as dad and he’d banter right back — because the moment he hears her collapse ( despite his words to her sister, despite the fact that he knows they desperately need to get the hell out of there ), the first thought that crosses his mind is, that’s my sister. my little girl. it’s odd and utterly heart wrenching and something the man will think about over and over and over again in the hours he’s unable to find sleep ( harlow has always been horrible at truly expressing feelings — would iris have known how he’d felt in her last moments? ). 
he wants nothing more than to console harper ( or perhaps take his vengeance ) but the eerie clicking those things seem to use to hunt is growing closer and harlow knows he needs to get them out alive in order to do either of those things. he shoots one last look over his shoulder to spot silas and the woman disappearing from sight ( to look one last time at a crimson stained, glassy eyed iris ), before he’s moving the hand that was once smothering her lips is pressing against his own ( begging her to be silent ), before he’s bodily dragging harper away from where the other couple disappeared. there’s another set of stairs they can take — flee the warehouse and hunker down in a building down the street.
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vera knows this entire day is going to haunt her ( and later, when they’re all safe, she’ll question if her insistence on accompanying them is what led to such an epic disaster ). the other man’s threat is almost as blood chilling as the sound of the alien’s steadily approaching ( but a glance over her shoulder tells her the other duo seems thoroughly distracted, so there is little hesitation in grabbing silas’ hand and hurrying away from the scene ). 
the woman has to bite down on her tongue to keep from making a noise when they nearly run right into cassian ( and while her heart leaps to see he’s okay, it almost immediately clenches right after — knowing that she’s brought them all into this situation ). even as her head is nodding at the instruction to stay silent, her lips moving in silent agreement, the woman stiffens at the beasts noise ( now far closer than before ). she’s not had such a close encounter since the start and she’s ready to get the hell out of here and home ( and then maybe move on because vera would rather not stick around to see if the other male makes good on his promise ). “door,” the word is mouthed before her head is nodding in the direction they’d originally come in. she simply prayed the locks were easily flipped and the damn thing didn’t squeak as it opened, otherwise they’d be climbing back through that window.
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ofvalyrian-a · 2 years
the sound of the gunshot echoes through the otherwise quiet building sending a cold shiver running down harper’s spine. she isn’t sure where the sound comes from, but it doesn’t take her long to figure it out. heartbeat picks up in her chest as long legs hurry down the aisle. “iris?” the brunette calls out, panic slowly creeping up her throat. “harlow?” she runs down the stairs as fast as she can, a puzzled look washing over her features at the sight of before her. “what’s going on here?" 
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silas can’t do anything but watch in horror as the bullet grazes the brunette’s arm before ending up in a forgotten corner of the floor. he’s quick to reach for her, gaze meeting hers almost instantly. "it’s okay, you’re going to be just fine,” he assures her, completely forgetting about the creatures that would most likely be attracted by the deafening noise of the gunshot. he’s thankful he doesn’t let his guard down because before he knows it, a familiar figure from his past is standing before him. harlow feels like a ghost from a past life at this point, draining the color from his features. “harlow? you’ve got to be shitting me.”  he mumbles under his breath. 
it only takes iris a second to realize what she’d done, dark hues widening in horror as the crimson liquid runs down the other female’s arm. “shit,” she curses under her breath, hand still holding the gun despite how shaky her fingers were. “i’m sorry, i’m so sorry, i-i didn’t mean to…” voice trails off, tears filling her gaze as she hesitantly takes a few steps closer to vera, the gun accidentally slipping from her hand and clanking against the floor. 
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silas isn’t sure what it is, if it’s the terrifying thought of losing vera, or simply his survival instinct kicking in, but the younger girl’s sudden movements is enough to make him tug on vera’s shirt, urging her behind his taller frame as with his other hand, fingers pull the trigger, the bullet hitting iris straight in the chest. 
