ofvampircs-blog · 7 years
✉ ➠ ˢᵐˢ┆SABRE + Q
Sabre: what makes you think its not Jackson?
Sabre: hey now, you asked, i only answered. and besides, i'd give you every gory detail of my sex life if it seriously grossed you out, just to annoy you
Sabre: well... one can hope anyway!
Quincy: Even with an ego like Jackson's I'm absolutely sure he isn't even this cocky.
Quincy: You still haven't given me the detail about if you kill your partners or not... So...
Quincy: I'm still here, I guess the stake wasn't close enough to the left of my chest.
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ofvampircs-blog · 7 years
It was clear that in spite of his cowardly stint in avoiding most of the war that Quincy had run into seekers before… although he suspected that it’d either been very, very recent or more when the war had first begun. In the beginning, the same tactics hadn’t been needed and an organized war effort was laughable—it wasn’t until the Soulmerians realized what had happened and that they needed to fight back that they’d been forced to undergo more proper combat training. After that, their enemies had been almost completely eradicated in but a few years, and their side of the war the clear victor. Unfortunately, in recent times their old training wasn’t of the same use it’d been in all out battle, and the sneaking around they had to do cut down on their organization significantly. It wouldn’t have surprised him at all to know that any remaining seeker packs were less adept than they once were, although he still didn’t believe the Soulmerians could survive.
“I’m not here to argue about battle tactics,” he snapped, a growl in his tone. “If you want to pretend that we’re all disorganized freaks, that’s fine by me. It’ll get you killed faster.” He wanted to kill Quincy himself, even, but the unfortunate fact of the matter is that he couldn’t. Committing murder, out in broad daylight, in public, wasn’t a smart decision… even if the urge to wring his neck made it seem much, much more tempting. Jack hoped he’d get the chance later on, when humans and their ridiculous laws weren’t stifling him. “I didn’t say anything about you feeling bad for me,” he snarled through his teeth; “I wouldn’t want your pity, anyway. But it’s typical of you to pretend like you’re the only ones who’ve ever suffered in life.” He shook his head, trying to shove back some of his rage—he couldn’t afford to get too testy here. There were too many people around, too many witnesses that could get caught in the crossfire. Not to mention the fact that he’d be tortured extensively for revealing their kind. “It is about survival,” he answered, a harsh laugh escaping him. “That’s all it’s ever been for me, but if you think I’m going to give you any details, you’re wrong, Quincy. I don’t have to tell you anything.”
Jack wasn’t exactly convinced that there wouldn’t be some way to use that information against him. If he kept it simple… at least nobody on the opposite side of the war could try to manipulate him with it. “All you have to know is that I have a reason, and it’s good enough for me.” That wasn’t strictly true anymore, but god, Quincy was stirring up such a rage in him that it might as well have been! “You really believe that?” he asked, a sneer curling his lip. “You really think you’re not a monster? A predator? How can you be so delusional?” Coming from a vampire, one of the more violent-minded species, it was hard to understand… but he supposed every community of supernaturals had their accidents. “You don’t know anything about wendigos if that’s all you think of them,” he snapped, grinding his teeth together. God, it was so hard not to reach out and knock the vampire’s head from his shoulders, but by come miracle, he kept himself in control. “And I definitely don’t have to tell you anything about how I became one. It doesn’t make any difference, anyway.” He visibly bristled when Quincy mentioned his former species—not that he really qualified to be called a warlock—and it took every ounce of self control he possessed not to start shouting at him right then and there.
“Sounds like you’ve just got your head too far up your ass. It’s funny how every Soulmerian likes to pretend that we’re all just horrible monsters. Does dehumanization help you fight us?” It was the way of war; one enemy devalued the lives of another. Seekers saw the Soulmerians as nothing more than something to be eradicated, an unnecessary half of their population. Soulmerians saw seekers are vicious, unfeeling drones—little more than war machines. It was almost necessary to keep the war alive. “If I’m not worth the fight, why are you even bothering? Or is this you trying to convince yourself that you’re not still a coward?” He wanted Quincy to fight him. He wanted an excuse to rip him to shreds. “The feeling’s mutual.”
