ofverncn-blog · 6 years
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“Can you return those books for me ?” She pushed a large pile of books in his directions. “They’re not mine, I only burrowed them, but was supposed to give them back over two months ago.” Her fingernails dropped nervously against the covers and Megan started to look somewhat embarrassed. “ ━ and I can’t do it myself. I … I have to study again.” Lie. “If you have a minute, or two ? Please ?”
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'  i  think  they  might  ask  why  I'M  returning  them,  i  don't  look  much  like  a  megan,  but  ...  sure.  i  was  about  to  head  there  anyway.  '  he  glanced  at  the  books  before  sliding  them  towards  himself,  '  are  you  sure  you  don't  want  to  come  with  ?  '
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ofverncn-blog · 6 years
*  /  MEGAN
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“This is quite the big deal for me, you know ?” Her voice was soothing, calm and there was a hint of a smile. She looked daring at the other. Megan acted like there was a big secret to be revealed; maybe there was, maybe she was just being dramatic. “And I need your help, a favor perhaps.” There was a playful tilt of her head. “Are you in ?”
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'  i  mean...  SURE,  if  you  need  help.  '  vern  smiled  softly,  head  cocked  to  the  side  in  moderate  concern.  '  uh,  what's  up  ?  '  he  hoped  it  wasn't  anything  overly  EMOTIONAL  or  DRAMATIC  -  he  wasn't  so  good  with  that.
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ofverncn-blog · 6 years
*  /  KASH
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he smiles briefly and then he decided to sit down in front of the boy. “ah, just from a…friend’s” although that person was barely a friend of his. he then offered vernon a cigarette. “you know, jacking off can help you sleep or some good calming tea.”
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'  i've  tried  tea,  '  he  replies,  tentatively  taking  the  cigarette  and  taking  a  drag.  he  doesn't  USUALLY  smoke  cigarettes  unless  he's  drunk,  but  he  decides  to  just  accept  the  offer  as  it  stands,  '  and  as  for  ...  the  jacking  off  -  '  he  mumbles  the  last  words  awkwardly,  feeling  weird  about  over-sharing  in  THAT  particular  area,  '  that  ...  was  also  unsuccessful.  '
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ofverncn-blog · 6 years
nikolai: omg let me wipe that away for u (......y)
nikolai: would i ever lie to u ?!?!!
vern: that's very generous (i just feel like being difficult)
vern: ......is that a genuine question?
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ofverncn-blog · 6 years
magda: blasphemy is the third in my list of favourite hobbies
magda: well
magda: a little death's tolerable as long as it's glamorous
magda: either that or i want to go out via spontaneous combustion while i'm standing somewhere boring like in an aisle at target
vern: i don't judge
vern: is it? i'm not so sure
vern: i'd rather be alive & unglamorous
vern: that'd be an interesting site
vern: i'd like to see that
vern: for scientific reasons
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ofverncn-blog · 6 years
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            it was a relief that vernon didn’t judge. if he were to tell other groups of friends about that exact fact about him, he might not come out as easy. “that’s very true. my father does everything columbia-related while listening to classical music. what do you stress about? ” gabriel asked with a little bit of sarcasm to his tone - as if he knew what vern’s life was all about, assuming he didn’t have any stress other than school or what book to read next. his eyebrows rose, not hiding the fact that he was surprised. vernon was turning out to be a little surprise box. “really?  that’s surprising. i expected you to reject it with all of your strength and lecture me about the bad side of it,” he exaggerated, giving him a smile. “does social thing means you only do it when you’re pressured by society and their party rules or can i count you to share this one with me right now?  it’s guaranteed to relax you.” he offered, using his lighter to fire it up, taking the first hit as he always preferred, sitting down at the edge of what looked like a empty pool, but bigger and with a few obstacles here and there. “yeah, actually. it’s difficult to roll around on the streets without getting hit by a car, so at least here is safe. it’s more crowded usually.” he told him, holding the joint in front of him as a offer.
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he  was  a  little  taken  aback  by  the  question,  and  he  drug  his  eyes  away  from  the  other  as  he  thought  of  what  exactly  to  say.  '  i  mean...  mostly  school  and  stuff.  my  grandparents  sometimes.  i  don't  know.  '  he  lifted  his  shoulders  in  a  shrug.  there  were  a  LOT  of  things  that  vern  stressed  about,  a  lot  of  things  that  made  him  anxious,  but  gabriel  didn't  need  to  know  all  that.  '  no.  i  mean,  it  has  a  lot  of  benefits  actually.  '  he  smiled,  '  i  mean  SOCIAL  as  in  i  don't  smoke  it  alone,  on  a  regular  basis...  usually.  unless  i'm  having  a  bad  day.  '  he  clambered  down  to  sit  beside  gabriel,  offering  him  a  small  nod  of  thanks  as  he  took  the  joint,  taking  a  hit.  he  sighed  softly,  '  it's  kinda  peaceful  here,  y'know...  with  it  being  so  empty.  '
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ofverncn-blog · 6 years
* / LEO.