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he ignores her. stands there with his gun drawn and refuses to leave. vera isn’t certain if she loves him more for it ( or if she’s going to throttle him later, if they manage to make it out of this alive — he’s only proving her point, they apparently don’t leave each other, even when lives are on the line ). the two newcomers make her nervous ( knowing each ticking second is just another that those damned things are getting closer ). a skittering of surprise goes through her at the recognition between the two men, and when it becomes apparent there is going to be some sort of exchange of the two women between the split groups, she’s quick to hurry in silas’ direction.  
vera hears the apology as she passes the young girl — is more than ready to offer a shaky smile and brush it aside in favor of them all getting the hell out of dodge, but the sudden yank to the front of her shirt tugs her off balance and its only her hand reaching out to snatch the back of his shirt that keeps her upright. the second gunshot prompts an immediate squeak of shock from her ( and she’s spinning around so fast to ensure its not him — anyone but him ). but the additional blood coloring the floor is certainly not his, and she barely allows the thought to register before the fingers on the back of his jacket tighten and give a yank of her own. “those things are going to — “ she’s not even through trying to coax him away from the scene when that sickening ( familiarly blood-chilling ) shriek and chittering of claws is heard from at least one of the beasts. 
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harlow is more than aware when harper scurries up to join them, but he doesn’t acknowledge her question ( dark hues caught between iris and silas’ raised weapon — the man having dismissed the woman as a threat ). lips threaten to pull back into a sneer. there is a long standing grudge there. one that there is no real time to explore their past problems but that doesn’t stop the desire from blooming. “take iris and get the fuck out of here,” though he repeats the instructions, tone hard, the man offers no room for the other woman to walk passed him to collect the younger girl. 
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the moment iris begins to move, he’s already stepping forward ( one hand outstretched in attempt to draw her back to him — to prevent her from moving anywhere near the stranger because he doesn’t trust anyone that would associate himself with the other man ). 
the second gunshot is so sudden he actually flinches. for a moment, he’s wondering who discharged ( but the horrified look of silas and the other woman are enough to clue him in ). the man feels one of the last few shards of goodness in him crumple, and he’s ready to reach for his weapon and reign all sorts of hell onto the pair for the despair they’ve caused ( and it is only the sound of approaching aliens that give him pause ). “i’m going to kill you for that drake!” he warns the other man before releasing a growl of frustration and moving toward harper. 
a strong arm wraps around her waist ( free hand clapping over her lips to muffle any grief that might be threatening to escape ). “it was a fatal shot. there isn’t anything we can do for her harp. we can’t stay here. she wouldn’t want us putting ourselves at risk. i will come back for her.” 
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ofvalyrian-a · 2 years
it’s the worst possible situation silas could find himself in, and part of him refuses to believe that this is actually happening. he knew that if he was going to make it out of this alive, cassian would never let him hear the end of it. how could have he been so stupid ? how could he have left vera alone ? he’s surprised to realize just young the other female looks, he’s almost certain that she wouldn’t be able to hurt vera (if it wasn’t for the 9mm she was pointing at her). “right, we don’t want to hurt you, no one’s gonna hurt you.” he insists, slowly stepping closer to the pair without lowering his gun, not even for a single second. 
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what would harper do? those are the words that replay over and over in iris’ mind as she aims the gun at the stranger standing before her. she’s so desperate to prove herself, to make both harper and harlow realize that she’s no longer a kid, that she’s to be trusted that she’s convinced that there’s no way she can let either of them go. panic is crawling up her throat despite her attempts to calm herself down through deep, quiet breaths, but as soon as the older female shifts on her feet, she suddenly loses control. “get back!” without another thought, trembling fingers pull the trigger, firing a warning shot that grazes the woman.
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retrieving a couple of batteries from the fire station had been easier than cassian anticipated. the man had managed to find two almost unused ones that seemed to match the radio they had back at the farm. quite happy with himself, the male was approaching the warehouse when the sound of a gunshot cuts through the air, sending a cold shiver down his spine. “vera,” murmuring under his breath, he was quick to rush towards the building and introduce himself into the building through the broken window.
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the smile she flashes silas is shaky at best, but she’s at least grateful he’s agreed with her words ( grateful he’s not lowered his weapon despite the younger girls request ). now she just has to pray the girl will listen.
its a foolish mistake, one she realizes a split second before noise erupts through the space. the first thought that enters her mind ( even before she acknowledges the pain blooming along her upper left arm ) is it’s enough— the noise is more than enough to draw the monsters directly to them. there is nothing to disguise the panic in her gaze as hues sweep away from the girl toward silas ( fingers raising to press against the wound on her arm that feels like fire and is steadily leaking crimson ). “get cassian and meet me back home.” she snaps. this really didn’t need to get messier than it already was. 