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Quincy wanted to scream, wanted to beat the more human like form of Jackson to a pulp, he wanted to drink his blood and leave him for dead. It was the monster inside of him that believed in these things, the monster that Quincy tried so hard to repress. He was a part of a more violent species, but that doesn’t mean he had to be violent. He could be calm. He could control himself no matter what this pitiful warrior said to him. Q held his head in his hands shaking it slightly. He felt his gums stinging and burning from disallowing his fangs to come out any farther than they already were. A look of disdain crossed Quincy’s face, he lifted his head from his hands. He looked broken and distraught. It was clear Seekers probably were better able to suppress their emotions, but emotions were all that Soulmerians had. Quincy could act impersonal when he was trying, but right now the mask was ripped off. Every bit of him was vulnerable and out of control. He felt his ears ring, his insatiable hunger for blood cry out, but he couldn’t do it. He couldn’t give Jackson the satisfaction of becoming the horrible creature he detested in the back of his mind.
“If you think all the Soulmerians are the same, then I have a goddamn right to say the same thing about all Seekers. You’re all the real monsters. Soulmerians may have the genetics to be monsters, but at least the only thing we’ll ever kill are your sorry asses. You may not want my pity, but you’ve got it. Because you’re sad to look at, Jackson. You think you’re not on a leash, but you stay here in Bright Haven where the only life you’ll ever have is killing others and worrying about who to kill next so you can please your master, the Eye. And you’ll never know what it’s like to have true love. There is no such thing as being able to love and being loved if the only thing you can think about is your own ego. You’ll never know what it’s like to have a family because you probably will eat yours out of your own necessity. And you know what, you may not want to be human, but that’s what makes you weak. You’re alone, no one would fight with you because no one cares about you. If you think the Eye or any of the Seekers give one damn about the other fighters in the army than you’re wrong. You’re nothing but a sick, alone, and weak wendigo. You can only fight for yourself when I’ve got plenty of others behind me. So don’t say for a second that the Soulmerians are fucking weak, because the only true weakness I see is right in front of me.
“I won’t waste my time killing you because you are just a sick bastard. Once you die alone with no one at your side, I think you’ll realize in your last moments just how much you wasted your life. You’ve been spending it doing all the wrong things. I’ve got almost seven hundred years on you, and at least if I died now I’d be satisfied with all that I did. So kill me Jackson, rip my head from my body, drive a stake through my heart, force me to drink holy water. Kill me if you’re able enough to do so,” Quincy finally lets out a breath, his arms shrugging up waiting for Jackson to make any move. His cheeks are bright red from the anger welled inside of him. But it feels so good to let all that off his chest, all of the bottled up emotions he’s ever felt about the Seekers. “If I die now, at least I know I’d be happy with what I’ve done, I don’t think you can say the same, you poor asshole,” Quincy repeats, his eyes brimming with tears, a single line of salt water trails down his cheek. His voice is quivering and breaking, he doesn’t have any words left in his immortal system.
“Dehumanization, you think you’re being dehumanized when you don’t even want to be fucking human. You can’t just turn around and be a hypocrite.” Quincy shouts, nervous eyes seem to shoot towards the two of them. Quincy grinds his nails into the wound already formed into his fist. The pain keeping him from going too wild. “I’ll dehumanize you all I want since you seem so reluctant to become one,” he spits, his eyes bloodshot and narrowed.
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ofvampircs-blog · 7 years
✉ ➠ ˢᵐˢ┆SABRE + Q
Sabre: its cute that you think you could. i'll save your fangs as a souvenir and use them for a toothpick when i'm done eating you
Sabre: you're interested in my sex life, yet you're not into me?! who you kidding here, bub?
Sabre: no, i don't. but hey, at least i can escape my "ugly" form. you're stuck with yours 😏
Sabre: it's that easy?! all i have to do is say it?! dang... you're madly in love with me!!!
Quincy: I'm starting to suspect this isn't Jackson...
Quincy: I don't think you'd be cocky enough to text someone anything about intimacy.
Quincy: I'm staking myself right now, if I don't respond you can know I'm now dead.
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ofvampircs-blog · 7 years
✉ ➠ ˢᵐˢ┆SABRE + Q
Sabre: refugee portion... dang. i'm good. i like that.
Sabre: i wouldn't be so sure
Sabre: i'll eat you if you don't shut up
Sabre: the fuck kinda question is that?
Sabre: you're gonna wait until i die to confess that you love me?! Quincy! how could you?!
Quincy: I'll kill you before you eat me.