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leo squinted, trying to make out what exactly had happened a couple yards ahead of her. she was walking home from the library late at night, and the last thing she’d expected was seeing someone collapse on the quad. “ so you’ve got a pulse. that’s good, ” she pulled out one headphone, looking down at the boy crashed on the floor. “ my next question, ” she studied him for a moment, “ you’re not tripping or anything are you? out of breath. flushed. could potentially be a charlie-situation, and if that’s the case, i gotta know. ” she laughed at her reference to perks of being a wallflower, shifting the backpack on her shoulders, “ do you like –– … need water? ”
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vern  smiled  at  her  concern,  glad  to  know  that  if  he  DID  actually  pass  out  on  campus  there  were  people  out  there  that  wouldn't  just  walk  by  as  if  he  were  invisible.  '  no,  no  -  sorry.  i  just  wanted  to  take  a  minute  and,  y'know  ...  take  it  all  in.  '  he  replied,  knowing  he  PROBABLY  wasn't  making  himself  sound  any  less  stoned.  '  i'm  fine.  just  an  insomniac.  though  water  would  be  kinda  good  right  now.  '
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ofverncn-blog · 6 years
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     gabriel nodded as he listened. his mom had always been very traditional, therefore making sure that her only son was groomed right and classically trained as soon as he was able to was a must in her very old money family. thankfully, learning instruments were far the least awful of the options, gabriel could still remember dreading going to the languages classes and loving the musical ones. now, as a grown college student, he appreciated it - but as a kid, he just wanted to play around. “that’s nice, i wouldn’t have guessed that about you. i can play guitar as well, but piano is probably my favorite. i know it’s weird,” he shrugged, his eyes rolling with the thought that vernon might think it’s unexpected for him to enjoy classic music when he dressed like that and rode around on his skateboard. it was unlikely. “i could handle the pressure of having a dead guy on my hands,” he joked, looking at him as they walked. “but i’m too young to have a criminal record and trust me, i’d get caught.” gabriel nudged him, nodding towards the direction they were supposed to go as he reached for a joint in his pockets. “i feel like i know the answer to this question but…do you smoke?” 
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'  i  wouldn’t  say  it’s  WEIRD,  just  unexpected.  it's  cool  though  -  i  always  listen  to  classical  music  when  i'm  working.  apparently  it  lowers  your  stress  levels.  '  he  nodded  and  cleared  his  throat,  knowing  he  wasn't  helping  the  image  of  him  as  a  HUGE  nerd.  he  looked  over  as  gabriel  pulled  out  the  joint,  his  question  making  him  chuckle  a  little.  '  i  do.  it's  more  of  a  social  thing  so  not  that  often,  but...  '  he  trailed  off  with  a  shrug  of  his  shoulders.  '  why,  what  did  you  expect  ?  do  i  come  across  as  the  "my  temple  is  a  body"  kind  of  guy  ?  '  he  rolled  with  eyes  with  the  beginnings  of  a  grin  to  his  lips,  starting  to  feel  a  little  more  relaxed  in  gabe’s  company.  he  took  in  their  surroundings  as  they  came  to  a  stop,  '  do  you  come  here  often  then  ?  '
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ofverncn-blog · 6 years
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       MASON BRIEFLY WONDERS if admitting to his procrastinating habits to vern was as bright of an idea as he originally thought. probably not considering he caught site of his eyes looking like they were about to bulge out of their sockets. “hey now !! this is me we’re talking about. art history and analysis is like a piece of cake at this point so don’t judge me too hard.” he isn’t too defensive about it, but mason knows that once this weekend comes to a close then the real anxiety of an impending due date will hit him. “i should probably be slightly offended at that but you’re actually pretty right. so you can become my distraction, yeah ??” mason answers with a growing grin and amusement shining in his eyes. at vern’s words, he shifts his position and extends his glass to his friend. “unfortunately i didn’t come prepared with a second glass but here. and hopefully your week has been more productive than mine. so tell me about it.” mason raises an eyebrow at vern while crossing his legs.