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harlow is in the midst of walking toward the meeting spot ( five minutes having drawn to an end ), but when he sweeps by the handful of aisles iris should have had more than adequate time to review, he comes up empty handed. brows are in the midst of furrowing before a gunshot rings through the space ( the lower levels where none of them ought to have ventured yet ), and he does nothing to disguise his footsteps as they hurry across the space and thunder down the stairs. rifle raised, the man is quick to fix his sights on the unfamiliar woman who appears to have been the victim of the shoot before his attention is moving to look over iris and then a stupidly familiar face. 
a sneer paints his features as he adjust his rifle. they have limited time here and he knows his orders ( but harlow is far more concerned about getting iris and harper to safety ). “why am i not fucking surprised you’re involved in this mess?” he hisses. “iris come here and go find your sister and be quiet.” he’d deal with this and they could get the fuck out of here. 
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ofvalyrian-a · 2 years
iris was terrified, and despite her attempts to conceal just how scared she was, she was convinced that the other female could tell. her free palm moves to wrap itself around the gun, steading her grip as she holds it with both hands. “ you shouldn’t be here,” out of all places, this was probably the most dangerous place for the other to be. “y-yeah, put those back.” her tone is firm, gaze staying locked with the other’s. “okay, good,” she murmurs as vera places the bottles down on the shelf once more. “now, go stand over there.” she needed to put some distance between the two, desperately needing more time for her to think of what she was going to do next. she knew the rules: kill all intruders on sight, but she was no killer.
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the warehouse was filled with useful things, things that would definitely help the trio get through the difficult winter that was undoubtedly coming. after gathering some of the new gear and supplies he’d found, long legs make their way back to their meeting point, hoping to tell vera about all the things he’d found. “vee?” he whispers, strong eyebrows furrowing in concern as he glances around his surroundings in search for the female. after a few seconds of waiting, he finally decides to retrace her footsteps, relief momentarily washing over his features at the sight of her. “vera?” soon, a cold shiver runs down his spine as he sees a gun pointed at the woman he loved, long fingers quickly reaching for his.
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amber hues widen in surprise as another voice, a male voice she doesn’t recognize registers with her, soon a taller figure makes its way towards them. “drop your gun or i’ll shoot her.” iris warns him, her jaw tensing.
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the bottles rattle slightly as they’re placed back among the others on the shelf ( causing the woman to momentarily close her eyes and push out a low, calming breath before she’s once again raising hands into clear view ). turning toward the girl once more, the woman does as instructed, more than happy to put some distance between them. her mind is in the midst of spiraling — attempting to find a way to talk herself out of the situations she’s found herself in, only for the sound of her name to draw her back to the present. dark hues flicker passed the woman holding a gun on her toward silas ( and a rather pathetic noise escapes her — one of desperation ). “it’s okay sweetheart.” the words are nearly whispered on a breath, but who she’s trying to address ( silas or the girl that stands between them ) is a bit of a mystery. 
attention returning toward the girl, vera tries to make a placating gesture. “no one is going to hurt you — he won’t hurt you. he’s just worried about me, r-right si?” the smile she attempts to offer is weak. “i’m vera, this is silas. he’s my — he’s my friend.” swallowing passed the lump in her throat, she continues, “sweetheart, are you alone? you can come back with us. no one should be alone in this world, right?” she wants to take a step forward, to try and sooth the girl like one might a frightened animal, but instead she shuffles slightly on her feet. 
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ofvalyrian-a · 2 years
slender legs slowly but steadily climb down the stairs that led to the warehouse’s lower floor, the grip around her knife tightening in a poor attempt to keep her fingers from shaking so much. whatever the source of the sound was, iris knew that it had to be dealt with. after all, their group had strict rules regarding aliens and outsiders, an unfortunate yet direct consequence of the number of people they had lost through months. the brunette can hear her heart pounding within her chest, warm brown hues widening at the sight of an older female. “w-who are you? what are you doing here?” she questions as the knife slips through trembling fingers. she’s quick to reach for her gun, clearing her throat with a soft noise as she aims it in her direction. “are you alone?”