Quincy: It's a good question, I want to know if it really happens.
Quincy: Like do you shift into your ugly wendigo form in the middle?
Quincy: Yup, I'm going to stake myself the next time you mention that I'm madly in love with you.
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ofvampircs-blog · 7 years
am i the biggest sabre and jackson shipper in this group? yes. yes i am @fysabre @jacksoncarver
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ofvampircs-blog · 7 years
✉ ➠ ˢᵐˢ┆SABRE + Q
Sabre: now that's not very nice, is it? especially for a soulmerian~
Sabre: no, but i'm sure it's no worse than half the shit we eat
Sabre: then stop thinking about the things lurking in those rooms
Sabre: but that's only because you struggle with admitting to yourself that you're head over heels in love with me
Quincy: Just because we're on what you like to call the "refugee" portion of the war doesn't mean we have to be polite and quiet.
Quincy: It's worse... Way worse...
Quincy: But maybe not worse than what you eat, since you literally eat everything.
Quincy: Just wondering, but would a wendigo consume someone during intimate times with their significant other?
Quincy: When, and if, I admit that I'm head over heels over anyone, I'll be surprised if it's sometime during your lifetime...
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ofvampircs-blog · 7 years
✉ ➠ ˢᵐˢ┆SABRE + Q
Sabre: You misspelled trashy. ooh, you're too good for motels, huh?
Sabre: good job i don't wanna eat you then, ain't it?
Sabre: i'm definitely annoying you. it pleases me to get under your skin
Quincy: Oh, I would have only used the word 'trashy' if I were talking about you.
Quincy: I'm too good for motels because who would willingly go to one. Do you even know what's under those sheets?
Quincy: I'm getting sick just thinking about all the things lurking in those rooms.
Quincy: I can admit to the open public with breaking news that Jack still and will forever annoy me until the day I die for real.
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ofvampircs-blog · 7 years
✉ ➠ ˢᵐˢ┆SABRE + Q
Sabre: i wear my title with pride, tyvm
Sabre: oh come now, don't play coy
Sabre: probably on the nightly. i hear they charge by the hour at that little motel outside of town
Sabre: why? you stronger now? like a big bad wolf that's gonna blow my house down?
Sabre: you're fun to play with, what can i say, and i am partial to toying with my food before eating it
Sabre: oh come on, you'd make such a pretty pincushion!
Sabre: god, don't tell me you sing too... that'd be truly torturous to hear. you with an instrument sounds like its own special brand of hell
Quincy: I'm classy, I don't do motels. You would.
Quincy: I'm not food.
Quincy: I can play an instrument, and it doesn't sound horrible. I can't sing.
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ofvampircs-blog · 7 years
✉ ➠ ˢᵐˢ┆SABRE + Q
Sabre: such a savage
Sabre: if i have to tell you it, you're dumber than you look
Sabre: it's your kink, stop lying to yourself. you love yourself a bit of seeker ass every now and again
Sabre: omg, what fun! we could drag you there with us as our personal pincushion!
Sabre: you truly love working with annoying fuckwits?
Quincy: Not as savage as you'll ever be.
Quincy: The secret that I'm a you-know-what? Well, I also know your secret then too.
Quincy: When have I ever indulged myself in some Seeker ass?
Quincy: Maybe before the war, but never after, my friend.
Quincy: Can the two of you just leave me alone for once? I think it's you who's into me, considering just how persistent you are with dragging me with you, even to Hell.
Quincy: I'll have to pass on the job of personal pincushion though.
Quincy: I love the music portion of it, not the people portion of it. Where it lacks it's made up for in getting to play the bass.
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ofvampircs-blog · 7 years
✉ ➠ ˢᵐˢ┆SABRE + Q
Sabre: food's gotta look good to taste good. something you're not telling me about you and sheep, huh?
Sabre: you can lie to yourself Quincy, but never to me. i know your secret. besides, i'm everyone's type
Sabre: we should get married! you can be the best man!
Sabre: why? you enjoy torturing yourself? kinky
Quincy: I just grab the blood and go, I don't think too hard about the sheep it came from.
Quincy: And the secret is...?
Quincy: It's especially a turn off for me when someone sides with the Seekers. But go on, keep telling yourself that I think you're hot.
Quincy: If you get married you'll get King and King crowns of Hell. You guys would be adorable living in a place where suffering exists.