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vern  raises  a  brow  dubiously  but  lets  him  off,  deciding  maybe  NOT  to  lecture  him  all  the  time  in  fear  of  chasing  him  away.  '  i'll  honor  you  with  my  presence,  yes.  '  he  grins  cheekily.  he  feels  at  ease  with  mason,  he  KNEW  he  didn't  have  to  feel  all  awkward  and  nervous  around  him  so  it  was  easy  to  just  ..  be  HIMSELF.  he  glances  at  the  glass  as  it's  offered  towards  him,  the  dark  liquid  lightly  splashing  against  the  side  of  the  glass  at  the  action.  '  is  this  the  level  we've  sunk  to  now  ?  sharing  cheap  wine  out  of  the  same  glass  ?  '  he  jokes,  gratefully  accepting  the  glass  and  taking  a  sip.  he  crinkles  his  nose  a  little  as  he  passes  it  back.  '  it's  been  pretty  UNEVENTFUL.  i  got  work  done,  but  that's  no  surprise.  uh  ...  somebody  at  work  tipped  me  $50  because  they  thought  i  was  cute  in  a  nerdy  way  which  is  APPARENTLY  a  compliment...?  '  he  chuckles.
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ofverncn-blog · 6 years
* /  KASH 
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he reeked of cigarette smoke, sex, sweat, and a girl’s perfume. his body was exhausted, but his mind wasn’t. he desperately tried to escape a stranger’s apartment without waking her up. now, he was on his way back to his own. a cigarette loosely dangling from his plump lips as he lit them with his metallic lighter. he let the smoke out of his nose, as he shoved the lighter back into his pocket. he searched his surroundings and to his surprise there was a body lying down, motionless. he can’t fucking tell. it concerned him, nonetheless he took his time in making his way down there. he looked over the boy, and was surprised to hear him speak. “no need to call 911?” he asked, as he took another drag from his cigarette. “is the ground better than your bed?” yet another question.
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‘  not  just  yet.  ’  he  replied  jokingly,  pushing  himself  into  a  sitting  position.  he  rested  his  chin  in  his  palm,  lifting  his  gaze  to  meet  the  others.  ‘  i  can’t  sleep  ANYWHERE  so  ...  not  really.  i  just  needed  some  fresh  air,  a  change  of  scenery.  i  think  i've  spent  too  long  cooped  up  in  my  room.  -  ANYWAY,  you  been  anywhere  interesting  ?   ’  he  pondered  due  to  the  time  of  night  -  there  must  have  been  SOME  reason  for  him  to  be  awake.
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ofverncn-blog · 6 years
magda: any compliments at all will actually result in a pay decrease :/ i'm an alternative bdsm jesus tht only responds positively when i'm pelted with small pebbles
magda: ok well guess what? ur not getting one. life is harsh this is ur first lesson of wisdom at the wolfe dojo
magda: yea i want to go there and get swallowed whole by a shark or something
vern: i .....
vern: dkdnmfmfdk
vern: i'm sure thats some kinda blasphemy
vern: jesus is shaking
vern: :(
vern: i mean.. that's a once in a lifetime experience all right
vern: REAL once in a lifetime because ur lifetime would be over
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ofverncn-blog · 6 years
📲 TEXT  /  vern & kash
kash: you're okay now though?
vern: i'm dandy !
vern: i've learnt from my mistakes
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ofverncn-blog · 6 years
nikolai: aw verny it's what u deserve :-(
vern: i have a tear in my eye (hmmmmmmmm nope)
vern: u could just be SAYING that
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ofverncn-blog · 6 years
dorothy: Yes, also I just hate having to catch up and missing important lectures.
vern: true .. i hate falling behind it gives me anxiety
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ofverncn-blog · 6 years
mason: while i am paranoid , i still only am human so chances are i would've been ran the fuck over
mason: at least then we can be twinning
mason: speaking of , were you not watching where you were going or was whoever it was just a shit driver?
mason: but you love me anyway ! as it so happens , i have a tissue right near me so wipe away
mason: sounds gucci and maybe i can help u out with this hell project
mason: one day u will be the epitome of hype so my services won't be needed anymore
vern: goals
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ofverncn-blog · 6 years
i’m gonna reply to the text threads then get to the actual paras later !
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ofverncn-blog · 6 years
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when that undeniable, unexplainable urge to paint, to create surged through her veins, she couldn’t get her hands on a paintbrush fast enough. with her fingers twitching and her bones practically vibrating, she barely registered the cold wind biting at her cheeks or the long trek to the fine arts building. she was no doubt at it for hours before she called it a night, her jeans splattered with paint, her hands cramping from overuse. the sun had long since set, taking what little autumn warmth there was from the air. not expecting company at such an obscene hour, she nearly missed the body sprawled out on the damp grass. “that’s good. i’m not sure my live saving skills are up to par.” she stepped closer, peering down at him. “but you are laying on the ground in the middle of the night so your sanity is up for debate.”
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he  finally  pushed  himself  into  a  sitting  position,  running  a  hand  through  his  dishevelled  hair,  '  tell  me  something  i  don't  know.  '  he  offered  her  the  beginnings  of  a  smile.  '  i  needed  a  break  -  and  it's  actually  kinda  nice,  y'know.  laying  and  watching  the  sky.  peaceful.  '  he  scanned  her  over,  '  you  have  paint  on  you.  '
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