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seeing anyone would have set her on edge under normal circumstance, but its the shakiness of the others voice and the sight of the gun pointed in her direction that immediately sets vera’s spine stiffening. her mind immediately flashes to a worst case scenario ( her death ) and the regrets she’d die with ( not saying anything to either man about her feelings— about what will happen to the pair if she were to die ). several fingers around the wine bottle unfurl as a sign of surrender. “i’m just looking for supplies, same as you, i’m sure. just trying to keep on living.” she avoids responding to whether or not she’s alone. the last thing she needed was to draw silas or cassian into danger. “i’m going to set these down, ok?” she asks, indicating toward the two wine bottles clutched in her hands. “i don’t want to drop these by mistake and attract any off those things, ok?” vera hesitates before slowly ( achingly slowly ) beginning to set them down.
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ofvalyrian-a · 2 years
A Quiet Place Part II - Final Trailer
Starring Emily Blunt, Millicent Simmonds, & Noah Jupe
Releases May 28, 2021 (USA)
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ofvalyrian-a · 2 years
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Double, double, toil and trouble. Fire burn and cauldron bubble. Double, double, toil and trouble. Something wicked this way comes!
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 2004 | dir. Alfonso Cuarón
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ofvalyrian-a · 2 years
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Bomb. Start bombing. Bomb this city… and everyone in it. THE LAST OF US 2023- • 1.02: Infected
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ofvalyrian-a · 2 years
petals part slightly as the other female’s words catch hazel off guard. she manages a soft, nervous laugh and she knows for a fact her face just turned a bright shade of pink. “well,” she begins, trying to gather her thoughts before another laugh escapes her. “i guess you saw right through me, huh? ” was it that obvious? maybe she hadn’t been as subtle as she thought, but in her defense, defne was the kind of person that didn’t leave others indifferent. slender fingers reach for a single sunflower, placing it on the counter before meeting her gaze. “is it too late to buy anything?” she questions, pearly whites sinking into her full bottom lip. “ no, no, five’s good, five is perfect,” she assures the other, nodding in agreement (perhaps a little too eager). “i’m sorry, i just suck at talking to pretty girls.”
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“you’d be surprised how many people wander in here during lunch breaks to her away from everything. quite literally smell the flowers and leave.” defne was meant to kick those sorts out, but she never really had the heart to do so. “takes me a while to establish a pattern, so give yourself from credit. it was partially a guess... i’m just glad i was right.” she would have been absolutely mortified if she’d been wrong ( she would have needed to have changed her entire schedule to try and avoid any awkward run ins ). “not too late, but it’s on the house. my treat.” after all, a single sunflower wasn’t going to bankrupt them. “well if you’re bad about talking to pretty girls, best not look in the mirror.”
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ofvalyrian-a · 2 years
from the moment their lips meet, ella can feel her breath silently catch somewhere between her throat and lungs. the soft brush of his lips agains hers something that she’s longed for as long as she can remember, and now that it finally happens, it feels almost surreal. almost as if he’s part of a dream. she lets out a small giggle, the sound vibrating against his lips as the blonde pulls away, but only slightly so she can gaze back into his eyes. ” you should have,“ she agrees, nose gently brushing against his. "you make it sound like it’s a bad thing.” but it wasn’t, not the way she saw it.
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“plenty of lost time to make up for then,” he offered, tone teasing as his mouth pressed against hers once more ( as gentle and as achingly brief as the first, but in truth he was still trying to comprehend that this was actually happening — that he wasn’t dreaming ). "it’s not,” he murmured. at least, not here it wasn’t. while a fantastic motivator to return, she would also serve as a distraction ( a place for his mind to wander while it ought to be focused on staying alive ). “c’mon. lets change outta todays clothes and relax, yeah? you can rummage through my closet for something you want to wear.” 
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ofvalyrian-a · 2 years
“ it is romantic,” while there was a part of cece that selfishly wanted him to stay, the other part of her understood why he had to do it. it was part of who he was, one of the reasons why she had fallen in love with him in the first place. a soft smile tugs at the corner of her petals, it was hard not to let memories of younger, easier times wash over her, back when they were nothing but children blessed with the innocence of youth. “i love you,” she murmurs, her tone laced with sheer vulnerability, with nothing but adoration in her gaze. “you know that, right?”