Quincy: It's not torturing myself when I'm doing something I truly love.
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ofvampircs-blog · 7 years
“I think you’re mistaking grace with skill,” he remarked, trying to mask the tension roiling just beneath his skin. It seemed like it’d be all too easy to reach out and remove Quincy’s head from his shoulders, end the vermin’s life once and for all, but that’d be a nasty mistake to make in public. The humans in the area wouldn’t pay much attention to a small argument, but a murder was sure to cause some unfortunate consequences… the most pressing of them being the end of his anonymity in Bright Haven. Humans were much more inclined to punish what they’d see as wrongful death, and that wasn’t accounting for the disaster revealing himself would cause. After all, with their pitiful strength, beheading their fellows was much more difficult… and any witnesses would be sure to remember that he’d done the impossible. So, instead of taking out his growing anger on the vampire, he clenched his jaw and gathered together as much self control as he could muster. Soon, he reassured himself. Soon. “And underestimating just how much goes into creating an army. It’s more than just taking a few killers and throwing them into the war. Not that a Soulmerian would know that,” he finished, scoffing.
Their disorganization would, once again, be their downfall.
Hatred burned in Jack’s gaze, the feeling making it a point to remind him of how easy it would be to start this fight… and with the right circumstances, finish it. But even fights drew human attention and counted as enough of a crime in their culture that they’d likely try to detain him—they might not be successful, but it’d stir up more trouble than it was worth… for now. “I have every right!” he snarled, baring his too dull-teeth. “You think I don’t know what it’s like fear for my life? To feel pain and anger whenever you’re reminded of the people responsible for that? You think I don’t know what it’s like to watch my friends die, to know that you’re going to be next? To watch them, in their final moments, turn on you?” It was difficult to keep his voice low when anger felt like it was ripping him apart from the inside out, but somehow he managed—even so, it didn’t stop the venom in his tone. “You Soulmerians are all the same. You think you’re the only ones who have ever suffered,” he spat, curling his lip. “Of course I know how much damage has been done. You think we’re a bunch of children that think we’re playing a game? We know what we’re doing—and we know why.” Or at least, some of them did, for reasons that had differed from seeker to seeker. Even Jack had once been among them, though now the question had returned to haunt him; why was he invested in this war? Right now, it was people like Quincy.
But what happened after he’d left? What happened once he was curled up in his home-away-from-home, sifting through his memories and desperately trying to ignore that same question? He could only overlook his continued ( if distant ) involvement for so long. “Oh, you could? Really? That’s why you choose to waste your time sucking on cow’s blood?” he asked, his falsely innocent tone laced with hidden resentment. “Pretend it’s self control all you want, Quincy. We both know that’s not true. You’re just hiding from yourself.” Part of him was jealous that the vampire had the luxury to preach on his self-control and murder-less feeding habits; Jack couldn’t survive on anything less than human flesh. Not for long, anyway. “If you think I go running around looking like that, you’re a bigger idiot than I thought,” he snapped, bristling. He knew that, compared to a vampire, he was a much more obvious sign of the supernatural, but he refused to let humans see him. Even if anyone did see him… his lightning speed and incredible senses made sure they wouldn’t live to tell the tale. “You thought wrong,” he shot back, a bit annoyed that Quincy was so stuck on the fact that he was a wendigo. Why did it matter? They were both built to be man-eaters, regardless of the vampire’s personal morality. “You don’t know anything about being a wendigo,” he growled, curling his hands into tight fists. Control? It had nothing to do with control, and he wouldn’t stand being called weak for refusing to sit back and let himself die. “And you definitely don’t know anything about what happened to me.”
Jack grated his teeth together, his patience beginning to wear thin. How could Quincy get under his skin so easily? How could he succeed in bothering him where so many others had failed? “I’m not on a leash.” He rolled his eyes. “Has it ever crossed your mind that I don’t want to leave Bright Haven? I’m fine here. Just because you decided to leave—and then come back—doesn’t mean that everyone will.” It was ridiculous how annoying Quincy could be when it came to his unfortunate condition, and he was half tempted to lash out and punch him. “What does it matter if I’m tired of it or not? That’s life,” he said, managing to sound less bothered by his comments than he actually was. “Humans always stick their noses where they don’t belong. Another thing you picked up from them after you left town, I’m guessing.” While he’d done his best to dodge the question, it didn’t change the fact that he was tired of the constant concern he was shown. He wasn’t cursed with the worst of sickly appearances, but just because he didn’t appear to be literally rotting away didn’t change the fact that he looked close to death… and humans, apparently, were much more concerned about that than he was.
Again, he rolled his eyes. “So you’re a mind reader now? You can just tell I’m completely incapable of loving anyone?” It was an absolutely ridiculous claim, and a false one at that, but he wasn’t about to work to prove Quincy wrong. That was too stupid of a move when relations could be used against him—he wouldn’t put it past Soulmerians to lower themselves to that degree, and even if the vampire was against it, he wasn’t willing to take that risk. “What, you think seekers are the only people who do those things? I know the king liked to send out as much propaganda as possible about how Soulmeria was a perfect little paradise, but you have to be naive to think that we all lived in perfect harmony. Just because you didn’t see the violence yourself doesn’t mean it wasn’t there.” He shook his head, a sneer working its way back onto his face. “Even if you were right, there isn’t a home to go back to. Soulmeria is gone, Quincy. It’s dead. It’s not coming back. The only place you have left is Earth.” The sharp scent of blood only fueled the hatred within him, giving him a sick sense of satisfaction—clearly, he was bothering Quincy just as much as he was bothering him. Good. “Go ahead, show me.” He goaded him on a bit too eagerly, but if he was going to offer… well, he wouldn’t mind finishing the fight.
“Do you think werewolves are just as disgusting?” he asked, grimacing. “Or do you just have a problem with me, specifically?” To him, blood alone was about as satisfying as just water. He could live off of it, for a little while, but if he didn’t consume flesh and bone, he wouldn’t last very long. Vampires had the luxury of being able to keep their victims alive—wendigos, whether they liked it or not, had to kill them in order to feed. “You’re weak for denying what you actually are, not because you’re asking for help,” he replied icily, clenching his jaw. “And I know what a grocery store is. I’ve lived here long enough for that.”
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Quincy wanted to burst into tears, he wanted to wrap his hands around Jack’s twig like neck and break it, he wanted to rip everything apart. He was annoyed, he felt used, and he was tired of all the arguing. “Fucking hell, there’s no skill in the way the Seeker’s army hunts. It’s all disorder because even though you guys hunt in your supposed ‘packs,’ none of you can work together. You’re all heartless and selfish bastards who couldn’t give a damn about anything you do.” The vampire had seen just how disorderly the Seekers could be, and his standpoint would never change on the fact that Seekers were nothing but ruthless animals. “You disgusting animals,” Quincy mutters, his eyes low and blood still leaking from his tightened grip.
“You just said that Seekers found this whole mess to be a game. And now you tell me that Soulmerians should feel bad for you, that you felt pain too, and loss? I can’t believe that. I will never believe that Seekers can feel the same loss as Soulmerians. At least you have a home, even if it’s with the Eye. You make me sick, you bastard,” Quincy screams out the last part, which eliciting the eyes and the whispers of some passerbys. A vein pulses in his temple, tears threatening at the edge of his ducts. He wants to kill Jackson with his own hand, watch him suffer a fate worse than death even. “Then why do you do it? To most Soulmerians it seems you had no purpose other than your own survival and gratification. Are you happy with all the destruction that has left behind?” Quincy’s eye twitches in anger, his breath heavy and quick, “Why the fuck do you feel the need to keep hunting Seekers? What’s your reason, wendigo?” Quincy releases his fist, his anger isn't in control as it was earlier.
“I’m not a monster like you,” Quincy is short now, hurrying along to get through the time spent with Jack. Each minute is agony.
“I have control, I’m not denying what I am because I know that I still have to drink blood in one form or another. I’m just refusing to become a monster, I’m refusing to allow the stereotypes of being a killer apply to me,” Quincy’s eyes roll. He knows that the words are lies. He is a monster, or at least he was at one point in time. Just like every Seeker and every Soulmerian. “You’re just a dog on the leash of the Eye, waiting to be fed by your owner. Oh, I know wendigos, and I know just how self-serving each one of them is. You’re no different, asshole.” Quincy tightens his gaze on the wendigo, worried that anything might happen between them at this point, “So, what is your story? Why are you any different? Are you telling me you didn’t eat someone to become what you are? As I remember it, weren’t you just some wix at one point in time?”