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in truth, he’d only ever really written letters home here and there. brief updates about his life to supply his siblings with something ( though more than anything his letters were sets of instructions on what to do around the house during his absence ). “course i do,” he murmured, trailing his knuckles along the curve of her spine. “doesn’t mean i don’t like hearing you say it.” it wouldn’t be long until the only time he heard her say it would be over the phone ( and while those conversations would be cherished, it wouldn’t be the same as holding her now ). “i love you.” he wasn’t good at expressing emotions aloud, but he was trying for her. “i’ll write you every day, if you want.” 
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ofvalyrian-a · 2 years
the silence that settled between kiera and jace was louder than any other the two had shared, and if she was being honest, she hated every second of it. not only was she not familiar with such a thing, it spoke volumes about where the two stood in their relationship (if they could even call it that). the brunette is grateful when the familiar voice of her husband registers with her, a smile tugging at her petals as she sits a little straighter, fingers reaching for his hand. “ a couple of hours,” not enough for him to be fully rested, but she couldn’t expect more from someone who was living a nightmare. “how are you feeling?" 
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couple hours? that was more than he’d managed to get consistently in quite some time. typically he was lucky to get more than one or two ( snagged in more uncomfortable places when the opportunity struck ). allowing his fingers to lace through kiera’s, the man carefully readjusted himself as his gaze flickered around the small campground. “better than i was,” he murmured, brow furrowing as his gaze landed on a handful of people who quickly averted their gaze. “i imagine i’ll just keep on improving as time goes on though,” particularly now that he’d found them. “hey uh — we sure this group is alright?” for some reason the man was getting an odd vibe.
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jace watched in silence as the other man joined them ( and while his shoulders lightened slightly, they also felt monumentally heavier ). he was quiet after the other mans initial question and after a few moments, he cleared his throat. “you know how it is these days man, strangers sort of set everyone on edge.” the dead weren’t the only monsters walking about. “we know you, but they don’t.” it wasn’t entirely a lie at least. it just wasn’t the whole truth either.
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ofvalyrian-a · 2 years
“i’m a seeker, ” ada reminds him, a hint of annoyance lacing her tone as she rolls her eyes. “ i avoid bludgers on a daily basis, something i could probably do in my sleep, you really think i can’t handle prefects and teachers?” shaking her head in playful disapproval, she grabs her book, pressing it against her chest as her frame brushes past him, making sure their arms touch briefly. “don’t worry about me, worry about being there.” with a last glance over her shoulder, the brunette disappears out of the door. friday comes faster than the female had antecipated, but being a woman of her word, she makes her way up to the seventh floor after transfiguration. it only takes her a few minutes ( and for her to walk past the large wall three times) to get the door of the room of requirement to appear. inside the room, it was a wide, gentle space. it had a flagstone floor and wide walls with two levels. on the lower level, a few sofas sat around a large fireplace in which a low fire was burning. the walls were decorated with large bookshelves filled with all kinds of books, but the brunette registered the urge to look through them. on the second lever, positioned in a cozy nook, there was a large bed with a fluffy, white comforter and framed by two nightstands. placing her bag and books down on a nearby surface, she allows herself to sit on one of the sofas while she waited for felix to show up. // room inspired on
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the week passes slowly for him ( perhaps because there is something waiting for him at the end ) — his time split between classes, random little social obligations and occasionally checking in on their potion. by the time friday was there, the man had to shrug off saffron ( who was insisting the pair of them catch up ) and instead stuck a bottle of firewhiskey in his bag and made his way toward the room of requirements by the time the day had wrapped up. walking in front of the door several times, felix can’t help but release a soft whistle as he walks into the room. “trying to impress me this much yildiz? i’m flattered.” dark hues search her out, and he offers a smirk in greeting. “figured you might need something to calm your nerves.” holding up the bottle of firewhiskey, the man gives it a little wiggle before he crosses the space and plops down onto another couch. “can’t say i’ve ever seen the room offer a split level.”
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