“I know that all Seekers are incapable of loving another because that’s what every single one I’ve met has showed me,” Quincy hisses, his lips forming a dreary frown. “Fuck you, you’re not even worth the fight.”
“Oh, werewolves shed. I wouldn’t let one on the couch, that’s for sure. But a wendigo I could take anywhere,” he smirks, some confidence left in his voice. “I specifically do hate you, though... You’re annoying.”
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ofvampircs-blog · 7 years
✉ ➠ ˢᵐˢ┆SABRE + Q
Sabre: i dunno, Mary might be very cute
Sabre: if that was your way of convincing me you're not into me, it was a terrible job
Sabre: he sounds like so much fun! that's probably why you don't like him
Sabre: it's a massive hit, i won't lie. you're spending too much time with teenagers
Quincy: Eh, I don't like to think too much about how my food looks now.
Quincy: You're very self conceited, like I said not my type.
Quincy: If you think that Sabre sounds like fun than maybe you two were made for each other.
Quincy: I teach them, well at least some of them are still in their teens. I spend more time with young adults, then, I guess.
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ofvampircs-blog · 7 years
✉ ➠ ˢᵐˢ┆SABRE + Q
Sabre: we're good for a thousand and one uses. and come on now, at least i'm not out there slaughtering Mary's little lamb. shame on you.
Sabre: now Quincy, i know you're in love with me and all, but this innocent, "school boy in the playground, tugging my pigtails to get my attention" act, has got to stop
Sabre: is he? he didn't tell me you two had screwed?!
Sabre: it's really awesome, i should show you it sometime, it's called myob. great little earner. why was i sure? you sound whiny, it was a dead giveaway. least i thought it was
Quincy: Mary's little lamb sounds a bit more tasteful than Mary herself.
Quincy: You're not my type, and even if you were you'd have to shower and shed all that dead skin first. Then you might be okay. But still not my type. Not by a long shot.
Quincy: Oh, I would rather stake myself in the heart than mess with Sabre. He's almost crazier than you. I think you'd like each other.
Quincy: Mind Your Own Business? I love that store. And no, I did not have to Google the acronym. I'm hip with the kids.
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ofvampircs-blog · 7 years
✉ ➠ ˢᵐˢ┆SABRE + Q
Sabre: that's fucked up. ruin your body or some shit for cash
Sabre: then come meet me, i'll call you it in person so you don't feel so bad
Sabre: yeah
Sabre: Jackson
Quincy: Is it really Jackson? I didn't know wendigos could do anything other than kill, but now you're using smart phones?
Quincy: I'd rather not have to face you in person, your dreadful appearance makes me a little nauseous.
Quincy: I wouldn't even go if I went to meet Sabre in person, he is also a pain in the ass.
Quincy: So, what little side business are you running? Why were you so sure I was one of your employees?
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ofvampircs-blog · 7 years
✉ ➠ ˢᵐˢ┆SABRE + Q
Sabre: then why agree to be poked and prodded if not for cash? makes no sense
Sabre: you. idiot
Sabre: i think i'd be considered the joker to your batman
Quincy: The most you get is, like, $400? A lot of students still do it for the extra cash.
Quincy: Wow, I'm so offended that I'm being called an idiot over text.
Quincy: Joker to my Batman?
Quincy: So, is this Jackson or Sabre?
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ofvampircs-blog · 7 years
“Larger blood price? I say more fun and it actually taste better. My definition of always is at all times. Hm, that’s your opinion.”
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“Oh, I’m not denying the taste. Even I miss it sometimes. But, I’m not much into the whole blood sport these days. It’s not very... human to go on a killing rampage every night just for some blood.”
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ofvampircs-blog · 7 years
✉ ➠ ˢᵐˢ┆SABRE + Q
Sabre: ... no
Sabre: i'm definitely talking to a test subject
Sabre: if you'd get to work, i'd be peachy
Sabre: oh jesus... of all the idiots in all of bright haven, i had to send a wrong text to you
Sabre: figured you could read my mind
Quincy: I'm a professor, not a test subject. Jesus, the test subjects don't even get that much money.
Quincy: Who the hell are you calling an idiot? You still haven't told me who you are.
Quincy: I've made a few enemies here, so I guess you're one of them or something?
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